Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympic Criticisms -- Defending China


All entities in existence, please experience MY WORDS:

Firstly, my heartfelt congratulations to all participants in the Beijing 2008 Olympics. You are all winners, or you wouldn’t be there, and I thank you all for your outstanding ChampionshipPerformances, even if the ‘day-of-show’ performance was not your ‘personal-best’ performance. The dedication, the skill, the talent, the discipline is obvious, and I thank you all for sharing.

Secondly, I’d like to discuss the manner in which China is being portrayed in the US’an (United States’an) media. The impression given is that clandestine Chinese ‘storm-troopers’ steal away kids from crying parents, kicking and screaming, and force-labor these kids to be automatons, mindlessly re-enacting gymnastics, swimming, or other skills, against their will. It’s ridiculous.

Here in the US, parents DEMAND the government provide facilities for their kids, opportunities. That includes swimming pools, skating-rinks, parks, track and fields, bussing, all kinds of things. In China, the population is vast, and the infrastructure new, growing fast, yet in order to allow more and more citizens opportunities, including for parents to send kids to swimming pools and track and field and gymnastic instructors, what do you think would be a ‘reasonable’ method of doing it? Build a swimming-pool in every neighborhood, or, establish an ‘academy’ to enroll your kid within, and send them to?

Seriously, do you expect a university to come to you, or you to send your kid to it? Think about it. Obviously, the competition is immense. It costs a lot, too. The numbers of applicants far exceeds the slots/positions available. Here in the U.S., parents are known for forging birth-records, certificates, diplomas, awards, doing anything, saying anything, to get their kids admitted to special classes, or enrolled in special types of programs. NBC needs to be more honest about that instead of blaming the good people of China’s government.

And why do parents demand governments provide these opportunities? Love, obviously. Never forget that.

Now, what about the ‘lip-synching’ criticisms? I found it amusing that all the ‘pretty faces’ on TV, that are ‘lip-synching’ OTHER PEOPLE’S OPINIONS, could even repeat those words, those accusatory innuendo-laden remarks about an aspiring accomplished child-ENTERTAINER skilled in ENTERTAINMENT expertly PERFORMING for ENTERTAINMENT somebody else’s SONG.

We need to remember that standing in front of audiences and either speaking or singing or dancing or anything else, takes a whole lot more than wishes. It takes experience, practice, lots of it, and rehearsal. Otherwise, the entertainer is emotionally TRAUMATIZED. That would be child-abuse, because it would be parents placing HUGE DEMANDS and EXPECTATIONS against a child ill-equipped or prepared for such a huge challenge. A loving government would protect that child and her parents, and recommend a skilled ENTERTAINER until the original child that sang that song could be properly prepared for such huge challenges.

I think NBC is promoting some very SLANTED stories, then showing a photo of a Mexican team SLANTING their eyes to obfuscate that which they are doing,

That said, I think the coverage of events has improved tremendously, yet there are so many ChampionshipPerformers and performances being CENSORED while some lip-syncher ‘pretty-faces’ TALK commentating innuendo-laden remarks about the good people of China’s government.

Semenova, for example, did huge, highly skilled, outstanding, complicated, complex, intensely difficult gymnastic sets, balance beam being case-in-point, yet was dismissed by lip-synching ‘pretty-faces’ on tv as ‘insignificant.’ Meanwhile, the US’an competitor, didn’t do back-flips, or rotations, but waved her arms around ‘flowery’ and looked ‘pretty-n-pink,’ and was talked-up as though she had done a Mary Lou ‘perfect-10’ performance when obviously she hadn’t. I question the scoring on the outcome of that particular competition, but I am delighted by the outcome, only because I’m a a bit ‘US-biased,’ – nonetheless, in all honesty, those types of things must be discussed openly, without hating the messenger merely for discussing it. And I mention it here only to point-out the lip-synching of opinions by ‘pretty-faces’ chosen over ‘ugly-faces’ whom are NOT lip-synching other peoples’ opinions and NOT ‘talking-shit’ about China.

And don't forget that NBC is claiming "LIVE" broadcasting which is a BLATANT LIE. I watched CCTV who announced the results of Phelp's 6th Gold Medal win HOURS BEFORE watching the so-called 'live-broadcast' of it on NBC. And I love NBC -- but why are they fraudulently claiming 'live' when obviously it isn't? If YOU or I or CCTV did it, there'd be a riot, lawsuits, prosecutions, impeachments -- (it always boils-down to hating Presidents here in the US and George Bush gets blamed for everything).

I'd like to thank President Bush for being in China and helping to dismiss the anxieties that the media is attempting to portray against it.

China, as a host country, has done a remarkable job. Every contestant, every parent or loved-one or fellow-citizen and fan of the Olympics, can only marvel at the organization, the beauty, the love. Thank you, China. Thank you the people of China, and thank you the government of China for providing the opportunities.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID 83856-2123