Thursday, January 18, 2007

ORCH-Day509 Terror Among US

The Terror Among US ...

Democrats, with a few Republicans stringing along, are pimping promises to those whom wage WAR AGAINST governments, globally. Their ONLY hope is for FAILURE.

You see, it's not about political affiliations NOW -- oh no -- it's now all about hateful religious domination of society and governments, OR NOT.


So, let's take a look at what Democrats have cozied up to:

After succumbing to a successful marketing strategy, you will have subscribed to a group, then accepted as a member.

Any activity that is not explicitly consented to by group doctrine, is 'sinful' and you are INFERIOR.

-- what are you reading? Sinner!
-- what are you looking at? Infidel!
-- what did you say? Heretic!
-- you did what? Blasphemer!
-- you like what? Demon-seed!
-- you question what? Athiest!

-- you wore what? Harlot!
-- you befriended that?
-- you listened to what?
-- you went where?
-- you tried what?
-- you bought what?
-- you paid who?
-- you dared think that?
-- you dared ask what?
-- you dared question?

Can't you just 'feel the love' of such 'inclusive' and 'celebrated diversity' in YOUR religion? Each, every religion in existence, has concocted a "MiracleLIST" of 666 concocted ECXCUSES to point long accusatory fingers at somebody/anybody ELSE and claim, "Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than US!" -- to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES to so-called 'beloved-neighbors' -- to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

Proving your religion has been molested into a cult of HATE. DeathWorship.

But you've known nothing else. You've been told all your life to repeat pre-approved soundbites to 'justify' the MEANness, and claim it's 'positive-godly-goodness.'


Firstly, your religion told you it's 'normal' to ANALyze PRIVATES -- perversley sniff crotches like DOGS -- as a concocted EXCUSE to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES to your so-called 'beloved-neighbors' -- in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR -- than have the AUDACITY to claim, "Ahhhh-huh! See! YOU are 'indecent,'" in your so-called 'positive-goodness,' proving your religion is HATE.

Secondly, your religion told you it's 'normal' to CENSOR messengers, by concocting the excuse of a WORD to HATE PEOPLE, then having the AUDACITY to claim your VICTIM is 'offensive' in your so-called 'positive-goodness.'

THEN, you are told to infiltrate and infect local-government, schoolboards, schoolhouses, courhouses, libraries, town-halls and boardrooms with that hatefulness, to pit so-called 'beloved-neighbor' AGAINST BelovedNeighbor, over the concocted excuses of WORDS, or CLOTHES, or MUSIC, or ART, or DANCE -- ANY EXCUSE WILL DO -- endlessly DIVIDING communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of what? Uniting TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

YOUR intentions may very well be 'in the correct place,' but your subscription to the 'unconditional' which your religion marketed, and you bought, is based on your participation in subtle HATE.

You victimize others with it -- your so-called 'beloved-neighbors.' Even your kids, by ones and twos. It's an 'abuse-cycle,' because you were ABUSED FIRST, subtly brainwashed to DIVIDE communities under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility' into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of what?


Think about it.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton - HFA


Adding related:

Furthering the TOPIC:

(the following post is from a discussion about whether or not there was an 'omnipotent christ.'

The problem is that the entire topic is speculative fiction. None of it was intended as part of the message -- it was 'added later' to meet a specific agenda --

-- thereby adding needless contradictions and complications to the message.

Consider the following statement: My father was 'raised from the dead.'

Now, depending on the 'target audience,' that statement could mean anything.

Most of us realize that resuscitation techniques are common.

Nonetheless, 'as the story goes,' my father was 'raised from the dead' -- and somebody will claim '3-days' before he died permanently, which will get sensationalized by 'those in the know,' who were NOT there and know nothing but rumormongering, that he was 'raised from the dead after three days.'

-- "the power of prayer!" (rolling eyes -- where's emoticons here? Don't they have them? You'd think a Microsoft product would offer the most basic bulletin-board emoticon options -- wtf? -- billions-and-billions of dollars worth of useless shit (everything you don't need but little of what you do), or what? Try a people-search? It's like stone-age information-management -- you can't even find a neighbor without hours of digging through billions of bytes of crap, then end up paying somebody to find 'em for you -- a 'subsidiary' per chance ??? How convenient.)

The point is, the same level of 'genius-expertise' that needlessly complicates simple searches and friendly internet use, also needlessly complicates and distorts the simple message of Christ.

And I have to say that the bi-polar argument claiming 'two-minds' psycho-babble is so far removed from the message as to be pathetically laughable. All those needless complicated marketing-scams to bring 'intellectuals' on-board religion, has concocted one crisis after another -- because that's what 'genius-experts' are trained to do: concoct 'crisis' to make themselves appear 'indispensible,' to 'justify' their jobs, and a pay-raise, and a bonus, and another pay-raise, and another bonus, and another office, and a helper, and a few trips to travel at your expense, and a few seminars and catered lunches, and more office equipment and bigger computers, and just more 'stuff' -- and don't forget, these are the 'indispensible' people 'solving nonstop crisis' or the sky will fall, your flesh will burn and your penis will fall off. ('rolleyes' emoticon goes here, MicroSoft)

It's about NOT subscribing to a "MiracleLIST" of 666 concocted excuses to cast-out and deny equality and services to so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' --

-- in other words, don't concoct excuses to put words and clothes and lifestyles and looks and money, or anything else, BEFORE PEOPLE, -- which is concocting an excuse to put CONDITIONS on YOUR LOVE for so-called 'beloved-neighbors' -- otherwise, you are merely being hateful, using a word or article of clothing as an excuse to HATE PEOPLE, to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES --

-- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth, AS COMMANDED.

All of your religions have been molested into CrotchWorship -- nonstop judgements to DIVIDE communities, after performing a perverse crotch-sniff test like a DOG -- in order to concoct an excuse to put CONDITIONS on YOUR LOVE for OTHERS -- to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, in so-called 'positive-goodness' -- then, have the AUDACITY to claim your VICTIMS are 'indecent.'

And all of your religions have been molested into teaching it's flock/scheople to hatefully perform FigurativeCarpentry -- hatefully labeling others 'negative' to ruthlessly hammer against one's own self-made MERCILESS so-called 'positive-cross-sign' -- ideological crucifiXtion -- after ERECTING one's own merciless CrossOfShame/Hate -- in the pathetic attempt at making one's self 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR -- the epitome of hate.

And that simple message was ABANDONED long ago, after the 'genius-experts' concocted endless 'crisis' that only their own 'indispensible selves' could possibly solve -- so that today, instead of promoting UNITY with your global BelovedNeighbors, religionists only promote DIVIDING communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES -- using a 'MIracleLIST" of 666 concocted excuses to cast-out, ignore, censor and HATE so-called 'beloved-neighbors' --

-- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

Nobody does 'humanly impossible things.' If living as a human, in the flesh, as you claim your 'jesus' did, (that name is one of convenience -- the real name is not pronounceable IN THIS LANGUAGE) -- then, if he were 'super-human,' there would have been ZERO SACRIFICE.

Don't be stupid.


And that's the point: people are NOT stupid unless MADE SO.

Who concocts any excuse to CENSOR ?

You see, I just gave to my President, on a gold-platter, the world's first 'ScionicDefense' AGAINST hateful religious supremacy, the VERY FIRST REAL DEFENSE IN HISTORY.

Because I do love my country, and my neighbors truly are beloved, globally, and I am a Peace Officer, a real one (in need of income/nurture), and I swore an oath to SERVE AND PROTECT Jefferson's PROMISE, and have been commanded to extend it to every scentience (sp?) encountered in existence, reign in religions to stop holocaust -- the Genesis_Deception -- and bring PeaceOnEarth, build the StairWay and fix the Wobble to save the planet, then we have to save others. Simple -- only religions HATE it. Go figure!

Oh, that's right -- the religionists only 'concern themselves' with 'more important issues,' that are 'realistic,' such as the above discussion about a super-duper-alien PRETENDING to be a 'human' to FOOL stupid people with FAKED 'pain and suffering.' (yes, being highly facetious, but accurate as a razor's edge).

See, they don't have a rebuttal. NO LOGICAL REBUTTALS AT ALL. What they have done is indefensible. I only forgave them because it was multi-generational, a gradual perversion. Concocting that "MiralceLIST" of 666 hateful excuses to cast-out so-called 'beloved-neighbors' to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, took a long time. It only takes seconds-of-your-time to FIX IT, though. I gave you that key, for free, to start UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

Make it so.


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