Friday, May 30, 2008

McCain/Winton '08 -- SpiritOfLiberty

The case for 'wmd' is not and was not a 'sham.'

Your perceptions of 'wmd' are entirely limited to that which you know, in the same way as the word 'positive.' According to every psychological text-book in existence, being 'positive' is a SYMPTOM of MENTAL-ILLNESS. Why would you respond to a newspaper ad for a job that says, "Must be positive-minded!"? when obviously they are telling you "must be mentally-unbalanced?"

When you address a crowd of people that use a different language than you, do you use words they don't understand, or words they do? If the situation is urgent, do you spend days re-educating them to your own interpretation of 'proper language,' or attempt to communicate 'at their level'?

Further, we founded our country under self-evident truth, because women couldn't work, couldn't learn anything other than taken out-of-context religious 'scripture' in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' her own bondage, and couldn't choose her own clothes, lifestyle, or living-arrangments, or friends, or vote to change it. THAT WMD IS HatefulReligiousSupremacy.


Kind Regards,
McCain/Winton '08 -- SpiritOfLiberty
Let the LIGHT of LIBERTY SHINE On On On ...


Please note: I have not been officially selected to run on the McCain ticket, but have obviously strived to do so for decades/life. I know it's a 'long-shot' -- but nothing would be better for my fellow equal BelovedNeighbor citizens, our country, our Constitution, Jefferson'sPROMISE, Virginia'sGIFT, the TimelessMessage itself.

And I know they'll do anything/everything possible to hurt me, and have already done so. The stakes are too high to cry about it. I HAVE THE COURAGE.

I am asking you, whomever 'you' are, wherever you are, to call, write, email the McCain camp and demand "3Ons" on his ticket. Please do. Please.

Kind Regards,

OnEdit: adding: I wrote the above response quickly to respond to an article about 'wmd' that I noticed ten or so minutes ago on Huffington Post, written by David Fiderer. The link is here:

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