Friday, December 11, 2009

Nobel For Diversity Termination

Advent - 2nd Week

A Perfect War - Part-II

Religions are notorious for casting-out anybody, any excuse will do, whom dissents. Now, it's Higher-Ed that's worse, offended by all they hear, smell, feel, taste, touch, see. Endlessly punishing anybody and everybody for loving the freedom to love a product, entertainment, living-arrangement, piece-of-cloth (clothes, worn or not), lifestyle, job, ability or inability, writing all the rules, laws, manuals to worship that give their "Miracle-LIST" of 666 ever-changing excuses to deny equal pursuits of opportunities, life, liberty and happiness, more fees, more fines, more surcharges, more taxes -- endless punishments -- any excuse will do.

-- and they already spent it. No matter how many "a child is born unto thee" will ever exist, ever again. They already spent it.

Every 'reform' is an marketing campaign to devise 'reasonable-sounding' slogans to sell the 'big-idea' of how to take more from the people, and 'job-secure' future generations of college-grads, pushing-around paperwork-systems that hate more and more freedoms, more people, more diversity, while chanting "celebrate diversity" in blatant hypocrisy -- " ... using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues," indeed. Endless excuses to divide into 'positives' ruthlessly hammering 'negatives' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, crusade-mentality, ideological crucifiXtion, (spell it anyway you want), a process called FigurativeCarpentry, spelled just like that as one word with two capital letters, forked-tongues as nails, the epitome of anti-christ messaging. That's what a molested educational/credentialing system is/does.

The Europeans have devised such institutionalized hatreds disguised as 'protections' to such a degree now, that pieces-of-cloth are all the excuse necessary to ban women from swimming in public-pools, or girls from public-schools. You must memorize the 'scripture' of Higher-Ed's "holocaust-worship" or be prosecuted as a 'heretic/blasphemer/infidel/sinner.' They put together a fund to award the man that sacrifices your sons and daughters to exterminate the diversity of Islamacism. Total intolerance to any/all whom do not goose-step in lock-step with Legislated Tyranny.

Much like superstitionists in the religious-sector, molesting their religions, ideologically, using the word 'molest' in the exact context of Thomas Jefferson when penning the original Bill of Rights. They claim their 'faith' is 'unshakable.' But all it takes is me saying to them, "I am AntiChrist," and they instantly start quakin' and shakin' and hatin' -- at the sound of the figurative Pavlov lab dog BELL -- censoring the topic, hating the individual attempting communication about the topic.

These superstitionists claim their 'faith' is the 'ultimate protection' against 'evil,' until their imagined conjured-demons haunt the reality of their superstitious ways -- concocting hellishness themselves -- evil-doing to be certain -- proving their ONLY FAITH is the ultimate-fealty to HARM -- those demons they conjure up in their imaginations, their faith is only in that which is NOT REAL, and that it will HARM them -- that's their excuse for denying equality and being hateful to their so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors.' Proving anti-christ messaging while holding candlelight vigils, prayer-sessions, babbling-at-the-air to their fake religion of superstition, all 'inherent protections' against the nonsense of those superstitious, uneducated, illiterate diatribes forgotten.

Meanwhile, the Society of Sisters have become so 'good,' they refuse to be questioned.

Be it religion, or those from the education/academic credentialing-system, they hate my diversity, subtly. Any excuse will do. How can they possibly be trusted to 'get along,' let alone, 'celebrate' the REAL diversity of the remainder of the REAL WORLD?

They refuse to be questioned. They'll pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving a 'flaw,' real or imagined, be it spelling or typing or a simple miswording, misphrasing, as 'excuse enough' to denigrate individuals attempting communication about topics, censoring the topics itself, themselves. Then blaming the individual, for their own intolerance, intellectual intolerance or otherwise, the individual their victim.

THEN, they accuse, hatefully, "Obviously a hateful, disgruntled, uneducated person that is so jealous of not having worked hard and applied his/herself to become as wonderful and great and all-knowing like ourselves -- ... " etc., in their piousness. Who would 'envy' either degrees, appointments or 'callings' like THAT?!

Further, the money to support them comes from the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the MEEK. Any excuse will do for 'credentials' to devise a paperFAKEwork-system of worshiped words to ridicule, scorn, then fine, surcharge, and tax business and family. One product after another. Any excuse will do. They refuse to do REAL work, just paperFAKEwork, endless 'studies,' demanding the most rewards for their own selfish selves, consuming the most, punishing everybody ELSE for it -- one paperFAKEwork-system after another. Mention it, get cast-out as a 'heretic/infidel/blasphemer/sinner/jealous-person.' It's preposterous.

Now, the Climatologists hold meetings, practically daily, flying all over the world, location to location, consuming the most fossil-fuels, emitting the most 'greenhouse-gas-emissions,' to TALK about when to TALK AGAIN about how to PUNISH YOU for 'your fossil-fuel-usage.' But if you drove-around in an old, beat-up pickup getting 12-mpg for the next 10,000 years, you wouldn't produce even a FRACTION of the 'carbon-footprint' of one 'climatology religious ceremony.' They even hate you for not 'believing.' And it was supposed to be the alternative to 'belief-systems' and blind-faith -- education and science, that is -- now it's WORSE.

Worshiping theories, they have pre-spent all human progress and development. Out-spent all the money to build those "Moon Bases" and "Mars Outposts" and "flying cars" and 100-mpg family sedans, and global free-transportation systems and global-defensive systems, and orbiting and floating cities and hotels and underwater cities and all of it -- they already spent it. Instead of feeding the starving, they'd fly to a far-away location, cater-lunch, and TALK about it. THEN, send YOU a bill and punish YOU for not having done the WORK.

TheoryWorship -- as hateful as it gets. WordWorship -- excuses to FAKE 'wounds' from WORDS, to FAKE 'victimhood' to defraud sympathy from others, and censor dissent and all whom have it. It's worse than the Taliban, whom have a few dozen hateful-religious-fanatic 'rules,' while Higher-Ed has BILLIONS -- nothing 'good-enough' -- nobody and no one -- and even their 'awards' are for the 'stage show' photo-op'g.

Pope Pius IX introduced the concept of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION in the 1850's, writing very little about it -- leaving it to the self-important 'credentialed' to endlessly spew ecclectic 'reasonable-sounding' crap about it. What is it about? SHE IS 'good enough' IN ANY EVENT -- and any criticism is your own inner-hatred, jealousies, voodoo-projected outward against others, endless comparisons in MeIsm, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR.

Next, we'll have legislated breeding. Under the so-called 'healthcare reforms,' one trillion dollars will be taken from the needy, services to the disabled, the elderly, the poor, the meek, and a huge photo-op'g ceremony will be held by 'credentials' putting a band-aide on a kids' 'boo-boo' -- claiming, "extending coverage to kids not previously covered! Aren't we wonderful? Say yes! Just tell us how wonderful we are!" -- but all the money just 'job-secures' millions more future college 'grads' to 'manage' paperFAKEwork at the expense of everybody ELSE -- paper of 'higher-priority' than PEOPLE.

-- blaming YOU for 'consuming paper,' and punishing you for it, for the de-forestation caused by their endless paper-consuming lifestyles, raising your taxes, fees, surcharges, penalties, etc., 'job-securing' only their own pathetic excuses of 'jobs' -- claiming "everybody against it must really be jealous and 'envy' us!" -- in their piousness -- THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED.

-- so that trillion from 'healthcare' is to buy paperwork, to buy 'jobs' for people to push-around paperwork, reducing REAL medical-care of the needy. Just a redefined version of "DEATH PANELS," to be certain. And it will be just a matter of time before EVERY WOMAN will be PUNISHED for not being 'good enough' to BEAR A CHILD UNTO YOU ...

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