Monday, March 22, 2010

Writing In Dirt

The Perfect War -- Part - XIV

Advent (is always), 5th Lenten Week

-- "When they bend down, write on the ground, write in the dirt, the lofty hate it, the lofty hate being reminded ... "

It is a matter of respect:

-- fire control.

See it in the paper? The Forest Service, Dept of Lands, Bureau of Land Management, various counties and environment groups are in PROACTIVE FIRE DANGER ALERT MODE due to the magnitude of last years' grass and brush growth, which is an EXTREME FIRE HAZARD this year, because it's now on the ground, dead, and when it dries-out, later in summer, will be an extreme wildfire danger, FIRESTORM FUEL.

That's because last year had so much moisture, with few 'hot-spell-stretches' between rains, that the grass grew to seven, eight, nine feet tall, and the ferns were taller than I am -- huge. It's so thick, along fields, meadows, in the forests, along roads -- that this summer, predicted to be dry and hot, it could be the 'perfect storm' for FIRESTORM.

Especially along roads, where static electricity stirred-up due to passing vehicles, even bicycles, even hikers along trails, could ignite it, destroying our forests, spreading quickly to homes and businesses, killing-off wildlife, and those volunteers and emergency responders attempting to put it out are subjected to extreme danger, oftentimes injured, killed more often than just about any other type of emergency response, with the most cost to economy and family.

It's about respect.

See it in the paper? The articles about "DROUGHT CONDITIONS SPUR TALKS?" Not that exact headline, but close. And it just figures those Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' want to profit from it, cater-lunch, pay themselves to sit around TALKING instead of enacting IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY FIRE CONTROL PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. They should be doing it themselves, instead of talking. Every life lost this year is on their selfish shoulders.

Did you remove the dead undergrowth/overgrowth from your property? If you haven't. Do it. It's about respect. If you don't -- every lost tree, shrub, home, outbuilding, business, wildlife, pet, person, is on YOUR SELFISH SHOULDERS.

-- get your heads out of the clouds, stop leaving your bodies, floating over cities, taken aloft in self-importance, taken-up, get your FeetOnGround -- writing in dirt (instead of expensive paperFAKEwork, consuming valuable resources and time doing NOTHING, instead of being PROACTIVE and DOING something for REAL) -- stop dilly-dallying -- it's common-sense -- the metaphors are ancient and in every language --

-- " ... they made endless excuses, pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing perceiving 'flaws' in her ... blaming her, shaming her, ridiculing and scorning her, condemning her, casting-stones, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR ..."


-- " hammering her as 'negative' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked tongues as NAILS, denying her the forgiveness, the compassion, the justice, the equality they hypocritically demand for their own selfish selves ... "

-- " ... writing in dirt, is reminding them HowNotToBe ... "

And so I reminded. It's about being an Ambassador and an Emissary. It's about duty and responsibility.


-- " ... only those whom have no faults, are perfect, you cast stones firstly, kill in your so-called 'uncondtional-love' to 'prove' how 'loving' and 'forgiving' and 'respectful' you are ... "

And those hung-up, aloft in self-importance, condemning, ridiculing and scorning, when REMINDED, instantly lash-out, hatefully, "isn't that what you are doing?" -- floating over cities, their heads so far in the clouds, the ground (REALITY) unrecognizeable, WeThePeople mere 'ants' to their self-acclaimed greatness.

FigureCarpentry. IdeologicalCrucifiXtion, crusade-mentality, the opposite of being a REAL Christian (or responsible citizen, parent, employee, manager, supervisor, clergy, etc.,).

WritingInDirt is reminding those doing it, what it is they are actually engaged in, knowing fully-well they will force you to rub ash against skin (that they will mud-fling in your direction, 'fling-mud-at-you'), regardless of how 'nice' or 'pc' you word it. WritingInDirt, a simple metaphor for that exact scenario in YOUR REAL LIFE, verifiable with your five-senses, religious or not, applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, regardless of language, location or TIME.

It's about respect, and the molestation of it by the lofty, the self-absorbed whom claim they are not, always pointing-fingers regardless of how they are addressed, any excuse to censor to accuse to ignore, absent of humility, absent of spirit, absent of Christ, regardless of their endless reasonable-sounding DENIALS.

-- " ... scorned women of AllThings, all eternity, where are your accusers -- have they finally removed themselves from condemning you? Either way, go in peace, strive to uphold whatever commitments you have freely chosen, thereby bringing-about fewer FALSE ACCUSATIONS against thee which are burdens not freely-chosen, CrownsOfThorns forced upon you ... "

And so is all that FIRESTORM FUEL ... stop talking, start doing. Please. Lives really do depend on it, and every one lost is on your shoulders.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

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