Saturday, April 03, 2010

Defending The Pope ; Good Friday

I have been an advocate for equality my entire life, spelling-out every conceivable facet of the sociological, psychological, philosophical, economic, religious and governmental interactive facets through my blog series here on the internet. No stone left unturned. There is still more to expound upon however. And there are still those whom are engaged in the HATE CRIME of hacking and deleting and modifying MY WORDS in their hateful positiveness.

"Must be positive-minded! We're the positive people!" (eyeroll emoticon would go here if there were the option of inserting such graphics to express facetiousness).

" ... with the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS ..."

-- hammering away, night and day, nonstop FigurativeCarpentry, against the idol they worship, their hateful TORTURE DEVICE OF TERROR, their merciless CrossOfShame/Hate, pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing perceiving 'flaws' their only HOPE in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, one 'negative' denied EQUALITY after another, cast-out as 'unworthy', as 'inferior,' until PERISHED -- ideological crucifiXtion -- the epitome of HATE -- one ruthlessly hammered 'negative' against their merciless positive-cross-signs after another, any concocted excuse, clothes, looks, size, shape, color, skills, abilities or inabilities, typos, spelling ... nothing is 'good-enough' for 'em, nothing and no one ... yet they demand forgiveness and compassion, justice and equality for their own hypocritical selves --

-- and no all the words to DENY their evil-doing;
-- all the pre-memorized rhetoric to claim, " ... we're not doing that!" while proving they are;
-- EYES WIDE SHUT, just like the title of that movie starring TOM CRUISE.

And that's what they do to each other, and that's what they do to the POPE, POPE BENEDICT XVI, Cardinal Ratzinger, the Church, their country, their family members, their co-workers, fellow students, community members, every aspect of decency DENIED, including perverse examination of PRIVATES, with endless 'reasonable-sounding' excuses denying it. It's pathetic.

FEARLESS -- just like the title of that movie starring JEFF BRIDGES which is one of my all-time favorites. Have you seen it? Without tunnel-vision focusing critisizing characters, worshiping the cartoon-images, did you UNDERSTAND the IMPLICATIONS, applicable to all people EQUALLY? GLOBALLY?

There is no such thing as NOT fearing death. Those whom do, or think they do, are BRAINWASHED to claim it. It's considered to be the FIRST INDICATOR OF SUICIDE BOMBERS intents. They have been brainwashed to not fear death, thinking that murder, that killing innocents, erasing, censoring the world from those lives, is a positive thing. And that AfterDeath, everything is 'just peachy.' Not once proving even one iota of compassion for those whom will experience the MISERY of GRIEF after their selfish ACTS.

The reason we come together, to comfort each other, to assist the ailing, to help the needy, to feed the hungry, to shelter the homeless, to give a BLANKET to those whom are cold, is to REDUCE MISERY, thereby proving compassion, because we all fear death, and if we didn't, we'd not yearn to reduce misery either for ourselves or anybody or anything else.

We'd be 'perfect,' in which case, not ever being hungry, not ever being cold, not ever wanting for anything, therefore DEAD, for AfterLife, in DEATH you can't ever say anything for others to FAKE 'wounds' from your WORDS ever again, therefore everything is just 'perfect.' You can't ever 'offend' anybody again, EVER. Life is OVER.

-- no more words, no more toasts, no more dances, no more runs, no more music, no more panoramic scenery, no more orgasms, no more smiles, no more laughs, no more helping others, no more comforts, no more joys -- DONE, and that is something to FEAR. Obviously.

Why is it that one whom advocates on behalf of those whom are defending all people equally, helping others, assisting the MEEKEST of all, raising awareness and reducing the misery of the most feable, globally, -- why is it that that individual, must be held to the inequitable-standard greater than your own where every aspect of his PRIVATES, including what others have told him in CONFIDENCE -- why is it that such things must now be obscenely focused-upon -- to satisfy the nosiness of perverse PRIVACY invading Higher-Education crusade-mentality cultists? Or anybody else?

-- "We interrupt this blogger to bring this important announcement: TIGER WOODS CROTCH is ..." -- " ... and TIGER WOODS said about his CROTCH, "I'm so sorry ..." -- " ... we'll keep you posted about TIGER WOODS and his CROTCH. Have a positive day!"

-- (every sporting event, and media coverage is being usurped by TIGER WOODS thrusting his CROTCH into our faces. Instead of celebrating the glory and magnificence of the U.S. Figure Skating National Championships, sporting coverage is about TIGER WOODS and his CROTCH; during the Olympics, a significant portion of media coverage is suddenly thrusting TIGER WOODS and his CROTCH in our face AGAIN; every time an amature competition of significance occurs, we get TIGER WOODS and his CROTCH thrust in our face, "I'm so sorry I have PRIVATES!" -- followed by, "He's got alot of explaining about his PRIVATES to do!" -- followed by, "I'm so sorry, I'll try to focus on ..." -- followed by, "Those PRIVATES of TIGER WOODS are a serious distraction from the HOLY INSTITUTION of men playing with their BALLS."

WAR AGAINST DECENCY -- WarAgainstDecency -- and it's all 'brought-to-you-by' Higher-Ed. Every word of it, replete with endless 'reasonable-sounding' DENIALS, redefining 'decency' and 'equality' along with it, molesting it into something completely different, perverse.

Maybe a billion-dollar marketing enterprise, such as the name Tiger Woods buys that type of sporting coverage usurpation? It's still all Higher-Ed's doing, making it out as 'normal.' There's nothing 'normal' about it. I don't give a flying fuck about Tiger Woods BALLS, on golf courses or bedrooms or pants. If you are a sports fan, then stick to the sports. If you want triple XXX Adult Entertainment, then stop lieing about it and just go buy it, pay taxes on it, and enjoy it in YOUR PRIVATES.

I am a family of one. Sure, I have pets and consider those members of my family too. But it's still a family of one. And I have relatives, but am not close to any and none have any type of permission to speak for me or make decisions for me, or anything like that. Nobody does.

Nobody has a any type of right to discuss another's PRIVATES, be it personal financial transactions, product purchases, medical/health or income or job or anything else. Nobody does. Only you do. Each individual EQUALLY. That's why it's called PRIVATE and is PROTECTED and whom you share tiny SNIPPETS with is not a 'license' for others to share it, to modify it, to sensationalize it, because PRIVATES have built-in CONFIDENTIALITY as a matter of DECENCY and RESPECT.

-- that's because those matters, health/medical, financial, crotch (what's in it or done with it), are always the focus of PERVERTS and those with crusade-mentalities, discriminating against you, denying equality, pursuits of equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness ;

-- those engaged in it are violating your BASIC CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS ; no employee can do it without being TERMINATED, public or private, and no clergy can do it without being defrocked. Anybody doing it against you is proving their HATRED of YOU and all things DESCENT.

-- while concocting a DIVERSIONARY TACTIC about 'adult entertainers' or 'gay' or 'abortion' or whathaveyou. Any DECEPTION will do.

It's a WarAgainstDecency and it's a TRAP, instigated long-term, a generation-spanning plot conspired against Church and Equality. Yours.

The Pope is obligated NOT to disclose PRIVATES told to him in CONFIDENCE. It's the same obligation and protection a spouse has to not testify against their wife or husband.


During the Good Friday ceremony, Mass, those in attendance through a nail into a metal bucket. CLANK! It echoes throughout the monastery or stone Cathedral or church or hall. It's symbolic of those hypocritical-forked tongues. Give it up. REMINDERS of that FigurativeCarpentry, reminders of HowNotToBe -- not to hatefully rumormonger others lest we inspire MURDER against merciless positive-cross-signs ...

-- and that's why the cross is venerated too, same ceremony, to keep the CONCEPT ALIVE, even if the populace's education-levels are too unsophisticated to grasp the underlying multi-faceted understandings (which is not to say the people are 'stupid' -- AT ALL -- I want to make that very clear, because not knowing something has nothing to do with 'intelligence quotients; this is about theological instruction-sets ONLY).

There is a few parcels of land along Highway 2 to the South side right up to the river. The railroad also has tracks there. If I could raise the money, I'd build a University there, with dorms, and an amphitheater. It would offer different 'credentials,' that much is a PROMISE. And instead of a tax-payer-funded PALACE filled with FAKE 'majesties' hating the people, faking 'sacrifice,' " ... it's about the children, boo-hoo!" to mindphuk sympathy out of everyone and everything for PROFIT, it would be a far BETTER EXAMPLE (although I may build a subway safe-travel tunnel under or over the railroad tracks and highway to/from St. Catherine of Siena.) I would do that, if I had the money. Maybe it would be called, "Saint Winton's" some day? :lol: ;)


The WarAgainstDecency must be defended against at all costs. I do not have the authority to do so, but if I did, I would order the Pope to SEAL HIS LIPS.

See, there is not an organization in existence, be it public or private, where the whole is held accountable for the indiscresions of one. If that were not true, then YOUR CHILDREN WOULD BE IN DEBTORS' PRISON, held ransom for your GLUTTONY.

-- and that's the 'standard' by which parish members globally are being inequitably held.


Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

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