Monday, November 26, 2007


ORCH_Day828b (revised)

All Active Duty Personnel and FEDERAL EMPLOYEES, please experience MY WORDS:


Firstly, I am just an individual, this is not about credentials, status nor 'superiority.' DO NOT ANALyze my PRIVATES. I address you all as an equal person, one human to another, be you in uniform or not.

Please forgive my wordings, my grammar, my typos, my spelling, my linguistical errors -- there is no time to knit-pick.

Never before in history have you been called upon to serve and protect all people equally from the greatest challenge ever to confront your country, your allies, and all others, all people equally, every 'person' in existence, the entire HumanityFamily.

And never before in history have you been challenged to defend all people equally from an enemy that knows no uniform, no specific organization, no specific religion, no specific citizenship, no specific identification, nor marque, nor flag.

You must climb the 'tallest-mountains,' swim the 'largest oceans,' leap the 'tallest-buildings' with all 'cards-stacked-against-you.' This challenge is so vast, it is seemingly impossible, yet you will prevail, you must prevail, at all costs.

That is neither exaggeration nor sensationlism.

Nor did we choose this situation, it was brought to us.

In order to understand the crisis we all face, which is a vast, multi-faceted global-crisis, you must thoroughly re-evaluate all that you know, beginning with an overview of governments, religions and cultures, aside from your professional training which I will not address nor compromise in any format, by any stretch-of-imagination.

I will begin with a topic which you may be somewhat familiar. You may disagree with portions, punching holes in the message before the whole-message is heard, thereby closing your mind, making your heart/mind inflexible as stone -- please resist the urge for premature, assumptive judgements. Only I may address you in this fashion, and I will be quite frank.

Before addressing the critical challenge you face, we must firstly discuss the differences between two forms of biblical interpretation and it's affects upon politics and government, one that foments divides, and one that serves and protects equality as promised by Thomas Jefferson.

Although I must now discuss religion as a topic, I am not promoting religion -- LET THAT BE CLEAR.

If you find MY WORDS 'offensive,' cry about it later, we have critical work to do immediately.


You must understand Thomas Jefferson's promise to you, as individuals, in a manner not presented to you before. Be it known as, "Jefferson'sPROMISE," spelled exactly like that, no spaces between words, so it will never be taken out-of-context again). Nobody is more qualified to do this, than I, which is a topic of another discussion. We have critical work to do immediately.

You have only been exposed to a singular form of 'christianity.' Set that aside a moment and experience that of our Founding Fathers, Mr. Jefferson's, among others:

You have only been told that the 'bible' VOLUME is in two portions, an 'old' and a 'new.' According to the viewpoint of our Founding Fathers, that is invalid, it is in THREE:

1) On COUNTRY(s): ideology of revolution, thereby dividing communities instead of uniting;
2) On INDIVIDUAL(s): affects of the above idealogy on the INDIVIDUAL within a community infected by that idealogy of divides;
3) On GLOBE(s): the GLOBAL affects of that ideology when countries, nations, continents are saturated with that ideology.

Your leaders are prohibited by law from discussing that with you. I am not. Nor are they qualified. I am. Again, if you wish to knit-pick that, thereby ignoring the message, cry about it later, we have important work to do immediately. It is vital you fully-comprehend what is being discussed here.
Consider me, "Citizen_Zero," for that EXACT REASON, for I am neither ABOVE you nor BELOW you, but all around you, regardless of your own 'titles,' 'positions,' 'status,' 'designations,' or 'credentials.' I am literally not the topic. Never forget that.

Let's look closer at those THREE 'On's' :

PART-1 : "On Country(s)"

Since ancient times, stories were collected about people that declared themselves positive, and concocted excuses to hatefully label others negative, to selfishly deny equality and services, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, thereby concocting excuses to place conditions against their so-called 'love' for all their so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' in their positive-righteousness, as an excuse to go genocide/holocaust others, thereby dividing communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes/communities/families/countries/regions/worlds' in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

-- The perspective of NegativePositive-ism, the formula for divides/revolutions/holocaust/genocide/death/DeathWorship, is the root-ideology of all terrorism, because it's built around the concept of hateful-religious 'eye-for-an-eye' vindictiveness/vengeance, which proves zero forgiveness, proves zero compassion, therefore it proves zero justice, which proves zero equality.

-- that is the most misinterpreted portion. It's "HowNotToBe," not 'how to be," but how NOT to be, demonstrated over and over and over and over, literally hundreds of examples throughout PART-1. If it's interpreted as 'how to be,' then we get the same 'ole HatefulReligiousSupremacy, and yet another hateful religious genocide/holocaust under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' when obviously it's none of that, therefore it's the epitome of HATE, by positive-people concocting excuses to hatefully label others 'negative' to selfishly deny equality and services/justice in the deceptive name of 'positive-godly-goodness,' therefore the DECEPTION, called, "TheGenesisDeception."


Part-2: Since Part-1 is about countries, the second part is about how that awful mindset of DeathWorship, NegativePositive-ism, affects the INDIVIDUAL within any society, community, country or world, as embodied in the story of a single INDIVIDUAL CITIZEN, in this case a simple man. He was hated. Any excuse would do for positive-people to deny equality and services to him. Words. Grammar (splg/typos/etc). Language. Clothes. Looks. Size. Shape. Color. Money. Jobs. Habits (all people have habits). Entertainments. Talents or lack; Company-kept/friends/associations (assumed guilt until concocted guiltier, therefore, "guilt-by-association" accussations by those around you, not your government), lifestyles, living-arrangements, education or lack thereof, transportation ('jesus' rode ASSes for a reasOn!), opinions (especially dissenting opinion), spelling, typos, grammar, businesses, advertisements, talents, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), even love itself. Nobody defended him -- even his best-friend took money/favors/promises-of-gain to concoct so-called 'evidence' to be used against him) everybody denied him, any excuse would do -- and anybody that freely-associated with him was assumed 'guilty' until concocted guiltier by all the positive-people around them, their families, co-workers, neighbors, fellow-citizens, NOT THEIR GOVERNMENT, and those positive-people hatefully labeled him 'negative' using any of those excuses to ruthlessly hammer him as 'negative' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, those hateful torture-devices of terror, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, in a process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," which is not REAL carpentry,' it's FAKE 'carpentry' -- ideological crucifiXtion -- that's what positive-people do, concoct excuses to place conditions against their so-called 'love' for all their so-called 'beloved-neighbors' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, proving zero-integrity, proving to selfishly deny equality and services and thereby subtly-censoring all dissenting-opinion, casting-out all dissenting-opinion and those whom have them as 'heretical/heretics' until they PERISH. Subtle-hatreds under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT.

That is why positive-cross-signs are not displayed on any Mormon structures; nor do Jahovah's Witnesses display it; nor do the Jews; nor Hindus; nor Islamacists; nor courthouses. That is the EXACT ORIGINAL reason why Catholics crossed-themselves whenever they confronted the hatefulness of positive-people, to distance themselves from it.

-- "Do you know that person?! Why would you hang-out with that kind of person?! Do you do that?! Your clothes are stupid! Your hair is ugly! You have a funny nose! I hate that word -- and anybody that uses that word is 'not my kind of people,' so I don't have to listen to anything you have to say! You live there?! You drive that?! What do you do with your crotch?! How much money do you make?!" Endless subtle excuses, see, -- see it yet? -- to hatefully label others 'negative' to ruthlessly hammer against one's self-made, merciless positive-cross-sign, using the points of one's own hypocritical forked-tongue as nails, in a process called, "FigurativeCarpentry," to selfishly deny equality and services to others by concocting conditions against one's own so-called 'love' for real BelovedNeighbord, using any excuse, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, which always proves zero self-esteem, and that always proves zero integrity, which always proves zero forgiveness, and proves zero compassion, which always proves zero justice, thereby proving ZERO EQUALITY.


-- later, after he was DEAD, (after YOU are dead) the positive-people claimed FAKE 'victimhood,' as usual, "Oh! We're victims! The pain! The insufferable pain!" -- all about THEMSELVES -- for the self-aggrandizing photo-op, to PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-instigation/do-nothingness/encouragement/HOPE, because they denied equality during life in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving their entire existence is the religion of hate and god is false/fake, thereby proving they'd put false gods before them. Any excuse will do for positive-people to ERECT that hateful positive-cross-sign as an IDOL to WORSHIP.

Be HEALED of it.

See how that works? If one's self-esteem is sucked-out of them, then throughout their lives they pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' in everything around them, especially others, real or imagined 'flaws,' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, proving zero integrity, and proving zero equality. By extension, it proves their religion, be they religious or not, has been molested into DeathWorship, their only HOPE is for the failure of others in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, their FAITH it will all come to a horrific END, under the guise of 'positive-godly-goodness' when it's obviously the HOPE for DEATH. No 'unconditional-loving' god or alien or anything at all would do such a thing. And they have zero logical rebuttals, but are literally brainwashed to spew Infinite_Reasonable-Sounding_Stupid_Sh*t (IRSSS) EXCUSES in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' the MEANness.

Negative AND Positive equals NOTHING, hate, holocaust, death, DeathWorship, so do not be that way. In terms of simple math: -1+1=0, or, +1-1=0, so do not be that way. DO THE MATH, and do it every Sunday and every moment in between. DoTheMaths, the SundayMaths, as I've ALWAYS SAID.

As protectors and defenders of justice and equality under our Constitution per Jefferson'sPROMISE, you do NOT have the luxury of declaring anybody either 'negative' nor 'positive,' and are obligated to serve and protect all people EQUALLY AGAINST ALL WHOM DO, and your chain-of-command is outside the realm of NegativePositive-ism as your professional training has proved. The terror of NegativePositive-ism requires ZERO faith, it requires ZERO belief, and it literally proves itself out before you, to be VERIFIED using your 5-senses, through the hateful-positive-behaviors of all those you defend against. It spreads as a ThoughtVirus, PENETRATING and INFECTING VIRGIN-minds, by ones and twos, family by family, community by community, country by country, continent by continent, and BEYOND, until there are NONE. It is the only 'sin,' and always inspires someone to KILL. Therefore the ORIGINAL SIN. And all acts of hatefulness are the positive-results of it, proving DeathWorship.

DO THE MATH: +1-1=0, or, -1+1=0 -- (translation: Negative AND Positive EQUALS NOTHING/Hate/Divides/Revolutions/War/Murder/Holocaust/Genocide/Death/DeathWorship, so DO NOT BE THAT WAY.

It's very simple. Most children understand it by age 8. However, as an adult, it may take some contemplation and several exposures to comprehend, because adult minds have already been infected by that ThoughtVirus. Again, don't knit-pick, don't punch holes it it to make it a holy-mess -- just focus on the WHOLE message, because it applies to all people EQUALLY, the entire HumanityFamily, all whom were and all whom will be, EQUALLY, because defending against the ThoughtVirus of HatefulReligiousSupremacy, that message, it's TIMELESS.

PART-3 : "On Globe(s)"

After fully experiencing the ideology in PART-1's affects On Countries, then fully processing PART-2's affect On individuals, PART-3 discusses what occurs to WORLDS whom misinterpret that TimelessMessage. Death/Holocaust/Ends/DeathWorship in HOPE for the TOTAL_GLOBAL_EXCTINCTION_EVENT of every innocent man, women, child, baby, pet, plant and wildlife under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' the epitome of HATE.

See, the 'current interpretation' is the root-ideology of all terrorism, where FAKE 'life' is of 'higher-priority' than REAL LIFE -- because peace is created ON Earth, not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location during a FAKE 'life' -- but ON THIS EARTH DURING YOUR REAL LIFE.

Same with 'heaven' -- by any name -- call it '@#%$' for all I care -- we make it together, in peace, ON EARTH, not off-planet in a fictional undisclosed location during a FAKE 'life' -- but ON THIS EARTH DURING YOUR REAL LIFE, PeaceOnEarth/HeavenOnEarth, not 'off.'

That message is literally TIMELESS, therefore, the TimelessMessage, spelled exactly like that, as one word, no spaces, capitalized 'T' and 'M' so that it may never be taken out-of-context ever again.

The TimelessMessage applies to all 'people', regardless if you think they are 'people' or not, the entire HumanityFamily, EQUALLY, and, as I said, requires ZERO faith, ZERO belief. Use your 5-senses to VERIFY it, as it proves itself-out, every moment of your life, right in front of you through the positive-hatefulness of others. That is exactly what you are defending all people equally against, for it is the only imminent-threat WMD in existence.

That is exactly why only I can tell you. All 'scriptures' are written in the exact same way. However, those infected with the ThoughtVirus that promotes knit-picking wordings as 'positive-godly-goodness,' punching holes in the WHOLE MESSAGE and casting-out all DISSENTING OPINION and those whom have them as 'heretical/heretics,' have infiltrated and infected your government(s) Legislative Branches to make it ILLLEGAL for all others to do so, thereby CENSORING the TimelessMessage itself, all the way from kindergartens to the White House.

The TimelessMessage is about real optimism, not the pessimistic tunnel-vision of faking 'superiority' by perceiving 'flaws' in others in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, thusly to DIVIDE communities/countries into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes' in PeaceOnEarth/HeavenOnEarth as commanded.

Look to Iraq for an example. There, we have three 'tribes' who in their 'positive-godly-goodness' hate each other, thriving on hate, enacting hateful-religious 'eye-for-an-eye' vindictiveness/vengeance against one another, casting-out by ones and twos all with dissenting-opinions, and it's nothing more than perpetual hate. They all claim how 'positive-godly-good' they are, while HOPING to PUNISH and KILL and set-up for FAILURE all of their so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' a perpetual cycle of hatred. THERE IS NO END TO IT.

You are CALLED to DEFEND all people EQUALLY AGAINST IT, regardless of location.

That is exactly why our Founding Fathers refused to cozy-up to any specific religion, yet our own Congress is now cozied-up to the ideology of DIVISIONS to DENY SUCOR TO TROOPS whom are heroically defending against it, globally, serving and protecting all people equally against that which our Congress now promotes as of 'higher-priority' than YOU, our heroic defenders yourselves, in Congress' selfishness. Your pay should be tripled for your jobs are of far higher priority and value to WeThePeople than anybody in Congress.

Your leaders can't tell you that, either. I can.

TRIPLE-PAY FOR TROOPS AND FEDERAL EMPLOYESS -- SEND CONGRESS HOME. I say that because they live in FAKE 'majesty' while concocting more positive-hateful-excuses to PUNISH/fine/tax/complicate/implicate/imprison/DUNGEON more of WeThePeople than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD. To them, WORDS are 'attacks,' ignoring sticks and ignoring stones, and denigrating our heroic defenders, whom are defending all people equally from that exact form of sensationalized hateful-positiveness, globally, as 'collateral-damage' to their FAKE 'majesty.' They've concocted any excuse to deny equal access to opportunities, goods and services, and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness to everybody ELSE, doing anything, violating everything and saying anything in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' the MEANness. We can't afford it. They've outlawed every entertainment, every habit, every other job, casting-out by ones and twos all our so-called 'EqualBelovedNeighbors,' and soon there will be none because of it, killing economy.

It doesn't matter what your religious views are, see -- it's about the promise Jefferson made to you and all people equally, which has been censored in subtle ways, under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' so that now, only I am allowed to freely-express it to you. Congress screwed that up, too. It doesn't matter the religion or location or the language, the TimelessMessage is about EQUALITY and that is IRREFUTABLE, only Congress HATES it, concocting any excuse to DIVIDE, to PUNISH to CAST-OUT and CENSOR DISSENTING-OPINIONS. NOBODY is 'their kind of people,' anymore, unless you BUY ACCESS. And that is UNACCEPTABLE.

Again, it's about the promise Jefferson made to you and all people equally, which has been censored in subtle ways, under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility/concern,' so that now, only I am allowed to freely-express it to you.

Thank you for serving and protecting my right to do so.

You volunteered to be dispensible, because your loved-ones and fellow equal citizens are not, and nobody ELSE had the COURAGE. Nobody understands that more than you and I. Nobody wants to be 'dispensible.' Only YOU have the COURAGE to voluntarily put yourselves in that position to selflessly serve and protect the TimelessMessage under Jefferson'sPROMISE, and for that your pay needs be TRIPLE THAT OF ANYBODY IN CONGRESS. PERIOD.

Congress has made PROMISES TO FOREIGN-POWERS, like this, " ... we can't promise you anything, but if you bide your time, we'll have our own person in the White House and give you anything you want."

Congress has DENIED SUCOR TO TROOPS, publicly insisting that funding for your SUCOR have long 'strings' attached, to UNDERMINE the Commander In Chief and the chain-of-command, thereby emboldening enemies of the United States and our Allies.

Congress has DENIED doing their ASSIGNED JOBS, while COVETING the JOBS OF OTHERS, publicly, while taking week-long HOLY-i-DAYS, paid, sometimes longer, while most Federal Employess are only allowed 1/2-day or 1-day off-time for personal-celebration. What type of 'equality' is THAT, EXACTLY? It's FAKE 'majesty,' PERIOD.

Congress writes the rules, oversights every penny, assigns every investigator to investigate themselves, then censors and approves the 'final-draft' of the so-called 'investigation-reports' they approved for themselves to either DIVIDE or sensationalize their own self-importance. Then vote themselves raises, more benefits, more perks, more techo-gadets/computers, luxury.

And Congress only listens to THEMSELVES and 'their kinds of people,' after concocting endless excuses to deny equality as an excuse to CENSOR DISSENTING OPINIONS of all others. It literally must be BOUGHT. That's called 'representation-by-bribe.'

Our FoundingFathers would rather have killed themselves than to have allowed it to turn out this way. But that's the crap on all of our 'plates.' Thank you all for serving and protecting all people equally against that FAKE 'equality,' that HATEFUL-POSITIVENESS. Even Congresspeople are 'equal-fellow-citizens/BelovedNeighbors.' Prove FORGIVENESS, but they must prove integrity, all ffor once, and once for ALL.

That is why I often say, "Vote '3Ons' as a write-in on all future ballots, from 'dog-catcher' to President -- SEND A MESSAGE." It's about EQUALITY, and 3OnsParadigm is IRREFUTABLE.

I am so proud of all of you. By now you should all have a sense of the challenge you face, a war declared against freedom which you have selflessly volunteered to serve and protect all people against, equally. Terrorism is 99% ideology, but the cameras only capture the most sensational 1%. You can't film idealogy, see. But it was the root-ideology of terror which was the AdvancedFirstStrike against us, to 'soften' us, to divide us, to kill us off through pessimistic dog-eat-dog attrition, endless rising costs and lowered productivity. Since the MeaningOfLife is 'nurture,' then obviously there can't be any nurture at all without economy.

And never forget: REAL ACTS of compassiOn REQUIRES REAL physical interACTSion, not babble-at-the-air/prayer in WISHFUL_THINKING/HOPE. You can't TALK about it to DEFEND against that NegativePositive ThoughtVirus which causes HatefulReligiousSupremacy where the so-called 'religious-moderates' PROFIT, see -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle-instigation/encouragement/HOPE to inspire the EXTREMISTS to go KILL/HOLOCAUST. That is why you volunteered, to DO, while the TALKERS inspire EXTREMISM unchecked, stealing the 'platform' from underneath MY WORDS that HEAL that HATEFULNESS.

You have now been advised about HatefulReligiousSupremacy, spelled just like that, as one word, one phrase, and have learned how insidious it has infected society to divide it, instead of unite it, molesting religions by molesting-minds, then those minds infiltrate and infect governments and institutions, INCLUDING YOUR OWN, to further divides.

BE HEALED OF IT -- DO THE MATH: +1-1=0/nothing/hate/DeathWorship, so do not be that way, and call it, "OnMath" for now On, and bring REAL PeaceOnEarth during your REAL LIFE to serve and protect ALL PEOPLE EQUALLY by defending all people equally against those whom just don't 'get it,' for they are too 'dumbed-down' by that ThoughtVirus infection of NegativePositive-ism to DO MATH, obviously.

It really is that simple. All the TALKERS muddle that message into incomprehensibility, then censor MY WORDS by knit-picking perceived 'flaws' and ruthlessly hammering the messenger to their hateful positive-cross-signs, their hateful torture-devices of terror, the horrid CrossOfShame/Hate.

Mention it to those infected with the ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism, which declared war against all governments in existence, and they always claim, "martyr-complex/christ-complex/persecution-complex," as a convenient excuse to censor the message and HATE THE MESSENGER THAT HEALS.

Thank you for defending MY WORDS and MY RIGHT to take that 'platform' BACK on behalf of all people EQUALLY.

It's all about Jefferson'sPROMISE, see, that GIFT to all 'people' in existence, the entire HumanityFamily, as embodied in, "Virginia'sGIFT," spelled exactly like that, without spaces between words, the natural evolution of the TimelessMessage, because that gift extends from Virginia to the furthest stars, to all 'people,' equally. Some of you have heard "Virginia'sGIFT" in person, from me to you, personally performed by me to you while you wore the uniform, and literally felt the TimelessMessage touch you to the CORE OF YOUR BEINGS. It is my heartfelt desire to share it with you all, equally, and it is your obligation, your duty, your calling to serve and protect it for all people equally, unto perpetuity.

Remember: -1+1=0, so do not be that way, BE HEALED OF IT, that includes Congress.

Thank you for serving and protecting.

May MY WORDS go with you, ALWAYS.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate (claytOnleOnwintOn/3Ons)
GOG-COC-SAC-TUT-ROR-3Ons, AndMore ...
UniversalTheorem -- OnTime, RU?

OnEdit: this is the only post I will edit in my blog. It's a work-of-art with words/concepts/phrases -- and eventually sound, as I add "TIMELESS" and "Virginia'sGIFT" -- it should be noted, once again, that 3OnsParadigm is my GIFT to my President, for all the HumanityFamily, only he is allowed to direct his team in it's use or to DENY MY WORDS at his discresion. But I encourage it's open and honest discussion, because it provides the MiracleOfUnity, and good people are working hard on that to make it so, including Pope Benedict XVI, whom I wrote it for, for that purpose, to bring PeaceOnEarth not 'off,' to heal humanity, the entire HumanityFamily from the ravages of the ThoughtVirus which DIVIDES.

I've asked for zero compensation and refuse it for doing this. All I've asked for is an opportunity to nurture my own family. It appears as though nothing I want during life is to be realized. Perhaps I should just say, "I hate money! I hate not being mal-nourished! I hate peace! I hate reliable transportation! I hate fine pianos! I hate friends! I hate love!" and I'd probably be an instant millionaire in this TwilightZone molestation of life on earth.

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