Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wyoming Revisited -- RU Thankful?

Wyoming Revisited -- (ORCH_Day821)

After turkey dinner, exercising the dogs, I was told a story by a Wyoming resident, telling me how their home-state is what the country once was. I was told there is a booming economy, and that guns could still be worn. I was then told about a 'free-expression,' how it's a matter of 'free-speech' to tie a 'faggot' to a fence and kill 'it.'

At that exact moment, I felt Vice President, Dick Cheney's heart breaking.

"You're talking about Mattew," I said, "Matt Sheperd."

"You've heard about it?"

"You think it's a matter of free-speech to tie somebody to a fence and kill 'em?"

"You're damned right I do. What would you do if a faggot hit on you?"

"Be flattered and say, 'no thanks.'" I then said there are positive-people that think the same thing about cigarette smokers. "Perhaps they should be tied to fences and killed and we'll call it 'free-speech'?"

I went back in the house, and we played a card-game of sorts, something about 'green-apples' and 'red-apples.' A 'green-card' is placed on the table, introducing a 'concept,' and by word-association, the participants chose one of their 'red-cards' into a pile, where a rotating-judge chose which one most aptly fit the description of the 'green-card.' During one hand, the 'concept' or, 'green-card,' had words to the effect, "extreme." I thought about all those positive-people that think tieing somebody to a fence and killing them is a matter of 'positive-free-speech,' after perversely analyzing privates, figuratively sniffin' their crotch like dogs, an ad hoc doggy-styled crotch-sniff litmus-test to place conditions on one's so-called 'love' for all their so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' and no matter what they find there, these positive-people concoct any excuse to selfishly deny equality and services to others, then have the audacity to blame and claim their victims are 'indecent.'

My 'red-card' word-association was, "going to church."

"Well, think of all those positive-people, enacting HatefulReligiousSupremacy as an excuse to inspire somebody, anybody, to go kill 'negatives,' ruthlessly hammer 'negatives' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, those hateful torture-devices of terror, ideological crucifiXtion, called, 'FigurativeCarpentry,' the epitome of hate, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as nails in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving their entire existence is hate, the religion of hate and god is false/fake, always inspiring somebody to go KILL."

"Like a broken-record, that skips back ..." muttered the 'free-speech' enthusiast.

Nobody needs learn that lesson more, dontchya' think? Whomever reads this? I'd only said portions of the above once before, and suddenly I'm a 'broken-record.' I thought of how many times the so-called 'free-speech-enthusiast' had told that hateful story about tieing somebody to a fence and killing 'it' as a matter of 'free-speech.' Probably quite a few, to many victims, somewhere. I thought of how many times he'd listened to the same, tired, 3-chord songs on the radio, tapping feet, thinking, "One more time!"

But suddenly, I'm a "broken-record that skips back ..."

I WILL NEVER STOP TEACHING THE TimelessMessage, from FirstBreath to LastBreath! And I do make the Vice President PROUD and I'm not even a resident of Wyoming, while his own residents embarrass and shame him with their hatefulness, promoting the same root-ideology of terror that our heroic defenders are sacrificing their very lives serving and protecting all people equally against, globally, to guarantee equal access to opportunities and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness, free of the positive-peoples' terror, all for one and ONCE AND FOR ALL.

You see, that individual learned that positiveness from church-goers in his community. Those 'positive-people' that perversely sniff crotches as an excuse to deny equality and services, thereby dividing communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling 'tribes,' instead of UNITING 'tribes,' communities, families, countries, worlds, in peace -- PeaceOnEarth, not 'off-planet' in a fictional undisclosed location during a fictional 'life' -- a FAKE 'life' -- but during this life on this real Earth, PeaceOnEarth, celebrating diversity and uniqueness, instead of training people to hate it in defiance of the TimelessMessage and our Constitution under Jefferson'sPROMISE.

Well, maybe I don't make the Vice President proud. Maybe he hates me too, like my own family and everybody else. My best-friend in life, for example, punishing me for years with disappearance, without warning, without provocation, endless worry, just the ruthless unsolved-mystery, in hatefulness of me.

I gave thanks today to my country for promoting Jefferson'sPROMISE, globally, and no longer putting women in bondage and people with 'dark-skin' in cages or genociding OriginalPeople. People stared at me like I'm an alien.

The Mormons are people I care for very, very deeply. At BYU-Idaho, during lecture, I gave thanks to my country for promoting Jefferson'sPROMISE, globally, and no longer putting women in bondage and people with 'dark-skin' in cages or genociding OriginalPeople. I was ridiculed and scorned and people openly snickered and laughed.

Same shit, different day.

Every day, we hear the same words from positive-people, "We're not that way anymore! Why are you oppressing me/us!" to FAKE 'victimhood,' when their positive-hatefulness is mentioned, therefore casting-out DISSENTING OPINION and all whom have them as 'heretical/heretics,' as they have ALWAYS DONE.

Broke, in-debt, maxed-out, no food yesterday at all -- today by the graciousness of others -- tomorrow left-overs in a 'doggy-bag,' and after that, I dunno -- endless things to repair due to all the repeated vandalism, including computer-hacking while I'm on-line, access suspended while they mobilize to terror, to infect my 'heaven' with their hateful HELLishness, ORGANIZED-antAGONYisms, ORGANIZED-harassment, terrorized by hate, by people who profit from it, and I'm left wondering if everybody else is claiming 'peace/love/tranquility' while giving thanks for serving and protecting what, exactly? Subtle-hatreds of others in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem and zero integrity, as usual. Your 'tax-dollars' at work.

Your 'donated' dollars defrauded too, so that positive-people go to churches, mosques, synogogues, temples, halls, cathedrals to inspire each other to sniff crotches like DOGS, then go tie 'negatives' to fences, and kill 'it.' Terror.

Why be 'thankful' for THAT?

Only Jews have ever proved to me me equality in hearts, homes, and synogogues, to SHARE and to TEACH. Go figure.

I'm so sorry, Mr. Vice President. Cast-out until perished, by all the positive-people, leaving me dangling by a fragile thread. My optimism sucked-out of me, that 'life-blood' and nurture of economy drained by positive-people, vampires. I did more than 'my best' and nothing is good enough unless it's 'perfect' even though nothing in life is perfect. The double-standards are killing us, dividing us, as I have ALWAYS SAID, our country infiltrated, infected and over-run with it, an AdvancedFirstStrike against it. And they'll all be happy as HELL when I'm dead, no doubt you too, so they may PROFIT, see -- in DeathWorship, as usual -- pimping others and prostituting themselves for sympathy/pity, as usual, in positiveness, as they always have, enjoying their nonstop DIVIDES. They only care about themselves, especially for the social-photo-op'g, back-patting events, to FAKE sympathy/pity while boo-hoo'ing in FAKE 'victimhood,' as usual.

Please be healed of it, all of you ... AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllOfUs/AllThings.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate(HFA/3Ons)

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