Friday, June 04, 2010

Obama's "BlackSmear"

Missionaries Arrested DIVERSION

We've all heard about the Higher-Ed 'credentials' faking being 'missionaries' that attempted to human-traffic some kids from Haiti to pimp 'cuteness' for profit, thumping bibles, taking millions in donations, claiming it was all about the children, boo-hoo, and that it was to 'get some kids, orphans, after the earthquake,' only to find out that NONE WERE ORPHANS, and the parents were bribed, coerced into handing-over their most beloved treasures. These parents were told the most outrageous forms of Higher-Ed mindphukery ever devised as the future of Haiti, the children, were marched-off to photo-ops to defraud MILLIONS in DONATIONS for 'credentials' fame and glory addiction (true definition of 'gluttony').

But guess which REAL missionaries get arrested? Do you know where?

Your SONS AND DAUGHTERS have been sent to 'secure the freedoms' of Higher-Ed conspiring Legislators to devise yet more 'reasonable-sounding' mindphukery to FAKE 'democracy' in Afghanistan, where DISSENT is HATED, along with religious freedom. You will be ARRESTED FOR PROSELETYZING if you share your personal relationship with your Lord and Savior. That's what your sons and daughters are dieing for. State sanctioned Religious intolerance. Not Afghani's -- OURS. They approved every dollar of it -- wrote every manual -- oversight every aspect of the so-called 'new and improved democracy' in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as how many of your sons and daughters to kill-off for the photo-op. It's not about 'liberating' anything other than themselves at everybody else's expense. It's a complete and utter and total miserable-failure, a molestation of freedom, liberty and the original purpose, assignment and mission of the BushTeam in sending troops to the Middle East to begin with.

-- A BLACK SMEAR, to be certain.

And I haven't even discussed the black smear spewing-out of the Gulf.


It's simple. The fastest most efficient, most tried, tested and PROVEN method of stopping uncontrollable oil well blow-outs, on ground, under water or anywhere else. This entire drawn-out spectacle is all about selling more Higher-Ed excuses to increase taxes and controls over life, liberty and pursuits of happiness at the expense of everybody else. Had the oil companies not complied, they'd have been nationalized. Have been THREATENED with nationalization repeatedly.


It's so absurd, the excuses, the photo-op'g claims of 'not meeting deadlines' arbitrarily concocted to 'sound-reasonable' -- it's as stupid as Higher-Ed politiking gets. As is sending the US George Washington to intimidate, harass, and instigate a reaction, provocatively, out of North Korea. Bullying the weakest and meekest, then blaming 'em for attempting to defend themselves.

one BLACK SMEAR after another.

Those hateful conspiring legislators have their scapegoats all in a row, one after another, most conveniently right at the start of the hurricane season when all so-called 'clean-up' efforts will be all-too-conveniently 'interrupted,' and that black smear could very well ruin every beach, every resort and harbor, every economy, Cuba and Mexico included. Considering how much hatred those legislators conspire against Cubans and Mexicans, one must wonder if that's the 'big plan' all along, and 'stain' the first Black President, or as Harry Reid said, "the boy that looks negro but doesn't look or sound like one."

They 'rain-n-s'plain'd' and have so ISOLATED with Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' a good man they will ultimately BLAME for all of it. It's pathetic.

Meanwhile, Higher-Ed 'credentials' will FAKE 'job-growth' and 'economic recovery' statistics by instigating 'disasters,' claiming all those temp minimum-wage jobs are 'proof' of their 'successful leadership.' At last count, it was 22,000 'new jobs' added to as 'clean-up crews' to skew the sad state of unemployment statistics. But hey, a little wiggle of the hose and some fake smiles, and one can whip-up a spreadsheet extrapolating the 'greatest economic recovery and job-growth in history.'

Meanwhile, all the big-ticket 'credentials,' in their hateful 'positiveness,' are pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing perceiving 'flaws,' 'negatives' to hammer against their merciless positive-cross-signs. Any excuse will do. "That minimum-wage worker with no benefits walked right past that feather with a stain of oil on it! Obviously we need more funding for ourselves to re-train every worker -- and more benefits to deal with our stress -- quick, cater-lunch, call a 'crisis-meeting' so we can talk about it -- and get some camera crews in here so we can remind everybody how important and indispensable we are!"

And now, for every foot of water or beach to be worked, Higher-Ed 'credentials' secured funding for twenty careers for themselves. And that's why we're trillions and trillions in debt. It's completely unsustainable and all they do is add to it -- faking 'fixing it -- and will violate anything, do anything and concoct any 'reasonable-sounding' excuse, saying anything, denying it.


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