Monday, June 14, 2010

Thank You BP!

The Perfect War -- Part XXI

Defending The Pope -- Part XIX

"Thank You BP!"

While our hateful conspiring Legislative Branch seeks the MEANs to PR-mindphuk billions more sucking the life-blood out of economy, punishing the people and business with endless paperFAKEwork, surcharges, taxes, fees, fines, hidden costs as add-ons to every product and service, money they've already squandered concocting the greatest debts in existence --

-- while that Higher-Ed cult that only listens to itself, worshiping manuals of contradiction, pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing perceiving 'flaws/negatives' in all human endeavore in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR --

-- the Gulf spill from the Deep Horizon oil platform which was sabotoged, resulting in an explosion that murdered 11 good people, leaving behind a deeply disturbed work crew and management team, and numerous friends and family and beloved co-workers struggling through the horror of grief --

-- has proved Higher-Ed, that so-called 'infallable scientific institution of higher learning,' to be completely wrong on so many levels as to boggle the mind.

Firstly, the tragedy which occurred, there are no 'manuals' to worship as FalseGodsBeforeThee, filled with excuses to claim everybody and everything is 'wrong' and therefore should be punished for 'missing deadlines' and being 'unprepared' and being 'negligent.' No manuals for that. Just as there are no manuals to worship in the event an asteroid struck Washington DC and therefore it's the fault of contracted emergency personnel for 'not being prepared', therefore should be fined, punished, along with medical unions for not immediately having endless 'triage skill sets' all prêt-à-porter according to some manual's arbitrary 'deadline.' Communities are always faced with the same issue when dealing with tragedy, be it Hurricane, such as Katrina in New Orleans, or earthquake, such as Haiti. Every situation, every tragedy is unique, and innovation as it unfolds is the only VALID MANUAL.

-- everything else is just 'cute, fun, exciting, new, improved, cleaner, brighter, whiter' slogans and 'nice thoughts.' Wishful thinking. That's the vast majority of every 'emergency response' dime ever paid to some Higher Ed 'credential' as MAN_DATED by the HOMOtheist Higher-Ed cultists of our hateful conspiring Legislative Branch.

-- (got questions? ask and ye' shall receive. it's truly that simple).

Secondly, Higher-Ed claims the dinosaurs were made extinct by an asteroid striking in the Gulf. They point-out a large crater, claiming it's 'proof,' therefore 'ultimate truth' to be worshiped, teaching kids to be hateful of all whom question, doubt and or DISSENT.

The magnitude of oil spewing from the Deep Horizon gusher invalidates all that Higher-Ed TheoryWorship for the nonsense it truly is. Obviously, a build-up of volatile gasses and other fuels ignited, exploded, causing the crater, modifying climate, possibly contributing to the planet's wobble (most likely).

See, kids are indoctrinated to worship theories, which are called 'theories' because all conclusive FACTS are ABSENT. It's just another 'possible explanation,' and there are many. None are 'truth.' None. Ridiculing and scorning others for not 'worshiping ultimate truth' when we're dealing with theories is as hateful as society can possibly get, and that's what our entire educational system under the Higher-Ed cult has been molested into being. Those are what our most 'state of the art' economic decisions are being based upon: BS. And from a foundation of nonsense, stems the most costly and expensive and life-threatening economic, society and family oriented 'conclusions,' fees and funds for 'studies,' new and old 'credentialing' programs alike. This is why there is only ONE valid manual. It's inherent. And this is why the only valid manual isn't in writing -- because innovation is a GIFT, just like LIFE itself.

All those privatized hospitals need their beds filled with SICK PEOPLE to make a profit, therefore HOPE FOR PLAGUE, or tragedy, or exposure to yet another tainted product that only a Higher-Ed 'genius-expert' credential that nobody can dispute could possibly cook-up in a lab, like melomine in infant formula and pet food.

The more plague, the more flu, the more exposures, job-secures more 'credentials' at the expense of all others, and that's what 'healthcare reform' is truly all about -- selling college degrees, generations of 'em, at taxpayer expense, making them all 'indispensible' by law, all that paperFAKEwork -- concocted, draining resources away from any real human endeavors, human productivity, progress.

Just like diplomats don't want peace, they want to photo-op claiming it until they retire phaaaat. Ask Palestinians. Ask Mexico -- where they know their so-called 'beloved neighbor' hates them and brainwashes the masses to subtly cast them out as 'inferior,' as 'not their kinds of people,' making PAPER of 'higher value' than LIFE itself -- than REAL LIFE -- paper 'more important' than real people -- that's how Higher-Ed concocted a manual to worship where taxpayers fund systems that keep Sgt. Schultz styled 'privates' with weapons at 'checkpoints' checking papers -- and that's exactly what that 15-year old Mexican boy was killed for, PAPERS 'more important' than his PERSON.

-- that teens 'deadly' and 'threatening' deeds? NO PAPERS. The Higher-Ed cult is obfuscating by claiming that kid was throwing rocks. So what? Palestinians throw all kinds of rocks, and Israel's IDF doesn't consider it such a 'life threatning weapon' as to warrant gunning-down 15-year olds. Rubber bullets? sometimes. Water canon? Sometimes. Only our own Higher-Ed cult would concoct such hatefulness, then an excuse to BLAME THEIR VICTIMS, then single-out the scape-goats they sent to KILL to take the 'heat', as usual.

-- that's what Higher-Ed 'diplomacy' bought for you -- what you bought with the taxes and fees extorted out of you by them. That's what it bought. Shit.

Thirdly, it's the contradictions, and the endless obfuscations, smoke and mirrors as some say -- 'politicking' as some others say, claiming one thing, doing another, then saying it's not the 'same' thing and it's not a 'double standard' -- even after endlessly accusing others and punishing others for it -- so it is such a thing if you do it, but when they do, it's 'something else' and it's 'entirely unrelated' and if you make a point out of it, then they hatefully brand you with a SCARLET LETTER for dissenting, claiming you are 'cognative dissassociative' therefore 'not their kinds of people.' And if that label doesn't work, they'll 'invent' another in five-minutes -- or five-days after catering lunch and talking about it at your expense, repeatedly, as usual.

The Bishop Stood Before The Murder Weapon

The Bishop stood before the ancient symbol of murder, that hateful positive-cross-sign, symbolic and representative of cult-mentality, of crusade-mentality, where somebody instigates a form of mass-hysteria, subtly sometimes, teaching everybody to declare themselves 'positive' and pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws/negatives' in others, brainwashing the masses to HATE others, thusly DIVIDING communities, parishes, teams, families, countries, worlds into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes' through PeaceOnEarth as commanded (or at least desires) --

-- standing in front of the symbol of hateful DIVIDES, representative of how 'positives' crusade against all they IMAGINE to be 'negative,' concocting excuses to DENY EQUALITY to others, be it about age, or education, or size, shape, color of skin or clothes or nose, ears or eyes or transportation, friends or associates or jobs, medical issues or relationship issues, intimacy or lack thereof -- that ancient symbol, that ancient reminder, of you hatefully being branded a 'negative' and hammered ruthlessly against crusading 'positives' merciless positive-cross-sign, using the points of their hypocritical forked-tongues as nails (for they demand forgiveness and compassion and justice and equality for themselves while concocting excuses to deny it to you and others) --

-- standing in front of that ancient symbol which the Roman Catholic Church promised to uphold the TIMELESS MESSAGE of unity unto eternity on behalf of all people equally --

-- standing in front of that sacred CONCEPT, the bishop said, "Just be positive!"

No shit.

Traveled from afar, at the expense all of whom donated money from the goodness of their hearts, to help the poor, feed the hungry, assist the elderly and the ill, provide needs to the victims of those stricken by tragedy and/or grief --

-- and told them all to 'just be positive,' with the blood from that merciless positive-cross-sign clearly visible on the hands and feet of the symbolic 'negative' hammered against it, viewable over the Bishop's shoulder, figuratively dripping down all over YOU.

And that's exactly why the Pope can't 'cool it down.'

That's exactly why the Pope Benedict the XVI is stymied in attempting to resolve the issues the Church faces, 'sex abuse' scandals inclusive and so much more.

And that's exactly why the tragedy which occurred in the Gulf, the loss of life and the families grieving, and all those impacted by all that, is being ignored, unresolved, endless BLAME as a WEAPON of DIVERSION in HATRED of TRUTH.

Explosives need be used to collapse the well casing, several hundreds of feet below the seabed, where the 'relief-well' should have been dug directly next to the gushing well, sealing-off the gusher with mega-tons of highly pressurized mud. A torpedoe or two could do it. So would a bunker-buster nuke. Maybe two. Maybe more. But one thing is certain, the death of tourism, sport and commercial fishing, wildlife, along the Mexican, Cuban and U.S. Gulf Coast, is far more costly than a global effort to deal with a possible 'asteroid strike' scenario in the event of the entire Gulf exploding.

Thirdly, the magnitude of oil gushing proves Higher-Ed is way-off in it's estimates of oil reserves to begin with. Obviously, for that amount of oil to spew, (and it already spewed 140,000,000 gallons from a related reserve on the Mexican side of the Gulf years ago) -- for that magnitude of oil to spew-out, then geology, geo science and so much more about Higher-Ed's worshiped manuals and education needs some very serious REEVALUATION, including fines, fees and impact statements which ultimately is the 'price' paid by WeThePeople.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

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