Sunday, May 28, 2006

RCH-Day270 (Conversations With Mary)

Very thoughtful responses, MaryS47. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Those responses by some that call you 'stupid' are merely voodoo-projecting their own inner-hatred for themselves, outward, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves 'feel/look better' about themselves by denigrating you/others. This is trained behavior. It's called, "FigurativeCarpentry," -- cricifiXtion -- declaring yourself 'positive' and hatefully labeling all others 'negative' and hammering them ruthlessly to one's own self-made, merciless 'positive-cross-sign' in so-called 'positive-goodness.' It's a DECEPTION, of course -- the voodoo-projection of one's own inner hate, outwards, against others, like I said, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self 'look/feel' SUPERIOR.

HatefulReligiousSupremacy is the name of that. No spaces between these words -- to make sure they are never taken out-of-context.

The moment these personality types, brainwashed via DECEPTION, are told that their proselytizing is terrorizing, harrassing, and unappreciated, they loft themselves on self-made victim stages and say, "Oh! I'm a victim! I'm oppressed! My religious freedom is being denied by hateful people! Boo-hoo!" -- nonstop FigurativeCarpentry, see. They never stop. It's trained behavior -- and it's GROSS. DeathWorship -- because declaring yourself 'positive' in order to hate and cast-out 'negatives' in so-called 'positive-goodness' is the formula for HOLOCAUST -- and that is the most important VulgarLesson taught to all of us by the one commonly referred to as 'jesus' in THIS language, i.e., "unconditonal love, not 'conditional' to DIVIDE and HATE in so-called 'positive-goodness,' but UNCONDITIONAL."

You asked about why I said Mary CREATED a son in her womb, you having stated "immaculate conception." Well, all animals are CREATED in wombs. There has NEVER been an acception. And there has NEVER been an 'evil' baby born, nor will there be, EVER. Nobody walks on water -- NOBODY, and that's the point of the lesson regarding 'water walking,' that it is IMPOSSIBLE, and 'aspiring' to do the IMPOSSIBLE is the formula for learning how to hate yourself because you can't do it.

The tsunami in Indonesia and the Hurricane (Katrina) in New Orleans were vivid reminders of what humans do in water: DROWN.

How many reminders do humans need?

In the same regard, every animal ever to breathe, was CREATED in a womb. The process is very simple -- you know how it is done -- what is required. The reason Mary couldn't show her face and was DENIED basic human services -- compassion -- was because she was involved in a beautiful love-affair and she was 'not your kind of people.' HATED for her LOVE.

She was too young ... her skin was the 'wrong color' ... her religion was the 'wrong religion' ... her love was 'not your kind of love' ... her family was 'not your kind of family' ... and she was CAST OUT, denied compassion afforded everybody else, DiscriminHated for breathing in 'not your kind of ways.'

"you' is figurative ... I am talking about 'society's ways' ... how many young women do you know that get pregnant and are SHAMED for being female? For breathing? Denied acceptence? Discriminated - Hated, DiscriminHated against for being involved in 'unapproved love?'


And nobody walks on water -- and nobody gives virgin birth. FACT OF LIFE. Attempting to 'aspire' to do the impossible is the formula for self-hatred, to brainwash people into hating themselves, to perform nonstop FigurativeCarpentry against 'negatives', hammering 'negatives' to so-called 'positive-cross-signs' -- crucifiXtion -- in their so-called 'positive-goodness,' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to be 'look/feel better' -- SUPERIOR.

HatefulReligiousSupremacy is the name of that, EXACTLY.

So don't be that way -- because society IS, and it's gross. And that is the beautiful, most important lesson, VulgarLesson of LIVING, that Mary, Joseph and her son taught all of humanity -- every human on the planet forevermore -- the entire HumanityFamily.