Saturday, December 10, 2005

Day101-ResusCitateHumanity (ChurchHATESethics)

Church HATES Ethics
(December 10, 2005)

(Note: Ignore typos/spellings/etc., as these are merely tiny elements of a bigger message, latched-onto by so-called 'positive' people to HATE the messenger, thus ignoring the message, in their so-called 'goodness,' thereby hammering the messenger ruthlessly to the merciless CrossOfShame).

Church HATES Ethics

The First Amendment protects religion to discriminately CENSOR FreedomOfSpeech, freedom of press, freedom of expression, books, tv, radio, magazines, pictures, posters, music, dance, art, libraries, schools, education, medicine, research, industry, business, economy, thus life itself. Church is NOT a democracy, and never has been.

Every government that has ever existed had to LIBERATE ThePeople from the clutches of religious tyranny, holding an MONOPOLY on all HumanServices, specifically science, education, music, arts, and medicine. Any and all whom challenged the monopoly on HumanServices was figuratively hammered, ruthlessly, to the merciless CrossOfShame. Anybody could be a 'jesus' at any moment in history. Even now, today.

People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) is attempting to REDUCE HARM on the planet, both to animals and humans alike, a benefit to all of Humanity. The religious HATE ethics, hates PETA, hates ethical treatment of animals and all of Humanity alike. The largest FOR-PROFIT corporate-conglomerates are CONTROLLED behind the veil of secret-disclosure under Federal Tax 501-3(c) regulations governing not-for-profit RELIGIONS. That is why the largest beef ranches in the world have ties to Churches. That is why the largest food-distribution grocery-chains are owned by Churches. And not-for-profit religions hold controlling interest in the FOR-PROFIT corporate-conglomerates of thousands of radio and TV broadcast networks and franchises. MEDIA itself.

Obviously, all religions conspire together to HATE ethics, and concoct international media hate-campaigns against all whom attempt LIBERATION from the millennial-old monopolization of Human Services, globally. These For-Profit corporate-conglomerates, controlled behind the secretive veils of not-for-profit religions, lobby government, concoct hate-campaigns against Public Servants 'not in their favor,' and literally tyrannize the Public Servants of "WeThePeoples more perfect Unions," thus holding them hostage by the terror of hateful public-smear campaigns to blame/shame and hammer them by ones and twos, ruthlessly, to the merciless CrossOfShame for not goose-stepping in lock-step with the edicts of religious tyranny.

I have charged every religion on the planet with Crimes Against Humanity. Meanwhile, PETA must re-prioritize it's IDENTIFICATION OF INFILTRATED DESTABILIZERS, the oldest trick of the CrossOfShame to undermine 'competitors.' PETA's concern is reducing harm, not declaring war on families. In order to encourage less harm, PETA needs focus on the LIBERATION from the religious tyranny that holds science and stem-cell, life-saving gene-therapies and research hostage, that will one day grow 'turkey-vines' and 'buffalo-trees,' as well as CURE blindness, baldness, cancers, AIDS and AGING itself.

Religion thrives on misery -- Religion is the concocted pessimistic 'glass-half-empty' view that life is so miserable, a new one 'off-planet' in a fictional universe must be 'believed' in order to perform escapism from this one. The same escapisms that religion hates, and hates those whom recreate using drugs and 100% Natural Medicines and Plants, thus religion is the ultimate HATE-machine against ETHICAL BEHAVIORS. That is why religion's 'leaders' very publicaly HATE PETA and ETHICS, teaching and preaching "HowToBeMean," instead.

Any media hate campaign against people for treating animals and humans ethically is obviously antiETHICS. And it is today's 'religious' that conspire together to HATE PETA. Have there been some members that have done outrageous things? Sure have. Bought-n-paid for compliments of the CrossOfShame. But the numbers in Church that KILL are billions of times greater, meanwhile, every religious member will claim their religion is about 'love,' proving ZERO INTEGRITY.

If you do NOT support PETA, then you HATE ETHICS. It's that simple. Instead of hating those whom are attempting to reduce harm on the planet, while claiming your religion is used by a 'few radicals' to 'justify their means,' thereby excusing your own religious-HATE for uniqueness, diversity, freedom and ETHICS, start supporting Freedom Of Speech, EQUALITY, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness in WeThePeoples' more perfect Union, where we strive to treat each and all entities with love, compassion and ETHICAL TREATMENT and thereby REDUCE HARM.

Kind Regards,
claytOnleOnwintOn - TheManWith3BackwardsNo'sInHisName
OnTime - RU?

Friday, December 09, 2005

Day100-ResusCitateHumanity (MindsThatKill)

(Friday, December 9, 2005)

(note: ignore misspellings/typos/etc., I don't have time for your excuses to HATE the messenger, thereby ignore the message.)

Within the bell-curve of educational evaluation, the MEAN is a broad range of 'averages,' designated by grades A-F. These are the 'MEAN' results. Our entire educational-system is designed around exactly that.

In schools, those that do not fit within the MEAN are HATED. Therefore, an form of Intellectual-Discrimination that goes BOTH WAYS.

The only conceivable 'excellence' within the MEAN are those whom repeat the formula-matic teachings of 'rote-learning' better than the others. To learn 'by rote' means the literal recitation of what is programmed. Therefore, the 'best' are those whom repeat soundbites 'better.' They get 'A's. The 'worst' are those whom do not repeat soundbites very well at all. They get 'F's. The entire system, however, is NOT 'all-inclusive,' and some cannot function in it at all.

Within this system, the MEAN hate differences, discriminating amongst themselves by grade-scores. It's a bell-curve of EXCLUSION where the 'lower-scores' are hated by the 'higher-scoring' and discriminated against by those with the 'best-grades within the MEAN. Outside of that microcosm of 'evaluation,' are other levels of intelligence alltogether, literally INCONCEIVABLE within the MEAN.

At first glance, to the those with 'higher-scores' from within the MEAN, the obvious 'others,' those whom are disfunctional within the MEAN, are those too 'inferior' to score at all. It is literally inconceivable to the MEAN that a lack of scoring, or 'poor' scores, could, in some instances, have NOTHING TO DO with either 'low-IQ' OR 'genetic mental-disability.' Only those with obvious mental-challenges, such as brain-damage, are EVER observed as being 'dysfunctional' by the 'higher-scoring' within the MEAN.

The methodology to evaluate IQ, therefore, is designed to produce results only within the microcosm of the MEAN. However, highly active and intelligent entities that 'fail' within the confines of the MEAN-microcosm, will also be discriminated and HATED, thus displaying the same disfunction as those with obvious brain-damage. Either way, the 'highest-scoring' within the MEAN discriminate against BOTH.

There are other forms of intelligence. And intellectual-discrimination extends OUTWARD, in all directions from within the MEAN.

Maybe the reason you didn't do well in an structured learning environment was because in reality, you were on an intellectually 'higher-level' than those trapped within the MEAN whom goose-step in lock-step to the repetative spewing of soundbites? It's completely unnatural, after all. And learning how to 'think' in those CagesOfThought is fundamentally uncomfortable on the most 'basic-instinctual' level.

After all, it's those within the MEAN whom are literally the meanest and the FIRST to claim they think 'outside-the-box,' while simultaneously concocting excuses to reduce the MEAN and HATE differences and opposition to themselves.

Well, think outside 'your other box,' and stop spewing soundbites on command. An excellent example are language-instructors with 'higher-learning' degrees. We all communicate just fine, but those with the highest-scores within the MEAN will knit-pick ANYONE's words, misspellings, typose, useage as an excuse to dismiss, ignore and HATE the messenger while ostracizing the message.

If you've ever read letters from the Founding Fathers, you will see a wide range of misspellings and 'improper-language.' If you wrote or attempted to communicate in the same manner, todays 'experts' would HATE YOU for it, proving they have ZERO INTEGRITY.

We all know there are dictionaries and encyclopedias. Memorizing every utterance of those books does NOT prove intelligence; On the contrary, memorizing every utterance DOES prove the lack thereof.

Spewing soundbites in lock-step only displays an incredible lack of self-evaluative skills and independent learning. Chances are, they said you were 'dumb' or 'of average intelligence,' when you were really a genius, discriminated against, intentionally held-back in life, your fate molded, killing your mind, by those whom deliberately hated you for not being MEAN.

You're much better than that, every human on the planet, LISTEN UP! By your own examples, the MEAN will be shown that their 'positive' outlook is nothing more than an excuse to HATE and ruthlessly hammer 'not their kind of people' to the merciless CrossOfShame for having thoughts that are 'outside-of-their-tiny-box.' Liberate your mind from HATE and intolerance to uniqueness.

Kind Regards,
claytOnleOnwintOn - TheManWith3BackwardsNo'sInHisName
OnTime - RU?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Day93-ResusCitateHumanity (DearIraqiPeople)

Dear Iraqi People:
(December 2, 2005)

WARNING: Here in the United States, 'democracy' for many is: being jailed for exercising the liberty and freedom of getting food, medicine, animal feed, or taking a sick child to see a doctor. This is not satire, but brutal-honesty ("BrutalHonesty"), and it's about time you had some.

(December 2, 2005)
An Open Letter To The People Of Iraq

Dear Iraqi People;

Here in the United States, the poor are discriminated against and vociferously hated by those whom declare themselves 'positive-people.' These same positive-people also ignore all complaints, then label anybody with a complaint as being "disgruntled, insane, subversive" or worse. Oftentimes, the 'positive-people' then recommend and sometimes force those with complaints to take medications that make them blubber in the corner, thus dismissing, ignoring and hating them as 'not their kind of people.'

If you are poor, laws have been passed forcing you to buy private products, thus making you even poorer. An example is mandatory auto-insurance. Those with expensive cars crash often, and the repairs are half-a-years pay for a poor person. Those whom drive expensive cars lobbied the 'democratic' government and forced the poor to buy insurance to pay for repairs on the expensive crashes that cost ten-times the value of an poor persons' car.

If a poor person, with a perfect driving record, even driving an old vehicle, cannot afford to buy this private-product by law, mandatory auto-insurance, they are heavily fined. The time-period allowed to resolve the issue is too-short for those on low or fixed-incomes. If they do not pay the fine within this short time-frame, the poor, the elderly or the disabled with fixed-incomes have their driving privileges revoked. If the poor, elderly, low-income, single person, single-parent, unemployed or disabled person lives far from services, far from towns or cities, they must drive anyway, even after having their licenses taken, in order to feed themselves, to buy food, animal feed, go to work, get medicine or see a doctor. They are even forced to drive to the Court! Then, the authorities seize their vehicle from them. Cops 'profile' old cars on the roads for that exact reason. Discrimination! And the authorities do not care, blinded by their discriminatory hatred for the poor. If a citizen speaks out, the authorities concoct any excuse to take their income from them too, sometimes removing them from their own property, their very homes by force, and then seizing it from them as well, the authorities relishing in the misery and agony. Why else would they do it, over and over and repeated so often?

In order to exercise some form of LIBERATION and FREEDOM, the poor, whom have been waged war against, often become entrapped by authoritarian circumstances, then, they either run in panic, or shoot a police-officer in an effort to FREELY purchase food for their families, or buy medicine, or take a sick child to see a doctor, or care for their pets or farm-animals. There is no address nor redress of grievance(s), the poor having been locked-out of any possibilities at hiring an attorney, and the hastles and time too costly. Court-appointed "Public Defenders" are meaningless, as they only affirm the discriminatory circumstances after-the-fact, after the oppressive tyranny has caged freedom. In desperation, some rob and steal, like Hugo's Jean Valjean, the character in 'Les Miserable,' dungeoned for having broke a window and stolen a loaf of bread, prior to the French Revolution.

Politicians and judges uphold these discriminatory, warmongering laws. They put cops in the middle, getting killed and killing citizens, and don't care about it at all, because the prison-dungeons make money for them. They call it 'economic stimulus' while taking bribes in the form of 'campaign contributions' from prison-contractors while forcing the Tax-payer to pay, concocting the largest national debt in the history of the world. These politicians and judges live in majesty while conspiring more and more excuses to seize the assets of 'WeThePeople,' deducting from our so-called 'more perfect Union,' by ones and twos, more and more to throw in their dungeons. A so-called 'citizen-initiative,' mandatory auto-insurance unconstitutionally discriminates against the poor, the disabled, the downtrodden, the sick, the unemployed, the low-wage earners, the elderly, the single-parents, yet supported by those whom bribe politicians, the same politicians whom could fix it instantly, but only make excuses to keep taking bribes instead of liberating a single life.

This is the 'democracy' and 'liberation' the United States is forcing upon The People of Iraq today. Tyranny, endless-suffrage in the perpetual "WarAgainstThePeople." The military, or 'police' -- take your pick (same thing) -- are everywhere and trained to be mean, to shoot first, and blame the victims later -- JUST LIKE YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOODS NOW. Nearly 3/4's of this country's population claim to be religious, Christianity specifically, so when the military/police drag the murdered poor person's body-bag to the morgue, or if captured, into prison wearing chains and orange-jumpsuits, it's shown proudly on the evening news so the good Christians can laugh and scorn them. Church is not a democracy, only a license to discriminate, censor and hate 'not their kind of people.' Your so-called 'new liberated democracy' is an mirror image of this, only the name of the religion is changed.


Again, here in the United States the poor are hated and discriminated against. If you do not have expensive clothing, you are belittled and scorned. Some businesses and restaurants, and even the private homes of families will kick you to the curb depending upon what you wear. Our so-called elected 'representatives' will not allow a poor person, in their normal clothing, to enter their public offices. And if they did, it would be for a photo-op moment, but the concerns of such a poor person would be dismissed the moment the cameras stopped rolling.

If you do not live in an expensive house, you are ridiculed and made out to be a fool by those whom do. Therefore, it can be likened to "Neighborhood-Discrimination," an concocted excuse to hate 'not their kind of people.' If you do not have an expensive education, reserved for the few, your words are discriminated against and meaningless. Therefore, "Education-Discrimination," an concocted excuse to hate 'not their kind of people.' And if you do not have a nice car, people openly scowl and laugh at you. You can call that, "Auto-Discrimination," another concocted excuse to hate, 'not their kind of people.'

The so-called 'good-people' and so-called 'positive-people' spy on every neighbor and are only concerned with how much money they make, where they live, what they own, what they drive, what is in their private medical files, and what they do in the privacy of their own homes and bedrooms. I call it "CrotchWorship" and "BoobWorship," because discrimination against anatomical differences is a favorite 'American past-time' of hatred, gossip being the ugly manifestation of hate. These same people hypocritically have long lists of words that they often use themselves, however if a poor person does so, then they are hated as being 'not their kind of people' for having exercised their freedom of speech, or lack thereof. These same 'protectors of freedom' in the so-called 'land of no censorship' support laws to fine people for using certain words on their 'list of words to be censored from free-speech.'

They even have scientific theories and religious theories, both however, are to be religiously adhered, believed, worshiped, and anyone that disagrees with any of them are hated, labeled with derogatory terms and ostracized. Nearly a third of the population is on behavior-modification drugs. But natural plants are hated, and the use of ancient medicinal herbs is another concocted excuse to war against you and your family. These same plants tied every sail on every ship in history, made the clothes and paper for books, yet the farmers and families that grew it were killed off and anyone continuing this ancient practice is thrown in the dungeon, their assets seized first. This natural and renewable resource, Hemp fiber, could build houses for the poor, but like I said, the poor are hated and the 'positive-people' prefer stealing their assets and throwing them in dungeons.

Even those whom are 'acceptable' to the 'positive-people,' here in the United States, if they do not share the exact same opinions, act the same, behave the same, and repeat the same soundbites, if they deviate from sameness in any way, then they are ruthlessly hammered to the merciless CrossOfShame for being different or unique. Church is not a democracy, and neither is TheoryWorship.

The Judges wear executioner-black while offering nothing but excuses and meaningless platitudes to 'justify' their means. Any and all whom do not goose-step in lock-step with their horrific DeathWorship, is ruthlessly hammered to the merciless CrossOfShame in their "GenocideOfDissent." We have the largest prison population on the planet. The United States itself has only 4.6% of the population of earth but 22.5% of the entire planet's prisoners. Dungeons. Make no mistake about it, these are dungeons, and they are over-flowing. Sex-abuse, torture unto itself, affects 1-in-10 of those in the dungeons, and some will contract disease and die, therefore a DeathWarrant, for being poor. Debtors prison with a 'twist.' Any whom speak out, if their incomes are derived from the only governmental program in history to make money, the Human Service ("HumanServices") of Social Security Insurance, which is not part of Income Taxes at all, but an insurance premium alone -- if they receive funds from this insurance Trust Fund for any reason, their exercising of FreedomOfSpeech targets them as 'dissenters,' and the government concocts ANY excuse to take their livelihoods away by stopping their incomes, thus killing them, slowly and 'softly.'

Dear People Of Iraq, I'd wish you good luck, but it's an over-sold word. Your 'liberty' is that of the Palestinians. I did not endorse the military police-action in your country. I have spoken against it from long before it was even a thought. In fact, I find it repulsive, hypocritical, and nothing more than DeathWorshiping Genocide. After all, that is what's happening here in the US too, and it's hushed-up in the controlled media, just as your media is now controlled and 'played' utilizing PsyOps and the Lincoln Group in an Pentagon bought-and-paid-for $100,000,000.00 propaganda blitzkrieg of DeathWorship. I'm sorry to have ever endorsed a single politician with a single vote. Every moment they sit and talk, holding meeting after meeting to talk more and do nothing, another person is killed by their own laws and their own inaction to correct the laws of hate they themselves made. I'm sorry to have ever supported a single religion, for it is religions that support this DeathWorship the most. I'm sorry to have ever paid a single penny of my tax-dollars that support this corrupt genocide against you and yours.

In order to resolve this situation in your budding democracy, religion must be expunged from the government and all public places need be religious FREE zones, while not infringing upon the freedoms of those whom wish to go to their respective zones to practice a religion that discriminately-censors and thusly hates 'not their kind of people.' The moment it infects government, your poor, your sick, your downtrodden, your disabled, your elderly are waged war against and hated. These religious fearmongers formulate hate-groups to lobby government and force laws to discriminate against all others, holding public servants hostage to their hatred for uniqueness by hiding behind the masked status of an not-for-profit religion, while pulling the strings of thousands of for-profit corporate conglomerates and media franchises. Religion has concocted, "PsychoSociety," an perpetual "ManicMonday," endless-suffrage, the very definition of HELL. Even those whom are happy are made miserable by such concocted excuses to be hated.

I am the "HumanityFamilyAdvocate," advocating for equality, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and peace on earth ("PeaceOnEarth") for every human on the planet, not 'off' in some fictional life in a fictional place, but here on this planet during this life, PeaceOnEarth. Such things are hated by politicians and judges in the US government as they coddle-up to and are held hostage by religion, as they have forced institutionalized religious discrimination into the fabric of the USan society. Soon after adopting their own Constitution, Senators passed an Amendment that protects Church to discriminately censor Freedom Of Speech, music, clothes, books, education, science, research, life-saving medicine, farmers' crops, entertainments, economy, thus life itself, lofting the selfish wants of politicians and Churches first while hating and discriminating against all others and pitting neighbor against neighbor. This is the formula for this country's prisons/dungeons, now an exported global crisis of 'too good to hate,' compliments of religious-hatred, yours too.

The failure to remedy, or any further training, participation, support, funding or the participation in the fining or forfeitures or seizures or dungeoning of WeThePeople for failure to buy private-products, or exercising freedom of speech, or the ancient practice of cultivating or using 100% natural plants for any reason, is none other than declaring yourself an ENEMY OF the Constitution, the Union, WeThePeople, life and nature itself, proving hate for life and family, and your own lust for DeathWorship. On behalf of every human, I command politicians and judges to fix it, or resign and disband for the good of WE THE PEOPLE immediately. You are supposed to be liberating, not killing. And for those in your dungeons and/or those whose property you have seized, return it at once. Religion is the deception, an concocted excuse to organize hate-groups and undermine the government.

(-)And(+)Equals HATE/Nothing/Death/Deathworship. Negative and positive are properties of a few tiny elements within a vast universe, but when a group forms, calling themselves 'positive,' thus formulating an 'PositiveKingdom' from which to label 'negatives,' they have concocted an excuse to HATE 'not their kind of people. Violence is a matter of Public Safety, paperwork is not. Violent offenders need be confined as a matter of Public Safety, non-violent offenders do not. We are all in this life together, on this planet together. We must put away our excuses to hate and fix it, thereby bringing PeaceOnEarth for real.

Politicians and religions, LET MY PEOPLE GO! STOP TALKING -- ACT!

Kind Regards,
OnTime - RU?

Friday, November 25, 2005

Day86-ResusCitateHumanity (Killing Religions)

There will never be peace on earth with religion.

One field within the vast solution of my UniversalTheorem has PROVED this fact. Here is a simple outline, something different for all to ponder:

(-)And(+)Equals HATE/Nothing/Death/DeathWorship ... and'negative/positive' are merely properties of a few tiny elements within a vast universe, but when applied to humans are nothing more than excuses concocted to discriminate against 'not your kind of people,' an reflection of one's inner-hatred for themselves, by labeling and ignoring others in an pathetic attempt at making themselves 'feel better.'

In a crisis, there are no beliefs, only action. When suffering, it matters not what your helpers' beliefs nor politics nor sexual-orientations nor skin-colors, nor genders may or may NOT be AT ALL.

Religion 'authorizes' the individual to discriminate against those whom may have or may one day save the very LIFE of your loved one, perhaps you. This is absolute PROOF that religion is a concoction to HATE.

Even scientific theories, not facts, hypothesis and theories, are used by some to discriminate against those whom do not believe their theories (TheoryWorship). Senator Arlen Spector's 'single-bullet-theory' to explain JFK's assassination is one example.

Even spiritualism, is an excuse to discriminate and hate those 'not spiritual enough for you.'

Equality is NONE OF THAT. Nor is freedom.

We are all in this life together, not a fictional life 'later' or 'after' this one, but this life we are currently living. PeaceOnEarth, not 'off' in a fictional place during a fictional life, but this planet, during the life we are currently living. Only religion prevents that, declaring a fictional 'heaven' that discriminates.

Heaven does not discriminate/hate (DiscriminHate), YOU DO. Therefore, Heaven must be built OnEarth, not 'off' in a fictional place during a fictional life, but here on the planet, during this life. Only a fictional 'heaven' would be total 'sameness,' where all uniqueness has been exterminated in a final battle to genocide against 'not your kind of people,' so you may bow down before the Blandness-King.

There has never been an 'evil' baby born, ever. We are trained to hate by religions. The UniversalTheorem kills religious zealotry. It also frees and liberates the international economies to prosper and thrive, uplifting all life and brings PeaceOnEarth.

The MeaningOfLife IS NURTURE, period. Nurture is natural, DiscriminHate is NOT, merely an excuse to HAMMER another ruthlessly in shame and blame to the merciless CrossOfShame.

Be liberated to live LIFE, utilizing the ONE SOLUTION, the 'universal field theorem,' or, "UniversalTheorem," with this tiny equation from the 'humanity field,' called, 'Brutal Honesty,' as shown above, and remember we are all BelovedNeighbors, globally, universally.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton
(claytOnleOnwintOn - HumanityFamilyAdvocate)
OnTime - RU?

Day86-ResusCitateHumanity (Obfuscations)

Security is difficult. It is perhaps one of those pesky little issues that keeps many awake at night, wondering what 'flaws' may exist and/or which 'threats' are valid and which are the products of misinformation.

I speak TRUTHS. When speculating, or giving opinions, I clearly distinguish between the two. Clarifications are SIMPLE, and one may ask. That said, "no comment," is not missing from my vocabulary.

Opinions change, moment by moment, and if they do not, then we are talking about false belief-systems, the trap which sucks a person into the gravity-wells of microcosmic-analysis, while the entire universe slides on by.

Do not confuse speculation, formulated and thus changing opinions, and beliefs. Therefore, trust your five-senses, and your mind will automatically evolve and update with knowledge. Only belief-systems, religion, is inflexable, or so it says, but historically we all know that is a LIE.

I have included and attached to these blogs a series of 'novels.' These are an 'work-in-progress,' but outline the DECEPTION, and how it affects government, society, global economy and every family and human on the planet. Do not think for one instant that I am an 'author living in a fictional-reality of my own creation.' That said, perhaps that would be a good 'obfuscating cover-story?' Well, rest assured I hide NOTHING and deceive NO ONE.

Theories are just that, theories, and therefore 'possibilities,' not FACTS. Many people confuse the meaning, and therefore are not thinking in rational terms, turning 'theories' into belief-systems of irrationality, therefore ignoring LIFE, while fixating on the obfuscational ideaology of 'fictional-living.' And these are the people, under the delusion of deceptive-reasoning, that will be the first to label, to accuse, to harrass, to despise, to HATE and rumormonger and ruthlessly HAMMER any/all whom do not goose-step in lock-step with their distorted-reality to the merciless CrossOfShame. Any excuse is concocted, thus displaying their own inner-hatred for themselves, lashed outward toward others with labels of intolerance and differences, discriminatory-censorships to ignore others in an pathetic attempt at making themselves 'look better' or 'feel better' about their own hated selves.

I am constantly reminded of this TRUTH, that disagreement with the delusion of belief-systems, religion specifically, will result in ostracization by so-called 'positive-people' and 'good-people,' in their 'concern' for seriptitious psuedo/proxy replacements of their own inner-hatred. In TRUTH, it has nothing to do with kindness and concern for the individual in question AT ALL. Religion is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, after all, to discriminately-censor FREEDOM OF SPEECH. These are the 'religiously-inspired' that hate speech, words, wording, phrases, sentence-structures, clothes, music, expressives, TV/radio, publishers ... ANY EXCUSE WILL DO, to shame/blame 'not their kind of people' and hammer them to the merciless CrossOfShame, in their 'goodness,' under the guise of 'concern,' and the blatant disregard for government, economy and HumanServices.

So, to the 'good-people' whom I do NOT goose-step in lock-step with their 'goodness,' I am rejected, and any word, typo, misspelling, CHANGING/EVOLVING OPINION, thought, discussion, moment-in-time, anything-at-all will suffice for them to exercise their HATE for uniqueness, differences, diversity, the basic components of all life itself, and hammer me ruthlessly to the merciless CrossOfShame for breathing.

You're next. And you. Even you over there. You too. Nobody is spared. Disagree once, or offer an counter-opinion, or live uninhibited for a single moment, and you are forevermore HATED by these so-called 'good-people' whom use differences and uniqueness as the excuse to exercise their inner-hatred for themselves by labeling and shaming/blaming those different than themselves. Then, in their 'goodness,' they even do it to each and every member of their own families.

Global Crisis. That's exactly where we are AT right NOW.

In the United States, there was a National HOLYday (holiday) yesterday. A day of 'thanks.' What was 'thanked' EXACTLY? Well, while some version of 'thankfulness' was given for family, friends and prosperity, those whom are 'different' were hated. It was a national day of 'Thankfulness' for the ChristianCollective to continue their discriminatory-hatreds. Religious or NOT, this is our system, and we are TRAINED to goose-step in lock-step, spewing repetative soundbites, unthinkingly, or be hammered to the CrossOfShame for breathing. Resistence is futile.

Or is it?

In the news, the Republicans are calling those whom disagree with war/killing/death, "insane."
Elements within the Republican party are calling supporters that put them there, "insane."
Democrats are calling Republicans, "insane."
Republicans are calling Democrats, "insane."
Outsiders and members of either party are calling people in the Whitehouse, "insane."
Whitehouse spokespeople are calling the media and members of their own government, "insane."

Of course, for mentioning the above, or mentioning ANYTHING AT ALL, regardless of wordage, some of these 'good-people' call me, "insane."

PsychoSociety, no doubt about it.

That's what religion does. An Chinese government-spokesman last week, mentioned this fact, that religion historically infects, destabilizes and eventually rots a society from the inside, outward. In response, people in the United States labeled this view, "mis-guided." We are talking about HISTORICAL FACTS, not fantasy, but somehow these 'righteously-good people' are so heavily deceived that reality and delusion are confused. In China, religion is therefore strictly controlled. It is a Religion-Free-Zone, countrywide, but you have the FREEDOM to go do your 'religious-hatreds' in specific locations.

We need adopt these same policies, globally. We need adopt this FACT OF LIFE and LEARN for once, instead of ignore, the oldest society on earth and the Vulgar Lessons which they have learned.

President Bush went there, China, and observed and discussed this exact thing. In the US, the ChristianCollective's media-networks and franchises, literally thousands of stations and broadcast-mediums, an 'hive-mind,' put 'positive-spin' on this historic meeting to claim, "President Bush forced President Hu Jintao to accept Christian PROMOTIONALS!"

Nonsense. The President went to a specific 'zone' where a person is free to be religious. Just like in the United States where people go to specific 'zones' where they can drink alcohol; specific 'zones' where they can get medicine; specific 'zones' where they can gamble, etc.

The remainder of the country is FREE from these zones-of-influence, as religion MUST BE.

Give thanks to THAT -- that there is an advocate for THAT -- myself, the HumanityFamilyAdvocate that promotes freedom for all, including those whom choose to believe, and be protected in their 'realms' but not force it upon others, specifically government, policy, law, medicine, research, education, industry, taxation and economy itself.

The LegacyOfLiberation is like a new day at dawn ... peaking over the horizon, rays of warmth nourishing the planet and all life upon it. Give thanks to that. I do.

Kind Regards,
claytOnleOnwintOn -- (TheManWith3BackwardsNo'sInHisName)
OnTime - RU?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Day84-ResusCitateHumanity (PlanetWobbles)


While everyone talk about global-warming, nobody has offered any viable solutions. I have. Ready?

We've seen the reports and endless piles of speculation as to the causes of global warming. Every conceivable human activity has been blamed. After running out of human activity to hammer ruthlessly to the merciless CrossOfShame, the experts started on Bovines, doing figurative carpentry on their crosses while pointing at elaborate graphs of rising CO2 levels and blaming cow farts. Meanwhile, I'll tell you what it is RIGHT NOW: The SUN!

Global Warming is the sun melting the ice-caps. How do we slow it down? Before we drown? Simple, keep reading.

The Kyoto Accords are a multi-billion-dollar, multi-decade-long effort to reduce CO2 output from Industry and 'hopefully' slow global-warming by 5-years, if lucky. Of course, by the time the global economy lost millions of jobs and taxes, entire industries wiped off the map due to the financial burdens forced upon them, that 5-year-global-warming 'slow-down' would be far too late to save such BelovedCities as Venice, Italy, already underwater, along with large populated areas on all continents, now spending billions to construct higher and 'hopefully drier' dykes and levees. New Orleans, USA, sound familiar?

The continents are not sinking; rather, the oceans are rising due to the ice-caps melting. This process has been going on for thousands of years. There are ancient cities and cave-drawings under as much of 30-meters of water on several continents. Obviously, the ice-caps have been melting for a very long time.

As the ice melts and the oceans rise, the most water is along the equator. The planetary spin, much like an ice-skater spinning on ice, is slightly slowed-down. When an ice-skater brings their arms in toward their body, they speed up. When there is more water frozen on the poles themselves, the planetary-spin is slightly faster, just like the ice-skater spinning at higher revolutions with their arms close-in.

This is why there are ancient cities under water off the coasts of continents. This is why there is ancient cave-art in caverns that are now submerged. And this is why hurricanes produce such devastating storm-surge today, the wind-driven water pushed far inland, destroying everything in it's path, just like Hurricane Katrina this year, 2005. Hurricane Katrina produced storm-surge waves in deep-water within the Gulf Of Mexico taller than the Statue of Liberty. These killer storm-surge waves destroy oil-platforms and vital energy-producing infrastructure, which has a global economic impact. When those giant wind-driven waves push toward shallower water toward shore, they churn into a froth of lighter-water, filled with air, making it even easier for the strong hurricane-force winds to push it inland, drowning harbors, ports and cities.

All of the speculative reports, such as Kyoto, are a collection of the 'best' science the planet has to offer on the subject, written by the most costly-educated scientists on the planet. What is does is ... nothing. It just spends money, forcing industry and governments to spend money, reducing jobs, taxes and hurting economy, without doing anything to address ICE-MELT, nor planetary-balance.

The planet itself wobbles. Did you know that? There are two 'wobbles' to the planet's spin. Think of a toy-top, spinning on a flat surface. You can visualize that fast-spinning toy with very slow 'wobbles'. Two wobbles, in fact. The earth's first wobble is quite large and the correlates to the Ice Ages. The second wobble is often referred to as the Chandler Wobble and is impacted by changing surface conditions, such as seasonal snow and the annual freeze-over of shipping-lanes. The first wobble is called the 'planetary precession,' and takes about 28,000 years to complete one 'wobble.' The second wobble may be as little as 14-months.

The seasonally-affected Chandler Wobble affects communication satellites, globally, and in cold winters, the 'wobble' may remain for longer periods than usual. The next season may add to that wobble. Satellites get 'displaced' as a result. Both wobbles therefore, 'precession' and 'Chandler,' could be likened to 'vibration' in the spinning-planet.

Now, something else to consider at this point: the surface of the planet spins WITHIN the atmosphere. The air itself follows along but slightly 'delayed.' As a mountain-range passes by, a huge amount of air is displaced. This IS what the jet-stream is all about. And this IS the path of hurricanes, which are the 'swirls' or 'turbulence' from off the displaced 'drag' of jet-stream traveling air; the swirls themselves made greater due to heat from hotter regions warmed by the sun, rising toward the fast-moving jet-stream and spun back toward the surface. Think of smoker blowing smoke against a wall and see the same thing for yourself. A hurricane, however, travels in the opposite direction of the jet-stream, pulled along in 'time-delay' due to the air being turbulated by the spin of the planet itself, feeding from the warmest currents of water beneath it.

Global Warming and Hurricanes go hand-in-hand. The greater the sea-level, the greater the hurricanes become.

What 'scientific expert billion-dollar study' am I quoting? NONE! These are the OBVIOUS FACTS of universal proportions that are ignored while the 'experts' examine a tiny microcosm of the big-picture. Those billions of dollars were WASTED.


And this is so simple, it's ridiculous that it is not underway already. The PetroChemicalIndustry and the Militaries of the globe have the means and capability to pump trillions of gallons of sea-water onto the poles and freeze it. NATURALLY. In addition, inland dry-sea beds should be pumped full of sea-water, creating new scientific Giant Aquariums and tourist facilities as well. The fresh-water rainfall created would turn arid-lands into the robust farms they once were. New rain forests could be grown to replace all those that have been an environmentalist's headache. This would INCREASE OXYGEN LEVELS and CURE the rising-CO2 Kyoto concerns.

A 2-inch reduction in ocean-surface level would dramatically reduce hurricane storm-surge, wind-speeds, and also save trillions of dollars of eroded ecosystems and REAL ESTATE along every continent's coastlines, including those BelovedCities that are spending billions of dollars to build futile, short-term levees and dykes. These construction efforts are futile because as the ice on the poles melt, the oceans rise and storms become more volatile. Therefore, short-term 'solutions' are NO SOLUTIONS AT ALL.

Further, having a NEW MISSION to SAVE THE PLANET would UNITE Petrol-Chemical and Environmentalists globally, and every company, military and government in between. Don't forget the planetary wobbles! The ChandlerWobble, and it's affect on communications, could be stabilized. The IceAge causing PlanetaryPrecession, could be reduced and stabilize global weather and climate conditions, thus terra-forming the planet.

This is NOT FANTASY. We could start today. Petrol-Chemical has the drilling equipment and pipe-laying expertise. The Military has the mobilization techniques and transport methodologies required to make it happen. We already have the STUFF!

And we are ten-years behind schedule.

Now, a word about hydrogen. When water evaporates, it contains it's own 'anti-gravity' properties, being lighter than air. We could easily uplift water, off the surface of the planet itself. It arrives from ALIEN SOURCE: comets and space-debris. I used the word 'alien' just to rankle someone's feathers, probably YOURS, the reader. I should use the term 'extra-terrestrial-in-nature' because water does not come from the planet itself, rather, it ARRIVES from space as ice and melts here, overfilling the lowest areas. We have too much of it. Tiny meteorites of ice are impacting the planet moment by moment and have been since the beginning of earth's existence. Nearly every meteor has ice, which is vaporized in the atmosphere and becomes water on the surface, eventually. We have TOO MUCH WATER NOW. It's time to remove some.

It needs be 'siphoned' into 'water-bubbles' in space. Call it 'WaterWorldInc.,' and make it an InterNational Treasure. From those water-bubbles, life may spring, someday, somewhere ELSE.

And we're ten years behind schedule.

The magnetic-poles are shifting. It is theorized that the magnetic-poles have 'flipped' numerous times in the globes history. I am telling you now that it correlates with Ice Ages. As the ice melts, slowing planetary-spin, the water bulges along the equator. This produces those wobbles I mentioned previously, severely impacting climate and concocting hurricanes. These VIBRATIONS shake the planet to it's very CORE. After the ice has completely melted, what happens? The crust bursts. Think of a bug splatting on your windshield while driving on the highway. The planet is spinning very fast. A 'burst' is like a 'bug-splat,' and the entire surface, every single continent, gets 'churned.' This also burns off the atmosphere. TOTAL EXTINCTION EVENT. And that's where the dinosaurs went.

There have been many mass-extinctions. We are ten-years behind schedule to SAVE THE PLANET and all life on it. The Chandler Wobble is a SYMPTOM and we are NOT PAYING ATTENTION. The vast reports and endless talks have YET to even address the OBVIOUS let alone provide a single ANSWER.

Well, here's the solution to global-warming. And there are millions of jobless itching for the opportunity to work AND SAVE THE PLANET, and your life and family, too.

And we are ten-years behind schedule.

Thank you and kind regards,
claytOnleOnwintOn (TheManWith3BackwardsNo'sInHisName)
OnTime - RU?


A forum post; my comments are below the "[quote]" marks:

[quote="Internationalist"]The people would elect who would run the country. This constantly changes.
America is not run by the same politicians for decades at a time. A period of 2 terms for president and 6 years for Senators. After this they for the most part leave the political arena, and if not their inflence and power they can exert is severley deminished. [/quote]

For the individual, however the 'cabal' of power is ALWAYS PRESENT. Only the faces change, and when it comes to the Supreme Court, there's only been 17 in HISTORY, keeping Senators' asses covered to pass law after law that puts more and more families in dungeons while Senators live in majesty. They don't care about anybody, and those families they war against get disease in jail; one in ten sexually-abused; a DeathWarrant.

While subtracting from WeThePeople by ones and twos, the Senators take money from those that HATE government and HumanServices: religion, the very same religion that this country was founded in order to ESCAPE.

[quote="RevHellHound"]Actually what the welfare state provides as seen in the US and in the UK is a way for the lazy NOT to work and to live off of the production of hard working citizens..... [/quote]

Every HumanService is to be abolished then? How about Emergency-'911'-services, fire, paramedic, roads, telecommunications, hospitals, corporate-subsidies? Those ARE HumanServices, too. Welfare, by definition, as a matter of fact.

The BIG DIFFERENCE is that Social Security Insurance has NOTHING TO DO WITH INCOME TAXES. It is a payroll-premium, unlike Income Taxes. It is the ONLY governmental program that MAKES MONEY. The only one to have EVER made money.

Further, the MOST EXPENSIVE WELFARE IN HISTORY is the Armaments Industry. I don't hear you bitching about that. Those double-standards proves a serious lack of integrity: promote welfare to war and deny welfare to the poor. Those are some seriously BackAssWards 'priorities.'


A word on GlobalWarming: there are ancient cities all along the coasts of nearly every continent. Obviously, the ice-caps have been melting for millenia. Instead of worrying about which 'pollutant' is causing ICE MELT, we need address ICE MELT. The entire debate on global-warming, Kyoto, etc., is STUPID because it does not address ICE MELT.

And it's easy to fix: PetroChemicalIndustry and the military has the equipment and means to SAVE THE PLANET by pumping trillions of gallons of sea-water daily onto the poles where it will refreeze. Inland seas can be refilled as they ONCE WERE to de-salinate and stabilize arid regions and make them fruitful farms again. An 2-inch reduction in sea-level will SAVE VENICE and many BelovedCities globally, especially from storm-surge which threatens petro-chemical platforms and infrastructure, shipping routes and ports, harbors cities, etc. IN 10-YEARS, we could easily reduce ocean-levels to save the coastal habitats from erosion and reclaim much lost land, thus stabilizing planetary balance and reducing the magnetic-shift which is wreaking havoc on communication satelites and infrastructure.

There are MANY REASONS to start now and we are 10-years behind schedule.

Day83-RCH (Dear Mr. Vice President)

Dear Vice President Cheney;
(November 21, 2005)

From every conceivable angle, you have been ruthlessly hammered to the merciless CrossOfShame, alongside Harriet Miers and President George Bush. I was never a supporter of yours, Mr. Vice President, but I do appreciate your service to this country and the people of the world, all of Humanity, the HumanityFamily.

I am writing to you today on a matter of utmost urgency. We have a global crisis of which has been addressed to a limited degree by yourself and those whom you have represented and consulted. Unfortunately those consultations have provided the 'insights' of deceptive-inversion, that being a term I use to describe good-intentions that lack integrity.

Firstly, thank you for not ignoring Rep. Murtha's complaint. In our current system, complaints go ignored and those whom lodge them are dismissed as 'irrelevant collateral damage,' an insulting and intellectually dishonest practice of shame and blame. That said, Rep. Murtha has reminded us that liberation is not war, and war is not peace. As Scott McClellan's derogatory remarks towards a citizen proves, filmmaker Michael Moore and Rep. Murtha cannot be painted with broad brush strokes as being antiCitizen and antiFreedomOfSpeech hooligans. It is indeed irresponsible to divide the citizenry in such an reprehensible manner. And I ask you, is this the last we'll hear from Rep. Murtha? And why is Michael Moore's patriotism ever called into question at all? This is dividing the union, not uniting.

Thank you for seeing through these insidious formulas of pseudo-scientific behaviorism that has infected politics and undermined governments and human services, here and abroad. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed and highlight the epiphany of the day, provided to you in my gift to all humanity, the UniversalTheorem, given to my President to reverse the course of the perceived 'LegacyOfShame.' Thank you again for broadening borders and reaching out to embrace a larger percentage of WeThePeople. Those borders are actually boundless.

And that brings me to my second point: LegacyOfLiberation.

The LegacyOfLiberation is a formula to unite and strengthen our country and all of earth, building bridges and uplifting humanity, the HumanityFamily, globally.

Please do not deny this formula-matic opportunity to end warfare while keeping the families working within the Arms Industry nurtured and the owners profitable, while working with Petrol-chemical and the auto-industry to create new industry and new tax-bases to uplift humanity as a whole and payoff the National Debt, ending deficit-spending and freeing billions-of-dollars in interest-payments for life-saving gene-therapies and medicines that cure common ailments, even aging itself.

Religion is the deception, sir. A thought-virus, and one of the oldest within the current civilization, prohibiting and stagnating knowledge and science, while concocting deceiving intelligence and playing Presidents and Vice Presidents alike, globally, including the citizenry. It is not the 'intelligence-community' whom professionaly protect and serve, sir. Rather, those whom 'play' and deceive them. We're all in it together.

You have a new heart, Mr. Vice President, and here is the optimism necessary in facts -- not fictions -- that will offer the growth of a younger one, a new lease on life itself.

My wording will improve, as clearly displayed from the inception of the theorem to this personal letter to you, sir. The LegacyOfLiberation -- one small portion of the smallest field within the UniversalTheorem -- affects all of us, for the better.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,
claytOnleOnwintOn - 'TheManWith3BackwardsNo'sInHisName'
OnTime - RU?

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Day78-PeaceOnEarth OLYMPICS

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:05 pm Post subject: PeaceOnEarth OLYMPICS

And the PeaceOnEarthTeam (POETs) will promote peace on earth.

Every broadcast media on the planet, until there is peace on earth, not 'off', but ON.

HeavenOnEarth, not 'off', but on it, in this lifetime, and we make it together, AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllThings.

When can we get started? How about now?
"Your SoleMate makes you face shit." - Madonna
FreedomFROMreligion! The US has 4.6% population of the world but 22.5% of all prisoners. All things IMHO, as you HAMMER me on the CrossOfShame.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Day77b-ResusCitateHumanity (CrossOfShame)

CrossOfShame, where all those 'good-people' and 'positive-people' are doing their figurative carpentry, HAMMERING ruthlessly any/all whom they deem 'not their kind of people,' mercilessly.

And we are all censored from one another. WeThePeople have the integrity, and the credibility (platforms/stages) have been usurped in tyranny.

The United States, before colonialization, was where the FREE came to LIVE, far removed from religious tyranny. Now, it's back, in full force.

The OriginalPeople were GENOCIDED and the SURVIVORS locked in dungeons, cages, RESERVATIONS. Now, those reservations are the FREE-ist places in the United States, where you may buy products and engage in entertainments OUTLAWED by the 'positive-people,' that same Christian tyranny that concocted those dungeons to begin with.

(-)AND(+)EQUALS HATE/nothing/Death/DeathWorship ... and any all whom disagree are HAMMERED mercilessly to the CrossOfShame. And so is the current form of 'democracy,' which is no democracy at all, only the promotion of religious intolerances, negative/positive-ism. Oil and water do not mix, it just co-mingles for awhile before returning to their original intolerance for one another. That IS our politics. That IS religion. That IS our education and medicine and National Debt, and that is the 'shining-example' in the LegacyOfShame that holds government HOSTAGE to the damnable CrossOfShame.

And every word we know came from Christian text. Religious or not, we are HOSTAGES to it.

And our system is out-taxed and out-spent and broke. TheoryWorship is our science, because if you do not BELIEVE in the 'gospel' of THEORIES, then you are HAMMERED to the damnable CrossOfShame, by those 'spiritual-people' whom deem you 'irrelevent collateral-damage' and therefore, 'not spiritual/scientific enough for we.'

Nothing wrong with saying, "We don't know," but they do NOT. Instead, the THEORY of 'evolutionism' and the THEORY of 'creationism' and the THEORY of 'republicanism' and the THEORY of 'democraticism' and the THEORY of 'global-warming' are 'justifiable-excuses' to HATE you for NOT BELIEVING their 'scienceGOSPEL.'

And that is NOT science AT ALL.

Now we have PsychoSociety where any contrary opinion or idea is met with LABELS of INTOLERANCE, displaying their inner-hatred toward themselves by casting from their PositiveKingdoms insults in their feable attempt at making themselves look pathetically 'better.'

As gross as it gets. DeathWorship. That's EXACTLY what it is ... DeathWorship.

We're in it TOGETHER, AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllThings, even the shit you HATE. And it's time to move beyond that 2-dimension reasoning of LABELS, negative/positive, and remember the ROOT of existence, the actual MeaningOfLife itself, "Nurture."

Choose: DeathWorship or Nurture. Simple.

If you missed the ManicMonday forum, the link is somewhere below. I checked it recently, where I discussed how to rebuild New Orleans, "UpliftingOrleans," and new levitating roller-coaster designs in a flexible MESH, triple-levitation, anti-gravity, the VARIABLE value of 'PI,' a 3-dimensional Triangle in a sphere, filled with heavy-metal as an energy-source and performing TIME DISPLACEMENT for REAL. This uses OnMath and OnPhysics which is simple, but practically inconceivable in 2-dimensional (negative/positive) thinking -- and, like I said, that is a ThoughtVirus that has infected all of Humanities thinking and sciences, due to religion.

Well, the thread is no longer there. I have a copy and will edit into clearer language. I wrote it in notation-format, did not correct errors, and do not PRETEND to be a perfect-typer nor speller by using a SpellChecker, so some editation is in order. It had some great pictures in the thread. I made copies too. I don't want to spend days/weeks/months figuring out how to use a bunch of software. I have enough to do.

Kind Regards and PeaceOnEarth -- not 'off' in some fictional place and some fictional life -- this life, HeavenOnEarth, with PeaceOnEarth, while living it.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Day77-ResusCitateHumanity (LetMyPeopleGo!)


The vast majority of white-collar addicts, steal to supply their money habits.

In 2001, 6.9 million custodial parents who were due child support under the terms of agreements or current awards were due an average of $5,000; an aggregate of $34.9 billion in payments due.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs
Since 1999, food insecurity (hunger)has increased by 3 million households, including 1.4 million households with children. In 2004, 38.2 million people lived HUNGER in households experiencing food insecurity.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs.

According to figures provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services, up to 600000 men, women, and children go homeless each night in the US.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs. SayNoToUs-Abuser-sauruses (Senators) line their pockets, concoct huge agencies to TALK, and NOTHING is accomplished.

-- because the numbers increase and the cost of the 'talking about it' costs more than FIXING IT.

-- That's the Sentors' 'priorities' right there ... all fuckedup up.

African-Americans (19.7 percent uninsured) and Hispanics (32.7 percent) were much more likely to be uninsured than white, non-Hispanic people (11.3 percent).

Total pork (federal budget) identified by CAGW since 1991 adds up to $212 billion.

-- That's the Sentors' 'priorities' right there ... all fuckedup up.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs.

Each year in the US 2 million women are beaten by their partners, and more than half a million women report being raped or sexually assaulted.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs

"Every year an estimated 2.1 million older Americans are victims of physical, psychological, or other forms of abuse and neglect.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs

Crimes motivated by bigotry usually arise not out of the pathological rantings and ravings of a few deviant types in organized hate groups, but out of the very mainstream of society.

More than the WarOnDrugs, making it a forgotten WarOnShrugs

Anti-abortion ChristianCoalition conspiring terrorists have committed more than 1,500 acts of violence, such as murders that have left five people dead, fire-bombings, gas attacks, threats, assaults and clinic invasions.

Abortion Policy/Pro-Life gave Congress $668,213.00 campaign dollars in 2004 to promote the 'needs' of FICTIONAL people OVER REAL ONES.

-- and those funds right THERE, could have fed a thousand REAL kids.
-- and those funds right THERE, could have HOUSED a thousand REAL people.

-- and these perverts examine crotches as their 'priority' in putting conditions on LOVE, denying rights in their HATRED for FREEDOM and EQUALITY, HAMMERING any/all to their damnable CrossOfShame whom do not bow-down before their BLANDNESS KING.

-- and these CrotchPsychologyPerverts are holding government HOSTAGE to their fuckedup priorities, prevent REAL HumanServices and conspiring to undermine governments globally, working WITH the goals of al Qaeda, in DeathWorship against FREEDOM.

Let MY people go!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Day77-ResusCitateHumanity (TheoriesThatKill)

[size=24][b][color=red]Theories That Kill[/size][/b][/color]

Strange thing about theories these days. Simple theoretical extrapolations have become excuses to discriminate against all whom do not agree with a THEORY.

We're not talking about whether or NOT animals breathe AIR, or the color of blood, or if cats have fur.

We're talking about theories. If you do not march goose-step in lock-step with someone's BELIEFS, then you are discriminHated against.

The 'single-bullet-theory' is a prime example. A man DIED over a THEORY. And not just one man, more have died because of a BELIEF.

But it doesn't stop there. People whom claim they are 'positive' will HATE anyone that does not convert to their BELIEF in the JFK assassination 'single-bullet' THEORY. It was written by Senator Arlen Spector, before he was a Senator, getting a 'promotion' by those whom HATE all others for not marching goose-step in lock-step with a BELIEF.

Just like all religion.

And that's the problem with SCIENCE these days. And that's what the problem is in society, all of them, globally. The substitution of THEORY for FACT and WORSHIPING a BeliefSystem, and shaming/blaming and HAMMERING mercilessly to the damnable CrossOfShame all whom do not CONVERT to a BELIEF.

Believing, therefore, is an excuse to HATE 'not your kind of people,' by those whom profess to be 'open-minded' and 'thinking-outside-the-box' while calling themselves 'good-positive-people.' And all divisions in WeThePeoples' 'more perfect unions', so-called 'democracies,' are based on THAT.

Theories are NOT weapons. BELIEFS are. What are YOU believing today?

PeaceOnEarth, happy thoughts and Kind Regards,

edited some typos ... I make mistakes all the time. Just a reason for BELIEVERS to HATE by taking some insignificant crap and claiming how 'good' they are while ignoring all else.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Day72-ResusCitateHumanity (RosaGetsParked)

Our country is supposedly based on EQUALITY. It says it in the Declaration of Independence and it said it in the United States Constitution.

Rosa Parks was never an 'equal' to this governments 'leaders' until she was in a coffin, DEAD.

The Civil War was supposedly about 'liberating the slave-people.' And that's why we shouldn't ever believe anything, because if you believe the Civil War was about equality, then you are insanely living a delusional-life of lies.

The North was broke and borrowed money to steal the wealth of the southern plantations. Then, they became 'wealthiest' upon borrowed funds to wage war. And while murdering and burning, the slave-people ran for their lives. Senators passed immediate restraints AGAINST THEM which held until recent history, hence Rosa Parks.

Senators move slower than glacial ice. They have the ability to resolve differences and all they do is argue about when they will meet to argue about the same s**t later without ever doing a damned thing but photo-op'g about how 'hard' they work in their chauffered MAJESTY.

And where did the SUPPORT of all that hatred for equality and uniqueness come from? Christianity. (Guess who funded the invasion and plunder of the southern plantations? Guess who arranged for a promotor of equality to be assassinated?)

And again, Rosa Parks was never an 'equal' to this government's 'leaders' until she was in a coffin, DEAD. And not one single other descendent of the 'liberated slave-people' -- other than she, just THIS WEEK -- has 'enjoyed' such 'equality' as she. NOT ONE.

Rosa Parks looked the 'most white' and the 'more appealling' with 'fewer differences' than any other of the descendents from the 'liberated slave-people.' Thousands before her didn't eat in the RIGHT restaurants or drink from the RIGHT fountains or live in the RIGHT neighborhoods or sit in the RIGHT places or use the RIGHT bathrooms, and were MURDERED for it. Her beauty saved her life. Her beauty 'chose' her to be the 'example' of Equality that Lincoln was assassinated for promoting.

Senators did EXACTLY THAT ... moved at the speed of glacial ice, as always .... to PREVENT EQUALITY. And so it goes, even to this day, because Rosa Parks was never an 'equal' to this governments 'leaders' until she was in a coffin, DEAD.

YOU: "The Civil War was about liberating slaves."
ME: "IMPOSSIBLE, because OF Rosa Parks' plight."

So, you can look up some s**t in a book and say you are RIGHT ... and discriminHATE me for not spouting lies in goose-step with YOU ... but your 'truths' do NOT MAKE LOGICAL SENSE AT ALL, proven by and because of ROSA PARKS.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Day67-RCH (Virginia's Gift)

And it's the day after and I'm reminded of a song I wrote, a gift of inspiration from someone I've more than admired, long ago, or so it seems -- yet today seems like yesterday.

Perhaps it was that pretty smile -- reminders?

Who knows.

Can I repeat yesterday?
After a shower? :)
After a shave?
Less mud and hurry?

(tomorrow was so fun, I think I'd like to try it again!) -- just being silly, obviously.

Why is a smile through a windshield of glare, rain and mist on my mind? And I've known many pretty smiles, going by many different names, but one song in particular reminds me of them all. A song I wrote some time ago.

Hmmm ... I think I'll just play the music now and think of other things.

I've been involved with Internet Forums, bickering, debating, insulting and being insulted. It's easy to get caught up in that and irritated over the horrors happening in our world that are glossed-over and relegated as 'other peoples' problems.' Well, as a race, the Human Race, the Humanity Family, that is, we need begin applying THE SOLUTION now, UniversalTheorem.

I'm just a guy, one, not many, or I'd do it myself. I was beginning to think nobody cared at all. And at that exact moment, I logged-on to a forum and found a modicum of encouragement. Sometimes a WAVE starts as a ripple and GROWS, like tidal-forces and much like LIFE.

And it would help if I'd return to a semblance of 'normality' within my writing style, eh? :)

Back to the music: "Virginia's Gift," that beautiful gift, a wonderful composition that encapsulates the essence of someone I used to know, an eternal reminder of nurture and light. There are elements that challenge the technique of the most virtuosi of pianists, if given the opportunity. A 'finger-puzzle,' if you will, within the development-section of the piece itself. The 'song' itself is beautifully simple -- it's the development of that, exactly, where challenges are to be found, to encourage and inspire. This includes hand-crossing at high velocity -- not 'some' -- lots. A blur or 'flutter' that is visually appealling, too. And I've never actually finished it -- intentionally -- because these things are timeless and endless.

And that is where sharing music, even if not well-rehearsed, is more important than listening to doctored recordings, 'fake-perfections,' or rather 'confections.' Much like love. Formula's may be 'cute' -- but the real thing does not require cards, nor holidays and is infinitely more rewarding. And sharing music is free ... just like LIFE.

Day66-RCH (Pretty Smiles)

Day66-RCH (Pretty Smiles)

So, I have much fun here.

Yesterday, after sloshing through the mud and throwing firewood around, I drove to the gas-station. As I entered to pay, I walked between cars in-line to gas-up, and briefly glanced to my right. A flash of nice teeth. A pretty smile.

Too much rain and fog on the windshield to see the face, and I was not in 'social-mode.' Just doing the filthier chores and looking the part, EXACTLY.

Missed opportunity?

Someone that knew me?

Hmmmm, perhaps next time I should take a closer look.

Perhaps YOU should too.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Day42-ResusCitateHumanity (PyschoSociety)


I'm watching CNN Headline Prime, with Erika Hill and Mike Galanos.
I ran into Mike at the gas station once. I don't 'celebrity-worship' so I just minded my own business, as usual.

This is an interesting broadcast this evening.

1) A sports-segment shows a football game where one player punched another player in the testicles. Intentionally. He should have been arrested right then, on the spot. Had it been you or me, we'd be in jail in a heartbeat, and STILL BE THERE.

This actually happened to me once. Everybody laughed. They thought it was funny. Not ONE person even helped ... they goose-stepped off, in their 'goodness.' PsychoSociety, no doubt about it.

2) Rosa Parks, the woman that started the bus-boycott, which finally got the Supreme9 Majesty to end segregation after their usual long-delayed, very-expensive, pomp, excuses and royalty, died today -- maybe yesterday. The end of segregation got the ChristianHaters to enact a different form of segregation:
-- "GreatWhiteFlight," where whites evacuated cities and left no jobs nor economy for blacks.
-- StateSponsoredNarcoTerrorism, where 'entertainments,' such as cocaine being cooked into crack and distributed to those 'evacuated' inner-city communitees. PUBLIC RECORDS PROVE CIA involvement.
-- WarOnBlackBehavior, where the use of the 'entertainments' introduced were declared illegal, and the war-on-the-streets has put millions behind bars and slaughtered hundreds-of-thousands in the streets and the very homes where they live.
-- DeathWorshipConversion, where a CHOSEN FEW were put on a brightly lit stage, spouting the same ReligiousDiscriminHate that kidnapped, genocided, enslaved, tortured, and segregated blacks to begin with; TWISTING the previous NonBeliefSystems of kidnapped Africans into the same BeliefSystem of the kidnappers, enslaving them further, and concocting a scheme where they actually PAY and SUPPORT the methodology/ideology used to oppress them in the first place.

FIRST there was Christianity;
-- WOMEN had to FIGHT to expose any portion of their skin to the sunlight.
-- WOMEN had to FIGHT to LEARN how to READ;
-- WOMEN HAD TO FIGHT to be able to VOTE;
-- WOMEN have to FIGHT against SEGREGATION;
-- WOMEN have to FIGHT for EQUAL PAY;
-- WOMEN have to FIGHT against BOOB_WORSHIP;

... and they are ENSLAVED more NOW than EVER, promoting BoobWorship and the SAME BeliefSystem that has oppressed them since CHURCH was conCOCted to begin with.

... same with BLACKS.
... same with INDIANS.
... same with MEXICANS.
... same with CUBANS.
... same with ASIANS.
... same with SEX (those ReligiousDiscriminHaters are ALWAYS perversley engrossed with what a person does with their CROTCH!)

And the CHURCHES conspire to hold up miniscule EXAMPLES, usually on TV, as the 'shining-light' of their perverted, offensive and obscene 'progress.'
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, and preventing YOU from ever being ONE of those 'examples.'
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by highlighting stupid 'examples' over REAL LIFE.
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by covering up the past, by pretending those 'examples' are YOUR life.
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, while conCOCting excuses to for false-hope, wishful-thinking 'equality.'
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by power-lobbying government, illegally, and FORCING their DISCRIMINHATE into LAW.
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by HAMMERING you ruthlessly to their damnable CrossOfShame for having FLESH.

Meanwhile, they babble shit at the air, while DeathWorshiping, drinking the blood and eating the flesh of a corpse, in elaborate ceremonies to DECEIVE you into PAYING for it and PROMOTING more DeathWorship to DiscriminHate against 'not their kinds of people,' literally praying for FinalBattles and TOTAL EXTINCTION EVENTS, under the guise of 'peace' and 'love.'

And that IS religion. All of them. And they work TOGETHER, conspiring to make LAWS that support their DeathWorship, and promote their DiscriminHate, while promoting the ArmsIndustry and oppression, mass-murder, genocide and HATE -- while 'spinning' a side-message of 'peace/love/tranquility' and it's ALL DECEPTION.

Religion IS the DECEPTION. DiscriminHate, that's all it is, to promote battles of intolerance.

-- now, this ThoughtVirus, 'religion,' has re-infected:
-- -- Science: 'intelligent-design' (same thing!)
-- -- Spiritualism: to DiscriminHate against 'those not spiritual enough for me.' (same thing!)

PeaceOnEarth is IMPOSSIBLE with RELIGION. IMPOSSIBLE. Religion IS the DECEPTION. It is ALL HATE in disguise, to discriminate against 'not our kind of people' and 'worship' a FICTIONAL LIFE that has NOTHING TO DO WITH SURVIVING THIS ONE.

After LIFE? AFTER 'life?' What happens when you drown? Your LIFE is OVER. Therefore, what is AFTER life? DEATH! Period.

Only flawed-logic, "BeliefSystems," could conCOCt an reason to IGNORE YOUR LIFE, blame others, and pretend that after DEATH you go to a 'place' that DiscriminHates against 'not your kind of people.'

How flippin' convenient! 'Heaven' is a physical PLACE ON EARTH, we BUILD TOGETHER IN PEACE. AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllThings. Heaven does NOT DiscriminHate. YOU DO.

Christianity is all about the GlassHalfEmpty pessimissm of how AWFUL THIS LIFE IS, and therefore you make up a fairy-tale, fictional one, false-hopes for when YOUR LIFE IS OVER. If you can be convinced that 'REAL LIFE is HORRIBLE,' then CHURCH just made a PROFIT.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY the ArmsIndustry and Religion go hand-in-hand.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY religion CUTS HUMAN SERVICES and attempts to MONOPOLIZE it by LAW.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY oppression and DiscriminHatian MUTATES -- by design.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY this GenesisDeception is TERRORISM, globally.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Day35-RCH - edited (SundayEVENsong)


I do not think I know everything.
Obviously, I do NOT.

Merely WONDERING about things, and opening one's knowledge-base for exploration of fallacy and untruths -- AND TRUTHS -- is 'offensive/obscene' to 'positive-people' in HELL.

You ridicule. You debase. You HATE, and ACCUSE, and ATTACK, INSTANTLY, in your HATE for LIFE.
Claiming 'I'm an open-minded, good person,' while you do nothing but divide every one you know into reasons why they are NOT 'your kind of people.'

How can one learn,
if the boundaries of FACTS are unknown?

How can one learn, when the boundaries of belief are ill-defined, therefore, not knowing
stimulates a yearning to embellish?

If you can't have it NOW, you can

And that is WRONG.
'Hoping' for things is WRONG. You can't 'hope' to save someone's life. YOU DO IT.
Wishing for things is RIDICULOUS. You can't pretend to HELP. YOU DO IT.

PeaceOnEarth is YOU, too.
But you can't do it alone.
What 'shining-example' are you setting?

A 'PositivePerson,' a 'NegativePerson,' OR, "SoPositiveYouAreSatanicallyNegative?"

When you divide ANY HUMANS into 'negative' and 'positive' you are DISPLAYING HATE.


In crisis, you help the injured. In crisis, THEY help YOU when injured.
There is NO SUCH THING as a 'negative' or 'positive' person while SAVING YOUR LIFE.

And that PROVES you do not believe in anything, and your 'belief-systems' are crutches of HATE to divide your BelovedNeighors into groups of 'not our kind of people.' And after your LIFE WAS SAVED, you go back to your crutches of 'beliefs' and being HATEFUL. And that is WRONG.

DeathWorship. And it is WRONG. It IS nothing but HalfEmptyGlasses of pessimistic HATE in a vacuum of DARKNESS. EndlessSuffrage. HELL, literally. YOUR SOCIETY, the PsychoSociety, the LegacyOfShame, in utterly hateful darkness.

[size=24][b][color=yellow]LET THERE BE LIGHT! AND THERE IS![/size][/b][/color]

In the LandOfTheFree, the LandOfEquality, the LandOfCelebratedDiversity, the LandOfNoCensorship, the LandOfFreedomOfSpeech, we are a family of BelovedNeighbors, from sea to shining sea, and BEYOND. Sharing IS beautiful. Are you sharing DeathWorship, or [/size=24][b][color=yellow]Nurture/Life/Uniqueness/Diversity/Light/LIVING?[/size][/b][/color]

And everyone has to LEARN to walk. And nobody does it perfect and nobody walks on it -- they DROWN IN IT, along with their cities. Period. PROVEN, OVER AND OVER.

Your divisions of citizens into 'not my kind of people' IS offensive AND obscene.
Your 100% natural bodies are NOT.
If you think otherwise, then Your DeathWorship IS offensive AND obscene.
Your 100% natural bodies are NOT. MODIFIED OR NOT!

Value differences -- do NOT DiscriminHate -- and, the ANSWERS are ALWAYS in the COMPLAINTS.

Now, THAT IS an sundayEVENsong. ;)

Kind Regards,

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Day36-ResusCitateHumanity (ContinentalRift)


(ignore phpBcodes/html)
Caption: The THEORY of "Continental Drift"

Hurricanes, LandStorms, and ICE.

Remember this quote?

[quote]Many scientists have theorized that the Mediterranean Basin filled with water due to the 'land-bridge' collapsing between NorthAfrica and Morocco/France, AND from the other direction: the BlackSea. Obviously, a little of BOTH occured.

You've heard of 'super-volcanos?' When/if these theorized events take place (make no mistake about it, these are NaturalistConspiracyTheories), a giant chunck of the planet explodes outward, into space, openning a brief hole in the atmosphere and suffocating the planet in an instantaneous global extinction event. Anything surviving is by chance alone, and the fallout will block out the sun and freeze it to death within days.

Well, these ARE theories. -- ME[/quote]

Hi, again. We're talking about what I said above, " land-mass collapsing between NorthAfrica and Morocco/France, AND the other direction: BlackSea."

Why did I choose those names? Because ContinentalDrift is the THEORY that ALL LAND was once ONE GIANT MASS, and it 'spread apart' over the globe. Bullshit! They just made that made up!

Assuming the 'experts' theory is even PARTIALLY VALID (because the crust of the earth is pliable) -- so, assuming it is partially valid -- they fail to take into account the amount of water on the planet.

More on that in a second.


The reason I said "between NorthAfrica and France/Morocco is because OBVIOUSLY the water was LOWER because CAVES have been discovered in the botton of the Mediterranean Basin. Secondly, there ARE plenty of AncientCities along the coasts, that were ONCE on LAND, with OBVIOUS thriving economies.
-- therefore, it was ALL LAND, until the 'land-bridge' collapsed and filled it with water.
-- therefore, it was LAND from Morrocco TO France.
-- ta-da! I just solved your Paleontological 'geniuses' greatest-mysteries.
-- you're welcome.

The ruins along the coast of SouthAmerica AND NorthAmerica AND Asia AND Africa AND Europe (and elsewhere), PROVE the water ROSE.
-- drowning the cities.
-- ta-da! I just solved your Global Warming 'geniuses' greatest-mysteries.
-- you're welcome.

The so-called 'GlacialSCAR' THEORIES are therefore INVALID in many/most instances.
-- WHY? Because the land ROSE through WATER, thrusting upward.
-- because to freeze, the SPHERE's atmosphere would have to have been DENSER (polluted).
-- because the SCARS are EROSION of land-barriers displacing CAPTURED SPACE_ICE MELTED INTO WATER.

Now, returning to where I said, "HOLD THAT THOUGHT" :

An island is UPLIFTED in the EXACT SPOT it EMERGES from the WATER through the PLIABLE CRUST.
-- and ERODES, disolving into dirt and beaches.
-- ta-da! I just solved your Geological 'geniuses' greatest-mysteries.
-- you're welcome.
-- (pssst! that's why we have 'sea-fossils' in the mountains, and dinosaur bones everywhere.)

The Continents are WHERE THEY ARE, moving miniscually, this-way-and-THAT-way determined by the PRESSURE of UPLIFT when NEW VOLCANIC AREAS FORM beneath the PLIABLE CRUST, from MULTIPLE DIRECTIONS, OBVIOUSLY. The ONLY thing that MOVES is the WATER.
-- that is WHY EXACTLY we have MOUNTAINS. They were UPLIFTED from BENEATH the WATER.
-- ta-da! I just solved your other 'science' 'geniuses' greatest-mysteries.
-- you're welcome.
-- (pssst! that's why NEW WATER ARRIVING from SPACE, AND rain-water running over a rock-face for millions of years is NOT accounted for in their time-scales of 'continental drift.' They are ASSuming that the water-amounts are FIXED, and that NO VOLCANIC ACTIVITY OCCURED ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE GLOBE/SPHERE, and that is RIDICULOUS and YOU KNOW IT.)

Because, had there been the types of cataclysmic events that the current 'genius-sciences' THEORIZE to be the reason the dinosaurs went extinct, AND the reason there are GLACIERS, AND the reason there are ANCIENT ARTIFACTS, bones and cities, there would be NO LIFE ON THE PLANET AT ALL, to be examining them, in the first place. And in the second place, whatever types of ooze were left remaining, to be considered 'living' and EVOLVING, most certainly could NOT have built AncientCities.

Human 'migratory-theory' and 'ice-age' theory DO NOT MIX.


Now, supposedly the ice RECEDED.
While the continents DRIFTED.
And the primates SHIFTED, into humans.
As the water LIFTED, which is IMPOSSIBLE, except as rain.
So, no 'land-bridges' unexposed to non-glacial ice within the 'evolutionary-window' AT ALL.

Note the pic above. The 'things that became human' supposedly came from the same ROOT primate, a 'relative' of chimps, which 'branched' into 'apes' and then 'humans,' while the chimp-related continued on as, well, chimpanzeese.

Now, the chimp-related did NOT MIGRATE AT ALL, but ALL OTHER SPECIES DID, and the human-related DID, supposedly, crossing land-bridges that were either UNDER ICE, or -- NOT SEPERATED AT ALL, depending on WHICH THEORY you now EMPLOYE to facilitate YOUR AGENDA.
-- because the 'fossil' remains are global, of most 'related-families.'
-- because BIRDS STILL MIGRATE, and so do worms, for that matter.

I didn't rehearse this wording. I didn't edit it. I just typed out my thoughts -- quickly -- and I'm sure you could 'knit-pick' the details while IGNORING THE BIG PICTURE. Go ahead if it makes you feel better.

The point is, the Mediterranean Basin FILLED WITH WATER.
WHILE HUMANS LIVED THERE, as Humans, building cities, and digging in the earth, and creating ART in caverns, which are NOW under WATER.


Not apes. Not proto-apes. NONE OF THAT. HumansInAncientTimes.

And that is why, beneath the North Sea, which is relatively shallow water, there are all kinds of artifacts. Because the WATER ROSE.

That is WHY there are artifacts in EVERY SEA BASIN ON EARTH, because the WATER ROSE.

First, there was NOTHING -- THEN, there was a ball of GAS -- then DEBRIS -- then ice smashed into it, over and over ... Melting, and deep beneath it was HOT, and it pushed up THROUGH THE WATER ALL OVER THE PLANET. Land is born. And ERODED POCKETS, as more water DROWNED what WAS there, OBVIOUSLY.

That is WHY EXACTLY you have ocean-species fossils IN THE MOUNTAINS, because they were LIFTED from below the water. SPACE_ICE is arriving moment-by-moment, and MELTING ever since it gets HERE. Drowning.

As the SEAS RISE, there is LESS and LESS LAND. And the higher-water erodes more soil, OBVIOUSLY.

A mere 43ft reduction in global sea-level would FIX WEATHER PATTERNS GLOBALLY.
-- no more hurricanes.
-- no more typhoons.
-- no more or fewer tornadoes.
-- reduced earthquakes (water weighs a tremendous amount).
-- slightly less gravity.
-- more oxygen (because of plant-growth).

We've been collecting SPACE_ICE for 3.5 billion years.

Besides, we need the land, and the fields for crops and animals to roam, humans too.
New rain-forests and more fresh-water, too, to irrigate crops.

HOW? How do you reduce the ocean-depth?

It happens NATURALLY, by evaporation: removing the componant which puts three atoms together to make H2O, which leaves hydrogen, which RISES.

So, gravity does NOT affect hydrogen?
Actually, it does. And that's why it RETURNS. So, we need interrupt that process, and keep it RISING. Compressed. And BURN IT, HERE.

That should be the EXACT GOAL of every SPACE AGENCY on the PLANET.
That should be the EXACT GOAL of every ENERGY INDUSTRY on the PLANET.
That should be the EXACT GOAL of every GOVERNMENT on the PLANET.
ProtectAndServe, and SOLVE Hurricanes, SOLVE Earthquakes, and SOLVE Drought.
By UpliftingWater.

How we got HERE doesn't matter if we DROWN.
And drowning, we OBVIOUSLY ARE, one city at a time, one coastline at a time.

Look at Venice, Italy. Already DROWNING, and there are dozens more, drowning, right NOW, TODAY.

Meanwhile, proper countermeasures are OBVIOUS:
-- 1) InLandSeas: deep-valleys in HOT desert-zones can be pumped with sea-water, cooling, and creating RAIN in the surrounding farmlands. This COOLS the overall RisingHotAir, and REDUCES Hurricanes on the opposite side of the planet. The NEW 'convection' currents re-swirls the NEW, cooler, heavier water-vapors -- (which CAUSES WIND by displacing dry-air molecules) -- in the REGION they ALREADY ARE, instead of a large 'hot-air-zone' that intensifies in a band through the atmosphere as the globe turns. SIMPLE.
-- 2) OverIceFreeze: pump water onto the ice-caps and freeze it. SIMPLE.

Overall, those TWO GOALS EXACTLY, will reduce the depth of the ocean 2-inches every decade. That will SAVE VENICE, Italy, NOW, and many other cities. Just THAT. Two-inches of water reduction.

And the reduced hurricane-strength will save many other cities from storm-surge, which is wind-driven water, pushed onto the land-mass.

See, that HOT_ZONE, makes a column that SUCKS moisture. And that STARTS the SPIN.
-- because the water-molecules, in vapor form, are LARGER, and they PUSH the smaller gasses which comprises air OUT OF THE WAY, making stronger and stronger WIND -- as HEAT evaporates MOISTURE.
-- the HOTTER the ZONE, the STRONGER the WIND.
-- and that is COOLER AIR, NOW, filled with moisture, spinning.
-- as the globe turns, WITHIN THE ATMOSPHERE, that 'spinning-air' slides over the water, feeding it's SWIRL from the warmer, EVAPORATING_WATER below it, strengthening, until disipitated over LAND. (poor creamer in your coffee and watch it swirl -- AIR does THAT -- and if your creamer and coffee were ALMOST_FROZEN, the DENSER elements would swirl more SLOWLY -- thus, an oxygen-richer, moisture-heavier, cooler atmosphere will SWIRL SLOWER HURRICANES). This is why Hurricanes are STRONGER in WARMER, shallower WATER, AS the GulfCurrent flows in the OPPOSITE direction.
-- (and yes, the air is rotating too, but even FASTER, with a slight 'TIME_DRAG_VORTICE,' like a leaning-tree in the wind, only hundreds of miles in depth (atmosphere). Think of a merry-go-round. Toward the center is little speed-of-rotation. The edge is FASTER. But that's only a disc. If you think of a SPHERE, spinning, it's gravity holding the atmosphere to it, then you get the SAME EFFECT, with a JET_STREAM around it. And that's why you do NOT have Hurricanes anywhere ELSE then the lattitude/longtitude they ARE, and WHY EXACTLY you have slow-moving, cold air on the POLES.)

Simplistic terms, yes. Funky wording? Sure. Essentially correct? Yup. Sure IS.

And that's why the THEORY of 'continental DRIFT' is really a SHIFT in the understanding of Humanity's BeliefSystems, which have INFECTED education and divided SCIENCE with a massive, logical continental RIFT.

Day43-ResusCitateHumanity (InTheEnding)


There was an hydrogen explosion. An accident.

We didn't know what to do;
had been out travelling on a nice, warm SundayAfternoon.

It equated to what has been termed, "NuclearWinter," although such events were not involved.

And the weather turned, quickly.


Beneath the sea, just off-shore from the mouth of the Nile river, off the coast of what is now Egypt, used to be valleys, and fields, and crops. Currently under 6,600 feet of water, the Mediterranean basin contains the largest natural-gas, oil and other resource deposits on earth. Even today. At the depth of 4,500-5900ft below the current water-line, are what appears to be caverns: mines. Ancient mines, that fed the AncientCities all along the 'now coast' of Egypt.

Many scientists have theorized the the Mediterranean Basin filled with water due to the 'land-bridge' collapsing between NorthAfrica and Morocco/France, AND from the other direction: the BlackSea. Obviously, a little of BOTH occured.

You've heard of 'super-volcanos?' When/if these theorized events take place (make no mistake about it, these are NaturalistConspiracyTheories), a giant chunck of the planet explodes outward, into space, opening a brief hole in the atmosphere and suffocating the planet in an instantaneous global extinction event. Anything surviving is by chance alone, and the fallout will block out the sun and freeze it to death within days.

Well, these ARE theories.

Nobody has EVER been through one. Nor witnessed one. And this IS your 'science.'
STORIES -- keep that in mind: your Science is ALL THEORY.

Therefore, natural-gas pockets are WeaponsOfMassDestruction, according to YOU.

Because any type of 'super-volcano' event, theory or NOT, HAD to involve EXACTLY THAT.

We also THEORIZE how this MAY have been ONE of TWO THEORIES to 'explain' dinosaur extinction.

65,000,000 years ago, supposedly.

So, the planet 'healed itself,' and evolved YOU in this 'eye-blink' in cosmic history.

65,000,000 years. All the species on the planet. Everything you eat. Everything you see. Everything you smell. Everything you taste. And everything you TOUCH.

Today, we have huge natural-gas pockets. We stick a DRILL into THAT. A PROVEN, according to YOU, "WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION."

Now, let's return to: "-- KEEP THAT IN MIND --"

There was an hydrogen explosion. An accident.

We didn't know what to do;
had been out travelling on a nice, warm SundayAfternoon.

It equated to what has been termed, "NuclearWinter," although such events were not involved.

And the weather turned, quickly.

We survived in groups, every breath a struggle. Some were stronger than others and lasted longer.

Unprepared, and with no shelter, Onique, Onic and I, and several strangers, shivered in a huddle. The sun had set and the cold had become unbearable. It had been two-months, and the sky had yet to clear. We were eating bark and leaves and pine-needles, and grass. Frozen.

Teeth chattering, I kept telling Onic over and over that things would get better, lieing to one of my most BelovedTreasures, spinning false-hope and wishful-thinking out of nothing but misery.

When the inevitable drew closer, I invented even more embellished nonsense, about how 'beautiful' things WOULD BE, after --

Freakish thing happened right THEN at that EXACT MOMENT. A group arrived out of nowhere and revived us. And then it was our turn, after we'd healed up and could walk around and find others and try to help them. Fewer and fewer were found. And I kept LIEING to these groups, some dieing in my arms, how 'beautiful' things WOULD BE, after --

And those STORIESofLIES became STORliesLAW, repeated in misery, every time, InTheEnding.

And that IS where religion was concocted, EXACTLY, in DeathWorship.

And I am so ashamed, and so sorry. I did THAT, EXACTLY, InTheEnding, and now all you have is DeathWorship, InTheBeginning.

Day52-ResusCitateHumanity-5.2 (POM)

(OnTime is variable)


And here it is, Day52 in OnTime (actually, it's 47, but alignment to OffTime makes it easier to follow YOUR time).

We are in a period of GlobalEconomicSetbacks.
Difficult times for all, well, many. 'Most' don't care, and many only care for the photo-op moment of extorting money to further their DeathWorshiping DiscriminHate ... tomorrow, next week, next month ... 'business as usual,' for HATERS, that loft themselves above all others, formulate groups of INTOLERANCE, to leverage LAW illegally, and thereby declare their own so-called 'beloved-neighbors' as being 'not our kind of people.'

On this date, two years ago, the temperature dropped from 58-degrees during the day, overnight, to 8-degrees Farenheit. AND I DO NOT HAVE ANY WOOD PUT UP FOR WINTER YET. :(

Hard. I'll encourage YOU when I'm not suffocating. Peace.


(note: ignore BBcodes in text)

Madonna. See her?
Isn't she great? Yup. Sure IS.
[size=18][b][color=yellow]Your SoulMate makes you face shit. -- Madonna[/size][/b][/color]

-- cute kids, too! Great family.
-- My kinda girl. Onique. ;)


So, she tells her people that when they leave 'here,' wherever that may be, to never accept mediocrity. So we differ here, too, because 'perfect' is impossible, and opportunities such as she has had, are afforded .0000000000000000000000000001% of ALL humans, BEFORE and AFTER herself.

And that's why I'm HATED, because I accept even those face down in the mud, beaten, helpless, lost, the dispossesed, the oppressed, the shamed, the blamed, the down-trodden, those on the 'other side of the tracks,' and even those whom have never known anything but mediocrity -- those living lives where such words are irrelavent. And, those whose opportunities were DENIED.

"Want tolerance? Give tolerance." -- Madonna

Does that include the 'mediocre?' ;)
I guess not -- or we'd be friends.
I guess not -- or Senators would have UpliftedOrleans for REAL.
I guess not -- or there would be equality.
I guess not -- or there would be more stages for sharing.
I guess not -- or it would never have been said.

(But she wasn't talking to me -- so I am responding 'out-of-context' INTENTIONALLY).

But I love her anyway. Like YOU, and you ... even you over there. When you hurt others, I'll be in your face and saying "FUCK YOU!" -- but we're in it together and we need fix it together, AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllThings. PeaceOnEarth -- not 'off' in some fairy-tale or fictional 'not real life' that has NOTHING TO DO with SURVIVING THIS ONE -- [size=24][b][color=yellow]PeaceOnEarth, now. SIMPLE.[/size][/b][/color]

In the END, it doesn't matter what you BELIEVE. Look at all those bodies floating in the water DEAD. They all died at the same time in the same way. Doesn't matter what they believed or if they believed nothing at all. The reason they drowned, was because people [size=14][b][color=red]BELIEVED IN THE MEDIOCRITY OF FAITH[/size][/b][/color], [b]instead of[/b] [size=18][b][color=yellow]THE PROVEN EXCELLENCE OF HELPING THE LIVING DURING LIFE.[/size][/b][/color]

And now they're DEAD, and it was BELIEF by others that killed them, by substituting fictional-needs for REAL NURTURE/LIFE/[size=24][b][color=yellow]LIGHT[/size][/b][/color].


And she's just a wonderful person, AS IS. And for being wonderful, she is ruthlessly HAMMERED on the damnable CrossOfShame, merely for breathing. Commonality, there, we share, from differing facets of the social spectrum. Go figure. I admire her, I do. Sharing herself and thereby uplifting so many. Few have THAT stage. I admire her more for not abusing the luxury.


Someone: "I thought he was someone important!"
Someone else: "So did I!"

And that's how gross YOU are. Everyone is important, damnit!
-- so I hide charisma; I'm no more than you.
-- so while I hide charisma, I feel tragic loss.
-- so, stuffing charisma, displays introversion. Safety. (I tire of hate, it HURTS!)
-- so, I'm healing, a 'broken wing,' and there is no encouragement in HELL, unless you BUY it, and I'm broke.

Someone: "With that attitude, you always will be."
-- with THAT attitude, so will everybody else.
-- with THAT attitude, 'helping-hands' is fictional photo-op material. Sound familiar? HELL. And it's YOUR attitude that IS the CAUSE.


So I wrote a wonderful song. I'd share, but there are no stages for 'your/my kind of people.' I'd send it, but I don't know where. I'd give it away like so many others but this one is -- well, I'll give it away like so many others, of course, like always, or throw it away. Nobody cares anyway, unless it's a photo-op-moment or someone is watching. That's why the Establishment CHOOSES THE FEW to be 'light' and says 'NO' to the rest -- and much beauty is discarded as 'not our kind.'


80,000 people in Scotland at Madonna's concert there. Performing in the rain is a bitch! Once, I slipped off a stage, bruising my butt-cheeck on the edge!, performing in the rain. Big band. Hurt! Climbed back on that 'horse' ... tears and all, and kept OnRiding. ;)

... and so will [size=18][b][color=yellow]YOU.[/size][/b][/color]