Saturday, December 27, 2008

Federal Assistance Urgent

North Idaho, the Palouse, the surrounding region, doesn't have the resources for it. Roofs are collapsing. People that live in rural areas, the roads are blocked. There's nowhere to put the snow. It takes tractor blowers, and there aren't any, to lift the snow over the berms from the plows.

Emergency Services has little time to respond to those in need, calling for help, medical or otherwise (such as 'out-of-food' or heat or whatever).

Federal Emergency Management is required.

The water-shed of Priest and Pend Orielle need be lowered. Too little water was let out, and that's not to say that the experts didn't do their jobs correctly. But it's a setup for failure, and the person(s) to blame have already been selected, 'pre-approved' for hatred, to be terminated for the inevitable results. Chinook.

The snow-pack in the mountains last year was incredible. It came the same time of year it usually does. January.

We haven't got to January YET, and we're nearly at that snow-pack level, regardless of what the 'moisture-content' higher-ed 'genius-experts' have to say about it. The water-shed needs be lowered -- even if it takes pumps to do it -- 'just in case' -- Chinooks ... do you know what those are? Think about it. Ask anybody that grew up here, but not the higher-ed 'genius-experts,' because they are 'too busy' getting paid to 'study' and ridicule and scorn all those that have to suffer through it -- and they HOPE for it -- HOPE for DISASTER and the photo-ops that go along with it -- just like Hurricane Katrina -- and you know WHO TOOK THE BLAME FOR THAT.

Unfortunately, the large 'aircraft runway' type tractor blowers and plows are too large for the rural roads. Many are just one-lane to begin with -- and many two-lane roads are reduced to one lane right now. The one-lane roads, one-lane in summer, are the hardest hit and home-owners with 4-wheel-drive pickups and 7-ft or 8-ft plows on the front, have nowhere to put the snow. 10-foot blades may hit telephone junction box equipment, sign-posts, etc. -- it's a highly unusual situation. (I smoothed my one-lane road so the hydraulics and blades of plow-blades would not get broken -- I did that last month before it snowed, as the pot-holes and runoff gullies had grown deep -- I prepared as best I could for it).

Will you do my road please? And there are so many others. Give me a tractor-plow -- I'll return it, after I drive it night and day all winter to ensure Defensive Services Access.

Don't forget about the water-shed -- it MUST BE LOWERED.

Fly some equipment to Bonner County and surrounding counties, please. Thank you.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Native Americans Still Punished


From the Desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate, Dec., 16, 2008

Good morning;

All Entities in existence, PLEASE EXPERIENCE MY WORDS:

When she was fourteen, they said she was 'different' because she didn't have the 'proper' skin-color; the 'proper' 'roots' -- heritage -- and wasn't of the 'right kind of religion'; while claiming, "land of equality," and, "land of celebrated diversity," and, "land of free-speech/expression," and "land of equal opportunities."

She was beautiful. Too beautiful, apparently. That's when I first met her. I was 12 at the time.

Decades later, she knocks on my door, in the pouring-down rain, soaked, frazzled, a lifetime of harassment. She needed someone to talk to about it. Strange thing, we just 'happened' to end up living within a 1/4 mile of each other. Over the next year, she became more and more agitated, telling how they'd "messed with my stuff." When she'd work on something around the house, leave, return, somebody had just decided to 'mess with it.' Mark it. Damage it. Vandalize it, subtly, just to "fuck with her head." Repeatedly.

The last I spoke to her, she was very distraught. They'd pushed her to the point of wanting to defend herself, with violence if necessary. The people doing it, said the usual, not in these exact words but similar comments as: "she's not one of us," -- "she's a lesbian" -- "she's a drunk" -- "she's a bitch" -- "she has AIDS!" -- "she's a Satanist!" -- "she's fucked-up in the head!" -- "she does methamphetamine and it's about the children! We have to know if she's doing it!" -- the usual derogatory comments by those whom discriminate and their psychotic excuses to deny the same pursuits of life, liberty and happiness to OTHERS they hypocritically demand for their own selfish selves, but deny to others -- any excuse will do. So it was a consistent, known plot to invade her privacy just to 'mess with her head.' And they all knew it. And contributed in subtle ways. Mostly via hateful rumormongering. "Black-listed," is the proper yet improper term. That's the result of it -- ALWAYS.

She had every right to be distraught, that last time I spoke with her. It was a Sunday, a Sunday afternoon.

I didn't hear from her for several weeks, and somebody told me they'd found her body, shot in the head. They claim it was 'self-inflicted.' I dunno -- I didn't verify it with my five-senses. Maybe they told me that just to 'mess with my head'?

After all the hateful-rumormongering, they could have said, "aliens did it," and nobody would have batted an eye.

She's gone now, and I have not seen nor heard from her since. Murdered.

Prior to that, it was the Postman, the 'evil guy that wasn't one of us,' that lived down the road.

I wonder how many others they've done that to? The Postman didn't 'kill himself,' but the harassment is the same, just a different 'scope' or 'level' of the same thing. He wasn't Native American, but I wonder if he'd have suffered from a "bullet to the head" if he were? Maybe ended up floating face-down in the river? Like the BLM guy last summer? I'm not suggesting a cable was pulled at the exact moment his flotation device moved over it, puncturing it, dumping him into the rapids to be beaten to death by rocks. But around here, it really makes me wonder.

My immediate neighbor is referred to as the 'mad drunk with the body of his dead wife buried in his yard.' Maybe it would be him if he were Native American descent? Perhaps if there were more than 'two-drops' of Native American blood in his heritage?

I refer to "Native Americans" most often as the "OriginalPeople," descendants of the OriginalPeople to be exact. I have a 'drop or two' of Native American in me, too. All those things she told me, see, I've had happen to me and 'my stuff,' too.

My blog has been hacked -- My Mission Notes deleted -- thousands of posts removed, backups taken, my backup hard-drive overwritten and it wasn't kept inside my computer, so it was no 'self-inflicted accident.' Those responsible ask, "what is your evidence!" to concoct yet another stupid shit excuse and hope for a 'better way' of doing it -- harassing 'not-their-kinds-of-people' -- 'without a trace,' rather, 'without getting caught.'

'Pillars of the community.' Like religious communities are most notorious for doing, be it Mormon, or Islamic or Hindu or Baptist -- the subtleness of their so-called 'unconditional loving examples' which denies equality to 'not-their-kinds-of-people' TERRORIZES, one tragedy after another, globally, which is why loving governments serve and protect all people equally against HatefulReligiousSupremacy in a global defensive effort against TERROR.

Because now, the most hateful religionists whom persecute everybody for any freedom, have taught the masses how to do it and say, "we're not religious," at the same time. Mention it to the religious and they chant goose-step in lock-step, "why are you persecuting us! We're so oppressed! Boo-hoo!" on queue -- like puppets regurgitating rehearsed script. And that's why we have to do it -- continue it -- defending against terror, globally. Because it's out-of-control, globally, and is so subtle, that most people don't even recognize it, even when it happens in their own communities, and those responsible, whom contributed, insist they had nothing to do with it, 'collecting evidence' all the while to cover their own hateful asses.

She didn't know anybody 'round these parts -- neither do I. Every time I think of her, I don't even want to.

Nobody has a right to invade other peoples' privates. There is no such thing as 'permission' to do it. There is no such thing as 'prior arrangement' to do it. Nobody has a 'power-of-attorney' or 'limited-power-of-anything' to claim they 'represent' me or 'my stuff,' including my non-profit (notice I did not say 'corporation' nor claim 501-3(c) status), OperationResusCitateHumanity. Nobody has a right to 'interpret' nor speak 'on my behalf,' nor claim 'personal knowledge' or 'contribution,' nor claim tax-exemption nor claim 'donation,' as I have taken ZERO.

And just as the 14-yr-old Native American descendant that killed herself decades later so close to me, nobody had a right to go through her personal belongings, her privates, and that includes her personal financial data, financial transactions, including receipts, checking or savings or bank info, or titles to her belongings, real property, non-negotiables, negotiables or otherwise, health info, medical, etc., nobody has that right, nobody.

They made her miserable.

Les' Miserable, and HOPED she'd DIE.

-- or just 'vanish.' Be gone. "Taken care of ..."

-- and that doesn't mean, 'economic freedom.' Not by a long-shot.

She was PUNISHED before CONVICTED of anything.

Some 'shining-example,' eh? Assumption of guilt until concocted guiltier.

Which brings up my last few posts, especially regarding Governor Blagojevich, already demands for his PUNISHMENT BEFORE CONVICTION, his freedom taken from him, his job and career ruined, his family and beloved wife slandered, by those FAKING victimhood from WORDS -- "Oh, he said a word we HATE, he should be PUNISHED!" -- and his wife, and everybody that ever uses those words, now sensationalized as 'weapons' that 'spill blood' and 'devastate' communities -- like it was nuked or something. It's ridiculous. Bunch of babies, "sticks and stones" etc., etc., etc., and all that. If you don't like a word, don't use it. Problem solved. If what you hear or see offends you, pluck it out, problem solved. Prove your shining-examples or STFU. Problem solved. Nothing facetious about it.

That's the so-called 'overwhelming evidence' against him, FAKE 'WOUNDS' from the FAKE spilling-of-blood with FAKE pain and FAKE suffering from the FAKE weapons of WORDS.


That's what our Legislative Branches are doing. That's what the as-yet-to-be-seen Obama Administration's higher-ed 'genius-expert' advisors just told him to do and say about the Governor of Illinois -- PUNISH BEFORE TRIAL. The Attorney General of Illinois DEMANDS PUNISHMENT to Black-List his career, his livelihood -- WITHOUT TRIAL.

It's a harassment campaign concocted by Senators AGAINST Governors. And anybody ELSE, apparently. YOU COULD BE NEXT.

I mention that, people faking wounds/victimhood from words as excuses to punish others (voodoo-project their own inner hatred for themselves outward against others in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem, zero integrity, zero justice, therefore zero equality), because that 14-yr-old I met, so long ago, a descendant of the OriginalPeople, used all kinds of words -- some I don't use myself -- even then, when I first met her when I was just 12. Words have nothing to do with her beauty -- inward or outward.

Native Americans have ALWAYS been HATED for their words -- because they didn't say the 'right kinds of words,' and didn't use the 'right vocabulary' or 'right language.' It didn't matter WHAT WORDS they used ANYWAY. Any word was excuse to hate them for it and DENY EQUALITY to them.

Senator Obama, during his campaign, claimed, "words matter," every time I wrote an article or posted a blog entry or forum-post about the meaninglessness of all those platitudes he kept spouting, while knit-picking some details to make it all 'sound-reasonable,' but the overall 'big-picture' was just a marketing-campaign, like late-night snake-oil sales ads, "buy this product and get whiter teeth, fresher breath, a cleaner colon, healthier glowing skin, vibrant energy, longer lasting orgasms, improved memory, cures cancer too!" -- the claims are predictable and ridiculous.

So what is President-Elect Obama doing now? Proving 'words matter' by faking wounds and demanding punishments before trials/convictions? I don't know he can possibly explain his way out of that one. Perhaps twist it around and claim it was about 'denying' -- errr, what? Involvement in what? DENYING EQUALITY? JUSTICE? Why would he 'address the nation' about it in the first place EXCEPT to Black-List?

There is NO WAY that man can get a fair-trail. ZERO CHANCE of it. He's been ASSumed GUILTY AND concocted GUILTIER even in so-called 'entertainment late-night comedy tv,' to BRAINWASH the 'late-night-viewing' masses to HATE HIM.

Then in the morning-viewing-hour programs as well. 24/7, nonstop, not just in one state or region, and not just nationally, but globally.

Hated for his WORDS -- just like descendants of the OriginalPeople, Native Americans.

Same with African Americans. Mexicans. Asians. See, we don't have a "United States Language." There is no such thing as "US'an," unless it's referred to as 'double-speak' or "IdiotLanguage" -- there is no such thing as 'american' in terms of language. The most common language used in the United States was STOLEN from ENGLAND and called "ENGLISH" by NAME ONLY. There is nothing "United States'an" about it, except people from the United States DEMAND that anybody that comes to this physical location should "learn the language from here or go somewhere ELSE -- just 'vanish' -- 'be gone' -- stop breathing."

And that's how stupid it is, because the language FROM HERE is Navajo and well, for all beginning with the letter "A" ...

A'ananin (Aane), Abenaki (Abnaki, Abanaki, Abenaqui), Absaalooke (Absaroke), Achumawi (Achomawi), Acjachemen, Acoma, Agua Caliente, Adai, Ahtna (Atna), Ajachemen, Akimel O'odham, Akwaala (Akwala), Alabama-Coushatta, Aleut, Alutiiq, Algonquians (Algonkians), Algonquin (Algonkin), Alliklik, Alnobak (Alnôbak, Alnombak), Alsea (Älsé, Alseya), Andaste, Anishinaabe (Anishinabemowin, Anishnabay), Aniyunwiya, Antoniaño, Apache, Apalachee, Applegate, Apsaalooke (Apsaroke), Arapaho (Arapahoe), Arawak, Arikara, Assiniboine, Atakapa, Atikamekw, Atsina, Atsugewi (Atsuke), Araucano (Araucanian), Avoyel (Avoyelles), Ayisiyiniwok, Aymara, Aztec


need I list all the "B's"? And "C's?" and all the others?

Check this link if you're interested:

THOSE are the languages of 'america.' NOT ENLGISH, nor it's distorted, twisted-sister we are told is 'english' while teaching kids such ridiculous standards as, "land of equality," and, "health science proves that positive-test results are symptoms of illness, including attitude problems, because attitude is psychology, and in all health/medicine fields, positive-symptoms of illness, including 'positive-attitude,' is indicative of ILLNESS," but "be positive-minded!" as an excuse to sell more visits to detention facilities, blame parents, and make healthcare systems go broke, to bankrupt our country.

I admonish all of you for it -- equally -- AND CITE YOUR HUMANITY. WE MUST DO BETTER. Please do. Please. BE HEALED OF IT.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton, HFA
UniversalTheorem is here NOW; OnTime, RU?



Big3 Auto == what a setup -- our typical LegisHative branch made it ILLEGAL to manufacture the same types of cars that get 65mpg in Europe and Brazil, but are now claiming that the Auto mfg'ers are to BLAME. It's mind-numbingly ridiculous. Big-3 Auto can't blow their collective noses without it being Legishated, and it's been that way for DECADES. They were setup for failure, to cover-up the absurdity of our own hateful Legislative Branches usurpation of business, industry, economy, family. We have a beautiful government, a beautiful country, but this branch of government needs be dismissed and completely overhauled. Now they've usurped control over the Executive Branch, picking and choosing who governs, who is appointed, who is ruined, censored, punished, ruined. It's a religion of hate, the ChurchOfHate, with Senators hateful oligarchs. Daschle appointed 'czar' over Human Services now, to establish yet another higher-ed 'oversight panel' to TALK about helping people, thereby selling more college-degrees in TALKING about 'helping people' to defraud Human Services of the monies necessary to actually HELP NURTURE FAMILY's NEEDS. It's all about selling more college degrees -- and that's where all the money is going -- cultivating 'credentials' that DEFRAUD the TREASURY by TENS OF TRILLIONS then BLAME LABOR, CEO's, Banks, Families, native-americans -- Jews -- whomever -- anybody ELSE instead of taking personal-responsibility for the TRILLIONS they've squandered, with 'educational oversight committees' to cultivate and harvest the 'credentialed minds' to bankrupt global economy. That's what Senators molested higher-ed into, "The PENDING EDUCATION MELTDOWN" -- where only our own hateful Senators that concocted it can 'rush to the rescue' to FAKE 'saving the day," as usual -- just like Big3Auto and the Financial Industry.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Corporate Jets PROMISES JOBS

Leave it to our own hateful Congress to PROMISE lay-offs, to DEMAND it -- and claim it's a 'good-thing.'

Do you have any idea how many jobs ONE CORPORATE JET creates?

We need MORE of 'em --- the more there are, the more high-paying jobs are created, reducing traffic-congestion because that many LESS people will be driving from city to city, flying instead.

Since our own hateful Congress and related Legislative Branch has hated the AIRLINE INDUSTRY 'off the map,' and the auto-industry as well, I invite Big3 Auto and Boeing and Microsoft and VISA and BankOfAmerica and Big Oil (especially the Energy Sector for development of GeoThermal power-generation plants) to Idaho where you will be WELCOMED and PROTECTED.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID

Obama Assumes Guilt Before Concocting YOU Guiltier

For centuries, anybody with 'different skin color' was ASSumed 'guilty' until concocted guiltier. In courts of law, juries were comprised of those that claimed they were 'unbiased,' yet proved their own religious hatefulness, claiming their hateful 'god' pre-determines guilt, 'dark-skin' being a 'sign,' among 'other things' AS YET DETERMINED.

Today, we had a President-Elect PRE-DETERMINE GUILT AND PUNISHMENT against a man ACCUSED. You know how Michael Jackson was accused of 'faking being white' ??? Something to do with 'fake skin color,' or some nonsense. Prior pictures of him when younger contrast with more recent photos. Does it matter? Perhaps it's a skin-condition? Perhaps it's nobody's business. The point being, the criticisms against him came mostly from those claiming he'd 'abandoned his heritage' to 'pander to the white-establishment,' and today, the only person doing that is the man who claimed he was running for President to prove the opposite.

Distasteful? Perhaps. But FAKING 'niceness' or 'polite-wording' when ASSUMPTION OF GUILT UNTIL CONCOCTED GUILTIER is promoted by a President-Elect and the minions of 'journalists' (SCRIBES) whom want to 'impress him' in the HOPE to become a 'favored journalist' of the future White House, is 'beyond-the-pale' -- (do you know where that phrase came from? It's racist by nature, by all those hateful religionists whom claimed that anything 'not white' is 'dark' and therefore 'black/ugly/pre-approved-for-guilt.'

Governor Blagojevich of Illinois is the ACCUSED. As Chief Law Enforcement officer of the State of Illinois, his primary responsiblity is say whatever comes to mind, regardless of wording, to entice the rats out into the open. Maybe you'd have used 'different words'? Because you're trained in being a 'perfect governor' and a 'perfect undercover officer' and know the 'perfect words' to say to crooks that want to buy access to government? There is ZERO 'training' for it -- AS IT UNFOLDS, see. And when every other special-interest in existence has SOLICITED FAVORS from Governor Blagojevich, he was and is OBLIGATED BY LAW and everything we hold dear as citizens of this country to 'route-out-rats.'

Which 'rats'? The kind that claim they are 'elected' to 'serve-and-protect' WeThePeople,' yet COVET OTHER PEOPLES' JOBS, for starters. For YEARS, Obama, for example, was PAID AND OBLIGATED TO BE IN THE CAPITOL BUILDING REPRESENTING THE PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS. Where was he? SOLICITING hundreds-of-millions of dollars from WeThePeople and Corporate and FOREIGN INTERESTS, writing books, traveling/globe-trotting, making arrangements with foreign-powers KNOWN HOSTILE TO THE UNITED STATES, at YOUR EXPENSE.

Do you treat your employer that way?

What if you did?

You wouldn't just get fired -- you'd get ARRESTED FOR FRAUD, among other things.

('you' is figurative and applies to all people equally, regardless of language or location).

These double-standards are killing us as a country, as a people, as a species, not just this population, but all of 'em.

Look at the Big3 Auto situation. Our hateful Legislators -- haters -- LegisHaters, concocted economic crisis for the Financial Sector FIRST, to undermine LABOR and INDUSTRY, in the run-up to GUT HUMAN SERVICES, and usurp control over all of it. The President, the current one, President George W. Bush, suggested a 'car Czar' for a reason -- a magnanimous one -- because he knows fully well our out-of-control hateful Legislative Branch will blame any President for anything they concoct themselves. In other words, a 'whipping-boy' to 'take-the-blame' so the next President won't be punished by it. On the surface, that 'sounds-reasonable,' appointing a 'car Czar,' but I disagree on all points, because our hateful Legislators concocted it and should finally, for once, take personal responsibility for their own concocted bullshit, instead of taking their usual majestic LUXURY of finding yet someone ELSE to BLAME, as usual.

CORPORATE JETS STAY! That's the stupidest point of all. By making those CEO's drive to Washington D.C., do you have any idea how many 'sight-seers' clogged the highways and biways as a result? It was so publicized, that THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS jumped in their cars 'just to see'. With every 1000 cars on the roads, there is YET ANOTHER FATALITY. Leave it to our own hateful Congress to HOPE FOR DEATH at YOUR EXPENSE merely to make some stupid, ridiculous 'political point.' AND STUPID it is -- stupider and stupider. With all those MORE thousands of autos on the roads, GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS skyrocket, the same 'global warming' gasses those same hateful LegisHaters are using as the concocted EXCUSE to RAISE YOUR TAXES. Further, the SAME CONGESTION they use as the excuse to raise your taxes MORE, is what they just PROMISED.

Like I said in my last post, "AI" stands for "Artificial_Idiocy." Just play 'dumb' and ignore their hateful idiotic STUPIDITY -- just 'bend-over' and TAKE IT.


Now, all these DIVERSIONS from what our own hateful Legislative Branch has concocted -- one diversion after another. Instead of focusing on their manipulations of global economy at YOUR EXPENSE, they're plastering the air-waves with made-up controversy, using whatever 'leverage' they can scrounge, including 'faith-based' coercion, where 'like-minded' religionists of any particular 'flavor' or 'version' are expected to 'investigate' and/or complicate selected 'targets' merely to DIVERT ATTENTION from everything else being done, under the guise of 'moral obligations.' Historically, think of Baptists, whom hated women in the work-place, and did everything possible in their professional lives, even though it was illegal to admit it, to prevent appointments of women to political office. Notice my wording? "TO ADMIT IT" -- but it was flippin' OBVIOUS they were doing it. And they still are. Different day, same shit -- only the names/targets/pawns change. Be it crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), skin-color, religion, habits or entertainments, even love itself, some group of like-minded discriminating hateful religionists in our out-of-control Legislative Branch IS GUNNING FOR YOU.

What about Human Services? Cut-backs are already being enacted. The poorest of the poor, single-moms, the elderly, disabled, homeless, hungry, Les Miserable' -- and that's exactly what that book was about -- miserable people and the revolutions/wars it causes. Might as well teach that autistic kid whose funding is being cut to do blow-jobs, sell drugs, steal purses, because all Democrats have ever done is HIRE MORE COPS AND BUILD MORE PRISONS (dungeons) with the Human Services money they defrauded from WeThePeoples' Treasury -- moreso than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD.

It now takes $400 to pay the higher-ed 'genius-expert' for the PENNY that goes toward the loaf of bread to nurture Les' Miserable.

Obviously, higher-ed is a 'license' to defraud TRILLIONS from banks, labor, industry, our governments. Who oversights it? OUR OWN HATEFUL CONGRESS, writing 'loop-holes' then devising courses to 'credential' students to take advantage of those 'loop-holes' in HOPE of throwing more in the dungeons as DIVERSIONS from the Legislative Branch's own HatefulReligiousLegislativeTyranny.

Nothing is 'good enough' any more. Nothing and nobody. Even your own love/loves are used against you -- pre-approved for only hatred. Any excuse will do. Positive-people HATE you as 'negative,' then regurgitate the pre-memorized soundbite "it's about the behaviors, not the people!" (sin/sinner crap) as their excuse to HATEFULLY PUNISH PEOPLE and force MISERY, to PROFIT, see --- see it yet? --- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle and not-so-subtle instigation/encouragement/HOPE.

President-Elect Obama has pre-determined the guilt of somebody accused. (Perhaps the 'crime' is YEARNING FOR EQUALITY?) (***smirk***) Why else would he call for the PUNISHMENT of being OUSTED/CAST-OUT/FIRED/TERMINATED against the accused? What other possible reason could be concocted -- what 'reasonable-sounding' bullshit will be said as the excuse for having done it? "Well, obviously Gov. Blagojevich needs to focus on DEFENDING HIMSELF, instead of THE PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS?" ????!!!! It just gets stupider and stupider -- the only thing 'predictable' anymore is STUPIDITY.


We need to suspend the Legislative Branches until we get it sorted out, their impossible debts -- their impossible healthcare fiasco -- their impossible promises to finance, to labor, to industry, to Human Services -- their impossible so-called 'solutions' which are nothing more than diversions and more punishments and whippings, all fraud.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton, HFA
ORCH_Day1199 -- OnTime, RU?

Friday, December 05, 2008

Congressional Oligarchs Squeeze Big Auto/Labor

After artificially raising oil prices by making promises/arrangements with foreign powers over the past years, blaming the President for their own power-grab to gut the financial industry, our own hateful Legislative Branch has now conspired against Labor, using Big Auto as their PawnsOfWar.

AI -- "ArtificialIdiocy"

Just play 'dumb,' as Congress FAKES their usual 'majesty,' faking 'rushing to the rescue,' as fake 'white-knights,' to fake 'saving-the-day,' after setting-up-for-failure yet another sector of economy.

For it would indeed be an idiotic populace that would allow a group of the richest people, whom all claim to be making a 'huge sacrifice on behalf of their country,' by 'serving' as 'public servants,' while making endless book-deals and multi-million dollar 'special-offers' for their own selfish selves on-the-side, whom have OVERSPENT TRILLIONS UPON TRILLIONS of tax-payer dollars, to demand a 'plan' from Big Auto.

What kind of 'plan'? Forced SOE's (State Owned Enterprises), starting with controlling-interest in the banking/financial industries, next stop: Big Auto and the Labor Unions that helped elect their own EXECUTIONERS.

Now, lets' observe the BigPicture: what type of 'credential' over-spends TRILLIONS? What type of 'qualification' does one need to be 'credentialed' to over-spend TRILLIONS?

Whatever it is, it's oversighted by our own hateful Legislative Branch, the Oligarchs in disguise. In other words, go to college to earn a degree to be 'excused' from FRAUD -- from defrauding taxpayers TRILLIONS.

Who profits from atop the rubble, misery and grief? religions do. Like this: our country was founded because our colonies were divided hateful groups of religious zealots, with zero 'free-travel,' and anybody that disagreed was denied equality, denied liberty. Governors were forced to 'keep the peace' by SEGREGATION of these hateful groups of suppossedly 'unconditionally-loving-godly-good-people' that hate everything and everybody, including themselves as they concocted one sickening and despicable 'witch-hunt' after another -- any excuse would do -- mostly after perversely peering inside of other peoples' PRIVATES just to stir-up yet another excuse to place conditions against their own so-called 'love' AGAINST their own so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors' to selfishly deny the same equality and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness they each hypocritically demanded for their own selfish selves.

These religious zealots ridicule and scorn everything and everybody, any word will do, followed by pieces of cloth, clothes. Now, these same religious zealots own 'controlling-interest' in the same millennia-long monopolostic oligarchical tyranny over PUBLISHING/media as always, always putting a 'bitchy-queen-'fag'' with a 'stage-name' similar to a 'demon-dog' from a previous religious-promoted high-profile movie on the evening news as 'entertainment' to ridicule and scorn people for their CLOTHES and WORDS and LOOKS and PRIVATES, merely so the religious zealots can point their long, accusatory fingers, as usual, and chant goose-step in lock-step, "Ahhh-huh! See! THEY are WORSE than WE!"

That's how subtle it is. And that's exactly how hateful it's become. Originally, the StoneWall movement was TO DEFEND ALL PEOPLE EQUALLY AGAINST THOSE DOING THAT.

That tactic of endless DIVIDES has not been lost on our hateful Legislative Branch, obviously, as it's the weak-spot of any democracy, always quickly and easily infiltrated and infected by the most hateful religious zealots whom have had centuries to devise 'mindphukery' to make it all sound so 'reasonable,' with pre-memorized disclaimers about how much they've 'reformed' and, " ... maybe we used to be like that, but we've changed, and I don't know anybody like that, and I'm certainly not like that!" whenever their hatefulness is challenged.

Look at the millions whom lovingly gave money to a religious organization to FEED THE STARVING only to learn their money wasn't used to nurture anybody, but diverted to an anti-government, anti-equality hate-campaign solely based upon PRIVATES. After perversely sniffing privates, an EQUAL FELLOW CITIZEN BELOVED NEIGHBOR is now either 'approved' to love, or HATED for their love.

The point is, the same institution that devised an economic formula of FAILURE to seize control of industry/economy/family, with the 'cover-story' of "it's the President's fault!" as usual, whom have waged war against WeThePeople for every word, every letter, every email, every picture, every poster, every book, every blog, every advertisement, every entertainment, every habit, every product, every pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, every love, every FREEDOM, whom overspent TRILLIONS because they have a 'college degree credential' and YOU DON'T, therefore only they themselves are 'qualified' and 'enlightened enough' and 'divinely inspired enough' to concoct a system of total ECONOMIC CHAOS of INFINITE DEBT, whereas all others are 'not credentialed' and 'not qualified' -- all dissenters 'heretics' and 'heathens' and 'disgruntled' ... 'unworthy' of their VOICES BEING HEARD AT ALL ...

It's a religion in itself, a very hateful one. The Legislative Branch is entirely out of control.

Look what they demand now: after proving THEY ARE INCOMPETENT BUDGETERS, they are demanding a 'spending plan' from PROVEN SUCCESSFUL INDUSTRIES. So, my suggestion to the Big Three Auto CEO's is 'use pretty fonts' and make it 'sound reasonable' and 'overspend by trillions' and 'blame Presidents, Governors, Mayors and families,' then get a 'credential' from the most corrupt version of 'balance-of-power' institutionalized idiocy ever devised. Of course, I'm being a bit facetious here, but the point is clear.


While claiming they are 'rushing to the rescue to save the day' as usual. It's FRAUD. Period.

I'm NOT being facetious when I say to Big Auto, most sincerely, to tell Congress to go fuck themselves since obviously they have nothing better to do than fuck-over everybody ELSE. I know personally.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (HumanityFamilyAdvocate/3Ons)
OnTime, RU?

Or write me:
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID 83856-2123