Friday, October 26, 2012

Gays For Romney?

"Romnesia" irked me.  It's the ad hom, scurrilous.  When we 'non elitists' do it, we're cast-out, cut-off, ostracized, hammered as 'negative' against the merciless 'positive-cross-signs' of the 'positive-minded' intolerants.  The 'pettiness' level is now so deep, re-evaluating some things is a citizen's duty.

Pres Bush II authorized military action in the Middle East as long as it was not a religious war, but defensive-action against religious extremism, and, as long as an entire army was not mobilized to 'go after' one man, Osama bin Ladin, because if that were the case, then thousands of troops would die along the way and countless innocent men, women and children too.  So almost all agreed, regardless of politics, that 'heaven and earth' would not be 'moved' for one man, it's just not worth it, on many, many levels.  Nothing 'Romnesian' about it.  Now Pres Obama is ''coat-tailing'' from the 'inherited' military-action of a previous President, and insulting everybody with the use of that one term, because it's not just about Mitt Romney, nor Republicans, it's a petty insult against all ''water under the bridge.''  Scurrilous, and then some.

Meanwhile, I'm reminded that very few of we Gays have an ''improved economy'' under Obama, in fact, as a demographic, our spending-power is quite reduced, more of us jailed, our voting rights stripped over petty 'romanian-styled' lifestyle intrusions; more filed for bankruptcy, more foreclosures, more firings, more more more of all the things Obama promised to 'fix' and didn't, and the only 'protections' of merit were for Obama employees in gov't, not the private sector.

When I was fired for being Gay Married by the Straight Married, they didn't ask anything about job-performance, only if I had a roommate, if we were 'more than just roommates,' and then claimed they were 'defending the rights of women' on the workforce who were concerned we'd infect them with the 'gay disease' by 'osmosis' or something, which they'd take home, sicken and kill their children, then fired us.  But we don't have HIV.  And our marriages are still not recognized, and it's still legal to fire us for being either Gay Married or just Gay, or Lesbian, or whatever private-invasive excuse religious extremists concoct.

The way I see it, if you hate me for MY WORDS, what makes you 'better' than Hitler?  Same to me.

And we Gays are getting upwards of a $1000/yr tax hike come January 1st, and another $2-4K/yr tax-hike for MANdated private-product purchases:  health insurance.  But we have less money, less spending-power, fewer opportunities, not more.  It's just the same 'ole, same 'ole vaccuous promises and blather from candidates as far as I'm concerned.

I spoke with a DNC rep recently who told me being fired for being Gay Married is 'illegal.'  I almost laughed in his face. Where?  In his tiny little 'window' of the world?  And so what?  So is smoking pot.

I also spoke with a pot-smoker recently who is a staunch Republican.  Why?  So you can get arrested and have your medical needs decided for you?

Meanwhile, I spoke with someone last night that asked who I was voting for.  I'm at the Public Library, a place where the word 'gay' is password protected by religious extremists, 'offended' by all their eyes see of we Gays.  I suggest they pluck 'em out, problem solved. I have one hour max to type my thoughts.  No speech writers, no spell-checkers, no piles of notes, no proof-readers, no nothin' -- just me, a keyboard, and as fast of typing as I can.  Does misspellings and typos mean that much?  To who?  Why?  In the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out as 'superior,' excuses to censor, ignore, cast-out, like Hitler?  What's the difference?

I answered the question:  Under Obama, things for Gays are not better except for a few in gov't, we're a poor demographic, beaten into submissiveness and we can't even say anything about it, and Faux 'gays' are paraded as 'real gays' when they're not.  I've never slept a single night of my life in bed with a woman, but thousands with one of my Gay 'husbands,' the first died, the second I divorced for the same lieing/cheating that killed the first, and that Bi's and closet-fags do living double-lives, cowering behind women, pretending to be different things to different people;  my third was Gay-bashed and I was threatened with arrest for attempting to see him in the hospital (where I was led through the back-door, like 'back of the bus', so Hospital Admin wouldn't know); and I remarried the 2nd, and after another ten years of that just couldn't take it anymore, so divorced him again.

 -- the man asking the question, his wife told me the night before that her 14-yr-old nephew 'came out of the closet' ... I interrupted, That's not 'coming out', I said.  Only those living double-lives, pretending to be 'str8' while sneaking around clandestine, lieing and cheating, ''come out'' of 'closets,' only after they can't stay ontop of their lies any longer, and their charade, their house-of-cards comes crashing down around them.  They're not 'gay' -- they may do 'homo' stuff -- but that is NOT GAY -- and after 'coming out,' they proved they were Bi's all along, not Gays. 

"Then what do you call it?" she asked.

FREE EXPRESSION.  He doesn't have to share his privates with anybody, for any reason.  He trusted you enough to love and accept and protect him, so he freely-expressed himself to you.  It's a beautiful thing.

 -- continuing the answer to the question of her husband, as to who I'm voting for: we Gays can't really afford ''more Obama'' , errr, 'caring' ... and everybody knows the economy went in the toilet after '06 when the Democrats rode their mascott ass to town faking 'humbleness' .. and the empty-promises before and since are just more religious-extremist-styled blather ... he's done nothing to improve MY GAY LIFE at all -- nada, zero, zip, zilch, but the cost of gas quadrupled along with a pack of cigarettes, products I love. 

BUT, Romney hates my Gay Equality.  Perhaps there's integrity in that, cuz he doesn't give lip-service to it, just spits it out?  And I know economy would improve, and taxes, fees, fines, hastles, paperFAKEwork complications would decrease under a Romney presidency.  And Israel would be more secure.  It's almost a coin-toss because either way, I see no REAL improvements to the quality-of-life for GayLandIs (world Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Tranny, 3rd-Gender, Celibates, assorted 'queer' population), but I do think world economy would improve under Romney and that does help GayLandIs, unlike the endless higher fees/taxes/fines of the DNC's ''big solutions'' which is job-securing positions for Universities to sell at taxpayer expense and always has been.

I do know this:  12 Million Mormons (not all) promised me to reduce violence/harm against GayLandIs.  And that's a HUGE first-step.  I of 'little faith' have big faith them, I know they will work with me, and do everything in their power to see that a Romney Presidency goes very, very well for all people equally.

Kind Regards, always,
Clayton Winton