Wednesday, December 27, 2006

ORCH-Day482 -- Forgiving Saddam

Forgiving Saddam

As all have been informed, the former President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, has been sentenced to death. The charges against him were for causing or contributing to the deaths of 148 people who, in their so-called 'positive-goodness,' conspired to assassinate him. He did not participate in the murders, nor was he there.

Originally, it was alleged that former President Hussein had mass-murdered over 50,000 of his own people, monthly, for thirty years. Remember that? But after diligent research and numerous tribunals and court proceedings, charges could only be leveled against him for crimes he did not participate in, nor was he there to witness said crimes.


I put all those words together so they cannot be taken out-of-context. It's a new word, a long one, to describe a new phrase. You see, there is no FORGIVENESS nor COMPASSION in that phrase, for it is obviously a formula for HATRED. Only the religious have perverted that passage into a twisted form of 'love.'

There are three different versions or 'flavors' of religions conspiring to topple government in Iraq, right now. They conspire together, with other versions of other religions, globally, to concoct HELL of their own making to PROFIT/PROPHETEER from atop the rubble, misery and grief they concocted themselves.

These religions HATED government BEFORE SADDAM and HATED government AFTER SADDAM.

It was never about Saddam Hussein AT ALL. It's about religions, concocting HELL, to pit so-called 'beloved-neighbor' AGAINST BelovedNeighbor to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES --

-- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

I forgive former President Hussein of Iraq. Only the religious HATE and conspire to KILL, infiltrating governments, courts and educational institutions globally, with their nonstop HATREDS, PROVING ZERO INTEGRITY, AS THEY ALWAYS HAVE AND DO.

Only religions concoct excuses to HATE YOU -- and only governments LOVE ALL PEOPLE EQUALLY.

Respectfully, I request his life be spared FROM HatefulReligiousSupremacy.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- HFA
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

Monday, December 25, 2006

Day481 Media's White Supremacy Christmas

From the Desk of the Humanity Family Advocate:

Good day. All entities in existence, EXPERIENCE MY WORDS:

Media's White Supremacy Christmas Promotion

Have you seen the news?

You've heard the sound-bites, that Christmas is about the 'birth of jesus.' You've seen the news, claiming that the city of Bethlehem is the 'birthplace of jesus.' You've seen the specials on every major broadcast network, calling Christmas the celebration of the birthday of "the christ."

Do you feel that way?

So, that is because, " ... the bible tells you so?"

Because your 'bible' VOLUME is FACT? And that the religious character from a religion's ever-changing 'doctrine' is a REAL PERSON? That was actually 'born' in Bethlehem?

Do you believe that?

That means you also believe your 'bible' VOLUME is FACT.

The 'one and only truth,' right? Well, which parts are 'true' and which are 'false?'

What about the Curse of Ham? Where a very hateful psychotic god punishes innocent people for alleged 'crimes' they had no knowledge of, nor participated in? By cursing them with the punishment of 'dark-skin'? What about that?

Suddenly, you ARE a White Supremacist.

Some have claimed that the New Testement invalidates the Old, while endlessly regurgitating select passages from the Old in order to HATE people, especially People Of Color (POCs) and gender-same couples SHARING LOVE.

That means you've concocted excuses to put CONDITIONS on YOUR LOVE for so-called 'beloved-neighbors.'

So if the Old is FALSE, it's by no means a 'one and only truth' nor an 'inspired message,' AT ALL.

Is there middle-ground? Some OTHER WAY to look at it?

Yes. It's metaphor. Do you reject that? Then you ARE a White Supremacists, whether YOU admit it or NOT, concocting excuses to put CONDITIONS on YOUR LOVE for so-called 'beloved-neighbors,' to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES --

-- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS I COMMANDED.

Do you dash babies of infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics against rocks? Then your 'bible' VOLUME is INVALID. Either the Old Testement is true or it's FALSE. Either your 'bible' VOLUME is the 'one and only truth' or it's NOT.

So, again, there IS another way of looking at it, as I've been trying to tell you my whole life.

1) since ancient times, stories were collected in how NOT to concoct excuses to DIVIDE communities into groups of 'negative' and 'positive,' or "NegativePositive-ism." The complete ideology of how this is done, and why NOT to do it, is INCLUDED, repeatedly.

2) eventually, somebody comes along and tells you that you've concocted excuses to declare yourself 'positive' and hatefully label others 'negative' to ruthlessly hammer against your own, self-made, MERCILESS, so-called 'positive-cross-sign,' doing hateful FigurativeCarpentry -- ideological crucifiXtion -- the epitome of hate -- in your so-called 'positive-goodness.'

-- using a word, clothes, looks, size, shape, color, location, education, music, talents, family, friends, opinions, job, transportation, lifestyles, living-arrangements, even love itself, as concocted EXCUSES to put CONDITIONS on YOUR LOVE FOR THEM to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES in your so-called 'positive-goodness.'

-- and you cast-him-out, censor his message, hate him, DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, exactly as he was trying to tell you, until he PERISHES.

-- then endlessly wait for another, whom you'd never recognize, because all you do is hateful FigurativeCarpentry, cast-out, denied, JUST LIKE BEFORE. Who would 'come back' for more of THAT?

3) what happens to ALL societies divided into NegativePositive-ism if they do NOT HEAR MY WORDS: holocaust. Is that what you WANT? In your so-called 'positive-goodness'? The mass-murder of every innocent man, women, child, baby, pet, plant and wildlife as some form of psychotic hateful version of 'godly-good-positive-love' -- when it's OBVIOUSLY THE EPITOME OF HATE?

Some claim, "see that over there? I made that. I can destroy it if I want." Well, do it to your children and PROVE your psychotically hateful 'love' is 'liveable,' or be quiet. The 'logic' in that argument is entirely INVALID.

By taking a passage from the WHOLE, punching HOLES in the WHOLE MESSAGE, one will find endless excuses to HATE. Would you take a quote from the middle of another text and claim it's the 'truth'? How about Alexander Dumas' "The Count Of Monte Cristo?" Here's the line, "revenge is a sweet thing to live for, or to die for." Do you think that is an honest way to live?

Of course not! It's nothing more than "HatefulReligious_'eye-for'an-eye'_VINDICTIVENESS/VENGEANCE," and there isn't an ounce of either FORGIVENESS nor COMPASSION in that formula for HATE.

Then why are you doing it with a so-called 'inspired text?' Huh?

It's a metaphor, of how NOT to be, so that you do NOT use NegativePositive-ism to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing squabbling TRIBES through shaming, blaming and the pathetic voodoo-projection of one's own brainwashed inner-hatred for themselves, outwards, towards others, in the pathetic attempt at making yourself 'look/feel' SUPERIOR through hateful FigurativeCarpentry.

The ROOT was abandoned long ago, perverted into hateful FigurativeCarpentry AGAIN! Even 'spiritualism' has been molested into the concocted excuse to HATE 'people not spiritual enough for you!" by so-called 'positive-people' in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'


I have commanded all religions on Earth and BEYOND to FIX IT, in the MiracleOfUnity.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- HFA
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

UniversalTheroem is here NOW -- OnTime, RU?

Monday, December 18, 2006

ORCH-Day473_Bush Legacy: Shame? Liberty?

The Bush Legacy: "Shame" or "Liberation?"

When Thomas Jefferson wrote " ... all (hu)men(s) are created EQUAL," the hateful religionists rioted, burned, murdered and hired mercenaries, domestic and FOREIGN to wage war against the newly forming government of The People.

At the time, no person with 'dark-skin' was allowed to be considered 'human.'

No woman could work or be educated outside of 'church-approved' sewer and trinket-maker, spouting endless regurgitation's of pre-approved trained soundbites, because she was NOT TRUSTED to make decisions for herself, or any others. She could not divorce an abusive husband. She could not choose to raise a family on her own. She could not work to support it. She was not allowed to live along. She could not VOTE to change it.

Nor could people with 'dark-skin.'

The hateful religionists used a passage from their 'bible' VOLUME, "the Curse of Ham," to claim all people with dark-skin were not 'their kind of people,' -- "'cause the bible tells me so," -- ignoring the obvious message that judging an innocent person 'guilty' for an alleged 'crime' they had no knowledge of, nor participated in perpetrating, is the epitome of HATE -- , and, if followed, a concocted excuse to HATE, censor and enslave, concocting HELL to PROFIT from atop the rubble, misery and grief of one's own making.

This is the case in Iraq, today. Just different hateful religious 'curses.'

Jefferson PROMISED all of the people that no hateful religionists would ever again infiltrate our communities and infect our unity with concocted accusations to pit so-called 'beloved-neighbor' AGAINST BelovedNeighbor, to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES.

Any excuse will do. Take a single word, for example. The hateful religionists use a word in your speech to censor your opinions and thoughts, and cast-out, throw you away in brainwashed hatred, to DENY EQUALITY AND SERVICES, using a single word as an excuse to hatefully censor YOU.

While ignoring their own 'ear issues.' It's their ears with the 'offensive hearing' problem. Not your free-expression of words. If their 'standards' were 'liveable,' they'd stab-out their ears and prove it. But they don't. Therefore it's not reasonable.

Same with pictures. They are the one's that concocted 'eye-issues.' Their own.

Not YOU. Your eyes are fine. No issues AT ALL.

It was a concocted excuse to HATE YOU. A picture. In a magazine or advertisement or on TV or in a movie, video, game, anything at all -- anywhere -- even the privacy of your own homes and bedrooms. Clothes. Music, dance, art, entertainments, money, job, possessions, crotch, crotch-usage, or lack of crotch-usage, -- religionists ANALyze PRIVATES non-stop -- perversely sniff crotches like DOGS -- in order to put CONDITIONS on THEIR LOVE FOR YOU -- to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES -- promoting HATE -- to DIVIDE communities -- and it's brainwashed hatred --

-- THEN, have the AUDACITY to claim YOU are 'indecent,' in their so-called 'positive-goodness.' And that's how we know it's the first symptoms of brainwashing. Because, it's not rational.

That's why it's called "brainwashing." It's subtle. And it's never rational. It whittles-away at self-esteem by training VICTIMS to hatefully declare so-called 'beloved-neighbors' as being 'negative' -- any excuse will do -- to ruthlessly hammer against one's own self-made, merciless, so-called 'positive-cross-sign,' -- FigurativeCarpentry -- ideological crucifiXtion -- (I told you it was subtle) -- the epitome of HATE -- one's self-made merciless CrossOfShame/Hate -- using the points of one's own hypocritical forked-tongue as NAILS -- nonstop FigurativeCarpentry, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves 'look/feel' SUPERIOR.

Any excuse will do. A word, "I hate that word! Therefore I censor your message and ignore YOU" -- in so-called 'positive-goodness.' And then another word. Then your clothes. Your looks. your income or lack of it. Your 'stuff.' Your education. A typo. Misspelling. Anything at all. Your friends. And get ready for the obligatory 'doggy-styled' crotch-sniff TEST by the so-called 'positive-people.' They've been trained to behave like PERVERTS and then have the audacity to claim YOU are 'indecent.'

And if you don't call that 'brainwashing' then there's no such thing.

It's a national and global 'self-esteem' CRISIS.

Because this ThoughtVirus has infected the global psyche of every human culture on Earth, all of Earth society, every human on the planet and beyond, the entire HumanityFamily.

Jefferson's PROMISE has been circumvented.

And Bush tried offering it to the newly forming Iraqi government to help the people, and the hateful religionists did the same thing there, as they did HERE, when Thomas Jefferson made WeThePeople that PROMISE.

Obviously, religion is HATE for FREEDOM AND ECONOMY. All of your words, your clothes, your music, your magazines, your books, your videos, your bedrooms, your opinions, your work, your businesses, your loves -- hateful religionists want to CENSOR in their so-called 'positive-goodness,' and have ALREADY DONE SO, censoring YOU AND ECONOMY, concocting the highest debts in the history of the world -- to PROFIT/PROPHETEER from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own concoction, in so-called 'positive-goodness.'

Here AND there.

Obviously, Jefferson's PROMISE, as passed in the colony/state of Virginia, the BillOfRights, that PROMISE of LIBERATION FROM HatefulReligiousSupremacy is the most important promise to ANY individual in existence. Upholding it is beyond 'duty,' it's a 'calling.'

And that simple promise, JEFFERSON'S PROMISE, SAVES the Bush Administration -- saves the Bush Administration's legacy -- instantly transforming the Bush legacy into the LegacyOfLiberation.

All he has to do is UPHOLD to UPLIFT.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate
UniversalTheorem, OnTime -- RU?
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bush's Address 12/17/06 (Text, Early Release)

Dec., 17, 2006 06:00
President Bush's Address To The World:

Good Morning.

-- if I may be so bold as to speak to everybody in existence, the entire humanity family, regardless of title or position, thrown to dirt and dirt to thrown.

We are faced with a Global_Crisis that affects all of us, EQUALLY.

And dirt spoke first. David has commanded Goliath. The people take priority over government, and government's Leaders merely exist to protect and serve the people.

And we are individuals. One individual, one of the weakest, has commanded the strongest, and we are obligated to oblige.

Never before has this occurred in the history of humanity, the entire humanity family.

A Leader is required to take advice from every facet of reason and logic. All facts to be weighed equally. No bias in conclusions. No conjectures are to be worshiped in so-called 'positive-goodness,' to hate those whom do not believe in a conjecture with you.

Because that's the ideology of TERRORISM.

It's the 'justification' for the MEANness.

It's the ideology of training the people to place more importance on fictional lives, in fictional off-planet undisclosed locations than REAL LIFE, mine or yours, regardless of position or title, regardless of income; regardless of lifestyles; regardless of marriage or lack of it; regardless of age, size, shape, color, opinion, religion, friends, entertainments, talents, ... or,

... BelovedNeighbors, and we are all about to die.

Because the ideology of TERROR has infiltrated and infected every country and every community on Earth.

Look, we are talking about HOLOCAUST.

Our societies have been brainwashed into thinking that destroying every innocent man, woman, child, baby, pet, plant and wildlife in existence is some sort of perverted 'positive-godly-good-plan,' and it's OBVIOUSLY THE EPITOME OF HATE.

It's Hateful_Religious_'eye-for-an-eye'_VINDICTIVENESS/VENGEANCE. And that's exactly why the Ten Commandments can never be displayed in The Peoples' courthouses, because there is not an iota of either forgiveness or compassion in that formula for hatred.

And it is irresponsible for ANY LEADER and ANY CITIZEN not to interpret it that way. Otherwise, we are furthering the goals of a total, global-extinction event, in so-called 'positive-goodness.'

And then claim it's in the 'name' of what would obviously be a very hateful, if not psychotic so-called 'god' that hates us and thrives on our misery and grief. Because after they've conveniently mass-murdered all of us they hate, they go off by themselves, and bow-down to worship blandness forevermore, in so-called 'positive-goodness.'

And that's how we know it's a FALSE GOD. Conjecture. Belief in conjecture is a mental-illness. Brainwashing. It's the METHOD in which the ideology of TERROR infiltrates a community, to pit so-called 'beloved-neighbor' AGAINST BelovedNeighbor to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing squabbling TRIBES,

-- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth, AS COMMANDED.

And I was commanded from the dirt, to remind you all of EXACTLY THAT -- every human in existence -- the entire HumanityFamily.

Good Day.

-- (abrupt exit) --


claytOnleOnwintOn -- HumanityFamilyAdvocate
GOG-SAC-COC-TUT-ROR-3Ons-AndMore ...
Priest River, ID 83856-1286