The case for 'wmd' is not and was not a 'sham.'
Your perceptions of 'wmd' are entirely limited to that which you know, in the same way as the word 'positive.' According to every psychological text-book in existence, being 'positive' is a SYMPTOM of MENTAL-ILLNESS. Why would you respond to a newspaper ad for a job that says, "Must be positive-minded!"? when obviously they are telling you "must be mentally-unbalanced?"
When you address a crowd of people that use a different language than you, do you use words they don't understand, or words they do? If the situation is urgent, do you spend days re-educating them to your own interpretation of 'proper language,' or attempt to communicate 'at their level'?
Further, we founded our country under self-evident truth, because women couldn't work, couldn't learn anything other than taken out-of-context religious 'scripture' in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' her own bondage, and couldn't choose her own clothes, lifestyle, or living-arrangments, or friends, or vote to change it. THAT WMD IS HatefulReligiousSupremacy.
Kind Regards,
McCain/Winton '08 -- SpiritOfLiberty
Let the LIGHT of LIBERTY SHINE On On On ...
Please note: I have not been officially selected to run on the McCain ticket, but have obviously strived to do so for decades/life. I know it's a 'long-shot' -- but nothing would be better for my fellow equal BelovedNeighbor citizens, our country, our Constitution, Jefferson'sPROMISE, Virginia'sGIFT, the TimelessMessage itself.
And I know they'll do anything/everything possible to hurt me, and have already done so. The stakes are too high to cry about it. I HAVE THE COURAGE.
I am asking you, whomever 'you' are, wherever you are, to call, write, email the McCain camp and demand "3Ons" on his ticket. Please do. Please.
Kind Regards,
OnEdit: adding: I wrote the above response quickly to respond to an article about 'wmd' that I noticed ten or so minutes ago on Huffington Post, written by David Fiderer. The link is here:
Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Black People On The Moon?
GlobalCrisisUpdate: Day_818
From the Desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate:
Good Morning;
Every person in existence, please EXPERIENCE MY WORDS:
Black People On The Moon?
Heard of any? How many? Women? How many? Then stop saying they're 'equal.'
Equal Opportunities? The higher-ed 'genius-expert' crowd, while claiming otherwise, under the direct funding and oversight of our Congress, has concocted a situation where those held-down, do not have equal-opportunities, their struggle much harder, advancement nearly impossible (less than 1%, if that), blamed for being 'lazy' and enticed with the most substances, any excuse to DISqualify -- which is the EXACT ROOT of the term 'dis,' often confused with 'disrespect,' and in a manner-of-speaking, both references are applicable.
Meanwhile, we have a scandal. The VISA BANK FRAUD scandal. Now experience MY WORDS carefully so as not to take it out-of-context:
Do you have a VISA DEBIT CARD? That company, VISA, has a beautiful Mission Statement, a brilliant plan, to uplift, and make life less complicated, PAPERLESS. It's your guarantee that your the DEBITS in your account are instantly accounted-for, deducted electronically, updated every 4-MINUTES, globally. Do you have auto-deposit into your VISA DEBIT CARD account? The MOMENT that deposit occurs, your BALANCE, even if your account was overdraft, is reported to the VISA global-system. When you use your VISA DEBIT CARD, that charge is considered 'pending' for your financial-institution, until THEY get 'confirmation,' knowing fully-well you have pending-charges, per contractual-agreement with VISA, as per agreed to per FEDERAL BANKING REGULATIONS, oversighted by the Treasury Department, the Treasury Secretary being Mr. Paulson.
It's a guarantee of paperless accounting for YOU, so that you do not ever get over-draft charges, which are now $25-$75, depending on financial institution.
Here's the thing: your bank already knows, instantly, that you used your VISA DEBIT CARD, because the VISA global-system is updated every 4-minutes. It doesn't matter if it's a Holiday, or weekend, or the middle of the night. But certain unscrupulous 'managers' of good financial-institutions are deliberately ignoring pending-charges, intentionally allowing your account to go overdraft, to gouge you with overdraft fees. These unscrupulous 'managers' do this in self-importance, to INFLATE their branch profits, to 'sell-themselves,' as the 'best-of-the-best-of-the-best, oh sure, a few problems, but the best of the best of the best' so-called 'managers.'
But now YOUR VISA DEBIT ACCOUNT is overdraft, and they present your complaint as 'disgruntled projection of one's own irresponsible behaviors to blame banks.'
But there is no such thing as 'irresponsible-behaviors' when it comes to a PAPERLESS INSTANT ELECTRONIC GLOBAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM.
Mention it, and they claim, or should I say, 'chant,' goose-step in lock-step, "our system isn't setup that way -- you should write it down."
But it's a paperless system. Now, they're concocting more complications, more paperwork, more hastles for YOU, instead of REDUCING complications, REDUCING paperwork, REDUCING the gouging of customers with overdraft-fees.
But the branch, as a business, sure looks, errrr, 'profitable,' eh?
And those unscrupulous individuals know every aspect of how to obfuscate their own FRAUD, and I call it for what it is, "fraud."
And when all those on fixed-incomes, such as SENIORS, or VETERANS, or the DISABLED, or, those with DIRECT DEPOSIT, go overdraft, they have no one to turn to. As I said, the 'genius-experts' at the bank, BLAME THE CUSTOMERS.
Unfortunately, those affected, the victims, have ZERO ADVOCACY.
See, it's against bank policy, but those doing it, are at such a 'level' within the banks, and branches of those banks, that THEIR VOICES ARE THE ONLY VOICES ALLOWED TO BE HEARD.
The VISA corporation has shook their heads back and forth about this for nearly twenty years. They don't have access to the branches or banks or credit-unions or other financial institutions. They only track DEBITS, globally.
And who ends up taking the WRATH?
There is a 'blow-back' or 'AfterBurn,' as I like to say, which has a very high cost against society, our country, as a whole.
Firstly, SENIORS and those on fixed-incomes, or who have direct-deposit, end-up overdraft before the end of the month, sometimes immediately after their auto-deposit 'pay-day.' Because the people at their bank ignored pending-charges ON SCREEN BEFORE THEIR VERY EYES, and MANUALLY MISREPRESENTED a BOGUS BALANCE back to the global VISA system, stuffing your VISA DEBIT ACCOUNT with FAKE 'debits,' in the HOPE you go overdraft, to gouge you with FEES.
And yes, it's against their contractual-agreements with VISA, against Federal Banking Regulations, and against a whole lot of other very troubling rules, regulations and laws, including anti-discrimination laws.
Now, in banks, you have 'officers,' and 'non-officers.' Because banks are corporations, public or private, you have those whom enforce compliance and are held accountable that rules and regulations are met, and that employees are properly trained, and fully understand and comply with those rules, regulations and laws. Then, you have those whom are not accountable for the overall corporate policies, even if they're wrong, due to the fact they didn't write them (as I have), or entrusted to enforce compliance with them. That is the difference between an 'exempt' employee and a 'non-exempt' employee. Somebody has to be held accountable, see.
There are managers of banks and bank branches that are both 'exempt' and 'non-exempt,' depending on their level of authority. A manager or supervisor of a cleaning-crew will not be accountable for the bank being out-of-compliance with Federal Banking Law, for example.
If you are a MINORITY, or a SENIOR, or have DIRECT DEPOSIT, then this applies to you, because banks have been and will be not only sued, but heavily fined, and in rare circumstances, seized for these unscrupulous practices. It defrauds customers, MINORITIES and SENIORS and those with DIRECT DEPOSIT are the DELIBERATE TARGETS, due to one common-denominator: their VISA DEBIT CARD.
You know about the mortgage and credit crisis our country is facing, and not just here in the U.S., but with multi-national corporate banks, globally.
And there we have MOTIVE, due to the high losses they concocted themselves, selling 'affordable home loans,' with the marketing mindphukery that "anybody can own a piece of the american-dream! Regardless of income, time on job, we can find financing for you! Be responsible! Stop pissing money down a hole paying rent! It's about the children!" only to BLAME their VICTIMS for higher-ed 'genius-expert' 'reasonable-sounding' concocted long-term SCAMS to get YOU to BUY THEM a HOME -- you just 'rent' it for awhile until they foreclose on it. YOU take the BLAME, as usual.
Because the employees working there, didn't write the business-plan higher-ed 'genius-expert' mindphukery that conned good financial-institutions into doing bad-business. And those whom did it, originally, all patted themselves on the backs, claiming how 'positive' they were, writing each other 'rave reviews' and then took six and seven-digit jobs elsewhere, usually outside of the industry, using their inflated 'accomplishments' as so-called 'evidence' of their so-called 'business-sense.'
But the BANKS SUFFER because of it, and the employees working there, are put through alot of stress, because of all the irrate customers demanding answers they can't possibly explain. Because, as I said, there is a difference between those whom write policy and write compliance training materials, and those whom don't. I have both written compliance training materials, and taught it, and trained both managers and trainers in PROPER INTERPRETATION of Federal Banking Rules and REGULATIONS. I have trained many, many employees as well, all working together to make it BETTER.
We're working on it.
But your hateful Congress isn't.
And that's why I'm writing you today. Because it takes great courage to TURN THE TABLES of those in the finance industry whom setup others for failure, in their own self-important greed and self-righteousness.
In a moment, I would like to introduce you to another man with the COURAGE to FACE IT and CONFRONT IT.
But first, we must discuss that 'blow-back' or 'AfterBurn' as I call it. Using a MINORITY SENIOR as an example, who begins the month overdraft while using their VISA DEBIT CARD, due to the above FRAUD, and again, have the COURAGE to ADMIT exactly what it is: FRAUD. Because that MINORITY SENIOR has a PAPERLESS account that is GUARANTEED to NOT get gouged by going overdraft, regardless of so-called 'credit overdraft protections.'
Credit over-draft protection is a DIFFERENT PRODUCT with DIFFERENT RULES. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
With the new-ish FEDERAL BANKING SYSTEM POS-check authorization system, all pending paper-checks you've written, even against your VISA DEBIT CARD account, are included as 'pending-charges' and updated globally, in near real-time, so all pending-charges are automatically deducated, or should be, to ensure that your account does not go overdraft, and that each transaction is deducted in near 'real-time,' as it occurs, in order, not 'out-of-it.' Do you understand how that works? If you 'float' a paper-check a day or two before your auto-deposit, you are STILL GIVEN A AUTHORIZED TRANSACTION SEQUENCE NUMBER, which by law must be PAID IN SEQUENCE, so FIRST, before you begin using the paperless system, your VISA DEBIT CARD, and again, each transaction is given an AUTHORIZED TRANSACTION SEQUENCE NUMBER. Under the Federal Banking System, for lack of better words, which verifies your account is open, and not grossly overdraft, and not flagged as a 'fraud-account,' which is it's primary purpose and responsibility, if it's a small paper-check, and the merchant you wrote it to has done business with you on a regular basis and more-or-less 'knows you,' even if the funds are 'not-available,' due to the frequency of auto-deposit, an AUTHORIZED TRANSACTION SEQUENCE NUMBER is still given. This is to HELP SENIORS AND MINORITIES and all those with auto-deposit, so as not to be so authoritarian and strict as to be ridiculous and unusable for a vast customer-base.
Understand? Some 'leeway' is given and expected to prove compassion. I want to make that very clear. This is why this entire topic is so important and vital to your life. Because it's not supposed to be, and was never intended to be, a scam to fine you everytime you didn't dot an 'i' or cross a 't.' It's paperless. To REDUCE COMPLICATIONS and the consumption of Natural Resources, trees, the planet's only natural-defense against rising CO2 greenhouse-gas emissions. Isn't it interesting that the same people that claim they are 'green' and 'environmentally consciencious,' with 'big-credentials' from 'big-universities' whom hate all whom don't, are the same people that concocted the EXCUSE to BLAME their VICTIMS about 'irresponsibility'?
How convenient.
So when I talk about "AfterBurn," it's staggering, especially when you consider the endless-cycle of abuse a MINORITY SENIOR is subjected to, after their PENDING CHARGES are DELIBERATELY IGNORED, in order for a FEW unscrupulous 'managers' MANUALLY OVERRIDE electronic-reporting to MISREPRESENT DEBIT BALANCES to VISA in the HOPE of GOUGING FEES from YOU/SENIORS/MINORITIES, VETERANS, and all with auto-deposit.
And the stress-level just keeps RISING. They end-up paying approx. $100/mo in concocted FEES, beginning each month overdraft, no matter how careful they are, no matter who they talk to, no matter how many tears, no matter how awful and miserable, they are BLAMED.
And it ENRAGES them. And some kill themselves -- or kill others, or, kill someone ELSE and then themselves in a MURDER/SUICIDE plot.
Seniors and Vets and Minorities and those with auto-deposit have lost their homes because of it, some have lost jobs, others have lost spouses and domestic-partnerships due to the added concocted stress, endless complications, their complaints ignored, their frustration grows, little by little, until they, well, 'explode' or 'implode,' take your pick of words.
Some lose their cars. Some have their utilities cut-off, even during cold-weather, or really hot-weather. Some end up eating cat-food or dog-food out of cans because of it -- some just starve to death. But never forget, it CAUSES HOMELESSNESS, too.
All together, this adds additional stresses to over-burdened emergency services systems, nationally.
Again, who gets the WRATH? First? VISA, and they had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.
I want to make that VERY CLEAR. Understood? Good.
And it's not your financial institution, as a company, either. It's individuals within it. And those same individuals, probably took jobs elsewhere already, after establishing bogus procedures to make themselves out to 'look' as though they were the most 'profitable business manager' in the history of your financial institution, leaving your bank with a figurative 'time-bomb' under the desk they vacated with a big fat seperation-check.
VISA's gonna help fix it -- and now I'd like to introduce the only man with the COURAGE to confront it: John McCain.
I spent over twenty years working on it, before any real paperless systems were prototyped, 'as it unfolded,' in REAL TIME, not 'near-real-time.' Every aspect of it. I lived it -- breathed it -- tasted it -- touched it -- from mail-rooms, to data-centers, to call-centers, to branches, to office-suites, and was one of the FIRST to prototype the VISA DEBIT CARD program at what was then the world's 5th largest financial institution; outside and inside the industry from all 'facets' of 'view,' literally.
See, it costs seniors and minorities, and at the time, what we knew would be future auto-deposit account holders, be they minorities or seniors or veterans or whatever, billions and billions of dollars annually, with unnecessary overdraft fees -- their money that should have been spent uplifting economy at local businesses, or going on vacation, or buying GOOD FOOD, or whatever, but was defrauded from everybody, by unscrupulous individuals. That was the purpose and beauty behind the concept of VISA and, their Mission Statement is all about that, to PROTECT MERCHANTS AND CUSTOMERS and TRANSITION to a PAPERLESS SYSTEM to PROVE reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions.
Unfortunately, I think many of VISA's employees either forgot about that one, or, joined the company so long after it's conception, that the 'focus' was on other issues, but these are excellently-trained employees and managers and trainers, so that is by no means a 'slam' against them, and as I said, they are gonna help fix it for YOU. Along with TreasSec Paulson. And you can all thank President Bush, VP Dick Cheney, and others within the BushTeam for that one, regardless if you like President Bush or not -- BE FAIR, and THANK HIM, and richly deserved. In future, I would like the following people to be asked to assit: Mitt Romney and Ray Nagin, and a few others I will not list due to security reasons (their current jobs), people I've known, good folks, smart, innovative, and courageous -- we're gonna FIX IT, for YOU.
And for me, and everybody else, but for our country, because that AfterBurn, ontop of the billions and billions stolen out of the bank accounts of seniors and minorities and veterans and the disabled and those with auto-deposits, should have uplifted local economy but isn't, and government has to provide for 'band-aides' to attempt to heal it, and the hundreds-of-billions in annual related-expenses due to the concocted STRESS, but thus far has only been 'advised' by the same 'genius-expert' higher-ed mentalities that concocted the scandal to begin with. THAT HAS NOW CHANGED. I want to make that very, very, very clear. As Lou Dobbs of CNN says, "Interpret it as you will."
We will have equality. PERIOD. And we WILL have 'black people' ON THE MOON, but firstly, myself and Onique are taking building the Ark, and by ones and twos, preserving and protecting every animal, every plant, everything that flies through the air or slithers along the ground or swims in the seas, to DNA BANK, with ZERO DEBIT OVERDRAFTS.
The funny thing is, she said, "In the words of Clayton, and knowing the way he intends it, well, 'the only way I'm going anywhere with him is if everything is perfect!'" :)
Take COURAGE and PROVE it. We're gonna FIX IT. There's NO STOPPING US NOW.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton -- HFA
GOG-SAC-COC-TUT-ROR-3Ons-AndMore ...
OnTime -- RU?
From the Desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate:
Good Morning;
Every person in existence, please EXPERIENCE MY WORDS:
Black People On The Moon?
Heard of any? How many? Women? How many? Then stop saying they're 'equal.'
Equal Opportunities? The higher-ed 'genius-expert' crowd, while claiming otherwise, under the direct funding and oversight of our Congress, has concocted a situation where those held-down, do not have equal-opportunities, their struggle much harder, advancement nearly impossible (less than 1%, if that), blamed for being 'lazy' and enticed with the most substances, any excuse to DISqualify -- which is the EXACT ROOT of the term 'dis,' often confused with 'disrespect,' and in a manner-of-speaking, both references are applicable.
Meanwhile, we have a scandal. The VISA BANK FRAUD scandal. Now experience MY WORDS carefully so as not to take it out-of-context:
Do you have a VISA DEBIT CARD? That company, VISA, has a beautiful Mission Statement, a brilliant plan, to uplift, and make life less complicated, PAPERLESS. It's your guarantee that your the DEBITS in your account are instantly accounted-for, deducted electronically, updated every 4-MINUTES, globally. Do you have auto-deposit into your VISA DEBIT CARD account? The MOMENT that deposit occurs, your BALANCE, even if your account was overdraft, is reported to the VISA global-system. When you use your VISA DEBIT CARD, that charge is considered 'pending' for your financial-institution, until THEY get 'confirmation,' knowing fully-well you have pending-charges, per contractual-agreement with VISA, as per agreed to per FEDERAL BANKING REGULATIONS, oversighted by the Treasury Department, the Treasury Secretary being Mr. Paulson.
It's a guarantee of paperless accounting for YOU, so that you do not ever get over-draft charges, which are now $25-$75, depending on financial institution.
Here's the thing: your bank already knows, instantly, that you used your VISA DEBIT CARD, because the VISA global-system is updated every 4-minutes. It doesn't matter if it's a Holiday, or weekend, or the middle of the night. But certain unscrupulous 'managers' of good financial-institutions are deliberately ignoring pending-charges, intentionally allowing your account to go overdraft, to gouge you with overdraft fees. These unscrupulous 'managers' do this in self-importance, to INFLATE their branch profits, to 'sell-themselves,' as the 'best-of-the-best-of-the-best, oh sure, a few problems, but the best of the best of the best' so-called 'managers.'
But now YOUR VISA DEBIT ACCOUNT is overdraft, and they present your complaint as 'disgruntled projection of one's own irresponsible behaviors to blame banks.'
But there is no such thing as 'irresponsible-behaviors' when it comes to a PAPERLESS INSTANT ELECTRONIC GLOBAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM.
Mention it, and they claim, or should I say, 'chant,' goose-step in lock-step, "our system isn't setup that way -- you should write it down."
But it's a paperless system. Now, they're concocting more complications, more paperwork, more hastles for YOU, instead of REDUCING complications, REDUCING paperwork, REDUCING the gouging of customers with overdraft-fees.
But the branch, as a business, sure looks, errrr, 'profitable,' eh?
And those unscrupulous individuals know every aspect of how to obfuscate their own FRAUD, and I call it for what it is, "fraud."
And when all those on fixed-incomes, such as SENIORS, or VETERANS, or the DISABLED, or, those with DIRECT DEPOSIT, go overdraft, they have no one to turn to. As I said, the 'genius-experts' at the bank, BLAME THE CUSTOMERS.
Unfortunately, those affected, the victims, have ZERO ADVOCACY.
See, it's against bank policy, but those doing it, are at such a 'level' within the banks, and branches of those banks, that THEIR VOICES ARE THE ONLY VOICES ALLOWED TO BE HEARD.
The VISA corporation has shook their heads back and forth about this for nearly twenty years. They don't have access to the branches or banks or credit-unions or other financial institutions. They only track DEBITS, globally.
And who ends up taking the WRATH?
There is a 'blow-back' or 'AfterBurn,' as I like to say, which has a very high cost against society, our country, as a whole.
Firstly, SENIORS and those on fixed-incomes, or who have direct-deposit, end-up overdraft before the end of the month, sometimes immediately after their auto-deposit 'pay-day.' Because the people at their bank ignored pending-charges ON SCREEN BEFORE THEIR VERY EYES, and MANUALLY MISREPRESENTED a BOGUS BALANCE back to the global VISA system, stuffing your VISA DEBIT ACCOUNT with FAKE 'debits,' in the HOPE you go overdraft, to gouge you with FEES.
And yes, it's against their contractual-agreements with VISA, against Federal Banking Regulations, and against a whole lot of other very troubling rules, regulations and laws, including anti-discrimination laws.
Now, in banks, you have 'officers,' and 'non-officers.' Because banks are corporations, public or private, you have those whom enforce compliance and are held accountable that rules and regulations are met, and that employees are properly trained, and fully understand and comply with those rules, regulations and laws. Then, you have those whom are not accountable for the overall corporate policies, even if they're wrong, due to the fact they didn't write them (as I have), or entrusted to enforce compliance with them. That is the difference between an 'exempt' employee and a 'non-exempt' employee. Somebody has to be held accountable, see.
There are managers of banks and bank branches that are both 'exempt' and 'non-exempt,' depending on their level of authority. A manager or supervisor of a cleaning-crew will not be accountable for the bank being out-of-compliance with Federal Banking Law, for example.
If you are a MINORITY, or a SENIOR, or have DIRECT DEPOSIT, then this applies to you, because banks have been and will be not only sued, but heavily fined, and in rare circumstances, seized for these unscrupulous practices. It defrauds customers, MINORITIES and SENIORS and those with DIRECT DEPOSIT are the DELIBERATE TARGETS, due to one common-denominator: their VISA DEBIT CARD.
You know about the mortgage and credit crisis our country is facing, and not just here in the U.S., but with multi-national corporate banks, globally.
And there we have MOTIVE, due to the high losses they concocted themselves, selling 'affordable home loans,' with the marketing mindphukery that "anybody can own a piece of the american-dream! Regardless of income, time on job, we can find financing for you! Be responsible! Stop pissing money down a hole paying rent! It's about the children!" only to BLAME their VICTIMS for higher-ed 'genius-expert' 'reasonable-sounding' concocted long-term SCAMS to get YOU to BUY THEM a HOME -- you just 'rent' it for awhile until they foreclose on it. YOU take the BLAME, as usual.
Because the employees working there, didn't write the business-plan higher-ed 'genius-expert' mindphukery that conned good financial-institutions into doing bad-business. And those whom did it, originally, all patted themselves on the backs, claiming how 'positive' they were, writing each other 'rave reviews' and then took six and seven-digit jobs elsewhere, usually outside of the industry, using their inflated 'accomplishments' as so-called 'evidence' of their so-called 'business-sense.'
But the BANKS SUFFER because of it, and the employees working there, are put through alot of stress, because of all the irrate customers demanding answers they can't possibly explain. Because, as I said, there is a difference between those whom write policy and write compliance training materials, and those whom don't. I have both written compliance training materials, and taught it, and trained both managers and trainers in PROPER INTERPRETATION of Federal Banking Rules and REGULATIONS. I have trained many, many employees as well, all working together to make it BETTER.
We're working on it.
But your hateful Congress isn't.
And that's why I'm writing you today. Because it takes great courage to TURN THE TABLES of those in the finance industry whom setup others for failure, in their own self-important greed and self-righteousness.
In a moment, I would like to introduce you to another man with the COURAGE to FACE IT and CONFRONT IT.
But first, we must discuss that 'blow-back' or 'AfterBurn' as I call it. Using a MINORITY SENIOR as an example, who begins the month overdraft while using their VISA DEBIT CARD, due to the above FRAUD, and again, have the COURAGE to ADMIT exactly what it is: FRAUD. Because that MINORITY SENIOR has a PAPERLESS account that is GUARANTEED to NOT get gouged by going overdraft, regardless of so-called 'credit overdraft protections.'
Credit over-draft protection is a DIFFERENT PRODUCT with DIFFERENT RULES. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
With the new-ish FEDERAL BANKING SYSTEM POS-check authorization system, all pending paper-checks you've written, even against your VISA DEBIT CARD account, are included as 'pending-charges' and updated globally, in near real-time, so all pending-charges are automatically deducated, or should be, to ensure that your account does not go overdraft, and that each transaction is deducted in near 'real-time,' as it occurs, in order, not 'out-of-it.' Do you understand how that works? If you 'float' a paper-check a day or two before your auto-deposit, you are STILL GIVEN A AUTHORIZED TRANSACTION SEQUENCE NUMBER, which by law must be PAID IN SEQUENCE, so FIRST, before you begin using the paperless system, your VISA DEBIT CARD, and again, each transaction is given an AUTHORIZED TRANSACTION SEQUENCE NUMBER. Under the Federal Banking System, for lack of better words, which verifies your account is open, and not grossly overdraft, and not flagged as a 'fraud-account,' which is it's primary purpose and responsibility, if it's a small paper-check, and the merchant you wrote it to has done business with you on a regular basis and more-or-less 'knows you,' even if the funds are 'not-available,' due to the frequency of auto-deposit, an AUTHORIZED TRANSACTION SEQUENCE NUMBER is still given. This is to HELP SENIORS AND MINORITIES and all those with auto-deposit, so as not to be so authoritarian and strict as to be ridiculous and unusable for a vast customer-base.
Understand? Some 'leeway' is given and expected to prove compassion. I want to make that very clear. This is why this entire topic is so important and vital to your life. Because it's not supposed to be, and was never intended to be, a scam to fine you everytime you didn't dot an 'i' or cross a 't.' It's paperless. To REDUCE COMPLICATIONS and the consumption of Natural Resources, trees, the planet's only natural-defense against rising CO2 greenhouse-gas emissions. Isn't it interesting that the same people that claim they are 'green' and 'environmentally consciencious,' with 'big-credentials' from 'big-universities' whom hate all whom don't, are the same people that concocted the EXCUSE to BLAME their VICTIMS about 'irresponsibility'?
How convenient.
So when I talk about "AfterBurn," it's staggering, especially when you consider the endless-cycle of abuse a MINORITY SENIOR is subjected to, after their PENDING CHARGES are DELIBERATELY IGNORED, in order for a FEW unscrupulous 'managers' MANUALLY OVERRIDE electronic-reporting to MISREPRESENT DEBIT BALANCES to VISA in the HOPE of GOUGING FEES from YOU/SENIORS/MINORITIES, VETERANS, and all with auto-deposit.
And the stress-level just keeps RISING. They end-up paying approx. $100/mo in concocted FEES, beginning each month overdraft, no matter how careful they are, no matter who they talk to, no matter how many tears, no matter how awful and miserable, they are BLAMED.
And it ENRAGES them. And some kill themselves -- or kill others, or, kill someone ELSE and then themselves in a MURDER/SUICIDE plot.
Seniors and Vets and Minorities and those with auto-deposit have lost their homes because of it, some have lost jobs, others have lost spouses and domestic-partnerships due to the added concocted stress, endless complications, their complaints ignored, their frustration grows, little by little, until they, well, 'explode' or 'implode,' take your pick of words.
Some lose their cars. Some have their utilities cut-off, even during cold-weather, or really hot-weather. Some end up eating cat-food or dog-food out of cans because of it -- some just starve to death. But never forget, it CAUSES HOMELESSNESS, too.
All together, this adds additional stresses to over-burdened emergency services systems, nationally.
Again, who gets the WRATH? First? VISA, and they had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.
I want to make that VERY CLEAR. Understood? Good.
And it's not your financial institution, as a company, either. It's individuals within it. And those same individuals, probably took jobs elsewhere already, after establishing bogus procedures to make themselves out to 'look' as though they were the most 'profitable business manager' in the history of your financial institution, leaving your bank with a figurative 'time-bomb' under the desk they vacated with a big fat seperation-check.
VISA's gonna help fix it -- and now I'd like to introduce the only man with the COURAGE to confront it: John McCain.
I spent over twenty years working on it, before any real paperless systems were prototyped, 'as it unfolded,' in REAL TIME, not 'near-real-time.' Every aspect of it. I lived it -- breathed it -- tasted it -- touched it -- from mail-rooms, to data-centers, to call-centers, to branches, to office-suites, and was one of the FIRST to prototype the VISA DEBIT CARD program at what was then the world's 5th largest financial institution; outside and inside the industry from all 'facets' of 'view,' literally.
See, it costs seniors and minorities, and at the time, what we knew would be future auto-deposit account holders, be they minorities or seniors or veterans or whatever, billions and billions of dollars annually, with unnecessary overdraft fees -- their money that should have been spent uplifting economy at local businesses, or going on vacation, or buying GOOD FOOD, or whatever, but was defrauded from everybody, by unscrupulous individuals. That was the purpose and beauty behind the concept of VISA and, their Mission Statement is all about that, to PROTECT MERCHANTS AND CUSTOMERS and TRANSITION to a PAPERLESS SYSTEM to PROVE reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions.
Unfortunately, I think many of VISA's employees either forgot about that one, or, joined the company so long after it's conception, that the 'focus' was on other issues, but these are excellently-trained employees and managers and trainers, so that is by no means a 'slam' against them, and as I said, they are gonna help fix it for YOU. Along with TreasSec Paulson. And you can all thank President Bush, VP Dick Cheney, and others within the BushTeam for that one, regardless if you like President Bush or not -- BE FAIR, and THANK HIM, and richly deserved. In future, I would like the following people to be asked to assit: Mitt Romney and Ray Nagin, and a few others I will not list due to security reasons (their current jobs), people I've known, good folks, smart, innovative, and courageous -- we're gonna FIX IT, for YOU.
And for me, and everybody else, but for our country, because that AfterBurn, ontop of the billions and billions stolen out of the bank accounts of seniors and minorities and veterans and the disabled and those with auto-deposits, should have uplifted local economy but isn't, and government has to provide for 'band-aides' to attempt to heal it, and the hundreds-of-billions in annual related-expenses due to the concocted STRESS, but thus far has only been 'advised' by the same 'genius-expert' higher-ed mentalities that concocted the scandal to begin with. THAT HAS NOW CHANGED. I want to make that very, very, very clear. As Lou Dobbs of CNN says, "Interpret it as you will."
We will have equality. PERIOD. And we WILL have 'black people' ON THE MOON, but firstly, myself and Onique are taking building the Ark, and by ones and twos, preserving and protecting every animal, every plant, everything that flies through the air or slithers along the ground or swims in the seas, to DNA BANK, with ZERO DEBIT OVERDRAFTS.
The funny thing is, she said, "In the words of Clayton, and knowing the way he intends it, well, 'the only way I'm going anywhere with him is if everything is perfect!'" :)
Take COURAGE and PROVE it. We're gonna FIX IT. There's NO STOPPING US NOW.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton -- HFA
GOG-SAC-COC-TUT-ROR-3Ons-AndMore ...
OnTime -- RU?
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