Onique -- a unique opportunity.
Competitive sports, such as Figure Skating, brings out the passion of each individual performer, a unique opportunity (onique) to transcend outside influences, and share something special with others. Of course, there are influences which cannot be overcome, such as travel fatigue, changes in diet, including chemical additives which are no longer present in one's food and drink that one's body and mind are accustomed to, and new substances that one's mind and body have yet to learn to adapt to, to tolerate.
This is also a VALID OBSERVATION when it comes to REAL WORK, especially for those whom travel between jobs, or go from place to place as an extension of their job. Therefore, on the 'day-of-performance,' be it sports, music, arts, entertainment, or work, or just visiting, vacationing, one may not feel their best, may sound differently, look more tired or more vibrant -- these variables are NORMAL.
And cannot be overcome. This is where compassion comes into 'play.' And forgiveness, both of which are also variables. The difference is that these two variables of life, compassion and forgiveness, justice, can be overcome, or, proved.
When I saw Kim Yu-Na skate at the Olympics, I was just as enthralled as any other. It was beautiful skating, a ChampionshipPerformance to be certain. What concerned me is her scores. She didn't skate 'perfect,' there is no such thing. She did nothing particularly more 'oustanding' than any others, yet her scores were highly sensationalistic, super-duper inflated, hyper-inflated. I think it's because she's gorgeous. I think she could have done nothing more than double-axles and crawled around on her hands and knees and still scored the highest, awarded for being 'cute' moreso than anything else. That is not to down-grade her hard work, nor the hard work of her coach, Brian Orsor, whom I am very proud of -- and seeing the fruits of his labor, his passion, on-screen, is far better than foggy windows at a drive-in movie version of 'on-screen' as teenagers. (Remember drive-in movie theaters? Do they still have those?)
That said, (and there's something there only a handful of people in existence will relate to, but the overall is easily understood) -- that Mao Asada broke numerous first-time ever world-records, right there before our eyes, at the Olympics, and it all went unnoticed. She set the bar through her ChampionshipPerformance, and no other score should have been higher.
Then, we have Marai Nagasu's performance, one of the most outstanding competitive performances I've ever seen. Interestingly, at the exact same moment, I had a nose bleed. I didn't know she had until hours later watching the broadcast of her skating. One of those 'strange things.'
The scores that were given were about marketing and emotional-knee-jerk reaction, mindphuking sympathy from the 'consumer.' I don't think it's fare. I don't think it's honest.
Yes, I think Kim Yu-Na is gorgeous, and I love watching her skate -- but she skates like a professional, because she is a professional, and even if it's construed that she is not 'paid-to-skate,' that's a dishonest representation of facts. Even here in this country, the Olympics has been molested into FAKING 'amature competition.' These people are trained professionally, paid to be trained, and even if you claim it's 'private-money,' well, frankly, that's nonsense. It's a tax-write-off -- therefore TAX DOLLARS -- therefore STATE SPONSORED ATHLETICS. And the 'cuter' or more 'sympathy' that can be used in the 'marketing' of products, the higher 'scores.' It's not 'justice,' defies compassion, forgiveness and therefore justice, therefore equality.
It's about the protection of multi-million dollar marketing 'empires' and all the 'credentials' whose jobs are associated with it in one way or another. But notice, it's ChampionshipPerformers, REAL ones, from days gone by, that do the real training -- produce the real athletes.
The Olympics is supposed to be about amature competitive sports. Not "who can produce the cutest, or, sympathy-inducing marketing product." That's prostitution.
Mao Asada did what no woman has ever done before -- repeatedly -- verifiable with one's five-senses, and was not credited for it. I bow to her here and now, acknowledge her ChampionshipPerformance, incredible feats of equality, womanhood, humanity. No score should have been higher.
Marai Nagasu should have scored second.
The same concept applies to the outcome of the men's Figure Skating medals. The Russian, Евге́ний Ви́кторович Плю́щенко, Yevgeny Viktorovich Plyushchenko did what no man has ever done before -- it's not about ONE ELEMENT -- it's the fact that he did all of that, AND those additional elements. That set the 'bar' -- and no score should have been higher. Johnny Weir's performance was as flawless as any I've seen -- filled with the passion, dynamic and outstanding ChampionshipPerformance of true amature competitive sportsmanship -- and he was not credited for it, and all that anybody said about it was that he was 'too gay' (and/or words to that affect, being careful not to use the 'gay' word), therefore discriminated against by perverts fantasizing about what's in his crotch, what they imagine in their own minds he does with his PRIVATES, invading his bedroom in their perverted fantasies, and holding it against him. That's what discrimination truly is. GENDER DISCRIMINATION to be certain, along with many other forms of discriminatory conduct -- a WAR against DECENCY, against compassion, against passion, against justice, against equality.
Think of this a moment: I have a PALM frond on my windshield, which was handed-out for Mass this past Sunday, Palm Sunday. That's the day of REMEMBRANCE, a MEMORIAL to all whom are denied equality, cast-out as 'inferiors/negatives/unworthy's -- by all the 'positive-people' using any excuse to hammer 'negatives' against their merciless 'positive-cross-signs,' using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, ideological crucifiXtion, spell it any way you want, it's about the concept, FigurativeCarpentry -- the opposite of love, of justice, of compassion, of proving forgiveness, proving equality, and Palm Sunday is the MEMORIAL of all those whom have been MURDERED in HATE by discriminating 'positives' crucifying 'negatives,' -- for it is the REMEMBRANCE of HowNotToBe that way which is why those Palm fronds are handed out, because you're not supposed to divide into 'positive' groups hating 'negatives,' denying equality to 'negatives,' the same equality one hypocritically demands for one's own selfish-self. For doing so, DIVIDES communities, teams, families, countries, worlds, into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING 'tribes' through PeaceOnEarth to build HeavenOnEarth as commanded (or at least desired).
We all must prove compassion and equality, forgiveness, justice, through GOOD WORKS, acts of kindness, conveniencing others instead of obstructing others' pursuits of equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness. What do you conspire today? Who is your target? For what reason? Who have you singled-out in the pathetic-attempt at making yourself-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving lack of self-esteem, proving zero respect, proving zero integrity, proving zero compassion, proving zero forgiveness, proving lack of understanding, and so much more about one's insipid desires to obstruct the equal pursuits of others, hinder the lives of others?
I knew a man that I met whom was in his 70's. He told me that when he was in his fifties, he had a very serious heart attack and lost his business, and so much more, lost everything, could no longer work or do anything -- it was a life-altering event for he and his family. He was a career military man, serving and protecting all people equally, defending equality. He could not get disability benefits. It was an endless paperwork maze, a nightmare of paperwork. He was told repeatedly to claim his symptoms were due to Agent Orange Exposure. That's because they deny disability benefits to those claiming it, see. He refused, and was sick, weakened, feeling miserable, and all those paperwork-pushers and Higher-Ed cultists just did one thing: attempt to push paperwork around and make money, faking 'work,' while denying him that opportunity which he'd devoted a lifetime defending.
-- now, these are my words, not his, my description of what he said happened to him; because what they did, was INCREASE STRESS to PREVENT HEALING, to AGITATE him, and then claim he was displaying symptoms of 'mental duress,' and then put him out on a 'section 8' disability.
-- he got his benefits, but at what cost?
-- he couldn't tell anybody about it, because the moment he even tried, they'd open up all those billions of pages of paperwork, FAKE 'work,' now stamped 'mental case,' and discriminate against him. Discriminate against him for a PRIVATE HEALTH CONDITION.
So he was very careful who he told, what he said, how he said it, and to whom he mentioned it. Because those whom invade PRIVATES do so in their perverted MINDS for one reason: to conjure up their own 'spells' of 'confusion,' concocting their own HELLishness, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR.
The PASSION is what killed the religious character most-often used to describe discrimination. That PASSION is applicable to every instance of discrimination, globally, just as equally to all whom were as to all whom are and all whom will be, and not just this 'world,' but every conceivable version of 'world', or 'intelligence,' of life itself, the entire HumanityFamily, regardless of language or location or TIME. A literal TIMELESS MESSAGE, a UniversalTheorem, as I have always said, uniting the 'positives' and the 'negatives,' therefore the Epiphany mentioned in scripture is the understanding of the Anti along WITH what one already thinks they know -- merging the two together -- one can't be understood without the other -- or the concept of 'christ' is meaningless, incomplete, punched full of holes -- therefore one must focus more on HowNotToBe -- discussing more of the TimelessMessage in that regards, or we end up with 'dueling god' nonsense, 'devils' and 'gods' fighting each other, which is intentional dumbing-down of the entire 'christ' concept, a 'cartoon-characterization' TOOL used for explanation to illiterate and highly unsophisticated societies.
The sign of the cross is a hate symbol -- it's how the discriminated person is murdered -- it's venerated to REMEMBER HOW NOT TO BE THAT WAY -- how not to discriminate that way -- how not to DIVIDE that way -- how not to concoct excuses to deny equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness to others, how to engage in crusade-mentality like cults do where 'positives' start passing laws and taxes and fines and punishments against all the 'negatives' they conjure-up in the own MINDS, possessed of 'evil,' brainwashed hatreds.
When encountered, Catholics originally crossed themselves, to identify the MEANness, confirming their understanding of it, to distance themselves from it, recognize the victims of it, and attempt to HEAL it.
Are you?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Writing In Dirt
The Perfect War -- Part - XIV
Advent (is always), 5th Lenten Week
-- "When they bend down, write on the ground, write in the dirt, the lofty hate it, the lofty hate being reminded ... "
It is a matter of respect:
-- fire control.
See it in the paper? The Forest Service, Dept of Lands, Bureau of Land Management, various counties and environment groups are in PROACTIVE FIRE DANGER ALERT MODE due to the magnitude of last years' grass and brush growth, which is an EXTREME FIRE HAZARD this year, because it's now on the ground, dead, and when it dries-out, later in summer, will be an extreme wildfire danger, FIRESTORM FUEL.
That's because last year had so much moisture, with few 'hot-spell-stretches' between rains, that the grass grew to seven, eight, nine feet tall, and the ferns were taller than I am -- huge. It's so thick, along fields, meadows, in the forests, along roads -- that this summer, predicted to be dry and hot, it could be the 'perfect storm' for FIRESTORM.
Especially along roads, where static electricity stirred-up due to passing vehicles, even bicycles, even hikers along trails, could ignite it, destroying our forests, spreading quickly to homes and businesses, killing-off wildlife, and those volunteers and emergency responders attempting to put it out are subjected to extreme danger, oftentimes injured, killed more often than just about any other type of emergency response, with the most cost to economy and family.
It's about respect.
See it in the paper? The articles about "DROUGHT CONDITIONS SPUR TALKS?" Not that exact headline, but close. And it just figures those Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' want to profit from it, cater-lunch, pay themselves to sit around TALKING instead of enacting IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY FIRE CONTROL PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. They should be doing it themselves, instead of talking. Every life lost this year is on their selfish shoulders.
Did you remove the dead undergrowth/overgrowth from your property? If you haven't. Do it. It's about respect. If you don't -- every lost tree, shrub, home, outbuilding, business, wildlife, pet, person, is on YOUR SELFISH SHOULDERS.
-- get your heads out of the clouds, stop leaving your bodies, floating over cities, taken aloft in self-importance, taken-up, get your FeetOnGround -- writing in dirt (instead of expensive paperFAKEwork, consuming valuable resources and time doing NOTHING, instead of being PROACTIVE and DOING something for REAL) -- stop dilly-dallying -- it's common-sense -- the metaphors are ancient and in every language --
-- " ... they made endless excuses, pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing perceiving 'flaws' in her ... blaming her, shaming her, ridiculing and scorning her, condemning her, casting-stones, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR ..."
-- " hammering her as 'negative' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked tongues as NAILS, denying her the forgiveness, the compassion, the justice, the equality they hypocritically demand for their own selfish selves ... "
-- " ... writing in dirt, is reminding them HowNotToBe ... "
And so I reminded. It's about being an Ambassador and an Emissary. It's about duty and responsibility.
-- " ... only those whom have no faults, are perfect, you cast stones firstly, kill in your so-called 'uncondtional-love' to 'prove' how 'loving' and 'forgiving' and 'respectful' you are ... "
And those hung-up, aloft in self-importance, condemning, ridiculing and scorning, when REMINDED, instantly lash-out, hatefully, "isn't that what you are doing?" -- floating over cities, their heads so far in the clouds, the ground (REALITY) unrecognizeable, WeThePeople mere 'ants' to their self-acclaimed greatness.
FigureCarpentry. IdeologicalCrucifiXtion, crusade-mentality, the opposite of being a REAL Christian (or responsible citizen, parent, employee, manager, supervisor, clergy, etc.,).
WritingInDirt is reminding those doing it, what it is they are actually engaged in, knowing fully-well they will force you to rub ash against skin (that they will mud-fling in your direction, 'fling-mud-at-you'), regardless of how 'nice' or 'pc' you word it. WritingInDirt, a simple metaphor for that exact scenario in YOUR REAL LIFE, verifiable with your five-senses, religious or not, applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, regardless of language, location or TIME.
It's about respect, and the molestation of it by the lofty, the self-absorbed whom claim they are not, always pointing-fingers regardless of how they are addressed, any excuse to censor to accuse to ignore, absent of humility, absent of spirit, absent of Christ, regardless of their endless reasonable-sounding DENIALS.
-- " ... scorned women of AllThings, all eternity, where are your accusers -- have they finally removed themselves from condemning you? Either way, go in peace, strive to uphold whatever commitments you have freely chosen, thereby bringing-about fewer FALSE ACCUSATIONS against thee which are burdens not freely-chosen, CrownsOfThorns forced upon you ... "
And so is all that FIRESTORM FUEL ... stop talking, start doing. Please. Lives really do depend on it, and every one lost is on your shoulders.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Advent (is always), 5th Lenten Week
-- "When they bend down, write on the ground, write in the dirt, the lofty hate it, the lofty hate being reminded ... "
It is a matter of respect:
-- fire control.
See it in the paper? The Forest Service, Dept of Lands, Bureau of Land Management, various counties and environment groups are in PROACTIVE FIRE DANGER ALERT MODE due to the magnitude of last years' grass and brush growth, which is an EXTREME FIRE HAZARD this year, because it's now on the ground, dead, and when it dries-out, later in summer, will be an extreme wildfire danger, FIRESTORM FUEL.
That's because last year had so much moisture, with few 'hot-spell-stretches' between rains, that the grass grew to seven, eight, nine feet tall, and the ferns were taller than I am -- huge. It's so thick, along fields, meadows, in the forests, along roads -- that this summer, predicted to be dry and hot, it could be the 'perfect storm' for FIRESTORM.
Especially along roads, where static electricity stirred-up due to passing vehicles, even bicycles, even hikers along trails, could ignite it, destroying our forests, spreading quickly to homes and businesses, killing-off wildlife, and those volunteers and emergency responders attempting to put it out are subjected to extreme danger, oftentimes injured, killed more often than just about any other type of emergency response, with the most cost to economy and family.
It's about respect.
See it in the paper? The articles about "DROUGHT CONDITIONS SPUR TALKS?" Not that exact headline, but close. And it just figures those Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' want to profit from it, cater-lunch, pay themselves to sit around TALKING instead of enacting IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY FIRE CONTROL PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. They should be doing it themselves, instead of talking. Every life lost this year is on their selfish shoulders.
Did you remove the dead undergrowth/overgrowth from your property? If you haven't. Do it. It's about respect. If you don't -- every lost tree, shrub, home, outbuilding, business, wildlife, pet, person, is on YOUR SELFISH SHOULDERS.
-- get your heads out of the clouds, stop leaving your bodies, floating over cities, taken aloft in self-importance, taken-up, get your FeetOnGround -- writing in dirt (instead of expensive paperFAKEwork, consuming valuable resources and time doing NOTHING, instead of being PROACTIVE and DOING something for REAL) -- stop dilly-dallying -- it's common-sense -- the metaphors are ancient and in every language --
-- " ... they made endless excuses, pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing perceiving 'flaws' in her ... blaming her, shaming her, ridiculing and scorning her, condemning her, casting-stones, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR ..."
-- " hammering her as 'negative' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked tongues as NAILS, denying her the forgiveness, the compassion, the justice, the equality they hypocritically demand for their own selfish selves ... "
-- " ... writing in dirt, is reminding them HowNotToBe ... "
And so I reminded. It's about being an Ambassador and an Emissary. It's about duty and responsibility.
-- " ... only those whom have no faults, are perfect, you cast stones firstly, kill in your so-called 'uncondtional-love' to 'prove' how 'loving' and 'forgiving' and 'respectful' you are ... "
And those hung-up, aloft in self-importance, condemning, ridiculing and scorning, when REMINDED, instantly lash-out, hatefully, "isn't that what you are doing?" -- floating over cities, their heads so far in the clouds, the ground (REALITY) unrecognizeable, WeThePeople mere 'ants' to their self-acclaimed greatness.
FigureCarpentry. IdeologicalCrucifiXtion, crusade-mentality, the opposite of being a REAL Christian (or responsible citizen, parent, employee, manager, supervisor, clergy, etc.,).
WritingInDirt is reminding those doing it, what it is they are actually engaged in, knowing fully-well they will force you to rub ash against skin (that they will mud-fling in your direction, 'fling-mud-at-you'), regardless of how 'nice' or 'pc' you word it. WritingInDirt, a simple metaphor for that exact scenario in YOUR REAL LIFE, verifiable with your five-senses, religious or not, applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, regardless of language, location or TIME.
It's about respect, and the molestation of it by the lofty, the self-absorbed whom claim they are not, always pointing-fingers regardless of how they are addressed, any excuse to censor to accuse to ignore, absent of humility, absent of spirit, absent of Christ, regardless of their endless reasonable-sounding DENIALS.
-- " ... scorned women of AllThings, all eternity, where are your accusers -- have they finally removed themselves from condemning you? Either way, go in peace, strive to uphold whatever commitments you have freely chosen, thereby bringing-about fewer FALSE ACCUSATIONS against thee which are burdens not freely-chosen, CrownsOfThorns forced upon you ... "
And so is all that FIRESTORM FUEL ... stop talking, start doing. Please. Lives really do depend on it, and every one lost is on your shoulders.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Father Gooley's Leaving
My Selfish Parish
My selfish parish? You tell me.
Firstly, they told me he was 'too old,' and ridiculed him every time his hands shook or trembled a bit, or he corrected a mispronounced word, things everybody does at any age.
The man is as sharp as any. My hands tremble sometimes too -- too much coffee, stage-fright 'jitters,' too cold, too tired, for any number of reasons. My Aunt just had the 'jitters' -- that's who she was, naturally.
Now, they say he's being 'forced-out' due to 'influences,' such as the 'new guy with the blonde hair.' Maybe that's me? I think I'm the only natural blonde in the entire parish -- could be more -- I don't really know any of 'em. Anyway, it's as though it's an addiction to faking 'victimhood,' an addiction to 'blaming,' an addiction to 'dividing,' an addiction to 'friction,' an addiction to claiming one is being 'wronged.' Any excuse will do. Apparently.
I remind myself that this is the parish that put together a thousand dollars to help Hatains after the earthquake. This is the parish that feeds the hungry, filling the shelves of the food bank. This is the parish that promotes women from Africa, helping them seek independence and opportunities previously denied, Bead For Life.
Yet there are those whom are intentionally (it must be 'intentional') 'stirring it up' -- so let me explain it:
Father Gooley has unique talents, abilities, capabilities, a man filled with compassion, concern, wisdom and love. Has he not shared enough with your selfishness selves, yet? Has he uplifted you not? Done nothing to heal your trepidations? Nothing at all?
Has he not given all of himself to you?
Has he not defended you?
Has he not counseled you?
Has he not shared enough with you? That you DENY others his special gifts? That you would stir-up contention, down-grading his accomplishments, making it out as though he is being 'punished' by re-assignment, having FAILED you?
He has important work ahead of him, an opportunity afforded VERY FEW, ever. Not you. Him, his assignment, where he will hold the hands of those whom need him NOW -- are you so selfish you'd DENY those in need?
Had he 'failed,' there would be no GOOD WORKS from St. Catherine of Siena parish, or many of the other locations he has tirelessly ministered. A Monsignor to be certain, be it 'quietly' or otherwise. And there is no such thing as 'unnannimous counsel' to Councils or Popes or anything else.
Had he 'failed,' he'd be sworn to silence, sealed-off in a far-away monastery, or outright FIRED, kicked-out -- and his name never mentioned lest it stir-up hateful-rumormongering in 'group/gang-mentality' as the hateful do.
Had he been 'failure,' he'd never have been honored with the position at St. Catherine's to begin with.
He's not being shipped-off to the Moon. There is no need to 'miss him,' -- you can call him -- you can write him -- you can donate funds to him so that he may travel to visit you.
And as all positional-changes incur, he needs your encouragement to ward-off the uncertainty, the trepidation, which goes along with such a change, such a move. Are you too selfish to do that for him? The Spirit dwelleth with him, as reflected by YOU -- what shall it be? Loathing? Or excitement for the important work, the important lives he shall touch ahead?
Peace be with you;
Kind Regards, always,
Clayton Winton
My selfish parish? You tell me.
Firstly, they told me he was 'too old,' and ridiculed him every time his hands shook or trembled a bit, or he corrected a mispronounced word, things everybody does at any age.
The man is as sharp as any. My hands tremble sometimes too -- too much coffee, stage-fright 'jitters,' too cold, too tired, for any number of reasons. My Aunt just had the 'jitters' -- that's who she was, naturally.
Now, they say he's being 'forced-out' due to 'influences,' such as the 'new guy with the blonde hair.' Maybe that's me? I think I'm the only natural blonde in the entire parish -- could be more -- I don't really know any of 'em. Anyway, it's as though it's an addiction to faking 'victimhood,' an addiction to 'blaming,' an addiction to 'dividing,' an addiction to 'friction,' an addiction to claiming one is being 'wronged.' Any excuse will do. Apparently.
I remind myself that this is the parish that put together a thousand dollars to help Hatains after the earthquake. This is the parish that feeds the hungry, filling the shelves of the food bank. This is the parish that promotes women from Africa, helping them seek independence and opportunities previously denied, Bead For Life.
Yet there are those whom are intentionally (it must be 'intentional') 'stirring it up' -- so let me explain it:
Father Gooley has unique talents, abilities, capabilities, a man filled with compassion, concern, wisdom and love. Has he not shared enough with your selfishness selves, yet? Has he uplifted you not? Done nothing to heal your trepidations? Nothing at all?
Has he not given all of himself to you?
Has he not defended you?
Has he not counseled you?
Has he not shared enough with you? That you DENY others his special gifts? That you would stir-up contention, down-grading his accomplishments, making it out as though he is being 'punished' by re-assignment, having FAILED you?
He has important work ahead of him, an opportunity afforded VERY FEW, ever. Not you. Him, his assignment, where he will hold the hands of those whom need him NOW -- are you so selfish you'd DENY those in need?
Had he 'failed,' there would be no GOOD WORKS from St. Catherine of Siena parish, or many of the other locations he has tirelessly ministered. A Monsignor to be certain, be it 'quietly' or otherwise. And there is no such thing as 'unnannimous counsel' to Councils or Popes or anything else.
Had he 'failed,' he'd be sworn to silence, sealed-off in a far-away monastery, or outright FIRED, kicked-out -- and his name never mentioned lest it stir-up hateful-rumormongering in 'group/gang-mentality' as the hateful do.
Had he been 'failure,' he'd never have been honored with the position at St. Catherine's to begin with.
He's not being shipped-off to the Moon. There is no need to 'miss him,' -- you can call him -- you can write him -- you can donate funds to him so that he may travel to visit you.
And as all positional-changes incur, he needs your encouragement to ward-off the uncertainty, the trepidation, which goes along with such a change, such a move. Are you too selfish to do that for him? The Spirit dwelleth with him, as reflected by YOU -- what shall it be? Loathing? Or excitement for the important work, the important lives he shall touch ahead?
Peace be with you;
Kind Regards, always,
Clayton Winton
Monday, March 15, 2010
Protestants Against Catholics, again
ADVENT -- is always; 5th Lenten Week
-- "We are all Ambassadors of Christ, Emissaries of Church ... er, at least we should all strive to be."
Recently, the Obama Administration announced more pie-in-the-sky BIG 'plans' to TALK about forming yet more committees to TALK about doing something -- (read: concoct a bunch of paperwork and spend billions more doing it) --
-- but 3 million more are losing their homes this year;
-- millions more losing their jobs;
-- millions more small businesses going bankrupt.
What type of 'leader' forms yet another very expensive, catered-lunch, photo-op'g Higher-Ed group of paperwork-pushers to "study spending less money"?
It's like giving candy to a group of obese kids to 'study' how to 'reduce' gluttony.
The global economy is being defrauded, from the inside-out, white-collar, Higher-Ed fraud.
I have a fishing-pole on my dashboard. It's been there for two-years. It's a reminder to make the time to go recreate -- go fishing. I even bought a fishing license. Now expired.
In the paper a couple weeks ago, is the sad story about how Fish and Game Higher-Ed 'biologists' and 'forest managers' and groups of others are 'studying' fish -- the same fish the same group of Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' introduced into the local lakes and rivers over the past few decades -- at taxpayer expense, claiming it's about many things, "the children" -- the 'economy' (theirs) -- sportsfishing --
-- let's look at that a moment: SPORTFISHING.
Guess who is sport fishing? Biologists. They claim they need to do an 8th-grade level 'science project,' fishing from boats on beautiful area lakes and waterways -- catching fish -- sport fishing -- and getting paid for it -- and when they catch-and-release, they make a tiny incision and insert a chip -- things every kid learns to do in grade school when they cut open frogs for dissection -- nothing more 'complicated' -- yet these Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' concocted mile-high piles of PhD-level 'reasonable-sounding' paperFAKEwork as their EXCUSE to GET PAID to GO SPORTFISHING.
If I were King for a day, I'd have then arrested, prosecuted, and probably executed, just to discourage such Higher-Ed fraud and all their 'reasonable-sounding' "You don't have the divine wisdoms to even comprehend the subject matter, so obviously you are not worthy of even discussing it with," in their brainwashed HATRED of DISSENT.
-- along with every Legislator that appropriated funds for it;
-- doing NOTHING while 3 million more people lost their homes!
I spoke with a man that works on the roads. I told him his job is about respect, for AllThings, each other, EMT's and fire and rescue whom are oftentimes injured inside of vehicles, or flung from vehicles, attempting to respond to an emergency. Then we have two emergencies. So it's a matter of respect for everyone, a CRITICAL JOB.
I thanked him for his dedication, his work, and humbly bowed to him, in honor and recognition.
These are the people that really make the world go around. These are the people that DESERVE fine cars, vacations, globe-trotting, big houses -- they built the Earth and maintain it for real.
Paperwork pushers consume it, and concoct excuses to BLAME EVERYBODY ELSE, raising your taxes, the prices of products, goods and services, diminishing Human Services.
97% of funds to the poor, medical needs, to the disabled, veterans, the elderly, children -- food to the hungry, are being consumed by paperFAKEwork.
Higher-Ed claims, "Well, that's why the things we do are so important, so that we can raise much more funding in the proper, educated manner, AND pay ourselves what we deserve."
But it's not suppossed to be about getting rich. Not supposed to be about self-aggrandizement. Not supposed to be about 'uplifting' one's SELF.
It's about sacrifice. Giving. Sharing. Even giving up one's own life to save another --
-- Ambassadors and Emissaries.
Since Higher-Ed said for the past few centuries that they themselves were the only viable 'vehicle' in which to 'develop' humanity, "trust us," and we will "show you the way," and "save the planet" --
-- but they concocted the mechanisms for destroying it.
-- they concocted the means by which to make money destroying it, blaming everybody else, then retiring 'phaaaat' all the while claiming they are 'fixing it.'
But we need Higher-Ed. Doing OTHER THINGS, obviously, not concocting vices in which to self-inflate their 'value' and 'dispensibility' levels to astronomically inflated, sensationalized GOSPELS that nobody is allowed to dispute -- just worship as FalseGodsBeforeThee -- blind faith.
Look at their 'priorities' -- paperwork more important than people. Concocted excuses to 'go fishin' -- more important that BUILDING ANYTHING.
So, they attacked church. Slowly. Methodically. Systematically, multi-generationally. Forcing church into endless 'defensive posturing,' to suck the life-blood out of it, endless accusations, endless fees, punishments. If drunks, drug-addicts, prostitutes, uneducated, undegree'd, un 'accomplished,' ANYBODY were to say ANYTHING to Higher-Ed, they'd be laughed out of court, out of homes, out of classrooms, off the street.
-- Higher-Ed, on the other hand, will ABUSE "wayward boys" by brainwashing them into faking 'victimhood,' with endless promises of 'millions of dollars,' -- LURID enticements -- set those individuals aloft, ON HIGH, as INCONS, as ULTIMATE TRUTHS, their "wayward past" deemed "irrelevant," as the hateful accusations are used to suck the life-blood out of Church.
So I have made a contribution to the Church, the RCC. Because it will have to be -- it MUST BE -- there to pick up the pieces -- the last vestiges of SURVIVORS after Higher-Ed's pending cataclysm, mass-die-off, gluttonous consumption, with Higher-Ed's nonstop DIVERSIONS about 'environmentalism' -- more excuses to destroy environments for profit, then profit MORE claiming they're 'fixing it.' The Church will still be there -- it MUST BE -- picking up the pieces, tending to the poor, the needy, single moms, singles, the elderly, the disabled, the downtrodden, the destitute, the lame, the cast-outs (cast-out as 'dissenters, infidels, blasphemers, heretics' by Higher-Ed's cultish behaviors), tending to the needs of the weak, the meek -- as Church has proved for thousands of years.
Human-Services: 97% salaries, paperwork, administration, perks, benefits, travel, endless excuses to hire more assistants and BLAME "entitlements" and recipients of "entitlements," taking more and more for their own Higher-Educated selves, at the expense of the weakest, the meakest. As cultish as it gets. A REAL MATTER OF NATIONAL AND GLOBAL SECURITY.
Meanwhile, never forget the historic divides between various Christian groups. There is the viewpoint that unless you refer to religious characters as 'real, living, historic characters,' then you are not worthy of life, liberty, equal opportunities or pursuits of happiness.
As the ORIGINAL CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS, Catholicism has always strived to reach-out to disparate (not 'desperate') groups of religious communities, and find 'common ground,' and word things in such a way as to not incite hatred against those whom think worshiping of words is of 'higher priority' than Peace with REAL people during one's REAL life, be those other people REALLY DIFFERENT or not -- look the same or talk the same or not.
If you belong to a religious group, denomination, whathaveyou, that is obsessed with whether or not the religious character from a religious story was a 'real' person or not -- then you have missed the entire CENTERPIECE and PREMISE of the religious story -- molesting it into excuses to DIVIDE and squabble, when the centerpiece and premise is about NOT doing that, being SAVED from it, HEALING it on a societal-level, to bring PeaceOnEarth -- not 'off-planet' during a wished-for life, in a wished-for undisclosed location, but during this REAL life, on this REAL Earth (or wherever you reside).
Meanwhile, Ambassadors of Christ, Emissaries of Church, remind us that beliefs are no excuse to hate, to deny equal opportunities, life, liberty and pursuits of happiness. If it is, it's hate, a cult.
WTF is Higher-Ed doing EXACTLY?
ADVENT -- is always; 5th Lenten Week
-- "We are all Ambassadors of Christ, Emissaries of Church ... er, at least we should all strive to be."
Recently, the Obama Administration announced more pie-in-the-sky BIG 'plans' to TALK about forming yet more committees to TALK about doing something -- (read: concoct a bunch of paperwork and spend billions more doing it) --
-- but 3 million more are losing their homes this year;
-- millions more losing their jobs;
-- millions more small businesses going bankrupt.
What type of 'leader' forms yet another very expensive, catered-lunch, photo-op'g Higher-Ed group of paperwork-pushers to "study spending less money"?
It's like giving candy to a group of obese kids to 'study' how to 'reduce' gluttony.
The global economy is being defrauded, from the inside-out, white-collar, Higher-Ed fraud.
I have a fishing-pole on my dashboard. It's been there for two-years. It's a reminder to make the time to go recreate -- go fishing. I even bought a fishing license. Now expired.
In the paper a couple weeks ago, is the sad story about how Fish and Game Higher-Ed 'biologists' and 'forest managers' and groups of others are 'studying' fish -- the same fish the same group of Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' introduced into the local lakes and rivers over the past few decades -- at taxpayer expense, claiming it's about many things, "the children" -- the 'economy' (theirs) -- sportsfishing --
-- let's look at that a moment: SPORTFISHING.
Guess who is sport fishing? Biologists. They claim they need to do an 8th-grade level 'science project,' fishing from boats on beautiful area lakes and waterways -- catching fish -- sport fishing -- and getting paid for it -- and when they catch-and-release, they make a tiny incision and insert a chip -- things every kid learns to do in grade school when they cut open frogs for dissection -- nothing more 'complicated' -- yet these Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' concocted mile-high piles of PhD-level 'reasonable-sounding' paperFAKEwork as their EXCUSE to GET PAID to GO SPORTFISHING.
If I were King for a day, I'd have then arrested, prosecuted, and probably executed, just to discourage such Higher-Ed fraud and all their 'reasonable-sounding' "You don't have the divine wisdoms to even comprehend the subject matter, so obviously you are not worthy of even discussing it with," in their brainwashed HATRED of DISSENT.
-- along with every Legislator that appropriated funds for it;
-- doing NOTHING while 3 million more people lost their homes!
I spoke with a man that works on the roads. I told him his job is about respect, for AllThings, each other, EMT's and fire and rescue whom are oftentimes injured inside of vehicles, or flung from vehicles, attempting to respond to an emergency. Then we have two emergencies. So it's a matter of respect for everyone, a CRITICAL JOB.
I thanked him for his dedication, his work, and humbly bowed to him, in honor and recognition.
These are the people that really make the world go around. These are the people that DESERVE fine cars, vacations, globe-trotting, big houses -- they built the Earth and maintain it for real.
Paperwork pushers consume it, and concoct excuses to BLAME EVERYBODY ELSE, raising your taxes, the prices of products, goods and services, diminishing Human Services.
97% of funds to the poor, medical needs, to the disabled, veterans, the elderly, children -- food to the hungry, are being consumed by paperFAKEwork.
Higher-Ed claims, "Well, that's why the things we do are so important, so that we can raise much more funding in the proper, educated manner, AND pay ourselves what we deserve."
But it's not suppossed to be about getting rich. Not supposed to be about self-aggrandizement. Not supposed to be about 'uplifting' one's SELF.
It's about sacrifice. Giving. Sharing. Even giving up one's own life to save another --
-- Ambassadors and Emissaries.
Since Higher-Ed said for the past few centuries that they themselves were the only viable 'vehicle' in which to 'develop' humanity, "trust us," and we will "show you the way," and "save the planet" --
-- but they concocted the mechanisms for destroying it.
-- they concocted the means by which to make money destroying it, blaming everybody else, then retiring 'phaaaat' all the while claiming they are 'fixing it.'
But we need Higher-Ed. Doing OTHER THINGS, obviously, not concocting vices in which to self-inflate their 'value' and 'dispensibility' levels to astronomically inflated, sensationalized GOSPELS that nobody is allowed to dispute -- just worship as FalseGodsBeforeThee -- blind faith.
Look at their 'priorities' -- paperwork more important than people. Concocted excuses to 'go fishin' -- more important that BUILDING ANYTHING.
So, they attacked church. Slowly. Methodically. Systematically, multi-generationally. Forcing church into endless 'defensive posturing,' to suck the life-blood out of it, endless accusations, endless fees, punishments. If drunks, drug-addicts, prostitutes, uneducated, undegree'd, un 'accomplished,' ANYBODY were to say ANYTHING to Higher-Ed, they'd be laughed out of court, out of homes, out of classrooms, off the street.
-- Higher-Ed, on the other hand, will ABUSE "wayward boys" by brainwashing them into faking 'victimhood,' with endless promises of 'millions of dollars,' -- LURID enticements -- set those individuals aloft, ON HIGH, as INCONS, as ULTIMATE TRUTHS, their "wayward past" deemed "irrelevant," as the hateful accusations are used to suck the life-blood out of Church.
So I have made a contribution to the Church, the RCC. Because it will have to be -- it MUST BE -- there to pick up the pieces -- the last vestiges of SURVIVORS after Higher-Ed's pending cataclysm, mass-die-off, gluttonous consumption, with Higher-Ed's nonstop DIVERSIONS about 'environmentalism' -- more excuses to destroy environments for profit, then profit MORE claiming they're 'fixing it.' The Church will still be there -- it MUST BE -- picking up the pieces, tending to the poor, the needy, single moms, singles, the elderly, the disabled, the downtrodden, the destitute, the lame, the cast-outs (cast-out as 'dissenters, infidels, blasphemers, heretics' by Higher-Ed's cultish behaviors), tending to the needs of the weak, the meek -- as Church has proved for thousands of years.
Human-Services: 97% salaries, paperwork, administration, perks, benefits, travel, endless excuses to hire more assistants and BLAME "entitlements" and recipients of "entitlements," taking more and more for their own Higher-Educated selves, at the expense of the weakest, the meakest. As cultish as it gets. A REAL MATTER OF NATIONAL AND GLOBAL SECURITY.
Meanwhile, never forget the historic divides between various Christian groups. There is the viewpoint that unless you refer to religious characters as 'real, living, historic characters,' then you are not worthy of life, liberty, equal opportunities or pursuits of happiness.
As the ORIGINAL CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS, Catholicism has always strived to reach-out to disparate (not 'desperate') groups of religious communities, and find 'common ground,' and word things in such a way as to not incite hatred against those whom think worshiping of words is of 'higher priority' than Peace with REAL people during one's REAL life, be those other people REALLY DIFFERENT or not -- look the same or talk the same or not.
If you belong to a religious group, denomination, whathaveyou, that is obsessed with whether or not the religious character from a religious story was a 'real' person or not -- then you have missed the entire CENTERPIECE and PREMISE of the religious story -- molesting it into excuses to DIVIDE and squabble, when the centerpiece and premise is about NOT doing that, being SAVED from it, HEALING it on a societal-level, to bring PeaceOnEarth -- not 'off-planet' during a wished-for life, in a wished-for undisclosed location, but during this REAL life, on this REAL Earth (or wherever you reside).
Meanwhile, Ambassadors of Christ, Emissaries of Church, remind us that beliefs are no excuse to hate, to deny equal opportunities, life, liberty and pursuits of happiness. If it is, it's hate, a cult.
WTF is Higher-Ed doing EXACTLY?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Papal Miracle Evoked
-- (reprinted without permission from the Priest River newspaper)
-- Priest River, ID
-- Sunday, March 9, 2010
An Emissary, as an instrument, divinely intervened to cure a blight upon the land, after government's most credentialed, Higher-Educated trustees proved incompetent miserable-failure and malfeasance, squandering resources for their own selves, blaming workers, instead of timely resolutions of matters -- : the sink-holes, pot-holes and drainage behind the library, adjacent alley, and the corner where tractor-trailers tip, harming cargo (drivers getting blamed), making products more expensive and oftentimes causing damage to utility poles in similar situations (other cities), contributing to higher utility costs to the poor, singles, single-moms, the disabled, the elderly, and local business.

(file photo: ONIQUE's Emissary husband)
Emissary: "It's not about the photo-op, like it always is with politicians, legislators, Higher-Ed; it's about respect -- because EMT's, volunteer firemen, search and rescue, etc., are most often injured while bouncing around inside of vehicles, or flung-off rescue vehicles while responding to emergencies -- then there's two emergencies -- so filling potholes is about respect -- respect for all of you, all of me, all of 'them,' all of us, AllThings -- the REAL definition of 'god', which is boundless -- you can't stare into the face of boundlessness -- it's AllThings -- so don't give thanks to me -- give thanks to those whom prove respect for/to AllThings -- verifiable with your five-senses in REALITY -- those whom prove it to all people equally, nurturing the needy globally, the Knights of Columbus."
The Vatican has not returned any phone calls.
Stay tuned for more REAL MIRACLES updates.
-- Priest River, ID
-- Sunday, March 9, 2010
An Emissary, as an instrument, divinely intervened to cure a blight upon the land, after government's most credentialed, Higher-Educated trustees proved incompetent miserable-failure and malfeasance, squandering resources for their own selves, blaming workers, instead of timely resolutions of matters -- : the sink-holes, pot-holes and drainage behind the library, adjacent alley, and the corner where tractor-trailers tip, harming cargo (drivers getting blamed), making products more expensive and oftentimes causing damage to utility poles in similar situations (other cities), contributing to higher utility costs to the poor, singles, single-moms, the disabled, the elderly, and local business.

(file photo: ONIQUE's Emissary husband)
Emissary: "It's not about the photo-op, like it always is with politicians, legislators, Higher-Ed; it's about respect -- because EMT's, volunteer firemen, search and rescue, etc., are most often injured while bouncing around inside of vehicles, or flung-off rescue vehicles while responding to emergencies -- then there's two emergencies -- so filling potholes is about respect -- respect for all of you, all of me, all of 'them,' all of us, AllThings -- the REAL definition of 'god', which is boundless -- you can't stare into the face of boundlessness -- it's AllThings -- so don't give thanks to me -- give thanks to those whom prove respect for/to AllThings -- verifiable with your five-senses in REALITY -- those whom prove it to all people equally, nurturing the needy globally, the Knights of Columbus."
The Vatican has not returned any phone calls.
Stay tuned for more REAL MIRACLES updates.
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