General Stanley McChrystal knows what REAL wounds are. Has seen beloved colleagues murdered, dismembered, ripped apart, maimed, wounded for REAL.
President Obama, on the other hand, thinks WORDS cause 'wounds.'
-- " ... sticks and stones can break bones, but words never hurt unless you ALLOW IT."
-- fixate on it.
-- FAKE 'wounds' from it.
-- obsess over it.
-- then use imagined 'pain' with FAKE 'suffering' from the imagined 'attack' with FAKE 'weapons' as an excuse to inspire HATE, in the sick, psychotic HOPE somebody spills blood for real --
-- definition of SLOTH.
-- and piousness.
-- it's always about getting attention. If somebody is doing something, being productive, there's always some ATTENTION WHORE faking 'wounds' in order to steal the spotlight for their own selfish selves, defrauding sympathy from everybody else.
It's criminally minded. The product of a criminal mind.
Under General Stanley McChrystal's rules of engagement, the reduction and goal of eliminating "needless deaths," civilian casualties, was PRIORITY NUMBER ONE.
Firing General McChrystal over the excuse of FAKE 'wounds' is about murder.
Plain and simple.
In adverse situations, grumbling about the 'powers that be' is often a UNITER, an age-old management-tool, as tried and true as any wartime strategy in-the-field of battle.
-- " ... why can't they get it together and provide more backup?"
-- " ... how come we can't get paid more -- nobody gets paid enough for this shit!"
-- " ... my partner isn't even covered under my health insurance plan. It's not healthcare, it's FAKE medical-care. All the money goes to third, fourth, fifth and sixth parties. What a scam!"
-- " ... those soft-lived paperwork-pushers think we're on holiday, and get paid a hundred times as much. WTF?!"
General Stanley McChrystal reduced civilian casualties, "needless deaths," and because Obama wants the spotlight as the 'greatest of the greatest commander-in-chiefs', he fired him, to RAISE CIVILIAN CASUALTIES, hide it, lie about it, obfuscate it, while photo-op'g for the next election.
General Petraeus testified before Congress, that cult of genocidal maniacs whom only blame anybody and everybody else, never taking personal-responsibility for anything that befouled antiquated institution has molested, told Congress that in order to 'win' in Iraq, that General Stanley McChrystal's rules of engagement would have to be modified, and the 'limits' of 'acceptable civilian deaths' increased.
It's public record, not a conspiracy-theory. He really did testify to that, as being the Obama-plan.
That's what you voted for.
-- " ... just believe," indeed.
Freedom of Speech -- what a scam! Dissent NOT TOLERATED! FAKING 'wounds' from the FAKE 'weapons' of WORDS to heroes. It's as pathetic as it gets.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Benedict the "SexPope"
A Perfect War -- Part XXIII
Defending The Pope -- Part -- XXIV
Pawns Of War -- (Cont'd)
Benedict The "SexPope" -- 'sweet sixteen, oh boy!'
There ya' have it. The position that Pope Benedict XVI has been played-into. Boxed. Corralled. Caged. Entrapped. Poked with a sharp stick to provoke, antagonize a response -- (not enough response? get a sharper stick and poke harder, then BLAME YOUR VICTIM regardless of outcome).
It's how Jews have been mistreated for millennium.
It's how 'gay's are mistreated, too.
Fired For Being 'gay'
It was a typical early morning rush. The day's work list was full -- too much to do to count the minutes to coffee break. You know the days. I missed break. Marcus and I were rushing through the orders, putting together complex electronic components to be assembled by technicians, later. Defense contract. Funny thing -- the work crew started 'slinking away.' One after another -- just 'vanished.'
What's up? Quarter to eleven, missed break, hungry and lunch still 45-minutes off, but so much to do, I'd rather go hungry and get the work done, eat later.
At the start of the day, upon entry into the semi-secured facility, the usual morning-banter was suddenly quieted -- a few whispers -- looks in our direction -- "oh well," I thought -- what difference does it make? -- too much to do that is far more important than chit-chat anyway.
Funny 'vibe' -- just keep busy -- ignore it -- too much to do. It's there problem -- not mine -- and I don't appreciate those types of burdens imposed against me, against my well-being, private or public, home or work.
About ten to eleven AM, between job-orders, I got curious as to where everyone had disappeared to, and decided to check. I was in the secure cage. I let myself out, only to find the entry/exit emergency door locked. LOCKED IN.
I went and got Marcus. "This isn't right," I said.
About twenty minutes later, the 'big shot' walks in -- leaves the door conveniently 'ajar.' Starts some chit-chat. "So, married, kids?"
I asked about the door -- "It's not locked now," dismissively.
He couldn't look either of us in the eye. Bad body-language 'vibes.' Something was indeed amiss.
He asked us to come over and and have a seat and 'chat' a bit.
"Get to the point," I suggested, not one to beat-around the figurative bush. I'm no bush-whacker.
"Word is you're both gay, as it was brought to my attention, and we think that erodes moral of the workforce (troops) -- therefore I'm gonna have to let you go," and he handed us pink-slips. He didn't ask if we were 'gay' -- he just said we were.
I was flabbergasted and pissed-off. I didn't even get my coat -- just left it there -- a new sweater jacket -- hanging in the secured portion of the facility -- hard-earned money went to pay for it, my dedication and hard work -- rendered 'irrelevant collateral damage.'
I'd also heard a rumor -- that the 'boss' was in-laws with the recruiter.
At the recruiter's, I was told, "We don't place homosexuals." I wasn't asked if I was a homosexual, mind you.
We almost starved.
After that, it was all 'passive aggressive resistance,' where fake 'compliance' with either SOP public or private, or 'code' or 'law' was mimmicked, circumvented, seriptitiously side-stepped -- if not outright ignored.
Couple years ago in Sandpoint, the Vocational Rehab officer sent me to a job interview, where I was asked, "So, married, kids?"
Don't ask don't tell is the best policy. It's nobody's business. And claiming 'interest' in examining crotches, invading bedrooms, privates, is perverted. An excuse to be a pervert. To pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving some 'negative' to hammer against one's merciless positive-cross-sign in anti-christ messaging -- crusade-mentality of cultists -- an excuse to fantasize about somebody else's crotch and what is done with it in YOUR OWN MIND after invading your version of their privates and bedrooms, be it a room in a house, an abode, vehicle, tent, or whatever -- it's all imagined, fantasized IN THEIR OWN MINDS in perversion, the excuse of denigration and retaliation and discrimination to deny equality being exactly that, an excuse to cover-up the wrong-doing of their own perversity.
-- definition of SLOTH, btw. Another concept molested by perverts, twisting words in the pathetic attempt at blaming somebody else for that which they do themselves, re-worded, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR.
And whatever 'sexual relations' were going on, be it homosexual, heterosexual or bi-sexual or whatever, that those 'bosses' and 'managers' and 'co-workers' were accusing, wasn't part of the relationship between Marcus and I -- we lived celibately -- but was fantasized about only in the minds of those 'bosses' and 'managers' and 'co-workers' and so-called 'equal fellow citizen beloved neighbors.'
And to this day, I'm sure they all pat themselves on each others' backs and tell each other how 'right' they are and how they did a 'good thing.' Sloth, indeed.
That's why the church needs get out of the CrotchWorship business entirely. As do governments. It doesn't matter whose bragging about their crotch-use, be it 'straight' or 'gay,' that in itself is the only work-place disruption. The only reason it's mentioned in at work or public is by those whom attempt to 'quantify' and 'qualify' themselves as 'normal' (at minimum) or 'better' than others, and there's no place for it at work, regardless of what or where or when or who you fuck.
Hating another person's love, another couples' love, then perversely fantasizing about invading that persons' bedroom, that person's privates, as one's 'big moral stick' to thump around, is as morally bankrupt as it gets.
Pope Benedict XVI needs to stop getting entrapped into it.
-- pronto.
Which brings-up immigration, the ultimate excuse to further the cause of anti-catholic sentiment. Behind every so-called 'good cause' is somebody's hateful agenda as part of a much broader, much bigger 'picture,' and immigration 'reform' is exactly that.
Like this: Political Science is about the study of demographics and voting outcomes, persuasion, behaviors, marketing, etc. The State of Israel, currently, is highly concerned about granting full voting rights to Palestinians whom would then overwhelm the government through all democracy's weak-spot, the Legislative Branch, then outlaw everything 'jewish' and allocate all monies to 'palestinian concerns,' effetively erradicating, re-defining, wiping-off-the-map the very concept of Jewish State from the inside-out.
That is a REAL and VALID concern. The big 'hold-up' to so-called 'peace talks' and 'dual-statehood' ideas. And there's many 'facets' to that complex multi-faceted topic.
Protestants have conspired to lock-out Catholics in multiple democracies, for the same reason.
Within the U.S., too, as well as the great Protestant proven-trait of hating diversity when it comes to granting voting rights to women, Native Americans, African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, etc., our Legislative Branch fighting against and holding back said 'progress' for centuries, then claiming only themselves can 'solve it' while it was a 'mission accomplished' all along, that being holding down each and every demographic for as long as possible and profiting from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own instigation, retiring 'phaaaaat' claiming they were 'fixing it' at taxpayer expense, as usual.
Ireland is another example, and each example listed here is complex, multi-faceted, so there's no point knit-picking details. It's about the topic, the WHOLE, not comparing-sizes of minutia.
When it comes to the influx of Hispanic, pre-dominantly Catholic migrants, documented or otherwise, Protestant Legislators and non-profits are and have been, for many decades, attempted to block equality, thinking it would 'de-monopolize' their clandestine monopolies they deny exist and are hateful of all whom attempt discussing it.
It's the root of the Arizona immigration 'reform' issue. It's a different century, ten years into it, but when it comes to Protestant crusades hammering 'negatives' against their merciless 'positive-cross-signs' while thumping bibles and praying to their so-called 'unconditional-loving' 'jesus-god' that hates anybody and everybody on-command as instructed, changing with the wind day-by-day, against Catholics, it's just 'a different century, same shit.'
That needs the full resources and attention of the "SexPope" -- not CrotchWorship.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Defending The Pope -- Part -- XXIV
Pawns Of War -- (Cont'd)
Benedict The "SexPope" -- 'sweet sixteen, oh boy!'
There ya' have it. The position that Pope Benedict XVI has been played-into. Boxed. Corralled. Caged. Entrapped. Poked with a sharp stick to provoke, antagonize a response -- (not enough response? get a sharper stick and poke harder, then BLAME YOUR VICTIM regardless of outcome).
It's how Jews have been mistreated for millennium.
It's how 'gay's are mistreated, too.
Fired For Being 'gay'
It was a typical early morning rush. The day's work list was full -- too much to do to count the minutes to coffee break. You know the days. I missed break. Marcus and I were rushing through the orders, putting together complex electronic components to be assembled by technicians, later. Defense contract. Funny thing -- the work crew started 'slinking away.' One after another -- just 'vanished.'
What's up? Quarter to eleven, missed break, hungry and lunch still 45-minutes off, but so much to do, I'd rather go hungry and get the work done, eat later.
At the start of the day, upon entry into the semi-secured facility, the usual morning-banter was suddenly quieted -- a few whispers -- looks in our direction -- "oh well," I thought -- what difference does it make? -- too much to do that is far more important than chit-chat anyway.
Funny 'vibe' -- just keep busy -- ignore it -- too much to do. It's there problem -- not mine -- and I don't appreciate those types of burdens imposed against me, against my well-being, private or public, home or work.
About ten to eleven AM, between job-orders, I got curious as to where everyone had disappeared to, and decided to check. I was in the secure cage. I let myself out, only to find the entry/exit emergency door locked. LOCKED IN.
I went and got Marcus. "This isn't right," I said.
About twenty minutes later, the 'big shot' walks in -- leaves the door conveniently 'ajar.' Starts some chit-chat. "So, married, kids?"
I asked about the door -- "It's not locked now," dismissively.
He couldn't look either of us in the eye. Bad body-language 'vibes.' Something was indeed amiss.
He asked us to come over and and have a seat and 'chat' a bit.
"Get to the point," I suggested, not one to beat-around the figurative bush. I'm no bush-whacker.
"Word is you're both gay, as it was brought to my attention, and we think that erodes moral of the workforce (troops) -- therefore I'm gonna have to let you go," and he handed us pink-slips. He didn't ask if we were 'gay' -- he just said we were.
I was flabbergasted and pissed-off. I didn't even get my coat -- just left it there -- a new sweater jacket -- hanging in the secured portion of the facility -- hard-earned money went to pay for it, my dedication and hard work -- rendered 'irrelevant collateral damage.'
I'd also heard a rumor -- that the 'boss' was in-laws with the recruiter.
At the recruiter's, I was told, "We don't place homosexuals." I wasn't asked if I was a homosexual, mind you.
We almost starved.
After that, it was all 'passive aggressive resistance,' where fake 'compliance' with either SOP public or private, or 'code' or 'law' was mimmicked, circumvented, seriptitiously side-stepped -- if not outright ignored.
Couple years ago in Sandpoint, the Vocational Rehab officer sent me to a job interview, where I was asked, "So, married, kids?"
Don't ask don't tell is the best policy. It's nobody's business. And claiming 'interest' in examining crotches, invading bedrooms, privates, is perverted. An excuse to be a pervert. To pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving some 'negative' to hammer against one's merciless positive-cross-sign in anti-christ messaging -- crusade-mentality of cultists -- an excuse to fantasize about somebody else's crotch and what is done with it in YOUR OWN MIND after invading your version of their privates and bedrooms, be it a room in a house, an abode, vehicle, tent, or whatever -- it's all imagined, fantasized IN THEIR OWN MINDS in perversion, the excuse of denigration and retaliation and discrimination to deny equality being exactly that, an excuse to cover-up the wrong-doing of their own perversity.
-- definition of SLOTH, btw. Another concept molested by perverts, twisting words in the pathetic attempt at blaming somebody else for that which they do themselves, re-worded, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR.
And whatever 'sexual relations' were going on, be it homosexual, heterosexual or bi-sexual or whatever, that those 'bosses' and 'managers' and 'co-workers' were accusing, wasn't part of the relationship between Marcus and I -- we lived celibately -- but was fantasized about only in the minds of those 'bosses' and 'managers' and 'co-workers' and so-called 'equal fellow citizen beloved neighbors.'
And to this day, I'm sure they all pat themselves on each others' backs and tell each other how 'right' they are and how they did a 'good thing.' Sloth, indeed.
That's why the church needs get out of the CrotchWorship business entirely. As do governments. It doesn't matter whose bragging about their crotch-use, be it 'straight' or 'gay,' that in itself is the only work-place disruption. The only reason it's mentioned in at work or public is by those whom attempt to 'quantify' and 'qualify' themselves as 'normal' (at minimum) or 'better' than others, and there's no place for it at work, regardless of what or where or when or who you fuck.
Hating another person's love, another couples' love, then perversely fantasizing about invading that persons' bedroom, that person's privates, as one's 'big moral stick' to thump around, is as morally bankrupt as it gets.
Pope Benedict XVI needs to stop getting entrapped into it.
-- pronto.
Which brings-up immigration, the ultimate excuse to further the cause of anti-catholic sentiment. Behind every so-called 'good cause' is somebody's hateful agenda as part of a much broader, much bigger 'picture,' and immigration 'reform' is exactly that.
Like this: Political Science is about the study of demographics and voting outcomes, persuasion, behaviors, marketing, etc. The State of Israel, currently, is highly concerned about granting full voting rights to Palestinians whom would then overwhelm the government through all democracy's weak-spot, the Legislative Branch, then outlaw everything 'jewish' and allocate all monies to 'palestinian concerns,' effetively erradicating, re-defining, wiping-off-the-map the very concept of Jewish State from the inside-out.
That is a REAL and VALID concern. The big 'hold-up' to so-called 'peace talks' and 'dual-statehood' ideas. And there's many 'facets' to that complex multi-faceted topic.
Protestants have conspired to lock-out Catholics in multiple democracies, for the same reason.
Within the U.S., too, as well as the great Protestant proven-trait of hating diversity when it comes to granting voting rights to women, Native Americans, African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, etc., our Legislative Branch fighting against and holding back said 'progress' for centuries, then claiming only themselves can 'solve it' while it was a 'mission accomplished' all along, that being holding down each and every demographic for as long as possible and profiting from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own instigation, retiring 'phaaaaat' claiming they were 'fixing it' at taxpayer expense, as usual.
Ireland is another example, and each example listed here is complex, multi-faceted, so there's no point knit-picking details. It's about the topic, the WHOLE, not comparing-sizes of minutia.
When it comes to the influx of Hispanic, pre-dominantly Catholic migrants, documented or otherwise, Protestant Legislators and non-profits are and have been, for many decades, attempted to block equality, thinking it would 'de-monopolize' their clandestine monopolies they deny exist and are hateful of all whom attempt discussing it.
It's the root of the Arizona immigration 'reform' issue. It's a different century, ten years into it, but when it comes to Protestant crusades hammering 'negatives' against their merciless 'positive-cross-signs' while thumping bibles and praying to their so-called 'unconditional-loving' 'jesus-god' that hates anybody and everybody on-command as instructed, changing with the wind day-by-day, against Catholics, it's just 'a different century, same shit.'
That needs the full resources and attention of the "SexPope" -- not CrotchWorship.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
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