Thursday, December 20, 2012

Super SANDS of Time


 -- (blog notes, unedited, intentionally disjointed -- I have only a few minutes at the library)

"Homosexuality is a birth-defect," is the thinking of Supremacists, straight "Str8-Bigotry," as hateful as men labeling women "inferior."  Gay Rights was hookwinked by the unspoken 'facets' of that singular aspect in the Str8 bigots' Court, the "Great Whitey" System of HigherEd's that was against ending slavery, was (and some argue 'still is,') pro-segregation, anti-voting rights for POCs and women, filled with the shrill hymns of churches singing anti Civil Rights verses into the 1980's with Mormons leading.

I was there ... I don't give a fuck how THEY word their 'reasonable-sounding' DENIALS about it.

Hate is hate.  Period.

May the love of GayLandIs find future in their STONEWALLED hearts.

1-in-6 households in the USA hungry, rely upon food assistance programs.  Obesity is HigherEd Systems' most obvious symptom of failure, a sedentary worker system bragged about as "max efficiency," all the while selling their PRODUCT of credentials, diplomas, "job-security" for future-grads at taxpayer expense.  The fatter, the the more gov't funded healthcare "job-security," that is.  And another unspoken all-too-convenient "cover" for HigherEd's own LIFESTYLES of gluttony.

We're $16T in debt.  Creating jobs in the space industry stimulates economy and scientific development (that's a good thing).  Meanwhile, North Korea enters the Space Age with MINIMAL resources, fewer hungry families than us, now, no obese office worker credentialed systems.

Think of it.  It's like cavemen building pyramids.  Or small communities bringing major investors to build businesses and grow local economy.  Here, HigherEd Systems would take a billion dollars, spend it pushing paperwork, never build anything, then send a bill for another ten billion to 'job-secure' their careers talking about working instead of doing any.

Workers didn't design sedentary systems.  Workers didn't concoct paperFAKEwork systems.  Workers didn't ridicule and scorn anybody for SMELLING LIKE WORK, or having dirt on their hands from doing REAL WORK.

I spent many years in offices REDUCING paperwork to conserve resources, while the gluttons concocted more, claiming they-themselves were "indispensible" to productivity.  Not.  "Customers?  What customers?!  We don't have customers!" says the VP of a major bank to me.  Can you imagine?  They think the paperFAKEwork isn't about customers, and make-up their own "benchmarks" to reward themselves raises, perks and benefits at the expense of investors and customers, usually the poorest customers of all are hurt most.

Republicans concocting excuses to be buttfucking Gay Rights will be this new Congress' miasmic intercourse, their "love offering" to "equality," lip-service as usual.  TThey need a serious "image-makeover!"  lol  #sodomized

 -- I think the GOP proved this election once and for all that religious zealotry is an expensive self-absorbtion that hurts the poor.  SYMPATHY VOTE, vote for losers, or, vote for more of the same shit.  And those Legislators are being rewarded for their $8Billion dollar debauchery at 'donors' expense.

 -- Monday I came in to work and my numeric keypad was backwards.  Reversed.  They said "conversion."  Friday I got reviewed "poor productivity" "does not meet".  No raise.  Fuckers.

 -- but they gave themselves one.  Union shop.  I'm not union.

The view out the window of the world that the universe (all of reality) is the one and only deity, a living 'organism' we are all a part of, is affirming one's reality is the one and only existence, therefore what you verify with your five senses in the one and only reality is the only 'truth,' nothing imagined is 'truth,' therefore g-d is real, none before that, or after, the ONLY one.  AllThings.  And everybody is a part of that.  G-d is real, not imagined.  That's why we're all equals by law.  It requires no belief.  You update your opinions as real life experience is actually experienced.  Verified with your five senses. 

 -- meanwhile, the "just believe" crowd, on the other hand, thinks 'truth' is about things imagined, because somebody said so.  He-said, she-said, and all that.  That things unverifiable with one's five-senses is 'truth.'  "Spectacles of Rose," is what I call false philosophies, especially "Positive vs Negative" philosophies by which HigherEd SYSTEMS profit most, especially due to the violence, mass shootings especially, putting on one's 'blinders,' dumbing-down reality to ecclectic snippets of 'reasonable-sounding' imaginings, molesting religions and minds and countries the result.

And that's also why Jews are historically hated by those that think 'truth' is imagined.  Interestingly, among "religio-jews," there are 'denominations' of conflicting belief-systems also, like all religions.  Reality doesn't require belief.  We have five senses to verify reality, to establish opinions about what is real or imagined, to prove truth.

Kerry?  Obama promised "change" but all he's ever delivered is the same 'ole Old Boys Club.

Leonard Pitts Jr wrote on Mon Nov 19, 2012, "Who Knows God's Will?" and it's one of the finest OpEd's I've ever read, and one of the finest, if not THE finest ever written on that topic.  I would have worded some things differently, but that OpEd was great.

Meanwhile, the HOURGLASS is emptying ... both for my computer use here at the library system of HigherEd design that censors the word 'gay' with a pop-up password prompt if returned in a Google search, and for the Fiscal Cliff fiasco that HigherEd Legislators concocted to divert attention from anything important, as usual.

 -- I think some of the SANDS of TIME have been SUPERSIZED and got stuck ... cuz the excuses just keep repeating, re-worded, slightly, but same 'ole, same 'ole shit.  What they said they'd do, they didn't, what they said they wouldn't, they did.

Meanwhile, my friends and I will be sharing a few crumbs together, while the gluttonous eat cake.

 -- "You shall not steal; you shall not deal deceitfully or falsely with one another .." "..the wages of a laborer shall not remain with you until morning." Torah L.19.13

Congress cares not.  It's about their own photo-ops.

Kind Regards, and chin up.  We're all in it together, we must innovate a fix together.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Your Christmas Haul?

Looking forward to what you're going to get?  Chanuka (honor 'giving') is every day. Happy Chanuka. (there is no correct spelling for "Hannakuah", the Hebrew ROOT concept is "Tanakh in all.." the BRANCH is "honor giving".  Happy Tanakh in ya'!  :)