Wednesday, February 21, 2007

RCH-Day_555 Jet Black-And-Blew

"Jet Black-and-Blew"

The Airports became much like 'play-grounds.'

The 'positives' singled-out the 'negatives' to deny equality and services -- figuratively hammering those hatefully labeled 'negative' to the MERCILESS so-called 'positive-cross-sign' using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS.

"Cuts to the front of the line."

"Sorry -- you have to wait."

And wait.

And wait some more.

Wait until AFTER everybody ELSE muscles through.

And they PUNISHED those families nurtured by Jet Blue.

Maybe one of the PUNISHED is YOU?

And what motivates those whom concocted endless self-important 'crisis' as the excuse to DENY SERVICES to the Jet Blue families?

A "ThoughtVirus", an ADVANCED FIRST STRIKE AGAINST US that has ALREADY DETONATED and already spread like WILDFIRE.

We don't have TIME for Blame-n-Shame games. It's killing economy and DIVIDING COMMUNITY/FAMILY faster than you can read this.


Because it's infiltrated and INFECTED DEFENSIVE SERVICES AND CONGRESS -- now, they all LUST for the 'opportunity' to point long, accusatory fingers at anybody/everybody ELSE and say, "Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than ME/US!". That's the OBVIOUS symptom of the infection, see. And that's just ONE symptom.

-- but that attitude is a 'giant-sucking-sound' out of moral, globally -- undermining economy and PeaceOneEarth.

It's a vast, multi-faceted Global_Crisis and far too few fully comprehend even the most basic 'facets.'

It's the ONLY IMMIMENT THREAT "WMD" IN EXISTENCE, and it's ADVANCE FIRST STRIKE detonation wounded all of us.

-- it's the only 'wmd' in existence AGAINST Jefferson's PROMISE.

It's CODE RED_ALERT on so many 'levels' of reason.

Fortunately, there is a CURE to HEAL you and yours, and it is coming in a cool WAVE -- it's 'ripple effects/affects' will reach you eventually as a figurative LIFELINK/LIFELINE.

-- you'll feel it to the CORE OF YOUR BEING.

Kind Regards and JetSpeed,

Friday, February 09, 2007

ORCH_Day533 Blaming Anna Nicole Smith

Final_Draft_1 (there may be '2') :lol:
(see below for previous version)

Blame Anna Nicole Smith -- As Usual

Feb 9, 2007

The headlines from 1962 are boring when compared to current SCRIBE'd words, in the periodicals you've subSCRIBE'd today.

The wordings are intentionally 'tweaked.' A 'to do' list is made in hair: "DO" -- where "fake" is worshiped as "glamour," instead of REAL DOing. Marilyn Monroe is plain compared to Anna Nicole Smith, both a LEGACY or LegAssSee 'symbidiot,' -- now just old images, lives
extinguished, like a candle in the wind, -- DOne obsolete by Anna's gargantuan gushing glow.

It doesn't matter what she said.
It doesn't matter what she did.
The Legacy of Anna Nicole Smith EXISTS regardless of words or acts -- regardless of deeds or needs -- regardless of lawsuits or business suits, or the business of selling the intrigue of mystery.

Anna Nicole Smith was the ULTIMATE_SUCCESS_STORY of the 'church girl' MODEL, and hated for it because she was not a 'church girl,' because she really DID become a 'princess' and she really DID get 'swept away' by a 'rich white knight' -- meanwhile, YOUR 'church girl' did NONE OF THAT.

Anna Nicole Smith OVERCAME and ACCOMPLISHED what all 'church-girls' are subtly victimized through: the induced brainwashing of teaching little girls to YEARN for WEALTH over LOVE, irrevocably damaging self-esteem. Now, the 'church girls' must pathetically attempt to make themselves
'look' or 'feel' 'normal/superior' through hateful FigurativeCarpentry, after ERECTING their own merciless CrossOfShame/Hate, an IDOL, see -- to BLAME another -- any other -- just as they BLAME ANNA.

Anna Nicole Smith --
-- Her Legacy transcends condemnations.
-- Her Legacy is made eternal through your nonstop BLAME AND SHAME.

Anna Nicole Smith, hammered ruthlessly against YOUR merciless'positive-cross-sign' today -- just like yesterday -- every day -- just another "ManicMonday" -- ongoing HELLishness by the CrossOfShame/Hate, by all you so-called 'positive-people' in your so-called
'positive-goodness,' -- ANY EXCUSE WILL DO --

-- proving you've been victimized by the hateful ThoughtVirus of HatefulReligiousSupremacy that kills self-esteem;

-- told you MUST accept into your life the subSCRIBE'd "MiracleLIST" of 666 ever-changing concocted EXCUSES to HATE PEOPLE -- all your so-called 'beloved-neighbors' -- to cast-them-out by ones and twos -- in the pathetic attempt at making one's self 'look/feel' SUPERIOR -- over
stupid shit, like wordds, typos, spelling, wording, opinions, clothes, music, entertainments, art, pictures, posters, advertisements, jobs, money, living-arrangements, friends, hobbies, talents, lifestyles, crotch (what's in it or what it's used for), education, love itself,
even businesses and entire industries -- a 'giant-sucking-sound' out of economy, 'brought-to-you-courtesy-of' the ChurchOfHate -- endlessly DIVIDING communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES --

-- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

-- it's a tragic hateful ThoughtVirus, running rampant and threatening to kill all life on earth, and that is unacceptable. It's not 'just about' Anna Nicole Smith, see. She embodies so much more than the typical SCRIBEd sensationalism.

Anna Nicole Smith was HATED for breathing, see. Her so-called 'beloved-neighbors' used their subSCRIBE'd "MiracleLIST" of 666 concocted EXCUSES to subtly HATE HER -- to hatefully label her
'negative' -- to ruthlessly hammer against the self-made, MERCILESS, so-called 'positive-cross-sign,' in hateful FigurativeCarpentry -- ideological crucifiXtion -- the eptiome of hate, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS --
'brought-to-you-courtesy-of' the ChurchOfHate --

-- And Anna Nicole Smith was NONE OF THAT.

Oh no -- she sure wasn't. That's the 'church-girl' MODEL, and if there are any doubts as to what multiple 'versions' or 'flavors' of different religions TRUE 'love' TRULY is, look to Iraq as the MODEL for ALL to WITNESS first-hand.

-- and what's the 'difference'? HATE always feels like NAILS.

So, who ya' gonna blame in so-called 'positive-goodness'? Not Anna Nicole Smith you can't -- not any more.

-- 'cause I just burned your TowerOfBabble to the GROUND. AGAIN.

-- FeetOnGround and Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton - HFA
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

-- end Final_Draft_1


Blame Anna Nicole Smith -- As Usual

Feb 9, 2007

The headlines from 1962 are boring when compared to current SCRIBE'd words, in the periodicals you've subSCRIBE'd today.

The wordings are intentionally 'tweaked.' A 'to do' list is made in hair: "DO" -- where "fake" is worshiped as "glamour," instead of REAL DOing. Marilyn Monroe is plain compared to Anna Nicole Smith, just old images, extinguished, like a candle in the wind, -- DOne obsolete by Anna's gargantuan gushing glow.

It doesn't matter what she said.
It doesn't matter what she did.
The Legacy of Anna Nicole Smith EXISTS regardless of words or acts -- regardless of deeds or needs -- regardless of lawsuits or business suits, or the business of selling the intrigue of mystery.

Anna Nicole Smith was the ULTIMATE_SUCCESS_STORY of the 'church girl' MODEL, and hated for it because she was not a 'church girl,' because she really DID become a 'princess' and she really DID get 'swept away' by a 'rich white knight' -- meanwhile, YOUR 'church girl' did NONE OF THAT.

Anna Nicole Smith OVERCAME and ACCOMPLISHED what all 'church-girls' are subtly victimized through: the induced brainwashing of teaching little girls to YEARN for WEALTH over LOVE, irrevocably damaging self-esteem. Now, the 'church girls' must pathetically attempt to make themselves 'look' or 'feel' 'normal/superior' through hateful FigurativeCarpentry, after ERECTING their own merciless CrossOfShame/Hate, an IDOL, see -- to BLAME another -- any other -- just as they BLAME ANNA.

Anna Nicole Smith --
-- Her Legacy transcends condemnations.
-- Her Legacy is made eternal through your nonstop BLAME AND SHAME.

Anna Nicole Smith, hammered ruthlessly against YOUR merciless 'positive-cross-sign' today -- just like yesterday -- every day -- just another "ManicMonday" -- ongoing HELLishness by the CrossOfShame/Hate, by all you so-called 'positive-people' in your so-called 'positive-goodness,' -- ANY EXCUSE WILL DO --

-- proving you've been victimized by the hateful ThoughtVirus of HatefulReligiousSupremacy that kills self-esteem;

-- told you MUST accept into your life the subSCRIBE'd "MiracleLIST" of 666 ever-changing concocted EXCUSES to HATE PEOPLE -- all your so-called 'beloved-neighbors' -- to cast-them-out by ones and twos -- in the pathetic attempt at making one's self 'look/feel' SUPERIOR -- over stupid shit, like wordds, typos, spelling, wording, opinions, clothes, music, entertainments, art, pictures, posters, advertisements, jobs, money, living-arrangements, friends, hobbies, talents, lifestyles, crotch (what's in it or what it's used for), education, love itself, even businesses and entire industries -- a 'giant-sucking-sound' out of economy, 'brought-to-you-courtesy-of' the ChurchOfHate -- endlessly DIVIDING communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES --

-- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

-- it's a tragic hateful ThoughtVirus, running rampant and threatening to kill all life on earth, and that is unacceptable. It's not 'just about' Anna Nicole Smith, see. She embodies so much more than the typical SCRIBEd sensationalism.

Anna Nicole Smith was HATED for breathing, see. Her so-called 'beloved-neighbors' used their subSCRIBE'd "MiracleLIST" of 666 concocted EXCUSES to subtly HATE HER -- to hatefully label her 'negative' -- to ruthlessly hammer against the self-made, MERCILESS, so-called 'positive-cross-sign,' in hateful FigurativeCarpentry -- ideological crucifiXtion -- the eptiome of hate, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS -- 'brought-to-you-courtesy-of' the ChurchOfHate --

-- And Anna Nicole Smith was NONE OF THAT.

Oh no -- she sure wasn't. That's the 'church-girl' MODEL, and if there are any doubts as to what multiple 'versions' or 'flavors' of different religions TRUE 'love' TRULY is, look to Iraq as the MODEL for ALL to WITNESS first-hand.

-- and what's the 'difference'? HATE always feels like NAILS.

So, who ya' gonna blame in so-called 'positive-goodness'? Not Anna Nicole Smith you can't -- not any more.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton - HFA
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

OnEdit : added final draft version-1
attempted line-alignment/wordwrap adjustment as text does not display correctly
2nd attempt at line/word-wrap adjustment to correct display of text

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

ORCH_Day1090 Global_Crisis_Update #1090

From the desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate:

GlobalCrisisUpdate -- #1090

Are you only 'open-minded' to 'like-mindedness'?

Can you look at all 'facets'' of a topic before knee-jerking a response over a singlular sub-topic?

Let's cover a little 'broad-sweeping' background:

1) Religionists hated everything about Europe and everything in Europe but had the freedom to come HERE and mass-murder, genocide, all of 'not their kind of people' in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'

You see, religionists firstly infiltrate and infect a community to ANALyze PRIVATES -- perversely sniff crotches likes DOGS (figuratively, OBVIOUSLY) -- to concoct CONDITIONS on THEIR OWN 'love' for all their own so-called 'beloved-neighbors' -- thusly concocting excuses to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES by invading private -- things -- bedrooms, homes, private records, crotches --- and then having the AUDACITY to claim their VICTIMS are 'indecent,' all in the name of so-called 'positive-goodness.'

Next, they take up 'issues' with common words, clothes, music, art, dance, clubs, posters, books, libraries, entertainments, living-arrangments, transportation, money, education, speech, smells, typos, spelling, looks, sizes, shapes, colors, jobs, businesses, industries -- and all the taxes generated to fix roads, build schools, pay teachers higher salaries and feed the starving -- all that money -- a 'giant-sucking-sound' out of economy --

-- and since the MeaningOfLife is 'nurture,' then obviously without economy there cannot be any 'nurture' at all.

HatefulReligiousSupremacy declared war against every government on Earth. Every busness is infected with the hateful ThoughtVirus of HatefulReligiousSupremacy, the 'saturation-level' in society is so high that even the non-religious are detrimentally impacted.

You see, we still have DUNKING to 'prove innocence' in hateful religious WITCH-HUNTS.

We still have those.

You see, there are 2-billion women, globally, that are not TRUSTED to choose their own clothing, choose their own friends, choose their own lifestyles or living-arrangements, or education or careers or loves --

-- loves --

-- over 2-billion women on Earth are not TRUSTED to choose their own 'loves'

-- divorce abusive husbands;
-- work at anything other than 'religion-approved-trinket-making' and 'facilitating'
-- be educated beyond nonstop religion-approved soundbite regurgitation of the hateful religious 'passages' to 'justify' the MEANness of a woman's own BONDAGE

That was the EXACT 'state of the union' when Jefferson's PROMISE was first GUARANTEED to WeThePeople in the original BillOfRights as enacted in the colony/state of Virginia?

EXACTLY as described above, for women, and PeopleOfColor --

-- and many are yet to be LIBERATED, even today.

Jefferson's PROMISE guarantees WeThePeople liberation FROM HatefulReligiousSupremacy.

So that hateful religionists won't infiltrate and infect your community, your schoolhouses, your courthouses, your local-governments, your local businesses, your local management-teams, your institutions, with CLERICS/Sympathizers, to concoct rules based on the hateful religious MiracleLIST of 666 concocted EXCUSES to HATE PEOPLE, to PUNISH WeThePeople --

-- to cast-out BelovedNeighbors into prisons/DUNGEONS
-- more so than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD
-- thusly dividing communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES --
-- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.

Only religions concoct excuses to HATE YOU --

== and only governments LOVE ALL PEOPLE EQUALLY.

HatefulReligiousSupremacy declared war against all of the people of Earth, against all of our governments, WeThePeople, globally, the entire HumanityFamily.

HatefulReligiousSupremacy is the ONLY IMMINENT THREAT "WMD" IN EXISTENCE.

We have no choice but to prevail against it, to defend all people, equally from the hateful root ideology of terrorism, the hateful ThoughtVirus of HatefulReligiousSupremacy, what I call the ReignOfTerrorViri, that causes hateful FigurativeCarpentry, to endlessly divide tribes.

I don't know if you will read this post -- whomever you are -- the subject is vast.

This is just a 'snippet.'

So, what hates freedom? What infiltrated and infected your community and took up 'issues' with everything they pessimistically 'see' and 'hear' and 'smell' ? It's THEIR 'issues,' see.
-- it's their hateful 'eye' issues that pessimsitically see nothing but 'filth' and 'disgust' and 'offensive' --

-- so, why don't they pluck 'em out and prove their so-called 'standards' are liveable or STFU?

-- it's their 'ear' issues that pessmistically hear nothing but 'gross' and 'foul' and 'obscene' -- amputate your ears and prove your so-called 'standards' are 'liveable' or be quiet.

-- same with your concocted 'nose' issues --

-- endless excuses to loft one's self on a self-made 'victim-stage' and claim 'offense' and 'personal-injury' and 'gimme money.'

AND IT'S RIDICULOUS -- it must stop. Immediately.

And bring PeaceOnEarth -- not in a fictional life -- in a fictional off-planet undisclosed location -- but during this life, on this Earth. Only religions HATE it.

That is the 'rats' -- lemmings -- do anything, violate anything, invade anything, say anything in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' the MEANness of their hateful CrotchWorship/FigurativeCarpentry/DeathWorship.

We are better than that as a species, the entire HumanityFamily.

It will be a Bright, bright sun-shiny, day.

We must make it so -- together, because we're all in it together, so we must fix it, together and bring PeaceOnEarth as commanded. Simple. Only religions are conspiring together to fuck that up. Go figure. ;)

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton - HFA
Priest River, ID USA 83856-2123