Wednesday, February 21, 2007

RCH-Day_555 Jet Black-And-Blew

"Jet Black-and-Blew"

The Airports became much like 'play-grounds.'

The 'positives' singled-out the 'negatives' to deny equality and services -- figuratively hammering those hatefully labeled 'negative' to the MERCILESS so-called 'positive-cross-sign' using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS.

"Cuts to the front of the line."

"Sorry -- you have to wait."

And wait.

And wait some more.

Wait until AFTER everybody ELSE muscles through.

And they PUNISHED those families nurtured by Jet Blue.

Maybe one of the PUNISHED is YOU?

And what motivates those whom concocted endless self-important 'crisis' as the excuse to DENY SERVICES to the Jet Blue families?

A "ThoughtVirus", an ADVANCED FIRST STRIKE AGAINST US that has ALREADY DETONATED and already spread like WILDFIRE.

We don't have TIME for Blame-n-Shame games. It's killing economy and DIVIDING COMMUNITY/FAMILY faster than you can read this.


Because it's infiltrated and INFECTED DEFENSIVE SERVICES AND CONGRESS -- now, they all LUST for the 'opportunity' to point long, accusatory fingers at anybody/everybody ELSE and say, "Ahhh-huh! See! YOU are WORSE than ME/US!". That's the OBVIOUS symptom of the infection, see. And that's just ONE symptom.

-- but that attitude is a 'giant-sucking-sound' out of moral, globally -- undermining economy and PeaceOneEarth.

It's a vast, multi-faceted Global_Crisis and far too few fully comprehend even the most basic 'facets.'

It's the ONLY IMMIMENT THREAT "WMD" IN EXISTENCE, and it's ADVANCE FIRST STRIKE detonation wounded all of us.

-- it's the only 'wmd' in existence AGAINST Jefferson's PROMISE.

It's CODE RED_ALERT on so many 'levels' of reason.

Fortunately, there is a CURE to HEAL you and yours, and it is coming in a cool WAVE -- it's 'ripple effects/affects' will reach you eventually as a figurative LIFELINK/LIFELINE.

-- you'll feel it to the CORE OF YOUR BEING.

Kind Regards and JetSpeed,

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