From the Desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate:
Every 'person' in existence, please HEAR MY WORDS:
Senator Larry Craig has a personal problem. You don't? You are 'perfect'?
And for his 'issues,' whatever that may be, you cast-him-out as 'not your kind of people,' because you are 'perfect'? You are 'flawless'? And totally lack compassion for those with personal problems?
THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID AND DO TO ALL YOUR SO-CALLED 'beloved-neighbors,' proving anti-christ messaging.
And it's all about hatefully ANALyzing PRIVATES -- focusing on crotches, nonstop, like PERVERTS -- sniffing crotches, figuratively, like DOGS in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR/'perfect'/FLAWLESS, proving zero integrity and zero self-esteem, to SELFISHLY DENY EQUALIITY AND SERVICES TO OTHERS, to concoct CONDITIONS on one's own so-called 'love' for your BelovedNeighbors. That's why everyone should have pets, to remind humans we are NOT DOGS.
How's that?
Because the mentality of 'bullying' is the pessimistic tunnel-vision focusing of one's entire existence in perceiving 'flaws' -- real or imagined -- in others, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, because bullies really hate themselves, because they are hiding something, something nefarious, homo-erotic fantasies and lieing about it, so they take it out on others, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving their entire existence and religion is HATE -- the religion of HATE -- be they religious or NOT -- and proving their god is FALSE/FAKE.
Bullying doesn't know 'gender.' It doesn't matter if a person is 'male' or 'female' or otherwise. The bully-mentality proves itself, usually through CrotchWorship, the perversion of 'doggy-styled' crotch-sniff-litmus-tests, in the pathetic attempt at pessimistically perceiving 'flaws' in others in the pathetic attempt at hiding one's own homo-erotic fantasies and lieing about it, then taking it out on others in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR.
Now you BULLIES are sniffing around bedrooms and bathrooms, in your PERVERSION, as an EXCUSE to make yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem and ZERO INTEGRITY.
You don't stand-up for ANYBODY. You only know SCORN and RIDICULE of others in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero self-esteem and ZERO INTEGRITY. It doesn't matter what GOOD WORKS your VICTIM performs -- any excuse will do for YOU to be HATEFUL and 'conveniently forget' the TimlessMessage that Christ TAUGHT, to selfishly deny equality and services in violation of Jefferson'sPROMISE, the absolute foundation our ForeFathers sacrificed their lives to serve and protect.
It's a plague -- a National Self-Esteem CRISIS. And it's gone GLOBAL. It's a symptom of a ThoughtVirus, an advanced FirstStrike against every government and every 'person' in existence, the entire HumanityFamily.
Just like financial transactions and medical concerns, crotches are called "PRIVATE" for a REASON. You think Senator Craig is a 'pervert'? NONSENSE! YOU ARE.
Now knock it off, you doggy-styled-crotch-sniff-litmus-test-concocting-PERVERTS.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton - HFA
Priest River, ID 83856-2123
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
ORCH_Day722 Global Performance-Enhancement
Different Versions Of Learning
If you learn the incorrect way of doing something, there are two ways to correct it. The 'common-way,' what we were told is the 'normal' way, is a setup for failure. So the following is a real 'tip.'
Let's look at the 'normal-way' first. It's a methodology we have been taught. It's a 'process' of 'correcting-errors.' It was learned. And it's wrong.
So, we have to correct that which was learned. Because it's wrong. We'll think of an example in a moment, but consider it to be a correction of some previously-learned complicated procedure that was learned incorrectly. So a whole new 'skill-set' must be 'unlearned' and a 'new-skill-set' must be 'learned.'
The 'normal-way' of going about it, is 'correcting-the-old-way-because-it's-wrong.'
Well, forget that. Consider the 'old-way' as just another 'version.' Now, you're going to learn a NEW VERSION. An entire NEW WAY OF DOING IT.
Forget that the 'old way' is 'incorrect' while going about correcting things. It's no longer to be considered 'incorrect.' It's only to be regarded as 'another version'.
You learned VERSION ONE, and now you are learning VERSION TWO.
You see, you really can't 'unlearn' something. All you do is learn another 'version.'
As examples, consider figure-skating routines, or drum-corps drills, or work procedures, or 'correcting' a difficult passage of music that was learned incorrectly:
-- if you attempt to 'unlearn' what you previously have drilled-into-your-entire-existence, then during performance, you have a setup for confusion between versions that you rehearsed as 'correct.'
-- and you make errors. In figure-skating ChampionshipPerformance, this is where skaters fall, or end up at the wrong place in the rink but must 'prepare' for a jump at a different location in the rink as practiced, which leads to confusion during performance.
-- that's because you are inhibited by an audience, by pre-programmed subtle brainwashing since chilhood to be fearful of ridicule, because people get hateful and say mean things, pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving FLAWS in YOU during YOUR PERFORMANCE, or practice sessions, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero integrity and zero self-esteem. So they ridicule you to diminish YOUR confidence, in the subtle HOPE you FAIL, and with every conceivable movement of your body, even if you don't move at all, there is the subtly brainwashed 'fear-of-ridicule' undermining your confidence and self-esteem because of their hatefulness. Nobody wants to be hated. And it's always subtle, and we sense it. We fear it. It's human nature.
One must be HEALED of that subtle-brainwashed fear of ridicule, and the underlying 'learning-how-to-correct-things' methodology.
Applying the above to the 'bigger-picture,' let's use an example from economy. Let's look at energy. Did you know that electricity-producers are embattled between differing versions of getting electricity to your home? Much like TV, where you have a 'competition-of-sorts' between broadcasting from towers, or, transmitting through cables. Electricity is transported through cabls and wires. But electricity can also be broadcast from towers. Did you know that?
Edison promoted line-transmission through cables and wires. Tesla promoted broadcasting electricity from towers. He pointed-out that most of the electricity is lost, 'bleeds-off,' when transported through wires/cables. And it would clutter the landscape with poles and transmission-lines, posing electricution and fire hazards to the general-public while consuming vast natural resources and cost a fortune for all the labor, poles and cables. Tesla's laboratory was burned to the ground and he and his dissenting-opinions were cast-out as 'heretics/heretical.'
Wire-transportation of electrical-energy became the 'norm.'
Transporting Power (Edison)
-- vs --
Transmitting Power (Tesla)
Why? Why did cable-transportation of electrical-energy become the 'norm'? Job-creation had alot to do with it. It's always about economy. There was a Goliath of unscrupulous Senators 'senning' as usual, to selfishly photo-op out of a concocted 'crisis' in self-importance, as usual, using 'job-growth' as the 'reasonable-sounding' excuse in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' their MEANness, as usual.
Tesla's VERSION would have led to a whole century 'kick-start' in the fields of electromagnetism and LEVITATION, such as MagLev-trains. But cargo-transportation, including tourism, was entirely locomotive, at the time, and were the richest lobby to bribe Senators. Senators only 'listen' to money -- tofuck WeThePeople. They concoct more and more excuses to live in FAKE MAJESTY while simultaneously concocting even more excuses to PUNISH/fine/tax/complicate/imprison/DUNGEON more of WeThePeople than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD.
-- any EXCUSE will do.
Now, we need both types of 'job-security,' projected into the future. We need those families that have been nurtured by wire-transportation of energy, thriving well into the future. But we also need a new version of energy-transportation projected into the future so more families have opportunities to life, liberty and pursuits of happiness.
We don't have to 'unlearn' anything.
See how that works?
It's very simple.
We have economic-metholodogy that we memorized incorrectly. In order to 'correct' it, we do not. We must learn a NEW methodology. A different VERSION. Which is a BRAND NEW LEARNING EXPERIENCE.
It cannot be confused with the OLD version, which is an entirely seperate 'learning-experience.' We have a tendency to admire new things, especially newly learned things. That is also human nature. So the newly-learned, brand-new-passage will have built-in 'magnetism' to attract industry, instead of distract consumers during performance or rehearsal.
-- otherwise, during performance, even during rehearsal, the two versions get confused, through the setup-for-failure process I outlined above. So, DON'T BE THAT WAY. Don't attempt to 'unlearn' something. Just learn NEW THINGS. It's a BRAND NEW LEARNING EXPERIENCE ALWAYS.
Otherwise, you get endless ManicMondays.
It's a brand new, bright, bright sun-shiny day. Make it so. Real ChampionshipPerformance. Good Works in all you do.
GoodWorks in all you do, equals ChampionshipPerformance, which heals ManicMondays into bright, bright sun-shiny days.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
OnTime, RU?
OnEdit: adding emoticon:
If you learn the incorrect way of doing something, there are two ways to correct it. The 'common-way,' what we were told is the 'normal' way, is a setup for failure. So the following is a real 'tip.'
Let's look at the 'normal-way' first. It's a methodology we have been taught. It's a 'process' of 'correcting-errors.' It was learned. And it's wrong.
So, we have to correct that which was learned. Because it's wrong. We'll think of an example in a moment, but consider it to be a correction of some previously-learned complicated procedure that was learned incorrectly. So a whole new 'skill-set' must be 'unlearned' and a 'new-skill-set' must be 'learned.'
The 'normal-way' of going about it, is 'correcting-the-old-way-because-it's-wrong.'
Well, forget that. Consider the 'old-way' as just another 'version.' Now, you're going to learn a NEW VERSION. An entire NEW WAY OF DOING IT.
Forget that the 'old way' is 'incorrect' while going about correcting things. It's no longer to be considered 'incorrect.' It's only to be regarded as 'another version'.
You learned VERSION ONE, and now you are learning VERSION TWO.
You see, you really can't 'unlearn' something. All you do is learn another 'version.'
As examples, consider figure-skating routines, or drum-corps drills, or work procedures, or 'correcting' a difficult passage of music that was learned incorrectly:
-- if you attempt to 'unlearn' what you previously have drilled-into-your-entire-existence, then during performance, you have a setup for confusion between versions that you rehearsed as 'correct.'
-- and you make errors. In figure-skating ChampionshipPerformance, this is where skaters fall, or end up at the wrong place in the rink but must 'prepare' for a jump at a different location in the rink as practiced, which leads to confusion during performance.
-- that's because you are inhibited by an audience, by pre-programmed subtle brainwashing since chilhood to be fearful of ridicule, because people get hateful and say mean things, pessimistically tunnel-vision focus their entire existence in perceiving FLAWS in YOU during YOUR PERFORMANCE, or practice sessions, in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero integrity and zero self-esteem. So they ridicule you to diminish YOUR confidence, in the subtle HOPE you FAIL, and with every conceivable movement of your body, even if you don't move at all, there is the subtly brainwashed 'fear-of-ridicule' undermining your confidence and self-esteem because of their hatefulness. Nobody wants to be hated. And it's always subtle, and we sense it. We fear it. It's human nature.
One must be HEALED of that subtle-brainwashed fear of ridicule, and the underlying 'learning-how-to-correct-things' methodology.
Applying the above to the 'bigger-picture,' let's use an example from economy. Let's look at energy. Did you know that electricity-producers are embattled between differing versions of getting electricity to your home? Much like TV, where you have a 'competition-of-sorts' between broadcasting from towers, or, transmitting through cables. Electricity is transported through cabls and wires. But electricity can also be broadcast from towers. Did you know that?
Edison promoted line-transmission through cables and wires. Tesla promoted broadcasting electricity from towers. He pointed-out that most of the electricity is lost, 'bleeds-off,' when transported through wires/cables. And it would clutter the landscape with poles and transmission-lines, posing electricution and fire hazards to the general-public while consuming vast natural resources and cost a fortune for all the labor, poles and cables. Tesla's laboratory was burned to the ground and he and his dissenting-opinions were cast-out as 'heretics/heretical.'
Wire-transportation of electrical-energy became the 'norm.'
Transporting Power (Edison)
-- vs --
Transmitting Power (Tesla)
Why? Why did cable-transportation of electrical-energy become the 'norm'? Job-creation had alot to do with it. It's always about economy. There was a Goliath of unscrupulous Senators 'senning' as usual, to selfishly photo-op out of a concocted 'crisis' in self-importance, as usual, using 'job-growth' as the 'reasonable-sounding' excuse in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' their MEANness, as usual.
Tesla's VERSION would have led to a whole century 'kick-start' in the fields of electromagnetism and LEVITATION, such as MagLev-trains. But cargo-transportation, including tourism, was entirely locomotive, at the time, and were the richest lobby to bribe Senators. Senators only 'listen' to money -- tofuck WeThePeople. They concoct more and more excuses to live in FAKE MAJESTY while simultaneously concocting even more excuses to PUNISH/fine/tax/complicate/imprison/DUNGEON more of WeThePeople than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD.
-- any EXCUSE will do.
Now, we need both types of 'job-security,' projected into the future. We need those families that have been nurtured by wire-transportation of energy, thriving well into the future. But we also need a new version of energy-transportation projected into the future so more families have opportunities to life, liberty and pursuits of happiness.
We don't have to 'unlearn' anything.
See how that works?
It's very simple.
We have economic-metholodogy that we memorized incorrectly. In order to 'correct' it, we do not. We must learn a NEW methodology. A different VERSION. Which is a BRAND NEW LEARNING EXPERIENCE.
It cannot be confused with the OLD version, which is an entirely seperate 'learning-experience.' We have a tendency to admire new things, especially newly learned things. That is also human nature. So the newly-learned, brand-new-passage will have built-in 'magnetism' to attract industry, instead of distract consumers during performance or rehearsal.
-- otherwise, during performance, even during rehearsal, the two versions get confused, through the setup-for-failure process I outlined above. So, DON'T BE THAT WAY. Don't attempt to 'unlearn' something. Just learn NEW THINGS. It's a BRAND NEW LEARNING EXPERIENCE ALWAYS.
Otherwise, you get endless ManicMondays.
It's a brand new, bright, bright sun-shiny day. Make it so. Real ChampionshipPerformance. Good Works in all you do.
GoodWorks in all you do, equals ChampionshipPerformance, which heals ManicMondays into bright, bright sun-shiny days.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
OnTime, RU?
OnEdit: adding emoticon:

Sunday, August 12, 2007
ORCH_Day715 Google's Censorship
The following blog-post was CENSORED from google-search by those whom HATE freely-expressed dissenting opinion and religious viewpoints, therefore, censored for 'blasphemy' and cast-out as a heretic by positive-people proving HATE, as usual.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
ORCH_Day622 You are NOT a Christian
I have been writing on various internet website discussion forums, titling my posts "You are NOT a Christian." Here is ONE such post, where I rather hastily freely-expressed my DISSENTING OPINIONS, those which the hateful have used against me, to CAST-ME-OUT as 'not their kind of people' and DENY EQUALITY, equal access to goods and services, life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, in violation of Jefferson'sPROMISE.
(originally typed by me, my own unique thoughts and opinions, no plaigairizing here, just myself, Clayton Winton, at the following address:
A copy was emailed to me by the public-access internet website discussion forum Administrator, after reviewing it for 'appropriatness' before publishing MY WORDS. You may view it yourself at the above internet address.)
"You are NOT a Christian" -- (prove me wrong!)
Subject: Re: What the Hate Crimes Law Would Do
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 13:23:27 -0700
From: 3Ons (Me, Clayton Winton)
I would like to respond to this.
Firstly, if this article is SCRIBED truthfully, the following quote from the article needs be rebutted:
"If this dangerous law passes, pastors who preach sermons giving the biblical view of homosexuality could be prosecuted."
You see, we are not talking about WHOLE 'biblical view,' here. We are talking about concocting CONDITIONS on one's so-called 'love' for one's BelovedNeighbors, to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, a 'reasonable-sounding' EXCUSE to build an IDOL TO WORSHIP of perversely sniffing crotches, figuratively obviously, like DOGS -- ANALyzing PRIVATES -- then, having the AUDACITY to BLAME one's VICTIM.
Which IDOL TO WORSHIP? A HATEFUL TORTURE DEVICE, one's self-made, MERCILESS, positive-cross-sign, built atop the concocted EXCUSE of the perverse 'doggy-styled' sniff-test, a 'litmus-test,' of hatefully ANALyzing PRIVATES, where one ruthlessly hammers all those BelovedNeighbors hatefully labeled 'negative' in ideological crucifiXtion, called, "FigurativeCarpentry," the epitome of HATE, which DIVIDES communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.
THEN, blaming one's VICTIM, claiming, "Oh, how sad, you have a christ-complex/martyr-complex!" in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' the MEANness of concocting excuses to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES and casting-out BelovedNeighbors as 'not your kind of people.' It's hateful regurgitated soundbite, programmed to repeat in subtle-brainwashing, a concocted excuse to perversely ANALyze PRIVATES, divide communities, deny equal access to goods, services, life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, then blame one's VICTIM.
The one commonly referred to as 'jesus' IN THIS LANGUAGE (it is not spelled nor pronounced that way, therefore a name of convenience in English ONLY) -- taught NOT TO BE THAT WAY.
That is what being a TRUE Christian is all about.
Therefore, a cleric/clergy of any religion that engages in a hate-campaign against peoples' PRIVATES is NOT covered by their licensing/franchising agreement, having strayed so far from their CLAIMED 'religion' that it is NOT COVERED UNDER THE FIRST AMENDMENT AT ALL.
They said they followed and promote and teach and STRIVE to set a 'real shining-example' promoting the teachings of 'jesus.' THEY ARE NOT, they are concocting 'reasonable-sounding' EXCUSES to perversely ANALyze PRIVATES, concocting CONDITIONS on THEIR OWN 'love' for BelovedNeighbors, to TERRORIZE people and PUNISH, and DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, using concocted Infinite_Reasonable-Sounding_Stupid_Sh*t (IRSSS) EXCUSES for doing so, which is EXACTLY WHAT JESUS TAUGHT: HowNotToBe. Not 'how to be,' but HowNOTtoBe, which their sermons intentionally and deliberately IGNORE, therefore in violation of their licensing agreements.
Which government is OBLIGATED to PROTECT WeThePeople FROM.
Because it always results in HATE -- hate-crimes, REAL TERRORISM -- real denial of life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, which is Jefferson'sPROMISE, and the duty of every citizen and government official, protecting the people FROM such mind-molesting excuses which DIVIDE.
Secondly, let's look at the TIMELESS MESSAGE itself a moment. The one referred to as 'jesus,' the message taught by that religious character in a religious story, is all about unconditional love, acceptance and EQUALITY, equal access and equal treatment. He was HATED for his DISSENTING OPINIONS. He was DENIED EQUALITY and SERVICES, cast-out as 'not your kind of people,' hatefully rumor-mongered so that he could not work to prevent STARVATION. He was therefore malnourished. He RAILED AGAINST treating people that way, with CONVICTION, PASSIONATE speaking, vociferously stating his position to any and all that would LISTEN.
All the positive-people concocted excuses to say hateful things about him, mercilessly hammering him against their hateful torture device, the positive-cross-sign, ANY EXCUSE WOULD DO.
And all he did was say "DO NOT BE THAT WAY." Do NOT declare yourself 'positive' and concoct excuses to hatefully label your BelovedNeighbors 'negative,' over stupid words, typos, spelling, clothes, music, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), opinions, entertainments, jobs, education, money, possessions, advertisements, businesses, company-kept, even love itself -- ANY EXCUSE WILL DO -- because it is a hateful IDOL TO WORSHIP, where one uses the points of one's hypocritical forked-tongue as figurative NAILS to ruthlessly HAMMER all those one has hatefully labeled 'negative,' against that CrossOfShame/Hate in ideological crucifiXtion, called, "FigurativeCarpentry," the epitome of hate, which DIVIDES communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.
You are NOT a 'christian' unless you fully comprehend that TIMELESS MESSAGE.
It's HatefulReligiousSupremacy, otherwise. This is why Mormon's do not have the SYMBOL of that IDOL TO WORSHIP, that hateful torture device, the positive-cross-sign,' on ANY of their churches or temples. This is EXACTLY why the Jews do not and the Islamic do not, nor the Buddists, nor the Jehovah's Witnesses and so many others. It's the basis of ALL RELIGIONS, see, and everybody FORGOT.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
Priest River, ID 83856
And I repeat this, the TIMELESS MESSAGE, as HFA. OnTime, RU?
Meanwhile, WHERE IS MARCUS MCKIBBEN? WHERE? Missing since approx 9/11/2001
(OnEdit: 06292008, correcting illegal hacking of the below image. It's clickable, so if you click it, it will enlarge -- use a 'right-click' and open in a 'new-tab' or 'new-window'):
(OnEdit: 06292008, added the word "(disabled)" in parens to address-link-line of the hacked image to disable it but not modify address.)
OnEdit: 11182007-1828PST -- attempting to correct sudden deviation of image, which was the malicious modification of aspect-ratio, possibly in the template.
test image:

(OnEdit: 06292008, same here, added the word "(disabled)" in parens to address-link-line of the hacked image to disable it but not modify address.)
(OnEdit: 06292008, address-link-line of the hacked image below.)
OnEdit: 11182007-1901PST -- no images will display now. The image's focus was tunnel-visioned onto a small, zoomed-area. I reversed the image where it was stored, in my photo-album. After updating, the GOOGLE and BLOGGER display-engine, whatever that entails, still displayed the old version which no longer exists.
I uploaded the reverse-image again.
Now, the images do not display at all. I included the link to the pic of Marcus McKibben, if you know him, please have him contact me.
Thank you,
OnEdit: Jun 29, 2008, the hacked image was reversed, colors changed, and the focus was HUGE, and for awhile, it zero'd-in on Marcus' hand next to the dog's nose, giving the appearance of a 'crotch' next to the dog's nose, but it's a hand. It was then 'complained' about, my entire blog, and tagged as 'offensive-material.' THAT IS A BLATANT MALICIOUS FALSEHOOD AND LIE after illegal hacking. I used the thumb-nail image copy/pasted directly from my photo-album stored online at Oddly, I'd only heard of ImageShack -- but when I clicked it, was taken to "ImageCave," when I started hosting pics in photo-albums online. It's a mystery to me. I think the image itself is being hacked, also, reversed, altered, colors changed, etc., manipulated -- THEN, the 'aspect-ratio' within my blog, and blog's template hacked to oversize the focus, prevent proper display, open more slowly than molasses, and NOT ARCHIVE.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
ORCH_Day622 You are NOT a Christian
I have been writing on various internet website discussion forums, titling my posts "You are NOT a Christian." Here is ONE such post, where I rather hastily freely-expressed my DISSENTING OPINIONS, those which the hateful have used against me, to CAST-ME-OUT as 'not their kind of people' and DENY EQUALITY, equal access to goods and services, life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, in violation of Jefferson'sPROMISE.
(originally typed by me, my own unique thoughts and opinions, no plaigairizing here, just myself, Clayton Winton, at the following address:
A copy was emailed to me by the public-access internet website discussion forum Administrator, after reviewing it for 'appropriatness' before publishing MY WORDS. You may view it yourself at the above internet address.)
"You are NOT a Christian" -- (prove me wrong!)
Subject: Re: What the Hate Crimes Law Would Do
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 13:23:27 -0700
From: 3Ons (Me, Clayton Winton)
I would like to respond to this.
Firstly, if this article is SCRIBED truthfully, the following quote from the article needs be rebutted:
"If this dangerous law passes, pastors who preach sermons giving the biblical view of homosexuality could be prosecuted."
You see, we are not talking about WHOLE 'biblical view,' here. We are talking about concocting CONDITIONS on one's so-called 'love' for one's BelovedNeighbors, to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, a 'reasonable-sounding' EXCUSE to build an IDOL TO WORSHIP of perversely sniffing crotches, figuratively obviously, like DOGS -- ANALyzing PRIVATES -- then, having the AUDACITY to BLAME one's VICTIM.
Which IDOL TO WORSHIP? A HATEFUL TORTURE DEVICE, one's self-made, MERCILESS, positive-cross-sign, built atop the concocted EXCUSE of the perverse 'doggy-styled' sniff-test, a 'litmus-test,' of hatefully ANALyzing PRIVATES, where one ruthlessly hammers all those BelovedNeighbors hatefully labeled 'negative' in ideological crucifiXtion, called, "FigurativeCarpentry," the epitome of HATE, which DIVIDES communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.
THEN, blaming one's VICTIM, claiming, "Oh, how sad, you have a christ-complex/martyr-complex!" in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' the MEANness of concocting excuses to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES and casting-out BelovedNeighbors as 'not your kind of people.' It's hateful regurgitated soundbite, programmed to repeat in subtle-brainwashing, a concocted excuse to perversely ANALyze PRIVATES, divide communities, deny equal access to goods, services, life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, then blame one's VICTIM.
The one commonly referred to as 'jesus' IN THIS LANGUAGE (it is not spelled nor pronounced that way, therefore a name of convenience in English ONLY) -- taught NOT TO BE THAT WAY.
That is what being a TRUE Christian is all about.
Therefore, a cleric/clergy of any religion that engages in a hate-campaign against peoples' PRIVATES is NOT covered by their licensing/franchising agreement, having strayed so far from their CLAIMED 'religion' that it is NOT COVERED UNDER THE FIRST AMENDMENT AT ALL.
They said they followed and promote and teach and STRIVE to set a 'real shining-example' promoting the teachings of 'jesus.' THEY ARE NOT, they are concocting 'reasonable-sounding' EXCUSES to perversely ANALyze PRIVATES, concocting CONDITIONS on THEIR OWN 'love' for BelovedNeighbors, to TERRORIZE people and PUNISH, and DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, using concocted Infinite_Reasonable-Sounding_Stupid_Sh*t (IRSSS) EXCUSES for doing so, which is EXACTLY WHAT JESUS TAUGHT: HowNotToBe. Not 'how to be,' but HowNOTtoBe, which their sermons intentionally and deliberately IGNORE, therefore in violation of their licensing agreements.
Which government is OBLIGATED to PROTECT WeThePeople FROM.
Because it always results in HATE -- hate-crimes, REAL TERRORISM -- real denial of life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, which is Jefferson'sPROMISE, and the duty of every citizen and government official, protecting the people FROM such mind-molesting excuses which DIVIDE.
Secondly, let's look at the TIMELESS MESSAGE itself a moment. The one referred to as 'jesus,' the message taught by that religious character in a religious story, is all about unconditional love, acceptance and EQUALITY, equal access and equal treatment. He was HATED for his DISSENTING OPINIONS. He was DENIED EQUALITY and SERVICES, cast-out as 'not your kind of people,' hatefully rumor-mongered so that he could not work to prevent STARVATION. He was therefore malnourished. He RAILED AGAINST treating people that way, with CONVICTION, PASSIONATE speaking, vociferously stating his position to any and all that would LISTEN.
All the positive-people concocted excuses to say hateful things about him, mercilessly hammering him against their hateful torture device, the positive-cross-sign, ANY EXCUSE WOULD DO.
And all he did was say "DO NOT BE THAT WAY." Do NOT declare yourself 'positive' and concoct excuses to hatefully label your BelovedNeighbors 'negative,' over stupid words, typos, spelling, clothes, music, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), opinions, entertainments, jobs, education, money, possessions, advertisements, businesses, company-kept, even love itself -- ANY EXCUSE WILL DO -- because it is a hateful IDOL TO WORSHIP, where one uses the points of one's hypocritical forked-tongue as figurative NAILS to ruthlessly HAMMER all those one has hatefully labeled 'negative,' against that CrossOfShame/Hate in ideological crucifiXtion, called, "FigurativeCarpentry," the epitome of hate, which DIVIDES communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.
You are NOT a 'christian' unless you fully comprehend that TIMELESS MESSAGE.
It's HatefulReligiousSupremacy, otherwise. This is why Mormon's do not have the SYMBOL of that IDOL TO WORSHIP, that hateful torture device, the positive-cross-sign,' on ANY of their churches or temples. This is EXACTLY why the Jews do not and the Islamic do not, nor the Buddists, nor the Jehovah's Witnesses and so many others. It's the basis of ALL RELIGIONS, see, and everybody FORGOT.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
Priest River, ID 83856
And I repeat this, the TIMELESS MESSAGE, as HFA. OnTime, RU?
Meanwhile, WHERE IS MARCUS MCKIBBEN? WHERE? Missing since approx 9/11/2001
(OnEdit: 06292008, correcting illegal hacking of the below image. It's clickable, so if you click it, it will enlarge -- use a 'right-click' and open in a 'new-tab' or 'new-window'):
(OnEdit: 06292008, added the word "(disabled)" in parens to address-link-line of the hacked image to disable it but not modify address.)
OnEdit: 11182007-1828PST -- attempting to correct sudden deviation of image, which was the malicious modification of aspect-ratio, possibly in the template.
test image:

(OnEdit: 06292008, same here, added the word "(disabled)" in parens to address-link-line of the hacked image to disable it but not modify address.)
(OnEdit: 06292008, address-link-line of the hacked image below.)
OnEdit: 11182007-1901PST -- no images will display now. The image's focus was tunnel-visioned onto a small, zoomed-area. I reversed the image where it was stored, in my photo-album. After updating, the GOOGLE and BLOGGER display-engine, whatever that entails, still displayed the old version which no longer exists.
I uploaded the reverse-image again.
Now, the images do not display at all. I included the link to the pic of Marcus McKibben, if you know him, please have him contact me.
Thank you,
OnEdit: Jun 29, 2008, the hacked image was reversed, colors changed, and the focus was HUGE, and for awhile, it zero'd-in on Marcus' hand next to the dog's nose, giving the appearance of a 'crotch' next to the dog's nose, but it's a hand. It was then 'complained' about, my entire blog, and tagged as 'offensive-material.' THAT IS A BLATANT MALICIOUS FALSEHOOD AND LIE after illegal hacking. I used the thumb-nail image copy/pasted directly from my photo-album stored online at Oddly, I'd only heard of ImageShack -- but when I clicked it, was taken to "ImageCave," when I started hosting pics in photo-albums online. It's a mystery to me. I think the image itself is being hacked, also, reversed, altered, colors changed, etc., manipulated -- THEN, the 'aspect-ratio' within my blog, and blog's template hacked to oversize the focus, prevent proper display, open more slowly than molasses, and NOT ARCHIVE.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
ORCH_Day707 Blow One Before One
The night Before a performance, during rehearsal, blow a challenging piece in front of audience -- fuddle through it --
-- light-heartedly.
-- overcome the fear of ridicule, see.
WorthyOpinionPoll: Hangin'
My opinion-poll is pending. I haven't posted it yet. :lol:
When I do, it will probably read as follows, to get OnTrack:
Is your opinion:
a) worthy
b) ignored
c) hangin'
d) whatever heard on tv/radio or gossip, repeated, parroted, like a cloned-robot. "This recorded-message ..." regurgitated-soundbites.
e) Original-info to support or debunk topics from media.
f) Your own unique opinion and not a parroted remark 'as-programmed.'
Okay, per 'f' above, how do you know?
Think about it.
-- light-heartedly.
-- overcome the fear of ridicule, see.
WorthyOpinionPoll: Hangin'
My opinion-poll is pending. I haven't posted it yet. :lol:
When I do, it will probably read as follows, to get OnTrack:
Is your opinion:
a) worthy
b) ignored
c) hangin'
d) whatever heard on tv/radio or gossip, repeated, parroted, like a cloned-robot. "This recorded-message ..." regurgitated-soundbites.
e) Original-info to support or debunk topics from media.
f) Your own unique opinion and not a parroted remark 'as-programmed.'
Okay, per 'f' above, how do you know?
Think about it.
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