Saturday, August 04, 2007

ORCH_Day707 Blow One Before One

The night Before a performance, during rehearsal, blow a challenging piece in front of audience -- fuddle through it --

-- light-heartedly.
-- overcome the fear of ridicule, see.

WorthyOpinionPoll: Hangin'

My opinion-poll is pending. I haven't posted it yet. :lol:

When I do, it will probably read as follows, to get OnTrack:

Is your opinion:

a) worthy
b) ignored
c) hangin'
d) whatever heard on tv/radio or gossip, repeated, parroted, like a cloned-robot. "This recorded-message ..." regurgitated-soundbites.
e) Original-info to support or debunk topics from media.
f) Your own unique opinion and not a parroted remark 'as-programmed.'

Okay, per 'f' above, how do you know?

Think about it.

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