Saturday, October 27, 2007

ORCH_Day799 "Declaration of EndObeseDependence


To make a fat ass costs a fortune, more than an emergency air-drop to the starving in Darfur.

How selfish is that?

Do you hate me for saying that? Because you knee-jerked a hateful response in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR -- by hatefully using WORDS to FAKE 'victimhood' while ignoring 'sticks-and-stones' entirely, common-sense, ignoring the message and pessimistically tunnel-vision-focusing your entire existence in hating the messenger -- ruthlessly hammering that damnable 'negative' to your merciless positive-cross-sign -- that hateful torture device of terror -- using the points of your own hypocritical forked-tongue as NAILS -- doing nonstop FigurativeCarpentry, which is ideological crucifiXtion, the epitome of HATE, proving zero self-esteem and zero integrity --

-- it's not about me.

You see, that selfishness is taken-out-of-context. We owe it to those suffering from gGewG, whom over-seek nutrtritional-supplement through the only way they know how, through their mouths, as trained since birth, for relief they are not getting, to HEAL them. To HEAL those afflicted with obesity and obesity related illnesses. It's a horrible addiction and those suffering from it are afflicted with many debilitating and oftentimes overwhelming side-affects that spill-over in their personal-relationships, public interactions, private and business/economy/duty.

Why do we not have these BioGenetic life-saving MEDICINES to HEAL?

Because the most selfish people in existence have proved that their FAKE 'victimhood' is of 'higher-priority' than PROVING COMPASSION BY allowing REAL HEALERS to HEAL THE ILL.

Any IRSSS (Infinite_Reasonable-Sounding_Stupid_Shit) EXCUSES will do to FAKE 'victimhood' to IGNORE REAL SUFFERING for the selfish HatefulReligiousSupremacists that claim two cells in a flippin' test-tube are of more 'value' than YOU.

-- or the ILL.
-- whom could be HEALED through life-saving BioGenetic thereapies ...
-- so the BLIND may SEE AGAIN.
-- so the LAME may WALK AGAIN.
-- so the obese can take control of resizing themselves to increase their own productivity and sense of self-worth.
-- so there's more food to feed the starving in DARFUR or elsewhere.
-- so that in the event of emergency, disaster-preparedness will not have to contend with marauding hoards of starving people cannibalizing fat people, either figuratively or literally.
-- so our heroic Defenders, injured while serving and protecting YOU, and YOUR SELFISHNESS, can grow new FEET and HANDS and LEGS and ARMS and EYES and PENIs.
-- -- (perhaps Cialis and Viagra will develop into several new off-shoot products, "SeeAliceAndJane." :lol:
-- (included line above just because it 'sounds' weird -- 'lighten the mood' so-to-speak).

The point is, who selfishly denies medicinal advancement?

Healing the ill? Who could be so selfish as to hate that? To concoct excuses to NOT do it?

-- under the double-standard guise of 'peace/love/concern'?


Even aging can be HEALED through life-saving BioGenetic thereapies. Not quite 'immortality' but 1,000-year lifespans is NORMAL. Only the most SELFISH concoct excuses to HATE YOU for BREATHING by HOPING you to DIE before it.

There is no reason why you can't take a pill and grow a new heart in-place to replace one that has become tired or diseased.

Anything of medicinal use has always been suspiciously frowned-upon and instantly-labeled 'sorcery' and 'witchcraft' -- "the work of the devil ..." -- and been waged war against -- subtle and not-so-subtle economic war for literally thousands of years, by positive-people molesting religion in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' their selfish MEANness. Real gluttony.

Anything new -- anything 'different' -- anything DIVERSE -- anything UNIQUE -- is HATED by positive-people molesting religions in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR/deserving, and everybody else out to be 'inferior/undeserving,' proving their entire existence and religion is HATE, the religion of HATE -- yet another franchise of the ChurchOfHate -- and god is FALSE/FAKE.

Two-cells in a test-tube -- FAKE 'life' -- 'more important' and of 'higher value' than your REAL LIFE ...

... 'compliments of church.
... religions, promoting MISERY while claiming otherwise, literally LIEING about it, then have the AUDACITY to DENY it.

You see, these religions have become increasing infected with a ThoughtVirus which molests intent and purpose.

Obese people could be HEALED right now, today, if it were not for the vast fortunes it has cost defending against these HatefulReligiousSupremacist groups, conspiring together to PUNISH society and retard human advancement, economy, the driving-force/life-blood of government for WeThePeople, and HOPE for MISERY by selfishly DENYING life-saving scientific advancements, medicinal or otherwise, as the actual cost of the problem burdening society grows exponentially on top of it. Double-whammy in terms of dollars and REAL LIVES suffering right NOW with REAL NEEDS, not FAKE 'lives' with FAKE 'needs.'


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