MY WORDS in response to Arianna Huffington's 10/28/2008 blog-entry viewable on her website:
I don't think the real issue(s) are being addressed at all. Firstly, a one-party system is all about usurpation of power, not 'balance.' If it comes down to that, WeThePeoples' Defensive Services are OBLIGATED under the Constitution of these United States to defend WeThePeople AGAINST those chains of tyranny.
Secondly, Arianna's SPENDING SPREE 'oracle,' as commented by forum-poster "jrSNana" ON 01:40 pm 10/28/2008, has the AUDACITY to claim Alaska Governor Sarah Palin "went shopping" -- it's just ridiculous -- proving Democrats have run AMOK, just as they conspired to undermine the economy in their endless blame/shame/HateThePresident campaign at the expense of WeThePeople whom they obviously think are 'human experiments,' undeserving of EQUALITY, let alone REPRESENTATION.
Our country is in PERIL as a result. PALE on that.
Further, Dem so-called 'leadership' met and made promises negotiating with powers known HOSTILE to the United States in blatant defiance of the Constitution, concocting $4/gal gas to KILL ECONOMY, then right before the election, claming "gas prices plummet!" as though $3/gal is NOT RIDICULOUS TYRANNY to mindphuk the populace into HATING PRESIDENTS/Executive-Branch, the Bush Team.
It's not 'politics' anymore -- it's HatefulReligiousLegislativeTyranny. Whatever 'credentials' used by these so-called 'politicians' to claim they are 'qualified' to run anything, they've already invalidated themselves and have proved to be utter bullshit.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dems To Gut Disability
Dems To Gut Disability
The Obama 'plan' REDUCES SERVICES -- Disabled, Elderly, Preventative-care, out-patient and in-patient treatments, Prescription drug-coverage, while 'fooling' the stats by offering 'skeleton-bare-bones' INSURANCE to a few kids, then chanting, "It's about the children! Boo-hoo!" as usual.
The cost to parents will INCREASE, more fees, more complications, LESS SERVICES, at higher-cost.
Companies get screwed. That includes LABOR, UNIONS, INDUSTRY, disguised as 'tax-cuts,' while REDUCING SERVICES and forcing employers and parents to PAY MORE FEES.
Meanwhile, the typical Democrat chant, "More Police! More Police!" will inflict the harshest punishments against the poor and disadvantaged in history -- using the same WarAgainstThePeople 'formula' that elected Bill Clinton, then BLAMED CLINTON for it, with cops in the middle, killing and getting killed and taking the blame as usual; more of WeThePeople cast-out as 'negative,' fined, taxed, fee'd, imprisoned/dungeoned moreso than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD.
It's tyranny. Who would vote for that?
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID, USA
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Note: These are MY comments to an article I read on Huffington Post, which is automatically copied to my blog. I had to enter 'edit-mode' to put MY TITLE to MY WORDS on the Title Line for MY blog-post. My last blog-entry did not include MY TITLE, but copied the title of the Huffington Post article I responded to on Arianna Huffington's website.
The Obama 'plan' REDUCES SERVICES -- Disabled, Elderly, Preventative-care, out-patient and in-patient treatments, Prescription drug-coverage, while 'fooling' the stats by offering 'skeleton-bare-bones' INSURANCE to a few kids, then chanting, "It's about the children! Boo-hoo!" as usual.
The cost to parents will INCREASE, more fees, more complications, LESS SERVICES, at higher-cost.
Companies get screwed. That includes LABOR, UNIONS, INDUSTRY, disguised as 'tax-cuts,' while REDUCING SERVICES and forcing employers and parents to PAY MORE FEES.
Meanwhile, the typical Democrat chant, "More Police! More Police!" will inflict the harshest punishments against the poor and disadvantaged in history -- using the same WarAgainstThePeople 'formula' that elected Bill Clinton, then BLAMED CLINTON for it, with cops in the middle, killing and getting killed and taking the blame as usual; more of WeThePeople cast-out as 'negative,' fined, taxed, fee'd, imprisoned/dungeoned moreso than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD.
It's tyranny. Who would vote for that?
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID, USA
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Note: These are MY comments to an article I read on Huffington Post, which is automatically copied to my blog. I had to enter 'edit-mode' to put MY TITLE to MY WORDS on the Title Line for MY blog-post. My last blog-entry did not include MY TITLE, but copied the title of the Huffington Post article I responded to on Arianna Huffington's website.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Internet and the Death of Rovian Politics

Well, here it is -- cold weather approaching -- snow about to fall -- and who is it that complains about every endeavor? It's as though an AA is required to drive to the forest with a permit to get firewood; a BS to use a chainsaw and cut it; a Masters to maul it, which is DIVIDING TO WARM THE MASSES -- and a doctorate to stack it ...
-- if you're a Democrat.
Same with fishing, these days -- if you are a Democrat. Can't harvest, size, divide to warm/nurture the masses, without endless 'credentials' and 'endorsements' --- so, obviously, DEMOCRATS HATE JESUS -- and since anybody can be 'jesus' -- well, look where we are at today. You are voting for it.
A recent poll on ABC Evening News says that 'more' are 'in favor' of how Democrats, such as Obama, will 'handle' their taxes. YOU JUST VOTED FOR THE MOST MASSIVE TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY, just like LAST TIME ...
-- less business; less work; punishing labor and family, as usual.
It's the TwilightZone. Apparently. Even different opinions are EXCUSES to HATE PEOPLE, if you're a Democrat.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Note: that article about Sarah is ridiculous. The 'theme' of today's HuffingtonPost is that 'rovian-politics' equate to 'smear-tactics' -- while being hateful of Republicans, President Bush, the Bush Team, and any/all whom support the Bush Team, and since I've experienced a whole lot of that hatefulness myself, and have not been defended against that political bigotry due to the infiltration/infection ratio of the hateful 'democrats' in Legislative branches involved in it, pulling the figurative 'strings' of every other branch/agency/division of government like psychotic PuppetMasters abrogating FreeWill/FREEDOM itself, it's a QUESTION OF INTEGRITY, ("looking for left foot" ring a bell?) -- Civil rights and Constitutional guarantees, proved to be violated.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Senators Forcing SOE's
Did you see the debates? Did you see Senator Biden and listen? The Democratic PART, that divided institution, railed against nuclear energy for decades, enacting policy after policy to make it virtually impossible for energy companies to build nuclear reactors, yet Senator Biden claims he is 'clean nuclear energy friendly.'
These people will say anything. They point to some obscure reference to some 'bill' -- emphasis on 'bill' because it's no different than getting one in your mailbox, without your consent -- and claim they were 'for' something, then point to another obscure passage claiming they were 'against' it. It's ridiculous.
The Legislative branch is completely out of control. HatefulReligiousLegsilativeTyranny. There is no other word for it.
The same anti-Israel rhetoric is spewed, while pointing to obscure passages claiming 'for' it, AND 'against' it. It's absurd. These people will say anything.
Prepare for the most massive tax-increases in the history of existence -- your 'bill' is coming -- meanwhile, they'll point to some obscure hogwash, claiming they didn't raise taxes at all, while cost-of-living increases dramatically, like the 'inflation-index,' total hogwash. A 'pretty graph' with 'cute little fonts' madeup of total mindphukery. There is no question that the cost of living has increased many times greater than the so-called 'inflation index,' and Senators did it -- not the President -- Senators and Senators alone, re-writing every proposal, oversighting every dime, auditing every agency and corporation, then finding a scapegoat to BLAME, as usual. The Legislative branch is totally and completely out of control. It's tyranny, make no mistake about it.
It can't continue this way.
Meanwhile, the McCain 'healthcare' proposal is garbage. It's just selling insurance and higher-ed 'genius-expert' jobs, as usual, so those NOT WORKING can collect high-salaries PRETENDING, while passing more and more legislation to TAKE GUNS AWAY FROM THE PEOPLE -- any excuse will do -- so that all those whom sit in offices and don't know how to do anything can enslave those whom do, if/when the proverbial 'shit hits the fan.' Understand that? In the event of economic collapse or intense warfare, those sitting in offices pretending to be productive will enslave workers to force productivity. That's not a 'conspiracy theory.' That's sound historic precedence.
Meanwhile, the elderly, the poor, the disabled, the wounded, the infirm, the destitute, their cost-of-living has tripled, but the 'pretty little charts' claim that 'inflation' is only a few percentage points. Their annual cost-of-living adjustment is instantly consumed with the purchase of a half-tank of gas, or some other product necessary for them to pursue life, liberty and happiness.
It's out of control.
Banks go SOE. State-owned-enterprises. It was a setup-for-failure from the get-go. Senators did that. Not President Bush or any other President. Senators/Legislators -- haters -- LegisHaters. And they'll point to some obscure passages claiming financial institutions are NOT 'soe's. It's utterly ridiculous.
Tyranny. There is no other word for it. The masses trained to claim they are 'positive' and pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws' in everybody and everything around them, brainwashed to HATE 'negatives' -- just like the Nazi's did to the good people of Germany before marching Jews to death camps.
"Positive Solutions! Get your attitude-adjustment today!"
TYRANNY. It's always subtle.
Meanwhile, we need tele-communications PAID as a BENEFIT for Veterans/Seniors/Disabled, so they have access to the internet to find ways to reduce their suffering and make life easier, keep in contact with friends/family/GOVERNMENT, remain updated about critical weather or warfare related tragedies, evacuations, etc., and most importantly, access to emergency 911 services. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE LONG AGO but our own hateful Legislators think their own gabbing is of 'higher-priority' as usual, unstead of doing anything REAL for anybody.
We have a beautiful country, a beautiful government, a beautiful Defensive Services organizational structure, and a beautiful populace, but our Legislative branches are an embarrassment, a travesty of justice, a freak-show of incompetence, corruption, TYRANNY in disguise, cannabilizing the country, our families, education, science, productivity, natural resources, one after another.
Defensive Services: PLEASE HEAR MY WORDS: it can't go on this way.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (HFA/3Ons -- and more)
These people will say anything. They point to some obscure reference to some 'bill' -- emphasis on 'bill' because it's no different than getting one in your mailbox, without your consent -- and claim they were 'for' something, then point to another obscure passage claiming they were 'against' it. It's ridiculous.
The Legislative branch is completely out of control. HatefulReligiousLegsilativeTyranny. There is no other word for it.
The same anti-Israel rhetoric is spewed, while pointing to obscure passages claiming 'for' it, AND 'against' it. It's absurd. These people will say anything.
Prepare for the most massive tax-increases in the history of existence -- your 'bill' is coming -- meanwhile, they'll point to some obscure hogwash, claiming they didn't raise taxes at all, while cost-of-living increases dramatically, like the 'inflation-index,' total hogwash. A 'pretty graph' with 'cute little fonts' madeup of total mindphukery. There is no question that the cost of living has increased many times greater than the so-called 'inflation index,' and Senators did it -- not the President -- Senators and Senators alone, re-writing every proposal, oversighting every dime, auditing every agency and corporation, then finding a scapegoat to BLAME, as usual. The Legislative branch is totally and completely out of control. It's tyranny, make no mistake about it.
It can't continue this way.
Meanwhile, the McCain 'healthcare' proposal is garbage. It's just selling insurance and higher-ed 'genius-expert' jobs, as usual, so those NOT WORKING can collect high-salaries PRETENDING, while passing more and more legislation to TAKE GUNS AWAY FROM THE PEOPLE -- any excuse will do -- so that all those whom sit in offices and don't know how to do anything can enslave those whom do, if/when the proverbial 'shit hits the fan.' Understand that? In the event of economic collapse or intense warfare, those sitting in offices pretending to be productive will enslave workers to force productivity. That's not a 'conspiracy theory.' That's sound historic precedence.
Meanwhile, the elderly, the poor, the disabled, the wounded, the infirm, the destitute, their cost-of-living has tripled, but the 'pretty little charts' claim that 'inflation' is only a few percentage points. Their annual cost-of-living adjustment is instantly consumed with the purchase of a half-tank of gas, or some other product necessary for them to pursue life, liberty and happiness.
It's out of control.
Banks go SOE. State-owned-enterprises. It was a setup-for-failure from the get-go. Senators did that. Not President Bush or any other President. Senators/Legislators -- haters -- LegisHaters. And they'll point to some obscure passages claiming financial institutions are NOT 'soe's. It's utterly ridiculous.
Tyranny. There is no other word for it. The masses trained to claim they are 'positive' and pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws' in everybody and everything around them, brainwashed to HATE 'negatives' -- just like the Nazi's did to the good people of Germany before marching Jews to death camps.
"Positive Solutions! Get your attitude-adjustment today!"
TYRANNY. It's always subtle.
Meanwhile, we need tele-communications PAID as a BENEFIT for Veterans/Seniors/Disabled, so they have access to the internet to find ways to reduce their suffering and make life easier, keep in contact with friends/family/GOVERNMENT, remain updated about critical weather or warfare related tragedies, evacuations, etc., and most importantly, access to emergency 911 services. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE LONG AGO but our own hateful Legislators think their own gabbing is of 'higher-priority' as usual, unstead of doing anything REAL for anybody.
We have a beautiful country, a beautiful government, a beautiful Defensive Services organizational structure, and a beautiful populace, but our Legislative branches are an embarrassment, a travesty of justice, a freak-show of incompetence, corruption, TYRANNY in disguise, cannabilizing the country, our families, education, science, productivity, natural resources, one after another.
Defensive Services: PLEASE HEAR MY WORDS: it can't go on this way.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (HFA/3Ons -- and more)
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