Well, here it is -- cold weather approaching -- snow about to fall -- and who is it that complains about every endeavor? It's as though an AA is required to drive to the forest with a permit to get firewood; a BS to use a chainsaw and cut it; a Masters to maul it, which is DIVIDING TO WARM THE MASSES -- and a doctorate to stack it ...
-- if you're a Democrat.
Same with fishing, these days -- if you are a Democrat. Can't harvest, size, divide to warm/nurture the masses, without endless 'credentials' and 'endorsements' --- so, obviously, DEMOCRATS HATE JESUS -- and since anybody can be 'jesus' -- well, look where we are at today. You are voting for it.
A recent poll on ABC Evening News says that 'more' are 'in favor' of how Democrats, such as Obama, will 'handle' their taxes. YOU JUST VOTED FOR THE MOST MASSIVE TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY, just like LAST TIME ...
-- less business; less work; punishing labor and family, as usual.
It's the TwilightZone. Apparently. Even different opinions are EXCUSES to HATE PEOPLE, if you're a Democrat.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Note: that article about Sarah is ridiculous. The 'theme' of today's HuffingtonPost is that 'rovian-politics' equate to 'smear-tactics' -- while being hateful of Republicans, President Bush, the Bush Team, and any/all whom support the Bush Team, and since I've experienced a whole lot of that hatefulness myself, and have not been defended against that political bigotry due to the infiltration/infection ratio of the hateful 'democrats' in Legislative branches involved in it, pulling the figurative 'strings' of every other branch/agency/division of government like psychotic PuppetMasters abrogating FreeWill/FREEDOM itself, it's a QUESTION OF INTEGRITY, ("looking for left foot" ring a bell?) -- Civil rights and Constitutional guarantees, proved to be violated.
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