Friday, December 05, 2008

Congressional Oligarchs Squeeze Big Auto/Labor

After artificially raising oil prices by making promises/arrangements with foreign powers over the past years, blaming the President for their own power-grab to gut the financial industry, our own hateful Legislative Branch has now conspired against Labor, using Big Auto as their PawnsOfWar.

AI -- "ArtificialIdiocy"

Just play 'dumb,' as Congress FAKES their usual 'majesty,' faking 'rushing to the rescue,' as fake 'white-knights,' to fake 'saving-the-day,' after setting-up-for-failure yet another sector of economy.

For it would indeed be an idiotic populace that would allow a group of the richest people, whom all claim to be making a 'huge sacrifice on behalf of their country,' by 'serving' as 'public servants,' while making endless book-deals and multi-million dollar 'special-offers' for their own selfish selves on-the-side, whom have OVERSPENT TRILLIONS UPON TRILLIONS of tax-payer dollars, to demand a 'plan' from Big Auto.

What kind of 'plan'? Forced SOE's (State Owned Enterprises), starting with controlling-interest in the banking/financial industries, next stop: Big Auto and the Labor Unions that helped elect their own EXECUTIONERS.

Now, lets' observe the BigPicture: what type of 'credential' over-spends TRILLIONS? What type of 'qualification' does one need to be 'credentialed' to over-spend TRILLIONS?

Whatever it is, it's oversighted by our own hateful Legislative Branch, the Oligarchs in disguise. In other words, go to college to earn a degree to be 'excused' from FRAUD -- from defrauding taxpayers TRILLIONS.

Who profits from atop the rubble, misery and grief? religions do. Like this: our country was founded because our colonies were divided hateful groups of religious zealots, with zero 'free-travel,' and anybody that disagreed was denied equality, denied liberty. Governors were forced to 'keep the peace' by SEGREGATION of these hateful groups of suppossedly 'unconditionally-loving-godly-good-people' that hate everything and everybody, including themselves as they concocted one sickening and despicable 'witch-hunt' after another -- any excuse would do -- mostly after perversely peering inside of other peoples' PRIVATES just to stir-up yet another excuse to place conditions against their own so-called 'love' AGAINST their own so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors' to selfishly deny the same equality and pursuits of life, liberty and happiness they each hypocritically demanded for their own selfish selves.

These religious zealots ridicule and scorn everything and everybody, any word will do, followed by pieces of cloth, clothes. Now, these same religious zealots own 'controlling-interest' in the same millennia-long monopolostic oligarchical tyranny over PUBLISHING/media as always, always putting a 'bitchy-queen-'fag'' with a 'stage-name' similar to a 'demon-dog' from a previous religious-promoted high-profile movie on the evening news as 'entertainment' to ridicule and scorn people for their CLOTHES and WORDS and LOOKS and PRIVATES, merely so the religious zealots can point their long, accusatory fingers, as usual, and chant goose-step in lock-step, "Ahhh-huh! See! THEY are WORSE than WE!"

That's how subtle it is. And that's exactly how hateful it's become. Originally, the StoneWall movement was TO DEFEND ALL PEOPLE EQUALLY AGAINST THOSE DOING THAT.

That tactic of endless DIVIDES has not been lost on our hateful Legislative Branch, obviously, as it's the weak-spot of any democracy, always quickly and easily infiltrated and infected by the most hateful religious zealots whom have had centuries to devise 'mindphukery' to make it all sound so 'reasonable,' with pre-memorized disclaimers about how much they've 'reformed' and, " ... maybe we used to be like that, but we've changed, and I don't know anybody like that, and I'm certainly not like that!" whenever their hatefulness is challenged.

Look at the millions whom lovingly gave money to a religious organization to FEED THE STARVING only to learn their money wasn't used to nurture anybody, but diverted to an anti-government, anti-equality hate-campaign solely based upon PRIVATES. After perversely sniffing privates, an EQUAL FELLOW CITIZEN BELOVED NEIGHBOR is now either 'approved' to love, or HATED for their love.

The point is, the same institution that devised an economic formula of FAILURE to seize control of industry/economy/family, with the 'cover-story' of "it's the President's fault!" as usual, whom have waged war against WeThePeople for every word, every letter, every email, every picture, every poster, every book, every blog, every advertisement, every entertainment, every habit, every product, every pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, every love, every FREEDOM, whom overspent TRILLIONS because they have a 'college degree credential' and YOU DON'T, therefore only they themselves are 'qualified' and 'enlightened enough' and 'divinely inspired enough' to concoct a system of total ECONOMIC CHAOS of INFINITE DEBT, whereas all others are 'not credentialed' and 'not qualified' -- all dissenters 'heretics' and 'heathens' and 'disgruntled' ... 'unworthy' of their VOICES BEING HEARD AT ALL ...

It's a religion in itself, a very hateful one. The Legislative Branch is entirely out of control.

Look what they demand now: after proving THEY ARE INCOMPETENT BUDGETERS, they are demanding a 'spending plan' from PROVEN SUCCESSFUL INDUSTRIES. So, my suggestion to the Big Three Auto CEO's is 'use pretty fonts' and make it 'sound reasonable' and 'overspend by trillions' and 'blame Presidents, Governors, Mayors and families,' then get a 'credential' from the most corrupt version of 'balance-of-power' institutionalized idiocy ever devised. Of course, I'm being a bit facetious here, but the point is clear.


While claiming they are 'rushing to the rescue to save the day' as usual. It's FRAUD. Period.

I'm NOT being facetious when I say to Big Auto, most sincerely, to tell Congress to go fuck themselves since obviously they have nothing better to do than fuck-over everybody ELSE. I know personally.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (HumanityFamilyAdvocate/3Ons)
OnTime, RU?

Or write me:
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

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