Advent -- Week-5
-- "A Perfect War - Part-5"
-- "Why did you not tell us where you were? We were made sick with worry for these past several days ..."
Too young.
She was too young. Just too young.
He was older. Today, they'd call it rape, and he'd be jailed, a Scarlet Letter branded on his forehead, "sexual predator" forevermore, STIGMATA for REAL.
At 14, she was psuedo-protected, by those whom knew she was not a victim of love, and it was love (they said), which kept them from reporting her whereabouts; but they did conspire to deny services.
-- to him, they'd say, "We don't serve your kind here ..." -- then, realizing they could be prosecuted, condemned for 'wrong words,' quickly modify their statements to, "Sorry, but we're closed," or, "We're out of room ... check back in a week, a month, a lifetime, some other time, any other time but now." You get the point, eh?
Any 'reasonable-excuse' to deny services, deny compassion, then claim to others it was not motivated by acts of discrimination.
As for her, she was too young; wrong age; wrong family; wrong background; wrong education; wrong money; wrong size; wrong shape; wrong color; wrong religion; wrong politics; wrong 'connections'; wrong wrong wrong ... just WRONG ... even her LOVE was deemed WRONG.
-- as was his.
Without 'proper paperwork' and 'proper approval' and 'proper authorization' and 'proper licensing' and 'proper fees, surcharges, stamps, seals, permits' and assorted 'winks' and 'nods,' their very existence was pre-approved as 'offensive.'
It was a beautiful love story. Shakespeare wrote about it. Every classicist wrote about it. It plays itself-out every day, every culture, every language, every location, moment-by-moment. It's the story of us. All of us.
Without 'proper paperwork, " (Sgt. Schultz from Hogan's Heroes: "Papers! Papers!") -- basic services are DENIED. Any 'alternatives' are extreme complications, endless paperFAKEwork -- hastles -- adding more and more STRESS, especially to patients -- especially when it comes to motherhood, parenting, fathers too.
And the young woman, is then forced to give birth in filthy dung-laden animal containers -- mangers.
There are those whom seek her out, women like her, to assist, to offer the compassion denied by a molested system monopolized by Higher-Ed Legislated tyranny. Following that LIGHT of inner-driven reason, compassion, justice, they strive to bring care, real healthcare (not paperFAKEwork), gifts of love, courage, compassion, knowledge, sweet things these, that please are pleasant to smell amongst the filth of mangers, wisdoms shared.
We hold these men in awe because they could be jailed for it. And with each and every passing day, more Higher-Ed Legislation is passed against them, criminalizing their every move, endless paperwork for every thought, whisper, travel, endless added expenses, more hastles, more more more -- resources that should have gone to the child, denied.
And that child was already pre-approved for hatred. Cast-out as 'offensive' and 'unworthy' due to lack of papers -- swadled not in diapers but hateful paperwork-fines, burdens.
A perfect war against the people, and nothing in life is 'perfect.' We just innovate moment-by-moment with the few things we have, make-do with whatever tools we can adapt for the tasks-at-hand, while Legislators and their Higher-Ed cult spend the fruits of all labors, consuming the most while punishing the people for every act of real productivity. Paperwork is the opposite of productivity. The opposite of advancement. It's the Perot-esque 'giant-sucking-sound' out of economy, globally, not just to 'mexico.'
Public Works, such as during the 1930's, was a place where anybody could show up, get a bucket, put rocks in the bucket, carry the bucket filled with rocks from location-A to location-B, dump-out the rocks, GET PAID.
Now, it's show-up, with the last few pennies in the gas-tank to get there, told to fill-out a bunch of forms, then go to another location to get other paperwork, fill-out more forms, then wait for days/weeks to get more paperwork in the mail, only to find-out that another set of forms is required by-mail in order to have 'applied' for the last set -- starting the entire process over again. Punished for TRYING, setup-for-failure from the get-go.
Meanwhile, those in the offices pushing paperFAKEwork around at taxpayer expense, ridicule and scorn and BLAME YOU -- any excuse will do -- an 'i' not 'dotted' -- a 't' not crossed --
-- so you escape to work over-the-border, only DENIED ACCESS because you have not PURCHASED the 'right' PAPERS -- then waited weeks/months for it to arrive by mail -- at the address you got kicked-out of because your productivity was STOLEN, so you couldn't pay the rent/mortgage.
To 'address' the 'crisis,' our current crop of Legislative tyrants have raised more fees, taxes, surcharges, fines, to hire another few generations of Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' with big-ticket 'credentials' to 'study' the 'problem,' concocting another mountain of paperFAKEwork, robbing more productivity FROM THE MOUTHS OF BABES.
The BidenFraud Economic scam, I call it. And that's what the so-called 'healthcare-reform' is all about; reducing REAL MEDICAL CARE to those with REAL NEEDS to fund generations more paperFAKEwork-pushers at taxpayer expense. The people don't need more paperwork, more paperwork-scams (insurance), they need access to REAL MEDICAL CARE. It's not complicated at all.
Look at it this way: in order to work in the profession of vision-care or dental-care, one must be a fully-licensed medical doctor, with a specialty endorsement in dental or vision. Same medical school. Same medical credentialing. Yet here in the U.S., which spends more on 'healthcare' than any location in existence, constantly patting itself on the figurative back claiming 'best of the best of the best,' dental and vision isn't considered 'healthcare' unless you are a Legislator/HigherEd -- they grant it unto themselves while denying it to the people that pay for it and need it.
But Cuba can afford it. dental and vision medical-care for the people.
North Korea can afford it.
Venezuela can afford it.
Mexico affords it.
Iran affords it.
Russia affords it.
Japan affords it.
Medical-care without dental and vision is FAKE 'healthcare.' Without the ability to eat/chew properly, one has more and more expensive health issues. Every country in the world knows this except our own hateful conspiring Higher-Ed cult-mentality Legislators. Further, without a 'nice smile,' fewer and fewer want to hire you due to our vanity-driven pop-culture.
And never forget that without vision medical-care, there are far more accidents, costing a fortune in terms of emergency response, contributing to more and more casualties, needless deaths. Further, poor vision contributes to delusional behaviors, Alzheimers related issues -- especially in the elderly, but not limited to 'just the elderly,' it's a valid statement applicable to all people equally.
Vision surgical correction is TRULY the 'best of the best' medical care, as there is no 'glare' and 'halo' issues as there are with plastic lenses, nor migraine and/or breathing-related problems due to constant pressure on the bridge of one's nose -- which contributes to work-place sick-leave, increasing costs of products. And never forget that in many work environments, many a life and limb has been lost during the attempt to retrieve a pair of 'loose' glasses.
It's the environment, concocted, deliberate, instigated, to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief, casting-out by ones and twos more 'sinners/infidels/blasphemers/heretics' than any HighPriests of old. Fomenting 'religious extremism' is a COVER STORY, a DIVERSION from Legislated Tyranny -- just another concocted, fomented, instigated environment, to chant, "Ahhh-huh! SEE! THEY are WORSE than we/US!" -- but they are worse -- a molestation of the 'alternative' to religious theocratic tyranny which our Founding Fathers promised to liberate all people equally FROM.
Now, she would be taken into custody -- that 'too young' 14-year-old WOMAN, about to give birth -- sent to endless 'rounds' of 'counseling' to brainwash her into claiming she was 'raped' and 'sexually abused' and therefore a 'victim' that is 'ruined for life,' therefore 'requires' at least a few 'million' as 'rightful compensation' for her 'possession.'
-- hated for her love, hated for breathing.
A Mary to love, that much is certain. And today, those Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' would cry for the photo-op, their brainwashing victim at their side, claiming their paperFAKEwork and hatred of her love is all about 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' when obviously it's NONE OF THAT. Just self-aggrandizement. Pious self-righteous gluttonous GREED.
To all those 'marys' in the world, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, I salute you, be you with or without companions, your pregnancy the result of either impulsive behavior or love. I KNOW WHO THE REAL VICTIMS ARE.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton
1183-1287 Robinson Dr.
Priest River, ID 83856-2123
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Pending Massacre
Advent -- Week 4
The Perfect War -- Part-4
Congress is about to do their usual HOLY-i-day back-stabbing. This time, it holds the greatest price tag in the history of existence. Amid much fanfare, they'll firstly prove how much 'ownership' over media they truly hold with the following highly predictable photo-op 'special announcements' :
-- 1) We are so proud to have made this huge sacrifice on behalf of the American people ... "
-- 2) "We've worked so hard -- (read: 'defrauding sympathy from the masses')
-- 3) "Our gift, after our great sacrifice, our selfless deed, on behalf of you the people, whom we've tirelessly worked so hard for -- our gift is ..."
-- meanwhile, they gift themselvesa raise, claiming it's 'automatic' as an excuse to escape personal-responsibility from the budgets they sign and approve and oversight all by themselves, as usual.
Look, this has nothing to do with providing medical care to anybody. It's about selling the product 'credentials,' generations of 'em, 'job-securing' paperwork-pushing at taxpayer expense -- in fields Legislators will directly and indirectly hold figurative purse-strings over forevermore, usurping control over everyone's pursuits of EQUAL protections regarding medical-care.
This 'christmas deadline' marketing strategy is a hoax, a fraud, molesting minds to be certain (in the words of our Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson). It's an insult to the collective intelligence of citizens, humanity as a whole, and most assuredly derogatory to Christianity. It is no 'gift' -- and claiming such proves how hateful those FAKE 'majesties' have conspired to do the people and the country, the world at large HARM.
Think of this a moment: a religious organization is being forced into bankruptcy due to allegations of 'suddenly-remembered' 'abuse.' It's not even proved. Just somebody claiming they are a 'victim', and then claiming that every time something goes 'wrong' in their life, such as when they can't get a six-digit salary or have some type of relationship problem, it's the 'result' of the alleged 'abuse' from decades ago.
Catholics. I'm talking about the all the priests accused of causing 'grave harm' to people. WHERE ARE THE REAL WOUNDS?
IN ONE'S IMAGINATION! There aren't any wounds. No blood. No guts. No brains splattered -- not even suture scars. Nothing at all. Just somebody's 'tears' for the photo-op in their hateful prayer to get BILLIONS by crying for the camera.
I know few people that were not sexually active as teenagers. Most people my age were parents by the time they were 20, or came from teenage parents themselves. I was also sexually-active as a teen. With adults. Now, I'm being brainwashed to FAKE 'victimhood' and IMAGINE 'blood and guts' from FAKE 'wounds' spilling out all over the ground ...
Those adults brought me pleasure and vice versa. These hypocrites bring nothing but PAIN and SUFFERING.
Meanwhile, if that is the so-called 'standard' of our so-called 'best-of-the-best' credentialing system, Higher-Education, which has a monopoly on Legislation, writing every rule, every procedure, every aspect of pursuits of equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness -- if that is the 'standard' they demand from religious organizations -- from the Roman Catholic Church -- where if one 'errant member' of it makes the entire group 'guilty' and therefore 'liable' --
-- THEN, WHY ARE NOT LEGISLATORS IN CHAINS YET? How is it possible they can escape personal-responsibility for EVERYTHING? How is it possible?
Think of all the Legislators that have defrauded, engaged in sexual 'stuff' -- of blatantly being corrupt -- WE ARE THE VICTIMS -- all of us -- WHERE'S MY MONEY?
These endless diversions, faking 'wounds' from words, claiming imagined 'wounds' are 'equal' to REAL WOUNDS:

REAL WOUNDS -- an Israeli, hated for breathing.
Meanwhile, people FAKING 'wounds' think they DESERVE 'rewards.'
Meanwhile, Legislators escape personal-responsibility for everything, hating dissent and all whom attempt to express it, while endlessly DENYING any/all things.
Which brings up PUNISHMENTS: speak-out, GET PUNISHED. They retaliate in a heartbeat. Any way -- they just call-up one of their 'buddies' in the Higher-Ed cult they hold purse-strings over, and make life ever-increasingly COMPLICATED. Any WORD of dissent, excuse enough for them to FAKE 'wounds' and then engage in HatefulReligious 'eye-for-an-eye' VINDICTIVENESS/Vengeance -- the same tactic as al Qaida.
It's tyranny.
And that's not all. Think of this:
-- Father Gooley has been giving excellent sermons. One of the things he's been discussing is how those in need, in pain, with 'issues,' whom think as though they've been 'through Hell and back' -- oftentimes come to Church seeking comfort -- help -- solace.
Do you think that's a 'good-thing' to 'strategies' that MISERY against others just to manipulate 'cooperation'?
What are sanctions?
It's a vast topic. In our personal-lives, putting that type of 'pressure' on individuals is hateful. It's not kind. It's not helpful. It's ABUSE, regardless of how the 'spin'.
Higher-Ed, Legislators, do it against the people all the time.
Think about it.
OnEdit: "strategies" s/b "strategize" -- I'm correcting/clarifying that typo/mis-wording so those with zero self-esteem, whom pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, thusly being hateful of individuals attempting communication about topics, while ignoring/censoring topics via that sick 'strategy' of substitute-logic-skills -- which is learned-behavior -- well, I corrected that typo/miswording so those in HELL can follow-along. BTW, be healed of it -- it's about the topics, not typos.
The Perfect War -- Part-4
Congress is about to do their usual HOLY-i-day back-stabbing. This time, it holds the greatest price tag in the history of existence. Amid much fanfare, they'll firstly prove how much 'ownership' over media they truly hold with the following highly predictable photo-op 'special announcements' :
-- 1) We are so proud to have made this huge sacrifice on behalf of the American people ... "
-- 2) "We've worked so hard -- (read: 'defrauding sympathy from the masses')
-- 3) "Our gift, after our great sacrifice, our selfless deed, on behalf of you the people, whom we've tirelessly worked so hard for -- our gift is ..."
-- meanwhile, they gift themselvesa raise, claiming it's 'automatic' as an excuse to escape personal-responsibility from the budgets they sign and approve and oversight all by themselves, as usual.
Look, this has nothing to do with providing medical care to anybody. It's about selling the product 'credentials,' generations of 'em, 'job-securing' paperwork-pushing at taxpayer expense -- in fields Legislators will directly and indirectly hold figurative purse-strings over forevermore, usurping control over everyone's pursuits of EQUAL protections regarding medical-care.
This 'christmas deadline' marketing strategy is a hoax, a fraud, molesting minds to be certain (in the words of our Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson). It's an insult to the collective intelligence of citizens, humanity as a whole, and most assuredly derogatory to Christianity. It is no 'gift' -- and claiming such proves how hateful those FAKE 'majesties' have conspired to do the people and the country, the world at large HARM.
Think of this a moment: a religious organization is being forced into bankruptcy due to allegations of 'suddenly-remembered' 'abuse.' It's not even proved. Just somebody claiming they are a 'victim', and then claiming that every time something goes 'wrong' in their life, such as when they can't get a six-digit salary or have some type of relationship problem, it's the 'result' of the alleged 'abuse' from decades ago.
Catholics. I'm talking about the all the priests accused of causing 'grave harm' to people. WHERE ARE THE REAL WOUNDS?
IN ONE'S IMAGINATION! There aren't any wounds. No blood. No guts. No brains splattered -- not even suture scars. Nothing at all. Just somebody's 'tears' for the photo-op in their hateful prayer to get BILLIONS by crying for the camera.
I know few people that were not sexually active as teenagers. Most people my age were parents by the time they were 20, or came from teenage parents themselves. I was also sexually-active as a teen. With adults. Now, I'm being brainwashed to FAKE 'victimhood' and IMAGINE 'blood and guts' from FAKE 'wounds' spilling out all over the ground ...
Those adults brought me pleasure and vice versa. These hypocrites bring nothing but PAIN and SUFFERING.
Meanwhile, if that is the so-called 'standard' of our so-called 'best-of-the-best' credentialing system, Higher-Education, which has a monopoly on Legislation, writing every rule, every procedure, every aspect of pursuits of equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness -- if that is the 'standard' they demand from religious organizations -- from the Roman Catholic Church -- where if one 'errant member' of it makes the entire group 'guilty' and therefore 'liable' --
-- THEN, WHY ARE NOT LEGISLATORS IN CHAINS YET? How is it possible they can escape personal-responsibility for EVERYTHING? How is it possible?
Think of all the Legislators that have defrauded, engaged in sexual 'stuff' -- of blatantly being corrupt -- WE ARE THE VICTIMS -- all of us -- WHERE'S MY MONEY?
These endless diversions, faking 'wounds' from words, claiming imagined 'wounds' are 'equal' to REAL WOUNDS:

REAL WOUNDS -- an Israeli, hated for breathing.
Meanwhile, people FAKING 'wounds' think they DESERVE 'rewards.'
Meanwhile, Legislators escape personal-responsibility for everything, hating dissent and all whom attempt to express it, while endlessly DENYING any/all things.
Which brings up PUNISHMENTS: speak-out, GET PUNISHED. They retaliate in a heartbeat. Any way -- they just call-up one of their 'buddies' in the Higher-Ed cult they hold purse-strings over, and make life ever-increasingly COMPLICATED. Any WORD of dissent, excuse enough for them to FAKE 'wounds' and then engage in HatefulReligious 'eye-for-an-eye' VINDICTIVENESS/Vengeance -- the same tactic as al Qaida.
It's tyranny.
And that's not all. Think of this:
-- Father Gooley has been giving excellent sermons. One of the things he's been discussing is how those in need, in pain, with 'issues,' whom think as though they've been 'through Hell and back' -- oftentimes come to Church seeking comfort -- help -- solace.
Do you think that's a 'good-thing' to 'strategies' that MISERY against others just to manipulate 'cooperation'?
What are sanctions?
It's a vast topic. In our personal-lives, putting that type of 'pressure' on individuals is hateful. It's not kind. It's not helpful. It's ABUSE, regardless of how the 'spin'.
Higher-Ed, Legislators, do it against the people all the time.
Think about it.
OnEdit: "strategies" s/b "strategize" -- I'm correcting/clarifying that typo/mis-wording so those with zero self-esteem, whom pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, thusly being hateful of individuals attempting communication about topics, while ignoring/censoring topics via that sick 'strategy' of substitute-logic-skills -- which is learned-behavior -- well, I corrected that typo/miswording so those in HELL can follow-along. BTW, be healed of it -- it's about the topics, not typos.
Monday, December 14, 2009
A Perfect War_3
Advent - 3rd-Week
-- "
Oh my life
Is changing everyday
In every possible way
And Oh my dreams
It's never quiet as it seems
Never quiet as it seems" -- Dolores O'Riordan
A Perfect War_3
Governments strive to be the alternative to hateful-religious theocratic-rule. The beauty of government is the embrace of diversity, different peoples, different customs, different languages, differences, and serving and protecting all people equally from those whom deny equal pursuits of opportunities, life, liberty and happiness solely based upon differences.
Similarly, a side-by-side event, is that which afflicts religions: going-off all 'positive' and casting-out 'negatives,' any excuse will do, crusade-mentality -- an infection of hatred, therefore anti-christ messaging, regardless of religion.
One of the most common complaints against Catholicism by recent versions of Protestantism, especially Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons (LDS'ers), among others, is that the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) has 'embraced' what those groups call "pagan rituals" and celebrate those 'rituals' as 'holidays.' The complaint against the RCC being that a 'true church' would not include 'satanic rites,' therefore it's a 'false church' of 'satan.'
These are groups that cast-out anybody that disagrees. Denies equality to any/all whom question, who dissent.
The approach from the Vatican has always been to be as all-inclusive as possible, saying, essentially, "Hey, you all claim to worship one god -- and so do we -- why don't we do it together in peace, instead of hating each other for it? We're not going to participate in certain elements of your practice, and we don't expect you to be programmed-robots goose-stepping in lock-step with every element of our own practice, but at least we can agree on some things, and discuss this fascinating topic together, in peace, instead of killing each other over it."
That's called the celebration of diversity, instead of the TERMINATION of DIVERSITY, 'rain 'n 'splain'ing' (ference to "My Fair Lady") a few 'natives' to FAKE 'celebrating diversity,' hiding the real issues by diversion, diverting attention to 'skin-color' and 'language' as the only 'important' aspects of 'diversity' -- then claiming, "see! we accept different skin-colors as 'equals' therefore celebrate diversity" while hating anybody that doesn't goose-step in lock-step with a vast assortment of learned INTOLERANCES to REAL diversity.
So I always ponder, "Which is far more about 'truth,' the religious-group that points long-accusatory fingers at others, claiming those others are not 'good-enough' to freely-associate with, employ, love, or the religious-group that has strived to embrace differences, inclusive of certain elements of previously-unknown rituals, customs, habits, entertainments, living-arrangements, languages, lifestyles, education, and so much more? Proving unconditional-love, therefore. Which group has the most reasons to cast-out dissenters, and deny equality? And the group with the most diversity-embraces, such as the recent proposal to adopt break-away Episcopalian congregations, proves more 'true' than any/all others, regardless of agreement or not about the topic which caused the break-aways to separate to begin with.
"We are the members of BeadForLife;
We sing all over the mountain;
We dance when we are struggling;
On the hill of the Acholi Quarter." -- Uganda women from BeadforLife
At mass on Sunday, Father Gooley told about the struggle of the women from Uganda, and displayed the product which has given those women the opportunity for a better life. Beads. From recycled paper. A recording of their voices was shared, singing a song they oftentimes sing while working, making beads from recycled paper. These women have nothing. We take for-granted what we have, here in the U.S., expecting most things to be 'provided,' babbling at the air in wishful-thinking/prayer for some cartoon-image SUGAR DADDY graven-image idol we've been encouraged to worship to 'just provide' everything to us 'free of charge.'. This is the first work they've ever had, those Ugandan women, other than prostitution. The first opportunity ever to make a product to sell, export it, share the value of their existence with others globally.
The song the Ugandan women sang sounded 'tribal,' the beat of drums in the back-ground, and because they were taught by English speaking 'credentials' how to pronounce the words, the tonal-fluctuations sound a bit odd, 'alien,' different than what we (here in the U.S.) would think is 'normal.' In their own languages, their own tones, their own music-theory paradigms, they sound much different.
But there's something most appealing about it, that 'primal' "button" we humans must have, pressed somehow, by those 'tribal' sounds.
Have you heard Dolores O'Riordan? The same 'primal button' is pressed when she sings a Highland-style credenza, in her song, "Dreams." I have a recording of her from the London Astoria, recorded live, January 14th, 1994. The power of her voice, the tones, it stirs you to the core of your being. And it hints of something 'tribal' as well -- a time 'before' -- before 'now' -- of 'long ago' -- ancient times.
Dolores O'Riordan and her group, The Cranberries, also sing another song, "Zombie," with lyrics that say:
-- "Another mother's breakin'
Heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken
It's the same old theme since 1916
In your head,
In your head they're still fightin'
With their tanks, and their bombs
And their bombs, and their guns
In your head they are dying
In your head, in your head"
I don't know what the lyricist had in mind, exactly, "in their head," if you will, when writing that song and which metaphors they intended, but obviously it's a series of complex metaphorical-sets, which can mean different things to different people, dependent upon environment/surrounds. One thing is clear: regarding what I've written above, it's learned-behaviors, the excuses to fight -- it's IN YOUR HEAD.
-- it's learned.
-- excuses.
-- trained behaviors to provoke, harass, discriminate, and then blame your victim and go punish 'em for whatever response is provoked. And that is not 'love' by any stretch of imagination. Nor 'justice.'
Iran is using that strategy to win 'sympathy' from the most religiosly-hateful groups in existence, along any/all whom would like to see the United States and Israel and most of Europe incinerated. The more 'innocent kids' are shown in the media with their arms and legs blown off, their guts and brains splattered on walls, "babies dashed against rocks," the more sympathy, the more support to 'wipe you off the map.' And they have a long-list of 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics,' nearly as many as our own failed credentialing-system, that is 'offended' by everything they hear, taste, touch, smell, feel, see -- especially if somebody else is doing the hearing, tasting, touching, smelling, feeling and seeing. Any excuse will do.
And both are always faking 'wounds' from words, as though their blood and guts have already been 'dashed against the rocks' at infancy, while hypocritically teaching kids, "sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you UNLESS YOU ALLOW IT." Then, proving their only 'shining-example' is FAKING 'wounds' from WORDS as excuses to inspire others to go engage in HatefulReligious 'eye-for-an-eye' Vindictiveness/Vengeance, proving zero forgiveness, zero understanding, zero self-esteem, zero compassion, zero justice, therefore zero equality, all of which they hypocritically demand for their own selfish-selves.
Hateful groups, religious or otherwise, have a tactice: incitement. They conspire to make your life miserable, then 'set you on fire' -- metaphorically -- make you come begging, crawling, for nurture, basic needs, equality.
That is the tactic being employed right now towards Iran, and Cuba too, and North Korea, and many others, and that includes economic penalties for productivity via tariffs, such as our own hateful Legislators have conspired against China. Look, there are many single-moms, single-people, elderly, the poor and needy that need and rely upon 'cheap Chinese tires' for example. Now, the needy are FORCED to PAY MORE, hurting their families, their pursuits of equality in subtle, hateful ways.
Bailout money was to prevent the hemmorhage of foreclosures. The common person. But that was not the case. $700-billion dollars of 'the common persons' money was 'pre-approved to be spent' by Legislators, yet foreclosures are GREATER THAN EVER. Further, those legislators, having already pulled-off defrauding the people of another trillion, are claiming they haven't spent all the money for the reasons they told the people in the first place -- so are now concocting excuses to claim it's "already allocated" so "let's spend it on something else." The people never got a 'rebate' or 'refund' or anything else. Not even an apology. Just higher taxes, fees, fines, complications, hastles, as usual.
Had they subsidized the cost of a gallon of gas/fuel, at 50-cents per gallon, there wouldn't have been foreclosures and bankruptcies or bailouts to begin with, and to stimulate economy for real today, my proposal to do exactly that should still be engaged.
When these groups are faced with dissent, they RETALIATE. That's how hateful. That's how petty -- faking 'wounds' from words, then inspiring others to go do their 'killing' for them, either figuratively (economically) or literally. Higher-Ed is notorious for it -- just like the most petty of hateful-religionists. Intellectual and spiritual midgets, to be certain, not to mention 'ethics'.
Who among the 'credentials' will prove integrity and offer-up their own 'sacrifice' on behalf of the people, the state, the county, the community, the country, let alone the world and global economy?
Isn't it interesting that those 'credentials,' with their monopoly on services, especially government services, agencies, bureaus, etc., just grant themselves more of your money, paying themselves more, more, more, while firing, laying-off, re-negotiating all the 'sacrifices' for those doing the REAL work? They claim pushing-around paperFAKEwork is of 'higher-worth' to WeThePeople. They're worse than the HighPriests of old -- casting-out 'infidels/blasphemers/heretics/sinners' moreso, for more reasons, than any group ever in history. Not even the Taliban cares if you smoke, what you smoke, where you smoke, when you smoke, or why, and never taxes over ten-percent -- only Higher-Ed does. Maybe that's why Higher-Ed has devised a mechanism to send YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS to risk their lives TERMINATING DIVERSITY in Afghanistan?
These are the same people, Higher-Ed, that claims "negative and positive is all there is." When I point-out that displaying a positive-symptom of depression or delusion is indicative of mental-illness, that a positive-test result for cancer is indicative of having serious medical issues, that having a positive-test result for drugs will get you fired, possibly jailed, therefore BE NEGATIVE and that's a GOOD THING -- they respond with, "Well, it's just a way of looking at it, where having a positive-test result isn't the same as having a positive-attitude."
-- and I say: "but you said 'negative' and 'positive' is "all there is," therefore even your CONSTANTS are VARIABLES, therefore nobody in their right mind would listen to anything you say seriously."
See, we are being brainwashed to claim 'be positive' and 'must be positive-minded' just to get a job; but it's only job-security for higher-ed 'credentials' whom diagnose you for displaying 'positive-symptoms of mental-illness, confusion, attitude.'
Again, positive-people ruthlessly hammered 'jesus' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as nails, in crusade-mentality, cult-mentality, trained to be that way, all the while denying it. That's why the image of a COMMON PERSON is displayed in most Cathedrals, hammered ruthlessly as a 'negative' against a positive-cross-sign in HATE -- to invite discussion about it, defuse the DIVERSITY INTOLERANCes that cause it, as it's being played-out each and every day, in so many ways, subtle and not-so-subtle, a TIMELESS MESSAGE and inherent warnings inclusive, applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, and all whom will be -- we're all in it together -- we MUST fix it together -- so let's do so in PEACE instead of concoct excuses to KILL each other over it.
-- meanwhile, I don't care if you smoke, when/where/why/how -- or what you drink or don't -- what you wear or don't -- what words you use or don't -- or anything else. If there's something you do I don't like, I have the FREEDOM to celebrate your diversity AND not participate in it. Simple.
Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken
But You see it's not me,
It s not my family
In your head,in your
Head they are fighting
With their tanks, and their bombs
And their bombs, and their guns
In your head,
In your head they are cryin'
In your head
In your head
Zombie" -- Dolores O'Riordan, "Zombie"
"We are the members of BeadForLife;
We sing all over the mountain;
We dance when we are struggling;
On the hill of the Acholi Quarter." -- Uganda women from BeadforLife
Pope Pius IX, when he introduced the concept of the Immaculate Conception, he was referring to such women, not just one exclusive 'special, super-duper, better-than-you, 'more-equal-than-all-other-women' woman. There's no such thing as 'more equality.' All are born a 'blank slate.' Innocent. 'Sin' is taught, and the word 'sin' an obvious ever-changing VARIABLE.
-- "Just the way you are" -- wasn't that Billy Joel? Yup, I think it was.
You ARE 'good-enough.' Higher-Ed, legislators, are gradually instigating an environment of 'approved conception/birth/child-care' system, denying compassion to any/all singles or couples that attempt to be fruitful and multiply without 'appropriate stamps, licenses, identification, enrollments, fees, surcharges, paperwork.' And those women without it, will be denied equality -- cast-out -- forced to give birth in the filth of animal containers -- mangers --
-- hated for being a woman, and free.
-- her child pre-approved for hammering, ruthlessly, as a 'negative' against merciless positive-cross-signs, pre-approved as 'not-good-enough' -- 'unapproved birth.'
-- Like this: "She didn't have authorization to conceive; and didn't have MANdated/legislated paperwork requirements met, not enrolled in any approved health-insurance plan -- therefore the child is not worthy of healthcare, it's an illegitimate birth -- therefore an illegitimate person, and hard-working taxpayers shouldn't have to pick-up the tab for the care of either!"
-- (then, they'll sing songs, hold hands, candlelight-vigils for the photo-op, patting themselves on the backs, telling each other how 'merciful' and 'kind' they all are.)
OnEdit: added title
-- "
Oh my life
Is changing everyday
In every possible way
And Oh my dreams
It's never quiet as it seems
Never quiet as it seems" -- Dolores O'Riordan
A Perfect War_3
Governments strive to be the alternative to hateful-religious theocratic-rule. The beauty of government is the embrace of diversity, different peoples, different customs, different languages, differences, and serving and protecting all people equally from those whom deny equal pursuits of opportunities, life, liberty and happiness solely based upon differences.
Similarly, a side-by-side event, is that which afflicts religions: going-off all 'positive' and casting-out 'negatives,' any excuse will do, crusade-mentality -- an infection of hatred, therefore anti-christ messaging, regardless of religion.
One of the most common complaints against Catholicism by recent versions of Protestantism, especially Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons (LDS'ers), among others, is that the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) has 'embraced' what those groups call "pagan rituals" and celebrate those 'rituals' as 'holidays.' The complaint against the RCC being that a 'true church' would not include 'satanic rites,' therefore it's a 'false church' of 'satan.'
These are groups that cast-out anybody that disagrees. Denies equality to any/all whom question, who dissent.
The approach from the Vatican has always been to be as all-inclusive as possible, saying, essentially, "Hey, you all claim to worship one god -- and so do we -- why don't we do it together in peace, instead of hating each other for it? We're not going to participate in certain elements of your practice, and we don't expect you to be programmed-robots goose-stepping in lock-step with every element of our own practice, but at least we can agree on some things, and discuss this fascinating topic together, in peace, instead of killing each other over it."
That's called the celebration of diversity, instead of the TERMINATION of DIVERSITY, 'rain 'n 'splain'ing' (ference to "My Fair Lady") a few 'natives' to FAKE 'celebrating diversity,' hiding the real issues by diversion, diverting attention to 'skin-color' and 'language' as the only 'important' aspects of 'diversity' -- then claiming, "see! we accept different skin-colors as 'equals' therefore celebrate diversity" while hating anybody that doesn't goose-step in lock-step with a vast assortment of learned INTOLERANCES to REAL diversity.
So I always ponder, "Which is far more about 'truth,' the religious-group that points long-accusatory fingers at others, claiming those others are not 'good-enough' to freely-associate with, employ, love, or the religious-group that has strived to embrace differences, inclusive of certain elements of previously-unknown rituals, customs, habits, entertainments, living-arrangements, languages, lifestyles, education, and so much more? Proving unconditional-love, therefore. Which group has the most reasons to cast-out dissenters, and deny equality? And the group with the most diversity-embraces, such as the recent proposal to adopt break-away Episcopalian congregations, proves more 'true' than any/all others, regardless of agreement or not about the topic which caused the break-aways to separate to begin with.
"We are the members of BeadForLife;
We sing all over the mountain;
We dance when we are struggling;
On the hill of the Acholi Quarter." -- Uganda women from BeadforLife
At mass on Sunday, Father Gooley told about the struggle of the women from Uganda, and displayed the product which has given those women the opportunity for a better life. Beads. From recycled paper. A recording of their voices was shared, singing a song they oftentimes sing while working, making beads from recycled paper. These women have nothing. We take for-granted what we have, here in the U.S., expecting most things to be 'provided,' babbling at the air in wishful-thinking/prayer for some cartoon-image SUGAR DADDY graven-image idol we've been encouraged to worship to 'just provide' everything to us 'free of charge.'. This is the first work they've ever had, those Ugandan women, other than prostitution. The first opportunity ever to make a product to sell, export it, share the value of their existence with others globally.
The song the Ugandan women sang sounded 'tribal,' the beat of drums in the back-ground, and because they were taught by English speaking 'credentials' how to pronounce the words, the tonal-fluctuations sound a bit odd, 'alien,' different than what we (here in the U.S.) would think is 'normal.' In their own languages, their own tones, their own music-theory paradigms, they sound much different.
But there's something most appealing about it, that 'primal' "button" we humans must have, pressed somehow, by those 'tribal' sounds.
Have you heard Dolores O'Riordan? The same 'primal button' is pressed when she sings a Highland-style credenza, in her song, "Dreams." I have a recording of her from the London Astoria, recorded live, January 14th, 1994. The power of her voice, the tones, it stirs you to the core of your being. And it hints of something 'tribal' as well -- a time 'before' -- before 'now' -- of 'long ago' -- ancient times.
Dolores O'Riordan and her group, The Cranberries, also sing another song, "Zombie," with lyrics that say:
-- "Another mother's breakin'
Heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken
It's the same old theme since 1916
In your head,
In your head they're still fightin'
With their tanks, and their bombs
And their bombs, and their guns
In your head they are dying
In your head, in your head"
I don't know what the lyricist had in mind, exactly, "in their head," if you will, when writing that song and which metaphors they intended, but obviously it's a series of complex metaphorical-sets, which can mean different things to different people, dependent upon environment/surrounds. One thing is clear: regarding what I've written above, it's learned-behaviors, the excuses to fight -- it's IN YOUR HEAD.
-- it's learned.
-- excuses.
-- trained behaviors to provoke, harass, discriminate, and then blame your victim and go punish 'em for whatever response is provoked. And that is not 'love' by any stretch of imagination. Nor 'justice.'
Iran is using that strategy to win 'sympathy' from the most religiosly-hateful groups in existence, along any/all whom would like to see the United States and Israel and most of Europe incinerated. The more 'innocent kids' are shown in the media with their arms and legs blown off, their guts and brains splattered on walls, "babies dashed against rocks," the more sympathy, the more support to 'wipe you off the map.' And they have a long-list of 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics,' nearly as many as our own failed credentialing-system, that is 'offended' by everything they hear, taste, touch, smell, feel, see -- especially if somebody else is doing the hearing, tasting, touching, smelling, feeling and seeing. Any excuse will do.
And both are always faking 'wounds' from words, as though their blood and guts have already been 'dashed against the rocks' at infancy, while hypocritically teaching kids, "sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you UNLESS YOU ALLOW IT." Then, proving their only 'shining-example' is FAKING 'wounds' from WORDS as excuses to inspire others to go engage in HatefulReligious 'eye-for-an-eye' Vindictiveness/Vengeance, proving zero forgiveness, zero understanding, zero self-esteem, zero compassion, zero justice, therefore zero equality, all of which they hypocritically demand for their own selfish-selves.
Hateful groups, religious or otherwise, have a tactice: incitement. They conspire to make your life miserable, then 'set you on fire' -- metaphorically -- make you come begging, crawling, for nurture, basic needs, equality.
That is the tactic being employed right now towards Iran, and Cuba too, and North Korea, and many others, and that includes economic penalties for productivity via tariffs, such as our own hateful Legislators have conspired against China. Look, there are many single-moms, single-people, elderly, the poor and needy that need and rely upon 'cheap Chinese tires' for example. Now, the needy are FORCED to PAY MORE, hurting their families, their pursuits of equality in subtle, hateful ways.
Bailout money was to prevent the hemmorhage of foreclosures. The common person. But that was not the case. $700-billion dollars of 'the common persons' money was 'pre-approved to be spent' by Legislators, yet foreclosures are GREATER THAN EVER. Further, those legislators, having already pulled-off defrauding the people of another trillion, are claiming they haven't spent all the money for the reasons they told the people in the first place -- so are now concocting excuses to claim it's "already allocated" so "let's spend it on something else." The people never got a 'rebate' or 'refund' or anything else. Not even an apology. Just higher taxes, fees, fines, complications, hastles, as usual.
Had they subsidized the cost of a gallon of gas/fuel, at 50-cents per gallon, there wouldn't have been foreclosures and bankruptcies or bailouts to begin with, and to stimulate economy for real today, my proposal to do exactly that should still be engaged.
When these groups are faced with dissent, they RETALIATE. That's how hateful. That's how petty -- faking 'wounds' from words, then inspiring others to go do their 'killing' for them, either figuratively (economically) or literally. Higher-Ed is notorious for it -- just like the most petty of hateful-religionists. Intellectual and spiritual midgets, to be certain, not to mention 'ethics'.
Who among the 'credentials' will prove integrity and offer-up their own 'sacrifice' on behalf of the people, the state, the county, the community, the country, let alone the world and global economy?
Isn't it interesting that those 'credentials,' with their monopoly on services, especially government services, agencies, bureaus, etc., just grant themselves more of your money, paying themselves more, more, more, while firing, laying-off, re-negotiating all the 'sacrifices' for those doing the REAL work? They claim pushing-around paperFAKEwork is of 'higher-worth' to WeThePeople. They're worse than the HighPriests of old -- casting-out 'infidels/blasphemers/heretics/sinners' moreso, for more reasons, than any group ever in history. Not even the Taliban cares if you smoke, what you smoke, where you smoke, when you smoke, or why, and never taxes over ten-percent -- only Higher-Ed does. Maybe that's why Higher-Ed has devised a mechanism to send YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS to risk their lives TERMINATING DIVERSITY in Afghanistan?
These are the same people, Higher-Ed, that claims "negative and positive is all there is." When I point-out that displaying a positive-symptom of depression or delusion is indicative of mental-illness, that a positive-test result for cancer is indicative of having serious medical issues, that having a positive-test result for drugs will get you fired, possibly jailed, therefore BE NEGATIVE and that's a GOOD THING -- they respond with, "Well, it's just a way of looking at it, where having a positive-test result isn't the same as having a positive-attitude."
-- and I say: "but you said 'negative' and 'positive' is "all there is," therefore even your CONSTANTS are VARIABLES, therefore nobody in their right mind would listen to anything you say seriously."
See, we are being brainwashed to claim 'be positive' and 'must be positive-minded' just to get a job; but it's only job-security for higher-ed 'credentials' whom diagnose you for displaying 'positive-symptoms of mental-illness, confusion, attitude.'
Again, positive-people ruthlessly hammered 'jesus' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as nails, in crusade-mentality, cult-mentality, trained to be that way, all the while denying it. That's why the image of a COMMON PERSON is displayed in most Cathedrals, hammered ruthlessly as a 'negative' against a positive-cross-sign in HATE -- to invite discussion about it, defuse the DIVERSITY INTOLERANCes that cause it, as it's being played-out each and every day, in so many ways, subtle and not-so-subtle, a TIMELESS MESSAGE and inherent warnings inclusive, applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, and all whom will be -- we're all in it together -- we MUST fix it together -- so let's do so in PEACE instead of concoct excuses to KILL each other over it.
-- meanwhile, I don't care if you smoke, when/where/why/how -- or what you drink or don't -- what you wear or don't -- what words you use or don't -- or anything else. If there's something you do I don't like, I have the FREEDOM to celebrate your diversity AND not participate in it. Simple.
Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken
But You see it's not me,
It s not my family
In your head,in your
Head they are fighting
With their tanks, and their bombs
And their bombs, and their guns
In your head,
In your head they are cryin'
In your head
In your head
Zombie" -- Dolores O'Riordan, "Zombie"
"We are the members of BeadForLife;
We sing all over the mountain;
We dance when we are struggling;
On the hill of the Acholi Quarter." -- Uganda women from BeadforLife
Pope Pius IX, when he introduced the concept of the Immaculate Conception, he was referring to such women, not just one exclusive 'special, super-duper, better-than-you, 'more-equal-than-all-other-women' woman. There's no such thing as 'more equality.' All are born a 'blank slate.' Innocent. 'Sin' is taught, and the word 'sin' an obvious ever-changing VARIABLE.
-- "Just the way you are" -- wasn't that Billy Joel? Yup, I think it was.
You ARE 'good-enough.' Higher-Ed, legislators, are gradually instigating an environment of 'approved conception/birth/child-care' system, denying compassion to any/all singles or couples that attempt to be fruitful and multiply without 'appropriate stamps, licenses, identification, enrollments, fees, surcharges, paperwork.' And those women without it, will be denied equality -- cast-out -- forced to give birth in the filth of animal containers -- mangers --
-- hated for being a woman, and free.
-- her child pre-approved for hammering, ruthlessly, as a 'negative' against merciless positive-cross-signs, pre-approved as 'not-good-enough' -- 'unapproved birth.'
-- Like this: "She didn't have authorization to conceive; and didn't have MANdated/legislated paperwork requirements met, not enrolled in any approved health-insurance plan -- therefore the child is not worthy of healthcare, it's an illegitimate birth -- therefore an illegitimate person, and hard-working taxpayers shouldn't have to pick-up the tab for the care of either!"
-- (then, they'll sing songs, hold hands, candlelight-vigils for the photo-op, patting themselves on the backs, telling each other how 'merciful' and 'kind' they all are.)
OnEdit: added title
Friday, December 11, 2009
Nobel For Diversity Termination
Advent - 2nd Week
A Perfect War - Part-II
Religions are notorious for casting-out anybody, any excuse will do, whom dissents. Now, it's Higher-Ed that's worse, offended by all they hear, smell, feel, taste, touch, see. Endlessly punishing anybody and everybody for loving the freedom to love a product, entertainment, living-arrangement, piece-of-cloth (clothes, worn or not), lifestyle, job, ability or inability, writing all the rules, laws, manuals to worship that give their "Miracle-LIST" of 666 ever-changing excuses to deny equal pursuits of opportunities, life, liberty and happiness, more fees, more fines, more surcharges, more taxes -- endless punishments -- any excuse will do.
-- and they already spent it. No matter how many "a child is born unto thee" will ever exist, ever again. They already spent it.
Every 'reform' is an marketing campaign to devise 'reasonable-sounding' slogans to sell the 'big-idea' of how to take more from the people, and 'job-secure' future generations of college-grads, pushing-around paperwork-systems that hate more and more freedoms, more people, more diversity, while chanting "celebrate diversity" in blatant hypocrisy -- " ... using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues," indeed. Endless excuses to divide into 'positives' ruthlessly hammering 'negatives' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, crusade-mentality, ideological crucifiXtion, (spell it anyway you want), a process called FigurativeCarpentry, spelled just like that as one word with two capital letters, forked-tongues as nails, the epitome of anti-christ messaging. That's what a molested educational/credentialing system is/does.
The Europeans have devised such institutionalized hatreds disguised as 'protections' to such a degree now, that pieces-of-cloth are all the excuse necessary to ban women from swimming in public-pools, or girls from public-schools. You must memorize the 'scripture' of Higher-Ed's "holocaust-worship" or be prosecuted as a 'heretic/blasphemer/infidel/sinner.' They put together a fund to award the man that sacrifices your sons and daughters to exterminate the diversity of Islamacism. Total intolerance to any/all whom do not goose-step in lock-step with Legislated Tyranny.
Much like superstitionists in the religious-sector, molesting their religions, ideologically, using the word 'molest' in the exact context of Thomas Jefferson when penning the original Bill of Rights. They claim their 'faith' is 'unshakable.' But all it takes is me saying to them, "I am AntiChrist," and they instantly start quakin' and shakin' and hatin' -- at the sound of the figurative Pavlov lab dog BELL -- censoring the topic, hating the individual attempting communication about the topic.
These superstitionists claim their 'faith' is the 'ultimate protection' against 'evil,' until their imagined conjured-demons haunt the reality of their superstitious ways -- concocting hellishness themselves -- evil-doing to be certain -- proving their ONLY FAITH is the ultimate-fealty to HARM -- those demons they conjure up in their imaginations, their faith is only in that which is NOT REAL, and that it will HARM them -- that's their excuse for denying equality and being hateful to their so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors.' Proving anti-christ messaging while holding candlelight vigils, prayer-sessions, babbling-at-the-air to their fake religion of superstition, all 'inherent protections' against the nonsense of those superstitious, uneducated, illiterate diatribes forgotten.
Meanwhile, the Society of Sisters have become so 'good,' they refuse to be questioned.
Be it religion, or those from the education/academic credentialing-system, they hate my diversity, subtly. Any excuse will do. How can they possibly be trusted to 'get along,' let alone, 'celebrate' the REAL diversity of the remainder of the REAL WORLD?
They refuse to be questioned. They'll pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving a 'flaw,' real or imagined, be it spelling or typing or a simple miswording, misphrasing, as 'excuse enough' to denigrate individuals attempting communication about topics, censoring the topics itself, themselves. Then blaming the individual, for their own intolerance, intellectual intolerance or otherwise, the individual their victim.
THEN, they accuse, hatefully, "Obviously a hateful, disgruntled, uneducated person that is so jealous of not having worked hard and applied his/herself to become as wonderful and great and all-knowing like ourselves -- ... " etc., in their piousness. Who would 'envy' either degrees, appointments or 'callings' like THAT?!
Further, the money to support them comes from the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the MEEK. Any excuse will do for 'credentials' to devise a paperFAKEwork-system of worshiped words to ridicule, scorn, then fine, surcharge, and tax business and family. One product after another. Any excuse will do. They refuse to do REAL work, just paperFAKEwork, endless 'studies,' demanding the most rewards for their own selfish selves, consuming the most, punishing everybody ELSE for it -- one paperFAKEwork-system after another. Mention it, get cast-out as a 'heretic/infidel/blasphemer/sinner/jealous-person.' It's preposterous.
Now, the Climatologists hold meetings, practically daily, flying all over the world, location to location, consuming the most fossil-fuels, emitting the most 'greenhouse-gas-emissions,' to TALK about when to TALK AGAIN about how to PUNISH YOU for 'your fossil-fuel-usage.' But if you drove-around in an old, beat-up pickup getting 12-mpg for the next 10,000 years, you wouldn't produce even a FRACTION of the 'carbon-footprint' of one 'climatology religious ceremony.' They even hate you for not 'believing.' And it was supposed to be the alternative to 'belief-systems' and blind-faith -- education and science, that is -- now it's WORSE.
Worshiping theories, they have pre-spent all human progress and development. Out-spent all the money to build those "Moon Bases" and "Mars Outposts" and "flying cars" and 100-mpg family sedans, and global free-transportation systems and global-defensive systems, and orbiting and floating cities and hotels and underwater cities and all of it -- they already spent it. Instead of feeding the starving, they'd fly to a far-away location, cater-lunch, and TALK about it. THEN, send YOU a bill and punish YOU for not having done the WORK.
TheoryWorship -- as hateful as it gets. WordWorship -- excuses to FAKE 'wounds' from WORDS, to FAKE 'victimhood' to defraud sympathy from others, and censor dissent and all whom have it. It's worse than the Taliban, whom have a few dozen hateful-religious-fanatic 'rules,' while Higher-Ed has BILLIONS -- nothing 'good-enough' -- nobody and no one -- and even their 'awards' are for the 'stage show' photo-op'g.
Pope Pius IX introduced the concept of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION in the 1850's, writing very little about it -- leaving it to the self-important 'credentialed' to endlessly spew ecclectic 'reasonable-sounding' crap about it. What is it about? SHE IS 'good enough' IN ANY EVENT -- and any criticism is your own inner-hatred, jealousies, voodoo-projected outward against others, endless comparisons in MeIsm, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR.
Next, we'll have legislated breeding. Under the so-called 'healthcare reforms,' one trillion dollars will be taken from the needy, services to the disabled, the elderly, the poor, the meek, and a huge photo-op'g ceremony will be held by 'credentials' putting a band-aide on a kids' 'boo-boo' -- claiming, "extending coverage to kids not previously covered! Aren't we wonderful? Say yes! Just tell us how wonderful we are!" -- but all the money just 'job-secures' millions more future college 'grads' to 'manage' paperFAKEwork at the expense of everybody ELSE -- paper of 'higher-priority' than PEOPLE.
-- blaming YOU for 'consuming paper,' and punishing you for it, for the de-forestation caused by their endless paper-consuming lifestyles, raising your taxes, fees, surcharges, penalties, etc., 'job-securing' only their own pathetic excuses of 'jobs' -- claiming "everybody against it must really be jealous and 'envy' us!" -- in their piousness -- THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED.
-- so that trillion from 'healthcare' is to buy paperwork, to buy 'jobs' for people to push-around paperwork, reducing REAL medical-care of the needy. Just a redefined version of "DEATH PANELS," to be certain. And it will be just a matter of time before EVERY WOMAN will be PUNISHED for not being 'good enough' to BEAR A CHILD UNTO YOU ...
A Perfect War - Part-II
Religions are notorious for casting-out anybody, any excuse will do, whom dissents. Now, it's Higher-Ed that's worse, offended by all they hear, smell, feel, taste, touch, see. Endlessly punishing anybody and everybody for loving the freedom to love a product, entertainment, living-arrangement, piece-of-cloth (clothes, worn or not), lifestyle, job, ability or inability, writing all the rules, laws, manuals to worship that give their "Miracle-LIST" of 666 ever-changing excuses to deny equal pursuits of opportunities, life, liberty and happiness, more fees, more fines, more surcharges, more taxes -- endless punishments -- any excuse will do.
-- and they already spent it. No matter how many "a child is born unto thee" will ever exist, ever again. They already spent it.
Every 'reform' is an marketing campaign to devise 'reasonable-sounding' slogans to sell the 'big-idea' of how to take more from the people, and 'job-secure' future generations of college-grads, pushing-around paperwork-systems that hate more and more freedoms, more people, more diversity, while chanting "celebrate diversity" in blatant hypocrisy -- " ... using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues," indeed. Endless excuses to divide into 'positives' ruthlessly hammering 'negatives' against their merciless positive-cross-signs, crusade-mentality, ideological crucifiXtion, (spell it anyway you want), a process called FigurativeCarpentry, spelled just like that as one word with two capital letters, forked-tongues as nails, the epitome of anti-christ messaging. That's what a molested educational/credentialing system is/does.
The Europeans have devised such institutionalized hatreds disguised as 'protections' to such a degree now, that pieces-of-cloth are all the excuse necessary to ban women from swimming in public-pools, or girls from public-schools. You must memorize the 'scripture' of Higher-Ed's "holocaust-worship" or be prosecuted as a 'heretic/blasphemer/infidel/sinner.' They put together a fund to award the man that sacrifices your sons and daughters to exterminate the diversity of Islamacism. Total intolerance to any/all whom do not goose-step in lock-step with Legislated Tyranny.
Much like superstitionists in the religious-sector, molesting their religions, ideologically, using the word 'molest' in the exact context of Thomas Jefferson when penning the original Bill of Rights. They claim their 'faith' is 'unshakable.' But all it takes is me saying to them, "I am AntiChrist," and they instantly start quakin' and shakin' and hatin' -- at the sound of the figurative Pavlov lab dog BELL -- censoring the topic, hating the individual attempting communication about the topic.
These superstitionists claim their 'faith' is the 'ultimate protection' against 'evil,' until their imagined conjured-demons haunt the reality of their superstitious ways -- concocting hellishness themselves -- evil-doing to be certain -- proving their ONLY FAITH is the ultimate-fealty to HARM -- those demons they conjure up in their imaginations, their faith is only in that which is NOT REAL, and that it will HARM them -- that's their excuse for denying equality and being hateful to their so-called 'equal-fellow-citizen-beloved-neighbors.' Proving anti-christ messaging while holding candlelight vigils, prayer-sessions, babbling-at-the-air to their fake religion of superstition, all 'inherent protections' against the nonsense of those superstitious, uneducated, illiterate diatribes forgotten.
Meanwhile, the Society of Sisters have become so 'good,' they refuse to be questioned.
Be it religion, or those from the education/academic credentialing-system, they hate my diversity, subtly. Any excuse will do. How can they possibly be trusted to 'get along,' let alone, 'celebrate' the REAL diversity of the remainder of the REAL WORLD?
They refuse to be questioned. They'll pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving a 'flaw,' real or imagined, be it spelling or typing or a simple miswording, misphrasing, as 'excuse enough' to denigrate individuals attempting communication about topics, censoring the topics itself, themselves. Then blaming the individual, for their own intolerance, intellectual intolerance or otherwise, the individual their victim.
THEN, they accuse, hatefully, "Obviously a hateful, disgruntled, uneducated person that is so jealous of not having worked hard and applied his/herself to become as wonderful and great and all-knowing like ourselves -- ... " etc., in their piousness. Who would 'envy' either degrees, appointments or 'callings' like THAT?!
Further, the money to support them comes from the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the MEEK. Any excuse will do for 'credentials' to devise a paperFAKEwork-system of worshiped words to ridicule, scorn, then fine, surcharge, and tax business and family. One product after another. Any excuse will do. They refuse to do REAL work, just paperFAKEwork, endless 'studies,' demanding the most rewards for their own selfish selves, consuming the most, punishing everybody ELSE for it -- one paperFAKEwork-system after another. Mention it, get cast-out as a 'heretic/infidel/blasphemer/sinner/jealous-person.' It's preposterous.
Now, the Climatologists hold meetings, practically daily, flying all over the world, location to location, consuming the most fossil-fuels, emitting the most 'greenhouse-gas-emissions,' to TALK about when to TALK AGAIN about how to PUNISH YOU for 'your fossil-fuel-usage.' But if you drove-around in an old, beat-up pickup getting 12-mpg for the next 10,000 years, you wouldn't produce even a FRACTION of the 'carbon-footprint' of one 'climatology religious ceremony.' They even hate you for not 'believing.' And it was supposed to be the alternative to 'belief-systems' and blind-faith -- education and science, that is -- now it's WORSE.
Worshiping theories, they have pre-spent all human progress and development. Out-spent all the money to build those "Moon Bases" and "Mars Outposts" and "flying cars" and 100-mpg family sedans, and global free-transportation systems and global-defensive systems, and orbiting and floating cities and hotels and underwater cities and all of it -- they already spent it. Instead of feeding the starving, they'd fly to a far-away location, cater-lunch, and TALK about it. THEN, send YOU a bill and punish YOU for not having done the WORK.
TheoryWorship -- as hateful as it gets. WordWorship -- excuses to FAKE 'wounds' from WORDS, to FAKE 'victimhood' to defraud sympathy from others, and censor dissent and all whom have it. It's worse than the Taliban, whom have a few dozen hateful-religious-fanatic 'rules,' while Higher-Ed has BILLIONS -- nothing 'good-enough' -- nobody and no one -- and even their 'awards' are for the 'stage show' photo-op'g.
Pope Pius IX introduced the concept of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION in the 1850's, writing very little about it -- leaving it to the self-important 'credentialed' to endlessly spew ecclectic 'reasonable-sounding' crap about it. What is it about? SHE IS 'good enough' IN ANY EVENT -- and any criticism is your own inner-hatred, jealousies, voodoo-projected outward against others, endless comparisons in MeIsm, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR.
Next, we'll have legislated breeding. Under the so-called 'healthcare reforms,' one trillion dollars will be taken from the needy, services to the disabled, the elderly, the poor, the meek, and a huge photo-op'g ceremony will be held by 'credentials' putting a band-aide on a kids' 'boo-boo' -- claiming, "extending coverage to kids not previously covered! Aren't we wonderful? Say yes! Just tell us how wonderful we are!" -- but all the money just 'job-secures' millions more future college 'grads' to 'manage' paperFAKEwork at the expense of everybody ELSE -- paper of 'higher-priority' than PEOPLE.
-- blaming YOU for 'consuming paper,' and punishing you for it, for the de-forestation caused by their endless paper-consuming lifestyles, raising your taxes, fees, surcharges, penalties, etc., 'job-securing' only their own pathetic excuses of 'jobs' -- claiming "everybody against it must really be jealous and 'envy' us!" -- in their piousness -- THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED.
-- so that trillion from 'healthcare' is to buy paperwork, to buy 'jobs' for people to push-around paperwork, reducing REAL medical-care of the needy. Just a redefined version of "DEATH PANELS," to be certain. And it will be just a matter of time before EVERY WOMAN will be PUNISHED for not being 'good enough' to BEAR A CHILD UNTO YOU ...
Monday, December 07, 2009
A Perfect War
ADVENT, 2nd Week
-- "
There's no such thing as a 'perfect life.' If there were, there would be no hunger, no pain, never a misstep, nor a fall, no anger, no misery, no heartbreak, no aging, no illness, no death, no misunderstandings, no typos, no errors, no suffering.
And no need to prove compassion. So far-removed from the realities of misery, the suffering of others, the real needs of others, it would all just seem like 'whining' -- 'sensationalism' -- 'fake.'
Therefore, which is it? Is there such a thing as 'perfect' in life -- OR -- only those faking 'perfections' as excuses to ignore the suffering and needs of others, distancing themselves from proving compassion?
The former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and was endlessly accused of Human Rights violations due to 'collateral damage.' That's what our Legislators call it, here in the U.S., when they order troops to do it. All the needless deaths written-off as 'collateral damage.' Then, they blame the troops.
The former USSR eliminated a big percentage of the Afghan population, but most of the losses were after Senators started funneling money and weapons to the 'resistance,' whom are killing our own troops today -- same money and same weapons, purchased with U.S. taxpayer dollars, compliments of Senators.
After the Soviets gave up, withdrew, (a task that Obama promised and then escalated, therefore failing at accomplishing), the 'contractors' Senators cozied-up to were still supplied with weapons and money to 'protect the peace,' causing a massive civil-war style conflagration that killed-off another huge percentage of the Afghan population. Now, our troops are there, the vast majority of the Afghan population genocided, 'mopping-up' that which our Senators concocted, and it will be the troops whom will take the blame?
This time, the Legislators concocted a 'perfect war,' complete with 'time-outs,' and 'time-limits,' and 'funding-crisis' to photo-op about, along with a few Afghani children brainwashed to bow before their 'liberators' after witnessing the killing of their parents, smiling for the cameras, waving mini 'american flags' and chomping on free candy (enticements). As a kid, I'd wave a flag, any flag, for a ride on a big truck and some candy, too.
The Soviets had contained the opium harvest. Senators made sure the funding protected the Afghan War Lords, and their 'cash-crop' of opium, while declaring 'war on drugs' here as a diversion from the 'systems' they concocted to fund the 'resistance,' i.e., international narco-traffikkking.
Put it in any words you want. ('you is figurative, applicable to all people equally, regardless of language or location or time, as in, "Dear Readers"). Wave any flag you want. This is my opinion. Attempting communication about a topic, which I encourage. Far too many have proved to be incapable of it, investing their time and energy ridiculing and scorning individuals for having opinions, thereby self-censoring topics, as brainwashed. It's brainwashing. Which is why I always say, "be healed of it."
See the comment somebody typed here in my blog? The topic is self-censored by the commentor, whom pessimistically tunnel-vision focused their time and energy ridiculing and scorning an individual (me) attempting communication about a topic. Worse, similar comments have been 'following me around' from location to location on the Internet, merely to express a hateful remark against the individual (me) sharing opinions about topics, ignoring the topics just to leave hateful comments against me for having an opinion -- while claiming they are about 'peace/unconditional-love/tranquility/concern.' Cyber-stalking, which falls under the category of Hate Crimes because it's against individuals, from place to place, topics ignored, therefore personal, a personal-problem invented in that person's mind -- faking 'wounds' from words as an excuse to hate individuals --
-- to declare someone 'negative' and ruthlessly hammer that 'negative' against their merciless positive-cross-sign, ideological crucifiXtion -- (I spelled it that way intentionally) -- using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as nails -- it's crusade-mentality -- the opposite of striving to be a Christian, the opposite of striving to be a Muslim -- a Buddhist -- a Taoist -- or just a free person -- the opposite of the principles our country was founded upon.
I want to explain that briefly. The development of one's personal-relationship with what is commonly referred to as one's Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, isn't 'perfect.' There are no 'perfect' words. It's in YOUR OWN WORDS. If you have to go get a manual and plagiarize somebody else's words claiming that's your 'personal-relationship,' that just makes you reprehensible and a fraud. A FAKE 'christian,' a FAKE 'citizen' too, for that matter -- maybe the paperFAKEwork is in order, but the ideals entirely forgotten. Therefore, part of one's personal-relationship, in one's own words, with their Lord And Savior, or Buddha or whatever, is being HONEST, taking personal-responsibility for that which one doesn't know how to answer in one's own words. See, that personal-relationship, once established, is the examination of LIFE and every aspect of existence IN THAT LIGHT, which is inclusive of all 'systems' making your environment even possible, let alone survivable. Utilities, economy, resources, monetary/finance, legal, governance, human services, all of it. Nobody has a right to CENSOR anybody at all FROM YOUR WORDS, nor 'you,' whomever or wherever 'you' may be, from my own. That's why cyber-stalking and hate crimes laws exist.
Unfortunately, we didn't need Legislators to 'solve' it -- they concocted the environment to photo-op from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own instigation.
Legislators conspire together globally, and four nuns were murdered in a region of the world notorious for death-squads, intimidation, harassment, racketeering, various versions of 'lynchings,' drug trafficking (that which legislators photo-op from, holding the purse-strings over the 'credentials' they install to 'oversight' it and die for it, to live and die for it, as 'future voting blocks' for Legislators to perpetuate more of it, eternally, at taxpayer expense).
Poppy-crop highest ever in existence this year in Afghanistan.
In South America, President Hugo Chavez has eliminated death-squads, marauding hoards, raping, murdering and robbing the rural farmers and tribes, profiting from drug and human trafficking. This is why I think the Olympics should be hosted in Rio de Janeiro VENEZUELA, as the terrorizing of far too many is highly concentrated in 'colombia' to 'brazil' regions.
But that would be a very difficult challenge. Instead 'liberating' people according to the Obama Administration, is photo-op'g from atop the rubble, misery and grief of the last remaining survivors of a decades-long Senate-instigated GENOCIDE, faking being the 'bravest of the brave' and the 'greatest commander in chief in the history of existence,' like Reagan and Republicans did after Grenada.
-- and none cared how many of YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS got killed in the process.
I do.
Now, the 'big moral lesson' is to pull some religious fanatics out of the middle of a desert, teach 'em the same mindset as Billy Graham and Pat Robertson that anything they don't 'like' is a 'prophetic sign' and anything they DO like is yet another 'form' of a 'prophetic sign' (they'll say anything to claim "I told you so!") -- while instilling the 'values' of taking 'personal-responsibility' for every plane wreck, hurricane, earthquake, car crash, train derailment, tornado and lightening strike, in a brainwashed MARTYR COMPLEX.
The alleged 'terrorists' of 9/11 to be show-trailed for the photo-ops in New York by the Obama Admin will cost billions, but none of them were in this country on 9/11 -- and not a single one of 'em flew any planes into any buildings, or hijacked anything at all.
Substitute blame.
The "mingling of two divergent stories." (Know anything about Advent?)
Therefore, those show-trials is the only REAL 'job-security' the Obama Admin is offering economy right now: FAKE WORK, for the special-interest crowd of Higher-Ed 'credentials,' pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing perceiving 'negatives' to ruthlessly hammer against merciless positive-cross-signs.
Meanwhile, the BIG announcement: Obama to TALK about WORK, instead of doing it. That was his 'big talk' last week, to TALK about TUESDAY's TALK about WORK. It won't create any jobs at all. FAKE 'work.' Meanwhile, the most unfortunate, the displaced, the woman engaged in the oldest profession on Earth, was forcibly-removed from her job as a prostitute. Hated for her work. Hated for giving pleasure. Taxes increased to build facilities to punish her, and taxes increased yet again to hire more 'credentialed systems' to ridicule and scorn and HATE her FREEDOMs.
Would you rather she pushed-around paperFAKEwork at public expense? Ridiculing and scorning YOU for YOUR FREEDOMS? I wonder if she would be kinder? Wiser, perhaps?
Legislators won't stop until they are stopped. The Higher-Education 'credentialing-system' is sucking the life-blood out of economy, monopolizing the entire Legislative Branch, offended by all they see, taste, touch, smell, hear, and everything everybody ELSE desires, hiring more and more of themselves, isolated from REALITY, surrounded only by 'their kinds of people' except for photo-op'g 'field-trips' -- granted unto themselves the highest rewards, most benefits and perks, consuming the most resources, especially NATURAL RESOURCES, then punishing everybody ELSE for it, via endless paperFAKEwork complications, "ridicules and scorns," excuses to push-around paper, as a 'higher-priority' than PEOPLE.
When the military threw-out Zelaya, I cheered. Our own hateful conspiring Higher-Ed Legislators condemned me (anybody that thinks that way) for supporting a military coup in Honduras. Now, they support the military, the outcome, while FAKING never having been against it, ("Against it, before being for it" mentalities). They'll say anything -- and the reason they are 'supportive' of the outcome of the coup now, is because they paid to install a 'friendly,' far-removed from the REAL strife of the people, to be once again profiting from atop the rubble, misery and grief of the people, faking 'sacrifice' while consuming the most themselves, and then throwing themselves parties and giving themselves a bunch of hugs and back-pats, "golden chalices," incense and myrth -- pearls and jewels and statues and medals and trophies.
The Taliban doesn't even care if I smoke, what I smoke, where I smoke, when I smoke, or why. It's not about a 'blow-by-blow' comparison between religions nor modes of governance. It's just the fact that our own Higher-Ed Legislators punish all whom smoke, pay their Higher-Ed 'credentials' to write a bunch of PhD-level 'holy-indictments' against any/all whom love the freedom to love a product, refuse to be questioned and cast-out all dissent and those whom have it as 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' moreso than any "Taliban-esque" or HatefulReligiousSupremacist groups in history -- TODAY. Any excuse will do.
They've already outlawed half of economy, CONSUMING ECONOMY -- and are sucking-off the other-half now. And that prostitution cost trillions.
-- and that's where IMMACULATE CONCEPTION comes from -- because the woman doing the REAL work and HATED for her FREEDOM is truly DIVINE.
Real job-growth is NOT 'diminished unemployment claims.' See the news? It's ridiculous. Just like H1N1 cases, the 'spin' it out-of-control. Fewer 'incidents' of 'new cases' but the MOST PEDIATRIC DEATHS from H1N1 LAST WEEK.
MORE KIDS DIED OF H1N1 LAST WEEK THAN EVER, yet the Higher-Ed FAKE 'majesties' have already declared themselves the 'best of the best',' holding more photo-op AWARD SHOWS and giving themselves raises, telling everybody how 'successful' they are, casting-out 'negatives' by ones and twos, in hatred of DISSENT and all whom have it, proving anti-christ messaging in their hateful positiveness, the formula of divides, only 'succeeding' thus far in 'job-securing' their own salaries at the expense of everybody else.
That's why Yulia Tymoshenko did NOT. And SAVED KIDS' LIVES, greatly reducing costs to her country and fellow countrymen, and by extension every human on the planet, the entire HumanityFamily, all of global economy.
I'll write more about all of this some other time. There's much to be said regarding metaphorical and allegorical representations. I've mentioned it before, but in my last blog-post here, I referred to HOMOtheists (not derogatory towards 'gays' or the GLBT comunity at all, it's a theological term, nothing else) -- lost-in-translation being the result in English, whereas in ancient languages and derivatives, such as what we refer to as the "Latin" and "Greek" today, much is lost in translation to 'modern languages.' No 'originals' were provided, and for millennia, the 'most recent calligraphical artistic recreation' became the 'original,' over and over, each time revised. The point being, the ancient language was not genderized. Reference to individuals was EQUAL.
EQUALITY in language, linguistical representations means no 'gender' in the language. An individual is referred to as a 'person.' Example: "It would be difficult for ONE to disagree with someONE claiming that." (That's where 'one' comes from in language to represent the single individual). Or: "A person would have difficulty disagreeing with someone saying that." Now, it's "She would disagree with him." But there was never a reason to examine crotches -- it's a complication added-to the language to DIVIDE into endless side-issues, tangents, unrelated to the topic.
Ancient language did not have "He" or "She" -- rather, "A CHILD born unto ..."
-- every ONE, equal.
Higher-Ed is now worse than the religious-fanatics, more rules, more fees, more fines, more complications, more privacy invasions, more hated freedoms, more excuses to kill and punish, more excuses to ridicule, scorn, banish, outlaw, legislate, instigate, foment, hate than religions, all religions combined, while consuming the most resources then blaming both religions and religions-of-the-poor for it, punishing the poor, the weak, the disabled, the elderly, the meek.
And they actually do think they are 'perfect,' or they wouldn't demand 'perfect living' to hate and punish your FREEDOMS about, fomenting their PERFECT WAR --
-- WarAgainstThePeople. Any excuse will do.
At mass, the 'cleric' says, "Are there any visitors here?"
-- I didn't attend to make it the 'clayton show.' It's not about me. It's not about getting attention. I wasn't about to raise my hand, asked to stand and 'tell about myself' -- no way -- not me. It's about YOU -- I attend to SUPPORT YOU. I may disagree with many if not most of your opinions, but I support your FREEDOM to have 'em.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton (applicable to this post: "HFA/3Ons/GoG/SAC/CoC/TuT/RoR")
(OnEdit: I got timed-out at the library mid-post, but it restored itself after I asked for 'extra minutes,' thankfully -- but after clicking the 'publish post' button, I noticed the title had not restored, so this rare 'edit' is just inserting my chosen post-title, "A Perfect War.")
-- "
There's no such thing as a 'perfect life.' If there were, there would be no hunger, no pain, never a misstep, nor a fall, no anger, no misery, no heartbreak, no aging, no illness, no death, no misunderstandings, no typos, no errors, no suffering.
And no need to prove compassion. So far-removed from the realities of misery, the suffering of others, the real needs of others, it would all just seem like 'whining' -- 'sensationalism' -- 'fake.'
Therefore, which is it? Is there such a thing as 'perfect' in life -- OR -- only those faking 'perfections' as excuses to ignore the suffering and needs of others, distancing themselves from proving compassion?
The former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and was endlessly accused of Human Rights violations due to 'collateral damage.' That's what our Legislators call it, here in the U.S., when they order troops to do it. All the needless deaths written-off as 'collateral damage.' Then, they blame the troops.
The former USSR eliminated a big percentage of the Afghan population, but most of the losses were after Senators started funneling money and weapons to the 'resistance,' whom are killing our own troops today -- same money and same weapons, purchased with U.S. taxpayer dollars, compliments of Senators.
After the Soviets gave up, withdrew, (a task that Obama promised and then escalated, therefore failing at accomplishing), the 'contractors' Senators cozied-up to were still supplied with weapons and money to 'protect the peace,' causing a massive civil-war style conflagration that killed-off another huge percentage of the Afghan population. Now, our troops are there, the vast majority of the Afghan population genocided, 'mopping-up' that which our Senators concocted, and it will be the troops whom will take the blame?
This time, the Legislators concocted a 'perfect war,' complete with 'time-outs,' and 'time-limits,' and 'funding-crisis' to photo-op about, along with a few Afghani children brainwashed to bow before their 'liberators' after witnessing the killing of their parents, smiling for the cameras, waving mini 'american flags' and chomping on free candy (enticements). As a kid, I'd wave a flag, any flag, for a ride on a big truck and some candy, too.
The Soviets had contained the opium harvest. Senators made sure the funding protected the Afghan War Lords, and their 'cash-crop' of opium, while declaring 'war on drugs' here as a diversion from the 'systems' they concocted to fund the 'resistance,' i.e., international narco-traffikkking.
Put it in any words you want. ('you is figurative, applicable to all people equally, regardless of language or location or time, as in, "Dear Readers"). Wave any flag you want. This is my opinion. Attempting communication about a topic, which I encourage. Far too many have proved to be incapable of it, investing their time and energy ridiculing and scorning individuals for having opinions, thereby self-censoring topics, as brainwashed. It's brainwashing. Which is why I always say, "be healed of it."
See the comment somebody typed here in my blog? The topic is self-censored by the commentor, whom pessimistically tunnel-vision focused their time and energy ridiculing and scorning an individual (me) attempting communication about a topic. Worse, similar comments have been 'following me around' from location to location on the Internet, merely to express a hateful remark against the individual (me) sharing opinions about topics, ignoring the topics just to leave hateful comments against me for having an opinion -- while claiming they are about 'peace/unconditional-love/tranquility/concern.' Cyber-stalking, which falls under the category of Hate Crimes because it's against individuals, from place to place, topics ignored, therefore personal, a personal-problem invented in that person's mind -- faking 'wounds' from words as an excuse to hate individuals --
-- to declare someone 'negative' and ruthlessly hammer that 'negative' against their merciless positive-cross-sign, ideological crucifiXtion -- (I spelled it that way intentionally) -- using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as nails -- it's crusade-mentality -- the opposite of striving to be a Christian, the opposite of striving to be a Muslim -- a Buddhist -- a Taoist -- or just a free person -- the opposite of the principles our country was founded upon.
I want to explain that briefly. The development of one's personal-relationship with what is commonly referred to as one's Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, isn't 'perfect.' There are no 'perfect' words. It's in YOUR OWN WORDS. If you have to go get a manual and plagiarize somebody else's words claiming that's your 'personal-relationship,' that just makes you reprehensible and a fraud. A FAKE 'christian,' a FAKE 'citizen' too, for that matter -- maybe the paperFAKEwork is in order, but the ideals entirely forgotten. Therefore, part of one's personal-relationship, in one's own words, with their Lord And Savior, or Buddha or whatever, is being HONEST, taking personal-responsibility for that which one doesn't know how to answer in one's own words. See, that personal-relationship, once established, is the examination of LIFE and every aspect of existence IN THAT LIGHT, which is inclusive of all 'systems' making your environment even possible, let alone survivable. Utilities, economy, resources, monetary/finance, legal, governance, human services, all of it. Nobody has a right to CENSOR anybody at all FROM YOUR WORDS, nor 'you,' whomever or wherever 'you' may be, from my own. That's why cyber-stalking and hate crimes laws exist.
Unfortunately, we didn't need Legislators to 'solve' it -- they concocted the environment to photo-op from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own instigation.
Legislators conspire together globally, and four nuns were murdered in a region of the world notorious for death-squads, intimidation, harassment, racketeering, various versions of 'lynchings,' drug trafficking (that which legislators photo-op from, holding the purse-strings over the 'credentials' they install to 'oversight' it and die for it, to live and die for it, as 'future voting blocks' for Legislators to perpetuate more of it, eternally, at taxpayer expense).
Poppy-crop highest ever in existence this year in Afghanistan.
In South America, President Hugo Chavez has eliminated death-squads, marauding hoards, raping, murdering and robbing the rural farmers and tribes, profiting from drug and human trafficking. This is why I think the Olympics should be hosted in Rio de Janeiro VENEZUELA, as the terrorizing of far too many is highly concentrated in 'colombia' to 'brazil' regions.
But that would be a very difficult challenge. Instead 'liberating' people according to the Obama Administration, is photo-op'g from atop the rubble, misery and grief of the last remaining survivors of a decades-long Senate-instigated GENOCIDE, faking being the 'bravest of the brave' and the 'greatest commander in chief in the history of existence,' like Reagan and Republicans did after Grenada.
-- and none cared how many of YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS got killed in the process.
I do.
Now, the 'big moral lesson' is to pull some religious fanatics out of the middle of a desert, teach 'em the same mindset as Billy Graham and Pat Robertson that anything they don't 'like' is a 'prophetic sign' and anything they DO like is yet another 'form' of a 'prophetic sign' (they'll say anything to claim "I told you so!") -- while instilling the 'values' of taking 'personal-responsibility' for every plane wreck, hurricane, earthquake, car crash, train derailment, tornado and lightening strike, in a brainwashed MARTYR COMPLEX.
The alleged 'terrorists' of 9/11 to be show-trailed for the photo-ops in New York by the Obama Admin will cost billions, but none of them were in this country on 9/11 -- and not a single one of 'em flew any planes into any buildings, or hijacked anything at all.
Substitute blame.
The "mingling of two divergent stories." (Know anything about Advent?)
Therefore, those show-trials is the only REAL 'job-security' the Obama Admin is offering economy right now: FAKE WORK, for the special-interest crowd of Higher-Ed 'credentials,' pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing perceiving 'negatives' to ruthlessly hammer against merciless positive-cross-signs.
Meanwhile, the BIG announcement: Obama to TALK about WORK, instead of doing it. That was his 'big talk' last week, to TALK about TUESDAY's TALK about WORK. It won't create any jobs at all. FAKE 'work.' Meanwhile, the most unfortunate, the displaced, the woman engaged in the oldest profession on Earth, was forcibly-removed from her job as a prostitute. Hated for her work. Hated for giving pleasure. Taxes increased to build facilities to punish her, and taxes increased yet again to hire more 'credentialed systems' to ridicule and scorn and HATE her FREEDOMs.
Would you rather she pushed-around paperFAKEwork at public expense? Ridiculing and scorning YOU for YOUR FREEDOMS? I wonder if she would be kinder? Wiser, perhaps?
Legislators won't stop until they are stopped. The Higher-Education 'credentialing-system' is sucking the life-blood out of economy, monopolizing the entire Legislative Branch, offended by all they see, taste, touch, smell, hear, and everything everybody ELSE desires, hiring more and more of themselves, isolated from REALITY, surrounded only by 'their kinds of people' except for photo-op'g 'field-trips' -- granted unto themselves the highest rewards, most benefits and perks, consuming the most resources, especially NATURAL RESOURCES, then punishing everybody ELSE for it, via endless paperFAKEwork complications, "ridicules and scorns," excuses to push-around paper, as a 'higher-priority' than PEOPLE.
When the military threw-out Zelaya, I cheered. Our own hateful conspiring Higher-Ed Legislators condemned me (anybody that thinks that way) for supporting a military coup in Honduras. Now, they support the military, the outcome, while FAKING never having been against it, ("Against it, before being for it" mentalities). They'll say anything -- and the reason they are 'supportive' of the outcome of the coup now, is because they paid to install a 'friendly,' far-removed from the REAL strife of the people, to be once again profiting from atop the rubble, misery and grief of the people, faking 'sacrifice' while consuming the most themselves, and then throwing themselves parties and giving themselves a bunch of hugs and back-pats, "golden chalices," incense and myrth -- pearls and jewels and statues and medals and trophies.
The Taliban doesn't even care if I smoke, what I smoke, where I smoke, when I smoke, or why. It's not about a 'blow-by-blow' comparison between religions nor modes of governance. It's just the fact that our own Higher-Ed Legislators punish all whom smoke, pay their Higher-Ed 'credentials' to write a bunch of PhD-level 'holy-indictments' against any/all whom love the freedom to love a product, refuse to be questioned and cast-out all dissent and those whom have it as 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' moreso than any "Taliban-esque" or HatefulReligiousSupremacist groups in history -- TODAY. Any excuse will do.
They've already outlawed half of economy, CONSUMING ECONOMY -- and are sucking-off the other-half now. And that prostitution cost trillions.
-- and that's where IMMACULATE CONCEPTION comes from -- because the woman doing the REAL work and HATED for her FREEDOM is truly DIVINE.
Real job-growth is NOT 'diminished unemployment claims.' See the news? It's ridiculous. Just like H1N1 cases, the 'spin' it out-of-control. Fewer 'incidents' of 'new cases' but the MOST PEDIATRIC DEATHS from H1N1 LAST WEEK.
MORE KIDS DIED OF H1N1 LAST WEEK THAN EVER, yet the Higher-Ed FAKE 'majesties' have already declared themselves the 'best of the best',' holding more photo-op AWARD SHOWS and giving themselves raises, telling everybody how 'successful' they are, casting-out 'negatives' by ones and twos, in hatred of DISSENT and all whom have it, proving anti-christ messaging in their hateful positiveness, the formula of divides, only 'succeeding' thus far in 'job-securing' their own salaries at the expense of everybody else.
That's why Yulia Tymoshenko did NOT. And SAVED KIDS' LIVES, greatly reducing costs to her country and fellow countrymen, and by extension every human on the planet, the entire HumanityFamily, all of global economy.
I'll write more about all of this some other time. There's much to be said regarding metaphorical and allegorical representations. I've mentioned it before, but in my last blog-post here, I referred to HOMOtheists (not derogatory towards 'gays' or the GLBT comunity at all, it's a theological term, nothing else) -- lost-in-translation being the result in English, whereas in ancient languages and derivatives, such as what we refer to as the "Latin" and "Greek" today, much is lost in translation to 'modern languages.' No 'originals' were provided, and for millennia, the 'most recent calligraphical artistic recreation' became the 'original,' over and over, each time revised. The point being, the ancient language was not genderized. Reference to individuals was EQUAL.
EQUALITY in language, linguistical representations means no 'gender' in the language. An individual is referred to as a 'person.' Example: "It would be difficult for ONE to disagree with someONE claiming that." (That's where 'one' comes from in language to represent the single individual). Or: "A person would have difficulty disagreeing with someone saying that." Now, it's "She would disagree with him." But there was never a reason to examine crotches -- it's a complication added-to the language to DIVIDE into endless side-issues, tangents, unrelated to the topic.
Ancient language did not have "He" or "She" -- rather, "A CHILD born unto ..."
-- every ONE, equal.
Higher-Ed is now worse than the religious-fanatics, more rules, more fees, more fines, more complications, more privacy invasions, more hated freedoms, more excuses to kill and punish, more excuses to ridicule, scorn, banish, outlaw, legislate, instigate, foment, hate than religions, all religions combined, while consuming the most resources then blaming both religions and religions-of-the-poor for it, punishing the poor, the weak, the disabled, the elderly, the meek.
And they actually do think they are 'perfect,' or they wouldn't demand 'perfect living' to hate and punish your FREEDOMS about, fomenting their PERFECT WAR --
-- WarAgainstThePeople. Any excuse will do.
At mass, the 'cleric' says, "Are there any visitors here?"
-- I didn't attend to make it the 'clayton show.' It's not about me. It's not about getting attention. I wasn't about to raise my hand, asked to stand and 'tell about myself' -- no way -- not me. It's about YOU -- I attend to SUPPORT YOU. I may disagree with many if not most of your opinions, but I support your FREEDOM to have 'em.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton (applicable to this post: "HFA/3Ons/GoG/SAC/CoC/TuT/RoR")
(OnEdit: I got timed-out at the library mid-post, but it restored itself after I asked for 'extra minutes,' thankfully -- but after clicking the 'publish post' button, I noticed the title had not restored, so this rare 'edit' is just inserting my chosen post-title, "A Perfect War.")
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Tobin's ExCommunioNation
"If they do not appreciate my talents, they appreciate me not."
Communion. I watched the 'cleric' pass around the crackers, tiny wafers, "Body of Christ," a statement, not necessarily a question. Cough. Cough. Sneeze. The priest, a monsignor to be certain (informal definition), had clearly identified the reason, gathering the children, pointing-out the reason of the offering, an ancient ceremony, honoring life, and all the sacrifices WeThePeople make on behalf of others.
Cough. Cough. Sneeze.
I thought about Yulia Tymoshenko, and her instant REAL Leadership skills.
Cough. Cough. Sneeze.
Yulia Tymoshenko.
And the spread of H1N1 through coughs and sneezes and the passing-out of symbolic sacrifices ...
-- and we see more and more instances of Catholics being blamed for spreading disease, historically a 'gaping-wound' against the Church's attempt at furthering humanity's quest to build PeaceOneEarth/HeavenOnEarth.
Perhaps if the 'cleric' were wearing surgical gloves and mask? Perhaps if each wafer were individually wrapped? How 'bout Fortune Cookies, instead?
Small rural communities in 3rd-world nations, and the spread of H1N1 and variants, precursors and mutations, historically, have been passed from one person to another in that manner, repeatedly. Communion.
After the ceremony, the 'cleric' brushed the crumbs from the 'golden chalice' which held the wafers, with his fingers, back into the original container where the wafers were stored before the ceremony. Along with all the prions? Viri?
It's about RISK.
And suddenly Yulia Tymoshenko became a greater hero to me. Hero to every one. Hero to the people. Just a reaffirmation of the obvious.
Which brings-up Tobin's admonishment of Kennedy. Perhaps it was a public excuse for 'sparing his life' from disease? And the 'peasants' aren't 'worthy'?
Funny, what fleeting thoughts are brought-up in church.
I held-up my hand, "no thanks," and the 'cleric' once gain, repeated, "Body of Christ?" -- a statement and a question, as if uncertain who, what, where, when, why anybody would ever, for any reason, refuse communion.
Call it RESPECT. I refused TWICE. That would be 'respect' in every conceivable 'direction.'
Later, a quick discussion about the topic, about communion itself, and I have a very thoroughly theological background in that, so it's difficult to discuss, as there are many aspects to it, the words oftentimes worshiped, memorized, repeated, the concepts ignored during the ceremony by those partaking in it -- taking it all for-granted. One of the drawbacks to Catholicism, and an issue the church has been addressing, quietly for centuries, is that women are taught the ceremonial participant's words, while the 'wisdoms' were reserved for the 'man's roles.' Institutionalized sexisms. Most 'christian' versions are participating in that to some degree or another. I'm all about equality, the root of Christianity itself, no excuses, so I dissent against established-religions in this regard, in this area, rather vociferously. Few have the background to engage in meaningful dialogue about it, unfortunately. The memorization of words, knowing when to repeat 'soundbites,' isn't the same as discourse/communication about the topic, exploring concepts. Like, "WMD," for example.
HOMOtheist cults worship words, first and foremost, a cartoon-image of imagination, floating-around off-planet in some undisclosed location, a super-duper power-ranger UppetMaster SUGAR DADDY one begs more more more from, making and watching it's little 'puppets' rape, rob, murder, lie, cheat, steal, fight, starve, suffer, for it's sadistic amusement, fornicate for it's erotic pleasure, meagerly rewarding in it's inequitable tyranny. They even prememorize soundbites denying it. Pavlovian-response style, spewing denials 'at the sound of the bell.'
See, 'christ' isn't the name of an individual. It's the name of a concept. "Body" is that which all people endure equally in order to offer compassion to the children, to make it better for them. It's through your blood, sweat and tears that you sacrifice on behalf of others, every breath a treasure, and every breath counts. Every effort. Every endeavor, and the survivability of humanity unto eternity is everlasting, as we cooperatively uplift the economy and wellbeing of the children, through our sacrifices, big and small.
The 'other-side' of the coin, is the taken-advantage-of individual, the one whose blood, sweat and tears is taken for-granted, expected, zero rewards, zero acknowledgement, zero recognition. It's not that their sacrifice was for the photo-op, self-aggrandizement, fame and fortune, but recognition in the sense of acknowledging the contribution to the overall continuance of survivability and prosperity of the species, the entire HumanityFamily -- even if that contribution is just an 'eye-blink' step, to convenience others, so that they prosper, make it 'through the day,' to share more later, furthering the overall goal of survivability.
Just discussing 'survivability of the species' isn't considered 'pertinent' to most people, now. But it's the primary focus of religions, and always has been, the struggle of the human species to survive, having been nearly made extinct, and making each other go extinct, repeatedly -- always 'on the cusp' of another near-extinction event.
Communion could be adding to that -- if you get my 'drift.' It sure looks that way, once gain, unfortunately, in 3rd-world communities, and very possibly in '2nd' and '1st' countries also.
Of course, our Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' ridicule and scorn everybody and each other, as brainwashed. Reminds me of one of the most outstanding OpEd's I've ever read, written by Leonard Pitts Jr., "The Color of Self-Hatred."
I urge an immediate re-eval when it comes to the handling of FOOD AND BEVERAGE items, distributed publicly, even in private homes, for that exact reasons stated or alluded towards above.
I truly enjoyed the Monsignor's conductorship. Outstanding. And I have to say, the only Catholic that ever welcomed me to church, with a smile and warm handshake -- without the usual 'who are you, what are you doing, how much money do you make, are you 'worthy' of knowing me/we/us' attitude which is typical in most churches. I'm very thakful to that. For that. I've attended many times. In many places. I usually don't sign 'the book.' I think the last time I signed was in Alaska. Father Gooley, it think it was. A kind person and outstanding leader.
Yulia Tymoshenko -- different type of leadership there. Both can make just as significantly equal contributions.
I longed to share a Chopin Nocturne, a kindness returned. Perhaps some day.
Kind Regards, as always --
Clayton Leon Winton
"If they do not appreciate my talents, they appreciate me not."
Communion. I watched the 'cleric' pass around the crackers, tiny wafers, "Body of Christ," a statement, not necessarily a question. Cough. Cough. Sneeze. The priest, a monsignor to be certain (informal definition), had clearly identified the reason, gathering the children, pointing-out the reason of the offering, an ancient ceremony, honoring life, and all the sacrifices WeThePeople make on behalf of others.
Cough. Cough. Sneeze.
I thought about Yulia Tymoshenko, and her instant REAL Leadership skills.
Cough. Cough. Sneeze.
Yulia Tymoshenko.
And the spread of H1N1 through coughs and sneezes and the passing-out of symbolic sacrifices ...
-- and we see more and more instances of Catholics being blamed for spreading disease, historically a 'gaping-wound' against the Church's attempt at furthering humanity's quest to build PeaceOneEarth/HeavenOnEarth.
Perhaps if the 'cleric' were wearing surgical gloves and mask? Perhaps if each wafer were individually wrapped? How 'bout Fortune Cookies, instead?
Small rural communities in 3rd-world nations, and the spread of H1N1 and variants, precursors and mutations, historically, have been passed from one person to another in that manner, repeatedly. Communion.
After the ceremony, the 'cleric' brushed the crumbs from the 'golden chalice' which held the wafers, with his fingers, back into the original container where the wafers were stored before the ceremony. Along with all the prions? Viri?
It's about RISK.
And suddenly Yulia Tymoshenko became a greater hero to me. Hero to every one. Hero to the people. Just a reaffirmation of the obvious.
Which brings-up Tobin's admonishment of Kennedy. Perhaps it was a public excuse for 'sparing his life' from disease? And the 'peasants' aren't 'worthy'?
Funny, what fleeting thoughts are brought-up in church.
I held-up my hand, "no thanks," and the 'cleric' once gain, repeated, "Body of Christ?" -- a statement and a question, as if uncertain who, what, where, when, why anybody would ever, for any reason, refuse communion.
Call it RESPECT. I refused TWICE. That would be 'respect' in every conceivable 'direction.'
Later, a quick discussion about the topic, about communion itself, and I have a very thoroughly theological background in that, so it's difficult to discuss, as there are many aspects to it, the words oftentimes worshiped, memorized, repeated, the concepts ignored during the ceremony by those partaking in it -- taking it all for-granted. One of the drawbacks to Catholicism, and an issue the church has been addressing, quietly for centuries, is that women are taught the ceremonial participant's words, while the 'wisdoms' were reserved for the 'man's roles.' Institutionalized sexisms. Most 'christian' versions are participating in that to some degree or another. I'm all about equality, the root of Christianity itself, no excuses, so I dissent against established-religions in this regard, in this area, rather vociferously. Few have the background to engage in meaningful dialogue about it, unfortunately. The memorization of words, knowing when to repeat 'soundbites,' isn't the same as discourse/communication about the topic, exploring concepts. Like, "WMD," for example.
HOMOtheist cults worship words, first and foremost, a cartoon-image of imagination, floating-around off-planet in some undisclosed location, a super-duper power-ranger UppetMaster SUGAR DADDY one begs more more more from, making and watching it's little 'puppets' rape, rob, murder, lie, cheat, steal, fight, starve, suffer, for it's sadistic amusement, fornicate for it's erotic pleasure, meagerly rewarding in it's inequitable tyranny. They even prememorize soundbites denying it. Pavlovian-response style, spewing denials 'at the sound of the bell.'
See, 'christ' isn't the name of an individual. It's the name of a concept. "Body" is that which all people endure equally in order to offer compassion to the children, to make it better for them. It's through your blood, sweat and tears that you sacrifice on behalf of others, every breath a treasure, and every breath counts. Every effort. Every endeavor, and the survivability of humanity unto eternity is everlasting, as we cooperatively uplift the economy and wellbeing of the children, through our sacrifices, big and small.
The 'other-side' of the coin, is the taken-advantage-of individual, the one whose blood, sweat and tears is taken for-granted, expected, zero rewards, zero acknowledgement, zero recognition. It's not that their sacrifice was for the photo-op, self-aggrandizement, fame and fortune, but recognition in the sense of acknowledging the contribution to the overall continuance of survivability and prosperity of the species, the entire HumanityFamily -- even if that contribution is just an 'eye-blink' step, to convenience others, so that they prosper, make it 'through the day,' to share more later, furthering the overall goal of survivability.
Just discussing 'survivability of the species' isn't considered 'pertinent' to most people, now. But it's the primary focus of religions, and always has been, the struggle of the human species to survive, having been nearly made extinct, and making each other go extinct, repeatedly -- always 'on the cusp' of another near-extinction event.
Communion could be adding to that -- if you get my 'drift.' It sure looks that way, once gain, unfortunately, in 3rd-world communities, and very possibly in '2nd' and '1st' countries also.
Of course, our Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' ridicule and scorn everybody and each other, as brainwashed. Reminds me of one of the most outstanding OpEd's I've ever read, written by Leonard Pitts Jr., "The Color of Self-Hatred."
I urge an immediate re-eval when it comes to the handling of FOOD AND BEVERAGE items, distributed publicly, even in private homes, for that exact reasons stated or alluded towards above.
I truly enjoyed the Monsignor's conductorship. Outstanding. And I have to say, the only Catholic that ever welcomed me to church, with a smile and warm handshake -- without the usual 'who are you, what are you doing, how much money do you make, are you 'worthy' of knowing me/we/us' attitude which is typical in most churches. I'm very thakful to that. For that. I've attended many times. In many places. I usually don't sign 'the book.' I think the last time I signed was in Alaska. Father Gooley, it think it was. A kind person and outstanding leader.
Yulia Tymoshenko -- different type of leadership there. Both can make just as significantly equal contributions.
I longed to share a Chopin Nocturne, a kindness returned. Perhaps some day.
Kind Regards, as always --
Clayton Leon Winton
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Yulia Tymoshenko Proves Leadership
Yulia Tymoshenko Proves Leadership
Yulia Tymoshenko, when firstly confronted with the news that the Ukraine had it's first confirmed cases of H1N1, took full-charge, closed schools, suspended public-gatherings, and immediately notified the populace in how to best protect themselves, therefore their fellow citizens, and government, from harm.
Since, the papers worldwide have lambasted her as being a 'fear-monger,' and guilty of 'promoting panic.'
Our own failed credentialing-system has weighed-in, ridiculing and scorning in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, as usual.
But the fact remains, the infection-ratio, the spread of the virus, has been signficantly REDUCED, saving lives, reducing vital resource-consumption, benefiting the people and their government.
Had we that type of leadership here, in the U.S., we US'ans would have many more of our friends and loved-ones STILL ALIVE.
I salute Yulia Tymoshenko today. Kind regards to you, ma'am.
Clayton Leon Winton
Priest River, ID, USA
Yulia Tymoshenko, when firstly confronted with the news that the Ukraine had it's first confirmed cases of H1N1, took full-charge, closed schools, suspended public-gatherings, and immediately notified the populace in how to best protect themselves, therefore their fellow citizens, and government, from harm.
Since, the papers worldwide have lambasted her as being a 'fear-monger,' and guilty of 'promoting panic.'
Our own failed credentialing-system has weighed-in, ridiculing and scorning in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, as usual.
But the fact remains, the infection-ratio, the spread of the virus, has been signficantly REDUCED, saving lives, reducing vital resource-consumption, benefiting the people and their government.
Had we that type of leadership here, in the U.S., we US'ans would have many more of our friends and loved-ones STILL ALIVE.
I salute Yulia Tymoshenko today. Kind regards to you, ma'am.
Clayton Leon Winton
Priest River, ID, USA
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Anybody that ever knew me, knows my fondness for huckleberries. Life is so full of misery, and Huckleberries are RewardsFromGod, albeit meager rewards to make-up for some of the misery, but rewards nonetheless.
Huckleberries grow on my property, and all around me. These are the low-elevation berries. I walk to pick them. The high-elevation berries will ripen towards the middle to end of next month and can be picked until the first frost. If there is little rain, the berries dehydrate on the bush and fall-off early.
This year, there has been few 'hot-spells,' only lasting a couple/few days, and then it has rained a day or two, so the berries are bigger and better than ever. Some of the berries I've picked are larger than my thumbnail, and that is no exaggeration. I've never seen such large huckleberries in all my life.
Every time I think of huckleberries, that awesome REWARD, I think of Dianne Montalvo. This is a person that is a 'reward' to humanity, much like huckleberries, to inspire, motivate, enrich, uplift. I am equally struck with awe by both, however I'd prefer more Dianne Montalvo's in the world -- would take more 'DM's than huckleberries -- as the world would be a much better place if that were to be. Fortunately, I can enjoy huckleberries, whereas Dianne is far more precious, therefore whomever finds themselves in her companionship is rewarded most.
-- " ... I love the way you say, 'good morning,'; take me the way I am."
Lyrics from a song on the radio. I love that song. It always makes me smile. A really 'cute little ditty.' Kinda like 'DM' and huckleberries in that regard -- all little 'rewards' for Les Miserable.'
Isn't it interesting that women always demand to be "taken the way they are," but ridicule and scorn me -- any excuse will do? Nothing is 'good enough' for 'em, apparently.
Fascinating, isn't it? Yup. Sure 'nuff.
Anybody that ever knew me, knows my fondness for huckleberries. Life is so full of misery, and Huckleberries are RewardsFromGod, albeit meager rewards to make-up for some of the misery, but rewards nonetheless.
Huckleberries grow on my property, and all around me. These are the low-elevation berries. I walk to pick them. The high-elevation berries will ripen towards the middle to end of next month and can be picked until the first frost. If there is little rain, the berries dehydrate on the bush and fall-off early.
This year, there has been few 'hot-spells,' only lasting a couple/few days, and then it has rained a day or two, so the berries are bigger and better than ever. Some of the berries I've picked are larger than my thumbnail, and that is no exaggeration. I've never seen such large huckleberries in all my life.
Every time I think of huckleberries, that awesome REWARD, I think of Dianne Montalvo. This is a person that is a 'reward' to humanity, much like huckleberries, to inspire, motivate, enrich, uplift. I am equally struck with awe by both, however I'd prefer more Dianne Montalvo's in the world -- would take more 'DM's than huckleberries -- as the world would be a much better place if that were to be. Fortunately, I can enjoy huckleberries, whereas Dianne is far more precious, therefore whomever finds themselves in her companionship is rewarded most.
-- " ... I love the way you say, 'good morning,'; take me the way I am."
Lyrics from a song on the radio. I love that song. It always makes me smile. A really 'cute little ditty.' Kinda like 'DM' and huckleberries in that regard -- all little 'rewards' for Les Miserable.'
Isn't it interesting that women always demand to be "taken the way they are," but ridicule and scorn me -- any excuse will do? Nothing is 'good enough' for 'em, apparently.
Fascinating, isn't it? Yup. Sure 'nuff.
Monday, July 13, 2009
ORCH_Day1386 Tobacco Herb Bailout - "It's war ..."
It's the 'new-and-improved' version of pillaging and plundering the farm.
Along with all the livelihoods associated in the Agricultural Industry, Transportation, Heavy Equipment operations and maintenance and sales, finance and banking --
-- yet, they said, "It's about the children."
-- they said, "It's about securing the future of our children's health and welfare."
Then with one fell swoop, lashed-out with the lethal-killing blow of higher tariffs than the so-called 'evil-tyrannical-monarch' our Founding Fathers declared Independence.
-- and 50,000 EqualFellowCitizenBelovedNeighors sacrificed their lives defending ...
For the poor, it's as hateful an attack as it gets. Intentional INFLICTED MISERY.
Les Miserable' -- just like Victor Hugo wrote about.
If building your own shelter, home, structure, to protect you and yours, be 'you' a family of one or a family of many, you are now forced into the intolerable situation of having to decide between 60-packs of cigarettes per month, or sixty sticks of wood to protect your family, to pursue your life, liberty, equal opportunities and happiness.
Out goes the coffee, too -- we are so out-taxed in other areas, coffee is now the 'extreme-luxury' of the FAKE 'majesties' that squandered trillions and thinks it's 'normal' to punish entire demogrphaics of people over their freedoms --
-- freedoms to be fruitful and multiply 100% NATURAL PRODUCTS, their equality shall not be infringed, they shall not be punished for marketing farm-products or enjoying said products.
Companies PUNISHED for selling products;
Customers PUNISHED for consuming products;
The Legislative Branch has gone completely insane. It must be defended against at all costs. People that are DENIED petty freedoms, such as herbal 'remedies' of their choosing, be it a 'joint' made of tobacco or otherwise, freak-out and KILL when their freedoms are outpriced beyond their range, intentionally, by hateful fake 'majesty' Legislators punishing The People, any excuse will do --
And the higher-ed, Legislative, edu-religio-media-cabal, HOPE FOR IT, to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief, casting-out 'infidels/sinners/blasphemers/heretics' moreso than the High Priests of old. It's gone hateful-religion-mode, totally. The entire credentialing-system, complete, utter miserable-failure, costing far more than it was EVER WORTH.
WTF part of 'trillions' doesn't anybody get? We will never, as a society, attain the equivalent of the GREAT PYRAMIDS, build anything so magnificent ..
Your kids will never visit 'Luna City' or have a 'stop-over' at 'Mars Junction.'
They peddle the product of a 'credential' at colleges and universities via tax-dollars, pulling strings to the funding of entire future generations of 'potential-voters,' coerced into complying or losing their funding, all 'pro' and 'con' arguments 'pre-approved' for reciting Pavlovian-Response-styled.
It's outrageous. Legislators wrote a trillion pages of PhD-level 'reasonable-sounding' crap to redefine the Constitution we defend, then get punished for it by Legislators and their endless Legislative Tyranny.
Bring our troops home -- put Legislators in Gitmo -- LIBERATE US FOR REAL!
Along with all the livelihoods associated in the Agricultural Industry, Transportation, Heavy Equipment operations and maintenance and sales, finance and banking --
-- yet, they said, "It's about the children."
-- they said, "It's about securing the future of our children's health and welfare."
Then with one fell swoop, lashed-out with the lethal-killing blow of higher tariffs than the so-called 'evil-tyrannical-monarch' our Founding Fathers declared Independence.
-- and 50,000 EqualFellowCitizenBelovedNeighors sacrificed their lives defending ...
For the poor, it's as hateful an attack as it gets. Intentional INFLICTED MISERY.
Les Miserable' -- just like Victor Hugo wrote about.
If building your own shelter, home, structure, to protect you and yours, be 'you' a family of one or a family of many, you are now forced into the intolerable situation of having to decide between 60-packs of cigarettes per month, or sixty sticks of wood to protect your family, to pursue your life, liberty, equal opportunities and happiness.
Out goes the coffee, too -- we are so out-taxed in other areas, coffee is now the 'extreme-luxury' of the FAKE 'majesties' that squandered trillions and thinks it's 'normal' to punish entire demogrphaics of people over their freedoms --
-- freedoms to be fruitful and multiply 100% NATURAL PRODUCTS, their equality shall not be infringed, they shall not be punished for marketing farm-products or enjoying said products.
Companies PUNISHED for selling products;
Customers PUNISHED for consuming products;
The Legislative Branch has gone completely insane. It must be defended against at all costs. People that are DENIED petty freedoms, such as herbal 'remedies' of their choosing, be it a 'joint' made of tobacco or otherwise, freak-out and KILL when their freedoms are outpriced beyond their range, intentionally, by hateful fake 'majesty' Legislators punishing The People, any excuse will do --
And the higher-ed, Legislative, edu-religio-media-cabal, HOPE FOR IT, to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief, casting-out 'infidels/sinners/blasphemers/heretics' moreso than the High Priests of old. It's gone hateful-religion-mode, totally. The entire credentialing-system, complete, utter miserable-failure, costing far more than it was EVER WORTH.
WTF part of 'trillions' doesn't anybody get? We will never, as a society, attain the equivalent of the GREAT PYRAMIDS, build anything so magnificent ..
Your kids will never visit 'Luna City' or have a 'stop-over' at 'Mars Junction.'
They peddle the product of a 'credential' at colleges and universities via tax-dollars, pulling strings to the funding of entire future generations of 'potential-voters,' coerced into complying or losing their funding, all 'pro' and 'con' arguments 'pre-approved' for reciting Pavlovian-Response-styled.
It's outrageous. Legislators wrote a trillion pages of PhD-level 'reasonable-sounding' crap to redefine the Constitution we defend, then get punished for it by Legislators and their endless Legislative Tyranny.
Bring our troops home -- put Legislators in Gitmo -- LIBERATE US FOR REAL!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Dear President of Iran
From: Clayton Leon Winton
Subject: My apologies
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 02:39:11 -0700
Dear President Ahmedi-Nijad of Iran;
-- please note: the spelling I use for your name is a matter of
respect. Our language is twisted and distorted so that translated names
have subliminal-messaging attached to stimulate reactionary-responses
from the masses. The way your name is spelled in the media here, in
English, intentionally sounds like "Oh mad punjab" very subtly, all
derogatory towards you as an individual person.
All words in our languages are being manipulated in that manner now.
All messages in the media are being manipulated at that level now, and
have been for quite some time -- it just gets worse and worse.
I am writing you today, from my abode in the state of Idaho, United
States, to apologize. YOU WERE CENSORED in our FAKE
'land-of-no-censorship' and FAKE 'land-of-equality' and FAKE
'land-of-free-press' and FAKE 'land-of-celebrated-diversity.'
You were painted as 'negative' to be hammered ruthlessly against
'postive's merciless positive-cross-signs in ideological crucifiXtion,
using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as nails, the process
called, "FigurativeCarpentry," which is the epitome of hate, blatant
anti-christ messaging.
I'm sure you know about the various 'versions' of every religion. But
the REAL version of Christianity is being CENSORED and those whom teach
it, hammered as 'negative' against ideological positive-cross-signs in
blatant anti-christ messaging by those whom have a vested-interest in
denying their hate which they disguise as
'peace/love/tranquility/concern' when obviously it's none of that.
I know this is difficult to comprehend at first glance, at first
exposure. But in order to understand why you can't get along with our
hateful conspiring Legislative Branch and diplomats, is because they are
under the influence of a molested religious version, which has tainted
every aspect of their professional and private lives, including their
entire credentialing-system.
That is why they claim to be 'open-minded' but censor your words,
proving they are only open-minded to goose-stepping in lock-step with
like-mindedness. THEY REFUSED YOUR FREEDOM TO SPEAK, and our new
President had the audacity to call you a 'hypocrite' for it. On behalf
of REAL Christianity and REAL citizenship, my apologies. They don't
listen to me either, if it makes you feel any better. :lol:
They only listen to themselves. Worship a words as excuses to hate
others. REAL Christianity is NONE OF THAT.
Just as there are various versions of Islam, each claiming to be the
only 'true' version, the only REAL version of Christianity is CENSORED,
and it's the absolute foundation upon which this country was founded by
our Founding Fathers. That's how sick and wrong it truly is.
I still disagree with your EndTimes hope for mass-extinction, I still
think it's hateful and as twisted and wrong as the molested
'christianity' fake versions of worshiping words and super-duper alien
cartoon-characters hiding in off-planet undisclosed locations.
I still disagree with your refusal to cooperate with nuclear
But I apologize to you on behalf of REAL Christianity and the REAL and
ONLY VALID AND TRUE intent of our Founding Fathers when establishing
this union and declaring independence from hateful-religionists under
the influence of word-worship and cartoon-character worship, claiming
'unconditional-love' while ignoring the obvious message embodied in
religious scriptures, not to declare one's self 'positive' and concoct
excuses to deny equality to all one deems 'offensive/negative,'
censoring dissent.
Our country was never intended to be what it has become, nor was
Christianity. EndTimes is NOT a 'good thing,' and both our scriptures
and all others warn against being 'positive' and casting-out
'negatives,' because of it. It's about unconditional-love, not
concocting excuses to mass-murder and deny equality over worshiped
words, pieces-of-cloth (clothes worn or not worn), looks, size, shape,
color, attitudes, ideas, talents, abilities or inabilities, crotches
(what's in it or what's done with it), transportation, education, jobs,
entertainments, habits, loves ...
All religious scriptures are written in such a way as to present these
concepts in story-form, because it already happened before, holocaust,
genocides, civilization destroyed by 'positives' hating 'negatives,' --
'positives' concocting excuses to divide, hating 'negatives,' ruthlessly
hammering others as 'negative' against their merciless ideological
positive-cross-signs, the REAL definition of "crucifixition." It
already happened before, which is why religion's tell these important,
vital concepts in story-form, because these concepts apply to
sophisticated societies capable of holocaust, but in order to teach it
to unsophisticated, illiterate masses, and keep these concepts ALIVE
eternally, regardless of education or technological-advances, these
story-forms are written and taught knowing fully-well that some day,
some way, some how, civilization will advance enough to put-aside the
cartoon-imagery, and focus on the concepts, and LEARN from the inherent
WARNINGS, thereby striving to be BETTER,
-- everybody, all of us, all of me, all of you, all of them, or as I
say, AllOfMe/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllOfUs/AllThings, the REAL definition
of "God" which is NOT a cartoon-character, as I know you are aware, but
is CENSORED here.
Meanwhile, because the "diplomatic core" has been censored from these
vital warnings, they fail. They claim "open-minded" but only prove to
be 'open-minded' to like-mindedness. They claim to "celebrate
diversity" but only if you look and talk and act and walk just like
themselves. The claim they can LISTEN but walk-out, then blame their
VICTIM as to why there was a communication breakdown.
I know you have issues with Israel. But how can any version of solution
be arrived at, other than holocaust, if my so-called 'leaders' won't
How can they be trusted to try to get along with the world, when they
don't even try to get along with me? They don't even "celebrate" MY
diversity -- how can they be trusted to even begin to accept the
diversity of the REAL world?
I can't even log-on to your website to post this message, the bandwidth
is being interfered with, censorship-in-disguise, "Technical
Difficulties," they will claim if I were to complain.
They don't even make the effort to listen to your complaints, so how can
they make any efforts at all towards PEACE? THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT
THE PROBLEMS ARE -- because they never listened -- just knee-jerked
'offensive/negative' to hammer against their merciless
positive-cross-signs, ideological, subliminal-knee-jerk Pavlovian
Response, unthinkingly, unawares -- as brainwashed. I am trying to heal
them, and they censor the world from me, too.
Therefore, I do not know if you will receive this message, nor do I know
that the message you receive is what I actually wrote. And that's
exactly what's wrong with our world, with my country.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
--{entrance and exit, no apartments)
Priest River, ID, USA 83856-2123
Subject: My apologies
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 02:39:11 -0700
Dear President Ahmedi-Nijad of Iran;
-- please note: the spelling I use for your name is a matter of
respect. Our language is twisted and distorted so that translated names
have subliminal-messaging attached to stimulate reactionary-responses
from the masses. The way your name is spelled in the media here, in
English, intentionally sounds like "Oh mad punjab" very subtly, all
derogatory towards you as an individual person.
All words in our languages are being manipulated in that manner now.
All messages in the media are being manipulated at that level now, and
have been for quite some time -- it just gets worse and worse.
I am writing you today, from my abode in the state of Idaho, United
States, to apologize. YOU WERE CENSORED in our FAKE
'land-of-no-censorship' and FAKE 'land-of-equality' and FAKE
'land-of-free-press' and FAKE 'land-of-celebrated-diversity.'
You were painted as 'negative' to be hammered ruthlessly against
'postive's merciless positive-cross-signs in ideological crucifiXtion,
using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as nails, the process
called, "FigurativeCarpentry," which is the epitome of hate, blatant
anti-christ messaging.
I'm sure you know about the various 'versions' of every religion. But
the REAL version of Christianity is being CENSORED and those whom teach
it, hammered as 'negative' against ideological positive-cross-signs in
blatant anti-christ messaging by those whom have a vested-interest in
denying their hate which they disguise as
'peace/love/tranquility/concern' when obviously it's none of that.
I know this is difficult to comprehend at first glance, at first
exposure. But in order to understand why you can't get along with our
hateful conspiring Legislative Branch and diplomats, is because they are
under the influence of a molested religious version, which has tainted
every aspect of their professional and private lives, including their
entire credentialing-system.
That is why they claim to be 'open-minded' but censor your words,
proving they are only open-minded to goose-stepping in lock-step with
like-mindedness. THEY REFUSED YOUR FREEDOM TO SPEAK, and our new
President had the audacity to call you a 'hypocrite' for it. On behalf
of REAL Christianity and REAL citizenship, my apologies. They don't
listen to me either, if it makes you feel any better. :lol:
They only listen to themselves. Worship a words as excuses to hate
others. REAL Christianity is NONE OF THAT.
Just as there are various versions of Islam, each claiming to be the
only 'true' version, the only REAL version of Christianity is CENSORED,
and it's the absolute foundation upon which this country was founded by
our Founding Fathers. That's how sick and wrong it truly is.
I still disagree with your EndTimes hope for mass-extinction, I still
think it's hateful and as twisted and wrong as the molested
'christianity' fake versions of worshiping words and super-duper alien
cartoon-characters hiding in off-planet undisclosed locations.
I still disagree with your refusal to cooperate with nuclear
But I apologize to you on behalf of REAL Christianity and the REAL and
ONLY VALID AND TRUE intent of our Founding Fathers when establishing
this union and declaring independence from hateful-religionists under
the influence of word-worship and cartoon-character worship, claiming
'unconditional-love' while ignoring the obvious message embodied in
religious scriptures, not to declare one's self 'positive' and concoct
excuses to deny equality to all one deems 'offensive/negative,'
censoring dissent.
Our country was never intended to be what it has become, nor was
Christianity. EndTimes is NOT a 'good thing,' and both our scriptures
and all others warn against being 'positive' and casting-out
'negatives,' because of it. It's about unconditional-love, not
concocting excuses to mass-murder and deny equality over worshiped
words, pieces-of-cloth (clothes worn or not worn), looks, size, shape,
color, attitudes, ideas, talents, abilities or inabilities, crotches
(what's in it or what's done with it), transportation, education, jobs,
entertainments, habits, loves ...
All religious scriptures are written in such a way as to present these
concepts in story-form, because it already happened before, holocaust,
genocides, civilization destroyed by 'positives' hating 'negatives,' --
'positives' concocting excuses to divide, hating 'negatives,' ruthlessly
hammering others as 'negative' against their merciless ideological
positive-cross-signs, the REAL definition of "crucifixition." It
already happened before, which is why religion's tell these important,
vital concepts in story-form, because these concepts apply to
sophisticated societies capable of holocaust, but in order to teach it
to unsophisticated, illiterate masses, and keep these concepts ALIVE
eternally, regardless of education or technological-advances, these
story-forms are written and taught knowing fully-well that some day,
some way, some how, civilization will advance enough to put-aside the
cartoon-imagery, and focus on the concepts, and LEARN from the inherent
WARNINGS, thereby striving to be BETTER,
-- everybody, all of us, all of me, all of you, all of them, or as I
say, AllOfMe/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllOfUs/AllThings, the REAL definition
of "God" which is NOT a cartoon-character, as I know you are aware, but
is CENSORED here.
Meanwhile, because the "diplomatic core" has been censored from these
vital warnings, they fail. They claim "open-minded" but only prove to
be 'open-minded' to like-mindedness. They claim to "celebrate
diversity" but only if you look and talk and act and walk just like
themselves. The claim they can LISTEN but walk-out, then blame their
VICTIM as to why there was a communication breakdown.
I know you have issues with Israel. But how can any version of solution
be arrived at, other than holocaust, if my so-called 'leaders' won't
How can they be trusted to try to get along with the world, when they
don't even try to get along with me? They don't even "celebrate" MY
diversity -- how can they be trusted to even begin to accept the
diversity of the REAL world?
I can't even log-on to your website to post this message, the bandwidth
is being interfered with, censorship-in-disguise, "Technical
Difficulties," they will claim if I were to complain.
They don't even make the effort to listen to your complaints, so how can
they make any efforts at all towards PEACE? THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT
THE PROBLEMS ARE -- because they never listened -- just knee-jerked
'offensive/negative' to hammer against their merciless
positive-cross-signs, ideological, subliminal-knee-jerk Pavlovian
Response, unthinkingly, unawares -- as brainwashed. I am trying to heal
them, and they censor the world from me, too.
Therefore, I do not know if you will receive this message, nor do I know
that the message you receive is what I actually wrote. And that's
exactly what's wrong with our world, with my country.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Clayton Winton
(1183-1287 Robinson Dr.)
--{entrance and exit, no apartments)
Priest River, ID, USA 83856-2123
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Congratulations Benjamin Netanyahu
"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in Tuesday (March 31) as Israel’s 13th prime minister, ushering in a new right-centrist government led by the Likud party."
My heartfelt congratulations to Benjamin Netanyahu. The challenges are great, and we must remember that in the year 1208, Pope_Innocent_III brainwashed the masses to be 'positive' and hate 'negatives' as an excuse to GENOCIDE JEWS.
We must remember that our own hateful Legislative Branch here in the US, has brainwashed the masses to be 'positive' and hate 'negatives,' repeatedly, to GENOCIDE NATIVES, then to enslave 'alternative-skin-color' people and drag them here in chains to blame the citizens as a DIVERSION from their GENOCIDEs.
Now our hateful Congress has brainwashed the masses to be 'positive' and hate 'negatives,' starting with everything you were ever told was the 'epitome of success,' being the head of a company, CEO, or a Finance Industry employee, or a dairy-farmer, or a worker, any excuse will do, including your habits, entertainments, living-arrangements, lifestyles, pieces-of-cloth (clothes either worn or not worn, wrinkles, colors, patterns, any excuse at all) -- education, private financial information and private medical information, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), music, dance, art, an endless CRUSADE of hate instigated by our own hateful Legislative Branch ---
--- while cozying-up to religious-organizations that HOPE to GENOCIDE JEWS, and in their psychosis think the total-global-extinction-event of every living thing is a 'good plan' in their hateful 'unconditional-love,' proving their religion(s) are HATE and god is FALSE/FAKE, abusing their religious-freedoms as excuses to abuse the free-speech/expressions of everybody ELSE, and it's our own hateful Legislative Branch clogging the courts and sicking their StormTroopers/Gestapo to seize the wealth of the people and silence DISSENT.
We now owe more taxes, fees, fines, complications, paperMAKEwork (which is FAKE 'work' and FAKE 'productivity'), and have more debts and people declared 'negatives' cast-out into prisons/dungeons than the so-called 'evil-tyrannical-monarch' your SONS AND DAUGHTERS died to win INDEPENDENCE from.
Please, PM Netanyahu, help LIBERATE us from it. Please do. Please.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
My heartfelt congratulations to Benjamin Netanyahu. The challenges are great, and we must remember that in the year 1208, Pope_Innocent_III brainwashed the masses to be 'positive' and hate 'negatives' as an excuse to GENOCIDE JEWS.
We must remember that our own hateful Legislative Branch here in the US, has brainwashed the masses to be 'positive' and hate 'negatives,' repeatedly, to GENOCIDE NATIVES, then to enslave 'alternative-skin-color' people and drag them here in chains to blame the citizens as a DIVERSION from their GENOCIDEs.
Now our hateful Congress has brainwashed the masses to be 'positive' and hate 'negatives,' starting with everything you were ever told was the 'epitome of success,' being the head of a company, CEO, or a Finance Industry employee, or a dairy-farmer, or a worker, any excuse will do, including your habits, entertainments, living-arrangements, lifestyles, pieces-of-cloth (clothes either worn or not worn, wrinkles, colors, patterns, any excuse at all) -- education, private financial information and private medical information, crotch (what's in it or what's done with it), music, dance, art, an endless CRUSADE of hate instigated by our own hateful Legislative Branch ---
--- while cozying-up to religious-organizations that HOPE to GENOCIDE JEWS, and in their psychosis think the total-global-extinction-event of every living thing is a 'good plan' in their hateful 'unconditional-love,' proving their religion(s) are HATE and god is FALSE/FAKE, abusing their religious-freedoms as excuses to abuse the free-speech/expressions of everybody ELSE, and it's our own hateful Legislative Branch clogging the courts and sicking their StormTroopers/Gestapo to seize the wealth of the people and silence DISSENT.
We now owe more taxes, fees, fines, complications, paperMAKEwork (which is FAKE 'work' and FAKE 'productivity'), and have more debts and people declared 'negatives' cast-out into prisons/dungeons than the so-called 'evil-tyrannical-monarch' your SONS AND DAUGHTERS died to win INDEPENDENCE from.
Please, PM Netanyahu, help LIBERATE us from it. Please do. Please.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
FAKE 'wound' victims Inspire HATE as usual
Those FAKING 'wounds' from WORDS are inspiring HATE, as usual. That would be 'positive-people' CRUSADING against their usual targets, any excuse will do, whomever they deem 'negative' to ruthlessly hammer against their merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, which is ideological crucifiXtion, called, "FigurativeCarpentry," (no spaces between the words "Figurative" and "Carpentry", it's a single-word-phrase) in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving ZERO self-esteem, zero FORGIVENESS (which they hypocritically demand from everybody for any reason, for their own selves), proving ZERO compassion, proving ZERO justice, therefore proving ZERO EQUALITY yet demanding it for themselves --
As an excuse to ignore TOPICS, which they can't discuss while under-the-influence of the ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism, the formula of HATE, declaring themselves 'positive' and casting-out 'negatives' -- products, then the people and families nurtured by those products in those industries -- forcing 'negatives' into 'burkas' -- nothing is 'good enough' for 'em. Nothing at all. Wrong hair; wrong looks; wrong words; wrong eyes; wrong nose; wrong smells; wrong education; wrong typos/splg; wrong wording; wrong thoughts; wrong attitudes; wrong friends; wrong habits; wrong entertainments; wrong wrong wrong -- CRUSADE! Positives HATING negatives, and now it's our own hateful Congress inciting TERROR against 'negative' dairy-farmers, CEOs, Finance Industry employees, Truck Drivers, Timber Workers, Construction Workers, Auto Workers, anybody displaying 'signs of wealth' -- demanding 'pay-cuts' and 'sacrifice' from everybody ELSE while arrogantly refusing any themselves. It's PREPOSTEROUS!
Put on your 'burka' -- sack-cloth -- a side-ways burlap bag with cut-outs for arms and neck -- over your clothes -- with a 'negative' sign spray-painted on it -- THEY HATE YOU FOR YOUR FREEDOMS, your freedom to read a word they don't like, look at a picture they don't like, buy a product they don't like, have a habit or entertainment they don't like, participate in a business they don't like -- CRUSADE! -- THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED! --
They've outlawed half of economy and sent their StormTrooping/Gestapo to seize your wealth, (cops stuck in the middle as PawnsOfWar taking the BLAME in the Legislative Branchs' CRUSADE against WeThePeople) to fine you, tax you, fee you, complicate your life ENDLESSLY, endless complications/regulations, more and more complications, paperMAKEwork -- FAKE 'productivity' -- censoring and taxing moreso than the so-called 'evil-tyrannical-MONARCH' your SONS AND DAUGHTERS died declaring INDEPENDENCE from.
It's PREPOSTEROUS! THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED! -- and are STUPEDFIED as to why we are now trillions and trillions and trillions in debt.
The Legislative Branch HAS GOT TO GO! They've brainwashed the masses to be 'positive' and DIVIDE into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling 'negative' TRIBES. They think they themselves are 'the-government' in their ARROGANCE! We have a beautiful country, a beautiful government, and that rotten branch MUST GO! It will take a minimum of 9-years for the courts to sort-out their Legislated-TYRANNY.
They've dumbed-down education to such a degree that people have been brainwashed to IGNORE TOPICS, pessimistically tunnel-vision focus against typos, spelling, wording, knee-jerk a 'positive-reaction' against any TINY-FRACTION as a DIVERSION from the TOPIC and start hammering the individual attempting communication about a TOPIC against their merciless-positive-cross-signs, the topic ignored, the individual hated subtly and not-so-subtly, as excuses to DENY/CENSOR DISSENT/TRUTH. It's TERROR_IN_DISGUISE.
TERROR_IN_DISGUISE! CRUSADE! A REAL crusade, not a FAKE 'one' of myth superstitionalized in text-books worshiped as FalseGods before thee.
It's HatefulReligiousSupremacy, be you religious or not, so infiltrated and infected within society it goes unnoticed -- YOU ARE BORN INTO IT -- by design -- of the hateful crusading Legislative Branch. It has produced the highest-debts in existence. It's outrageous. Totally unnacceptable. It has undermind DEFENSE. It is completely preposterous.
Instead of discussing even THIS TOPIC, they ignore it and pessimistically tunnel-vision focus against the individual -- any excuse will do. "Oh, those exclamation-marks just proves anger-issues, and he's obviously a drug-addict, probably drunk, snorting cocaine from the buttocks of prostitutes, and uses words that cause us injuries -- call LifeFlight, we are so wounded from words -- boo-hoo!" It's preposterous!
It has nothing to do with their superstitious 'april-fools' crap.
THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED! They have gone completely insane and think multi-trillion-dollar debts and more rules, fines, fees, taxes, regulations than the country we declared independence from, is 'normal.' It's INSANITY. IT MUST BE DEFENDED AGAINST AT ALL COSTS.
As an excuse to ignore TOPICS, which they can't discuss while under-the-influence of the ThoughtVirus of NegativePositive-ism, the formula of HATE, declaring themselves 'positive' and casting-out 'negatives' -- products, then the people and families nurtured by those products in those industries -- forcing 'negatives' into 'burkas' -- nothing is 'good enough' for 'em. Nothing at all. Wrong hair; wrong looks; wrong words; wrong eyes; wrong nose; wrong smells; wrong education; wrong typos/splg; wrong wording; wrong thoughts; wrong attitudes; wrong friends; wrong habits; wrong entertainments; wrong wrong wrong -- CRUSADE! Positives HATING negatives, and now it's our own hateful Congress inciting TERROR against 'negative' dairy-farmers, CEOs, Finance Industry employees, Truck Drivers, Timber Workers, Construction Workers, Auto Workers, anybody displaying 'signs of wealth' -- demanding 'pay-cuts' and 'sacrifice' from everybody ELSE while arrogantly refusing any themselves. It's PREPOSTEROUS!
Put on your 'burka' -- sack-cloth -- a side-ways burlap bag with cut-outs for arms and neck -- over your clothes -- with a 'negative' sign spray-painted on it -- THEY HATE YOU FOR YOUR FREEDOMS, your freedom to read a word they don't like, look at a picture they don't like, buy a product they don't like, have a habit or entertainment they don't like, participate in a business they don't like -- CRUSADE! -- THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED! --
They've outlawed half of economy and sent their StormTrooping/Gestapo to seize your wealth, (cops stuck in the middle as PawnsOfWar taking the BLAME in the Legislative Branchs' CRUSADE against WeThePeople) to fine you, tax you, fee you, complicate your life ENDLESSLY, endless complications/regulations, more and more complications, paperMAKEwork -- FAKE 'productivity' -- censoring and taxing moreso than the so-called 'evil-tyrannical-MONARCH' your SONS AND DAUGHTERS died declaring INDEPENDENCE from.
It's PREPOSTEROUS! THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED! -- and are STUPEDFIED as to why we are now trillions and trillions and trillions in debt.
The Legislative Branch HAS GOT TO GO! They've brainwashed the masses to be 'positive' and DIVIDE into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling 'negative' TRIBES. They think they themselves are 'the-government' in their ARROGANCE! We have a beautiful country, a beautiful government, and that rotten branch MUST GO! It will take a minimum of 9-years for the courts to sort-out their Legislated-TYRANNY.
They've dumbed-down education to such a degree that people have been brainwashed to IGNORE TOPICS, pessimistically tunnel-vision focus against typos, spelling, wording, knee-jerk a 'positive-reaction' against any TINY-FRACTION as a DIVERSION from the TOPIC and start hammering the individual attempting communication about a TOPIC against their merciless-positive-cross-signs, the topic ignored, the individual hated subtly and not-so-subtly, as excuses to DENY/CENSOR DISSENT/TRUTH. It's TERROR_IN_DISGUISE.
TERROR_IN_DISGUISE! CRUSADE! A REAL crusade, not a FAKE 'one' of myth superstitionalized in text-books worshiped as FalseGods before thee.
It's HatefulReligiousSupremacy, be you religious or not, so infiltrated and infected within society it goes unnoticed -- YOU ARE BORN INTO IT -- by design -- of the hateful crusading Legislative Branch. It has produced the highest-debts in existence. It's outrageous. Totally unnacceptable. It has undermind DEFENSE. It is completely preposterous.
Instead of discussing even THIS TOPIC, they ignore it and pessimistically tunnel-vision focus against the individual -- any excuse will do. "Oh, those exclamation-marks just proves anger-issues, and he's obviously a drug-addict, probably drunk, snorting cocaine from the buttocks of prostitutes, and uses words that cause us injuries -- call LifeFlight, we are so wounded from words -- boo-hoo!" It's preposterous!
It has nothing to do with their superstitious 'april-fools' crap.
THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED! They have gone completely insane and think multi-trillion-dollar debts and more rules, fines, fees, taxes, regulations than the country we declared independence from, is 'normal.' It's INSANITY. IT MUST BE DEFENDED AGAINST AT ALL COSTS.
Dear Bonner County Citizens
Dear Bonner County Citizens;
About that GARBAGE:
The TOPIC is resource allocation.
The TOPIC is not spelling; typos; wording; grammar; education; looks; habits; entertainments; living-arrangements; lifestyles; transportation; jobs; extraordinary disabilities or abilities; talents; income; PRIVATEs such as financial or medical data, crotches, loves, or anything else commonly used by crusading 'positives' to be hateful of 'negatives' on the individual level as diversions from TOPICS.
I am NOT the TOPIC. The TOPIC is GARBAGE and it's impact upon resource allocation for all of us, all of them, everybody.
Our country is trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars in debt. Moving a single dumpster requires resource allocation. Moving a group of dumpsters to a newly-aquired area will require additional taxes to pay for it. Those taxes will be subtle, such as a new 'service fee,' another property-tax hike, another product tax-increase, another excuse to raise taxes, hire more people to push paperwork around at taxpayer expense, contributing to a multi-trillion-dollar total-failure of debt.
Every time a truck moves a dumpster, carbon-emissions are emitted, which is now the excuse to raise your taxes, usually licensing-tabs on your vehicles, especially commercial/business vehicles, increasing the costs of products, therefore punishing consumers for consuming; punishing business-owners for doing business, firing more people and therefore hurting more families as a result.
Just because other counties have gone that route, does not make it 'normal.' There are many things in life that one would prefer not to look at, but eyes that pessimistically tunnel-vision against 'negatives/offenses' imagine 'wounds' to fake 'injuries' and it has resulted in multi-trillion dollar debts, 'positives' crusading against 'negatives,' any excuse will do.
We can do better than that. I suggest imagined 'wounds' from words and pictures and dumpsters proves that one should exercise their freedom to pluck out the 'offending part.' Problem solved.
Another related-issue that must be discussed that goes ignored is fake 'options/choices.' When Legislators/supervisors tell you what your 'choices' are, then dumps those choices in your lap, it is to blame you. Like this: "Positive people will just-say-no to Option-1 because those dumpsters are offensive to thine eyes." Then tell you about the other 'options' while claiming "the citizens have spoken."
It has cost millions TALKING, driving back and forth, consuming resources, emitting carbon-gases which will be used as excuses to RAISE YOUR TAXES, while they get paid to do it. It has stirred-up DIVIDES within the community over a very insignificant issue. It makes everybody wonder if "options-2, and 3, and 4" are the equivalent of "no-bid-contracts" for "friends and family" or members of a "private club" (usually religious) of those whom promote it.
That's where the term 'special-interests' comes from, exactly. That is why the formulation of a new 'citizen-discussion-group' is a DIVERSION, consuming more resources, ultimately YOURS.
Lastly, there is a nice little business by the dumpsters called, "The Green Owl." Like most businesses, it needs your support and patronage. One would think having that business' name in the paper is a 'free-ad' but it's not, because there are those whom want you to equate 'garbage' with the "Green Owl." The same people/groups that DIVIDE communities over GARBAGE have done it to the Green Owl's PRODUCTS and CUSTOMERS for DECADES, therefore another FAKE 'crisis' in future 'waiting-to-happen,' raising taxes to hire more cops, stuck in the middle taking the blame as usual, seizing the wealth of WeThePeople.
That is why we are trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars in debt. THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED.
The TOPIC is NOT ME -- it's RESOURCE ALLOCATION, did you forget already? BE HEALED OF IT.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID
About that GARBAGE:
The TOPIC is resource allocation.
The TOPIC is not spelling; typos; wording; grammar; education; looks; habits; entertainments; living-arrangements; lifestyles; transportation; jobs; extraordinary disabilities or abilities; talents; income; PRIVATEs such as financial or medical data, crotches, loves, or anything else commonly used by crusading 'positives' to be hateful of 'negatives' on the individual level as diversions from TOPICS.
I am NOT the TOPIC. The TOPIC is GARBAGE and it's impact upon resource allocation for all of us, all of them, everybody.
Our country is trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars in debt. Moving a single dumpster requires resource allocation. Moving a group of dumpsters to a newly-aquired area will require additional taxes to pay for it. Those taxes will be subtle, such as a new 'service fee,' another property-tax hike, another product tax-increase, another excuse to raise taxes, hire more people to push paperwork around at taxpayer expense, contributing to a multi-trillion-dollar total-failure of debt.
Every time a truck moves a dumpster, carbon-emissions are emitted, which is now the excuse to raise your taxes, usually licensing-tabs on your vehicles, especially commercial/business vehicles, increasing the costs of products, therefore punishing consumers for consuming; punishing business-owners for doing business, firing more people and therefore hurting more families as a result.
Just because other counties have gone that route, does not make it 'normal.' There are many things in life that one would prefer not to look at, but eyes that pessimistically tunnel-vision against 'negatives/offenses' imagine 'wounds' to fake 'injuries' and it has resulted in multi-trillion dollar debts, 'positives' crusading against 'negatives,' any excuse will do.
We can do better than that. I suggest imagined 'wounds' from words and pictures and dumpsters proves that one should exercise their freedom to pluck out the 'offending part.' Problem solved.
Another related-issue that must be discussed that goes ignored is fake 'options/choices.' When Legislators/supervisors tell you what your 'choices' are, then dumps those choices in your lap, it is to blame you. Like this: "Positive people will just-say-no to Option-1 because those dumpsters are offensive to thine eyes." Then tell you about the other 'options' while claiming "the citizens have spoken."
It has cost millions TALKING, driving back and forth, consuming resources, emitting carbon-gases which will be used as excuses to RAISE YOUR TAXES, while they get paid to do it. It has stirred-up DIVIDES within the community over a very insignificant issue. It makes everybody wonder if "options-2, and 3, and 4" are the equivalent of "no-bid-contracts" for "friends and family" or members of a "private club" (usually religious) of those whom promote it.
That's where the term 'special-interests' comes from, exactly. That is why the formulation of a new 'citizen-discussion-group' is a DIVERSION, consuming more resources, ultimately YOURS.
Lastly, there is a nice little business by the dumpsters called, "The Green Owl." Like most businesses, it needs your support and patronage. One would think having that business' name in the paper is a 'free-ad' but it's not, because there are those whom want you to equate 'garbage' with the "Green Owl." The same people/groups that DIVIDE communities over GARBAGE have done it to the Green Owl's PRODUCTS and CUSTOMERS for DECADES, therefore another FAKE 'crisis' in future 'waiting-to-happen,' raising taxes to hire more cops, stuck in the middle taking the blame as usual, seizing the wealth of WeThePeople.
That is why we are trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars in debt. THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED.
The TOPIC is NOT ME -- it's RESOURCE ALLOCATION, did you forget already? BE HEALED OF IT.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Priest River, ID
Friday, March 27, 2009
DirtToThrown: Kings, Queens & Presidents
Can you read this from your home email-client?
If you checked the box to receive email for Private Messages, then you should be able to read this from the privacy of your home-computer.
I enjoyed our discussions. I know we think completely different, and that's the beauty of the internet because we are all censored from (one) another in very subtle ways that are ignored -- the topic ignored entirely in our society.
I can be reached via email at cwinton (at) priestriver (dot) com
-- if you can read this.
None of us can learn how to get along unless we prove acceptance of diversity -- yet you and most others are from an institutionalized ThoughtSchool (school-of-thought) (that) ignores the viewpoints of others, and take dissenting-opinions personally, which is learned-behavior, to censor topics, communication, to further divides, to stagnate progress, which proves our credentialing-system (educational-system) is utter failure.
Look at the topic of 'religion' -- those whom claim they are 'unconditionally-loving' and 'accepting-of-diversity' are the first to be hateful of individuals for not goose-stepping in lock-step with cloned-religious-programming memorized previously -- even while knowing to the core of their beings it's wrong. I pointed that out in some of your posts, because disagreeing with your freely-expressed religious-viewpoints and you instantly knee-jerked a personal-response hateful of me as an individual while ignoring the beauty of discussing differences/diversity.
Can you imagine a world where everybody just 'agrees' to everything? Where everything is exactly the same? We'd all be cloned-robots. Just hit the 'record-playback' button for every conversation.
There would be no learning anything new at all.
That would be HELL, not a 'heaven' by any stretch of imagination.
So, where are we? And what do we as a species, the entire HumanityFamily create for one another?
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
I just PM'd that to someone, quickly typing my thoughts. Kings, Queens, Presidents and PM's DO YOU UNDERSTAND the significance of that? Please help me fix it. Godspeed.
If you checked the box to receive email for Private Messages, then you should be able to read this from the privacy of your home-computer.
I enjoyed our discussions. I know we think completely different, and that's the beauty of the internet because we are all censored from (one) another in very subtle ways that are ignored -- the topic ignored entirely in our society.
I can be reached via email at cwinton (at) priestriver (dot) com
-- if you can read this.
None of us can learn how to get along unless we prove acceptance of diversity -- yet you and most others are from an institutionalized ThoughtSchool (school-of-thought) (that) ignores the viewpoints of others, and take dissenting-opinions personally, which is learned-behavior, to censor topics, communication, to further divides, to stagnate progress, which proves our credentialing-system (educational-system) is utter failure.
Look at the topic of 'religion' -- those whom claim they are 'unconditionally-loving' and 'accepting-of-diversity' are the first to be hateful of individuals for not goose-stepping in lock-step with cloned-religious-programming memorized previously -- even while knowing to the core of their beings it's wrong. I pointed that out in some of your posts, because disagreeing with your freely-expressed religious-viewpoints and you instantly knee-jerked a personal-response hateful of me as an individual while ignoring the beauty of discussing differences/diversity.
Can you imagine a world where everybody just 'agrees' to everything? Where everything is exactly the same? We'd all be cloned-robots. Just hit the 'record-playback' button for every conversation.
There would be no learning anything new at all.
That would be HELL, not a 'heaven' by any stretch of imagination.
So, where are we? And what do we as a species, the entire HumanityFamily create for one another?
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
I just PM'd that to someone, quickly typing my thoughts. Kings, Queens, Presidents and PM's DO YOU UNDERSTAND the significance of that? Please help me fix it. Godspeed.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
OnBanc outraged: Chemical Warfare AGAIN!
Here we go again. Chemical-warfare to hold-down, oppress, crucify Native Americans, with cops stuck in the middle taking the diversionary-blame, as usual. It may all just 'sound-so-reasonable,' the hateful Legislative Branch's excuses for doing it, but the ramifications are global.
Know about it? This time, they allocated millions to dump a 'new-improved-fun-exciting-cute-and-fluffy' version of AGENT ORANGE along the Rio Grande.
What I can't figure out, is why didn't they just hire the Natives to mow the fucking the grass? Eh?
Another missing persons in the Spokane, WA area. Did she dissent? They'll just concoct another 'drug-addict' or 'psychopath' to blame it on, as usual. Cops just 'collect the evidence' -- how convenient.
Meanwhile, all those positive-people CRUSADING against their concocted 'negatives' just said it was 'okay' to shoot a disabled man in the head. Apparently he didn't 'walk perfect' on the public sidewalk, FFS! Spokane: CityOfHate.
Next up, War AGAINST FARMERS -- the hateful Legislators and their endless legislated-tyranny, are STARVING FARMERS. Dairy prices are lower than ever due to LEGISLATION and nothing else. They might as well drive tractor-trailor loads of manure to the Capitol and fling it back at 'em -- take a lesson from the French -- and bring their pitch-forks -- and might as well wear burlap sack-cloths as BURKAS while doing it -- as these hateful Legislators have FORCED FARMERS into 'martyring' themselves in order to SURVIVE -- and they'll send their hateful StormTroopers to mow 'em down with machine guns, then blame the cops they stuck in the middle of their hateful WarAgainstThePeople, as usual.
It's all about hiring millions more higher-ed 'genius-experts' at taxpayer expense to regulate every aspect of farming, increasing costs and complications, endlessly.
-- then, they'll all sing and bible-thump to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief they instigated themselves, as usual. And claim the farmers were 'delusional' and 'drunk' and 'under-the-influence-of-controlled-substances' and 'uneducated' and 'DISOBEDIENT' and 'fanatics' -- it's out-fucking-rageous.
These hateful Legislators won't stop until THEY ARE STOPPED! What part of TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS OF DEBT doesn't ANYBODY GET?
Know about it? This time, they allocated millions to dump a 'new-improved-fun-exciting-cute-and-fluffy' version of AGENT ORANGE along the Rio Grande.
What I can't figure out, is why didn't they just hire the Natives to mow the fucking the grass? Eh?
Another missing persons in the Spokane, WA area. Did she dissent? They'll just concoct another 'drug-addict' or 'psychopath' to blame it on, as usual. Cops just 'collect the evidence' -- how convenient.
Meanwhile, all those positive-people CRUSADING against their concocted 'negatives' just said it was 'okay' to shoot a disabled man in the head. Apparently he didn't 'walk perfect' on the public sidewalk, FFS! Spokane: CityOfHate.
Next up, War AGAINST FARMERS -- the hateful Legislators and their endless legislated-tyranny, are STARVING FARMERS. Dairy prices are lower than ever due to LEGISLATION and nothing else. They might as well drive tractor-trailor loads of manure to the Capitol and fling it back at 'em -- take a lesson from the French -- and bring their pitch-forks -- and might as well wear burlap sack-cloths as BURKAS while doing it -- as these hateful Legislators have FORCED FARMERS into 'martyring' themselves in order to SURVIVE -- and they'll send their hateful StormTroopers to mow 'em down with machine guns, then blame the cops they stuck in the middle of their hateful WarAgainstThePeople, as usual.
It's all about hiring millions more higher-ed 'genius-experts' at taxpayer expense to regulate every aspect of farming, increasing costs and complications, endlessly.
-- then, they'll all sing and bible-thump to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief they instigated themselves, as usual. And claim the farmers were 'delusional' and 'drunk' and 'under-the-influence-of-controlled-substances' and 'uneducated' and 'DISOBEDIENT' and 'fanatics' -- it's out-fucking-rageous.
These hateful Legislators won't stop until THEY ARE STOPPED! What part of TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS OF DEBT doesn't ANYBODY GET?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Terror is WINNING!
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:20 pm
Babylon_Horuv wrote:
Our inability to realize that the drug war is unwinnable, and that as long as prohibition continues we are funding massive criminal organizations is contributing heavily to Mexico's problem.
Marijuana accounts for 60% of the profits of Mexico's drug cartels, if we legalized just marijuana we would cut off more than half of their funding.
That is a good point. However, there are other factors that must ALWAYS be at the forefront of this discussion:
1) throughout history, governments were formed to defend, serve and protect the people against hateful-religious tyranny infringing against equal pursuits of opportunities, life, liberty and happiness;
-- one may think that is a 'given' but it is always too 'coveniently' forgotten;
2) that hateful-religious tyranny has always infiltrated and infected any/all new governments through their weak-spot, Legislative Branches;
3) after defrauding taxpayers of the new government to fund their own credentialing-system, they install laws protecting their funding;
4) using 'like-minded' (credentialed) clerics/administrators, they wage war against the government to destabilize it via the Legislative Branch, outlawing, banning, censoring, one product after another, casting-out by ones and twos more and more business, economy --
5) that causes two OBVIOUS and PREDICTABLE outcomes:
-- a) bankruptcy, because each new law requires hiring more police at taxpayer expense, buying more dungeon/prison-space, more guards, more kangaroo-court clerics/administrators at taxpayer expense to FAKE 'justice' -- and each person prosecuted is one less tax-payer, one more family destroyed;
-- -- that's a 'double-whammy' because the taxpayer was defrauded to pay for the credentialing AND the crusade against themselves;
-- b) tyranny, the silencing of dissent, because the first thing they do is ban a product, which concocts a BLACK-market, which causes a certain degree of theft/violence; which is the COVER to MURDER DISSENTERS then BLAME it on the BLACK-market.
There isn't a country in history that has NOT been DESTROYED via ATTRITION from the inside-out following that EXACT formula for DIVIDES.
After it 'blows-up' -- the hateful-religious-tyranny resumes to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle (and not-so-subtle) instigation, encouragement, HOPE.
Clinton awarded the Arafat-crowd $900,000,000.00 for setting-up their rival political faction.
She's doing the same in Mexico.
But it's not her fault -- she was born into that system that 'made her' in it's ugly image. And their HOPE is to just blame another woman, in an endless procession of 'Eves,' as usual.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:28 pm
Legislated-tyranny is a very old, very predictable, highly noticeable formula to divide and conquer with banning/censoring the epitome of their evil-doing:
DIVERSION =============>>>> War Against (insert product name here)
--- concoct 'black-market'
--- murder dissenters
--- blame 'black-market'
Every four-seconds we have somebody call 911 to report another MISSING PERSONS.
-- hateful-religionists abuse the system, aware of this formula, and call LifeFlight which costs a million dollars a minute, for stupid bumps, sprains, bruises, totally sensationalizing every aspect of their FAKE 'life-or-death-ordeal.' That in itself is a part of the DIVERSION -- and they are trained to be that way, unknowingly most often.
-- meanwhile, with all the concocted 'criminal elements,' another DISSENTER IS MURDERED and nobody paid attention AS USUAL.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:30 pm
Now, we owe more than we're worth, which is the absolute definition of INSOLVENCY.
TERROR WON. Congratulations. (Rolling Eyes emoticon)
You must help me -- all people of the world, whomever, whatever, regardless of language or location PLEASE HELP!
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Babylon_Horuv wrote:
Our inability to realize that the drug war is unwinnable, and that as long as prohibition continues we are funding massive criminal organizations is contributing heavily to Mexico's problem.
Marijuana accounts for 60% of the profits of Mexico's drug cartels, if we legalized just marijuana we would cut off more than half of their funding.
That is a good point. However, there are other factors that must ALWAYS be at the forefront of this discussion:
1) throughout history, governments were formed to defend, serve and protect the people against hateful-religious tyranny infringing against equal pursuits of opportunities, life, liberty and happiness;
-- one may think that is a 'given' but it is always too 'coveniently' forgotten;
2) that hateful-religious tyranny has always infiltrated and infected any/all new governments through their weak-spot, Legislative Branches;
3) after defrauding taxpayers of the new government to fund their own credentialing-system, they install laws protecting their funding;
4) using 'like-minded' (credentialed) clerics/administrators, they wage war against the government to destabilize it via the Legislative Branch, outlawing, banning, censoring, one product after another, casting-out by ones and twos more and more business, economy --
5) that causes two OBVIOUS and PREDICTABLE outcomes:
-- a) bankruptcy, because each new law requires hiring more police at taxpayer expense, buying more dungeon/prison-space, more guards, more kangaroo-court clerics/administrators at taxpayer expense to FAKE 'justice' -- and each person prosecuted is one less tax-payer, one more family destroyed;
-- -- that's a 'double-whammy' because the taxpayer was defrauded to pay for the credentialing AND the crusade against themselves;
-- b) tyranny, the silencing of dissent, because the first thing they do is ban a product, which concocts a BLACK-market, which causes a certain degree of theft/violence; which is the COVER to MURDER DISSENTERS then BLAME it on the BLACK-market.
There isn't a country in history that has NOT been DESTROYED via ATTRITION from the inside-out following that EXACT formula for DIVIDES.
After it 'blows-up' -- the hateful-religious-tyranny resumes to PROFIT, see -- see it yet? -- from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle (and not-so-subtle) instigation, encouragement, HOPE.
Clinton awarded the Arafat-crowd $900,000,000.00 for setting-up their rival political faction.
She's doing the same in Mexico.
But it's not her fault -- she was born into that system that 'made her' in it's ugly image. And their HOPE is to just blame another woman, in an endless procession of 'Eves,' as usual.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:28 pm
Legislated-tyranny is a very old, very predictable, highly noticeable formula to divide and conquer with banning/censoring the epitome of their evil-doing:
DIVERSION =============>>>> War Against (insert product name here)
--- concoct 'black-market'
--- murder dissenters
--- blame 'black-market'
Every four-seconds we have somebody call 911 to report another MISSING PERSONS.
-- hateful-religionists abuse the system, aware of this formula, and call LifeFlight which costs a million dollars a minute, for stupid bumps, sprains, bruises, totally sensationalizing every aspect of their FAKE 'life-or-death-ordeal.' That in itself is a part of the DIVERSION -- and they are trained to be that way, unknowingly most often.
-- meanwhile, with all the concocted 'criminal elements,' another DISSENTER IS MURDERED and nobody paid attention AS USUAL.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:30 pm
Now, we owe more than we're worth, which is the absolute definition of INSOLVENCY.
TERROR WON. Congratulations. (Rolling Eyes emoticon)
You must help me -- all people of the world, whomever, whatever, regardless of language or location PLEASE HELP!
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
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