The Perfect War -- Part-4
Congress is about to do their usual HOLY-i-day back-stabbing. This time, it holds the greatest price tag in the history of existence. Amid much fanfare, they'll firstly prove how much 'ownership' over media they truly hold with the following highly predictable photo-op 'special announcements' :
-- 1) We are so proud to have made this huge sacrifice on behalf of the American people ... "
-- 2) "We've worked so hard -- (read: 'defrauding sympathy from the masses')
-- 3) "Our gift, after our great sacrifice, our selfless deed, on behalf of you the people, whom we've tirelessly worked so hard for -- our gift is ..."
-- meanwhile, they gift themselvesa raise, claiming it's 'automatic' as an excuse to escape personal-responsibility from the budgets they sign and approve and oversight all by themselves, as usual.
Look, this has nothing to do with providing medical care to anybody. It's about selling the product 'credentials,' generations of 'em, 'job-securing' paperwork-pushing at taxpayer expense -- in fields Legislators will directly and indirectly hold figurative purse-strings over forevermore, usurping control over everyone's pursuits of EQUAL protections regarding medical-care.
This 'christmas deadline' marketing strategy is a hoax, a fraud, molesting minds to be certain (in the words of our Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson). It's an insult to the collective intelligence of citizens, humanity as a whole, and most assuredly derogatory to Christianity. It is no 'gift' -- and claiming such proves how hateful those FAKE 'majesties' have conspired to do the people and the country, the world at large HARM.
Think of this a moment: a religious organization is being forced into bankruptcy due to allegations of 'suddenly-remembered' 'abuse.' It's not even proved. Just somebody claiming they are a 'victim', and then claiming that every time something goes 'wrong' in their life, such as when they can't get a six-digit salary or have some type of relationship problem, it's the 'result' of the alleged 'abuse' from decades ago.
Catholics. I'm talking about the all the priests accused of causing 'grave harm' to people. WHERE ARE THE REAL WOUNDS?
IN ONE'S IMAGINATION! There aren't any wounds. No blood. No guts. No brains splattered -- not even suture scars. Nothing at all. Just somebody's 'tears' for the photo-op in their hateful prayer to get BILLIONS by crying for the camera.
I know few people that were not sexually active as teenagers. Most people my age were parents by the time they were 20, or came from teenage parents themselves. I was also sexually-active as a teen. With adults. Now, I'm being brainwashed to FAKE 'victimhood' and IMAGINE 'blood and guts' from FAKE 'wounds' spilling out all over the ground ...
Those adults brought me pleasure and vice versa. These hypocrites bring nothing but PAIN and SUFFERING.
Meanwhile, if that is the so-called 'standard' of our so-called 'best-of-the-best' credentialing system, Higher-Education, which has a monopoly on Legislation, writing every rule, every procedure, every aspect of pursuits of equal opportunities, life, liberty and happiness -- if that is the 'standard' they demand from religious organizations -- from the Roman Catholic Church -- where if one 'errant member' of it makes the entire group 'guilty' and therefore 'liable' --
-- THEN, WHY ARE NOT LEGISLATORS IN CHAINS YET? How is it possible they can escape personal-responsibility for EVERYTHING? How is it possible?
Think of all the Legislators that have defrauded, engaged in sexual 'stuff' -- of blatantly being corrupt -- WE ARE THE VICTIMS -- all of us -- WHERE'S MY MONEY?
These endless diversions, faking 'wounds' from words, claiming imagined 'wounds' are 'equal' to REAL WOUNDS:

REAL WOUNDS -- an Israeli, hated for breathing.
Meanwhile, people FAKING 'wounds' think they DESERVE 'rewards.'
Meanwhile, Legislators escape personal-responsibility for everything, hating dissent and all whom attempt to express it, while endlessly DENYING any/all things.
Which brings up PUNISHMENTS: speak-out, GET PUNISHED. They retaliate in a heartbeat. Any way -- they just call-up one of their 'buddies' in the Higher-Ed cult they hold purse-strings over, and make life ever-increasingly COMPLICATED. Any WORD of dissent, excuse enough for them to FAKE 'wounds' and then engage in HatefulReligious 'eye-for-an-eye' VINDICTIVENESS/Vengeance -- the same tactic as al Qaida.
It's tyranny.
And that's not all. Think of this:
-- Father Gooley has been giving excellent sermons. One of the things he's been discussing is how those in need, in pain, with 'issues,' whom think as though they've been 'through Hell and back' -- oftentimes come to Church seeking comfort -- help -- solace.
Do you think that's a 'good-thing' to 'strategies' that MISERY against others just to manipulate 'cooperation'?
What are sanctions?
It's a vast topic. In our personal-lives, putting that type of 'pressure' on individuals is hateful. It's not kind. It's not helpful. It's ABUSE, regardless of how the 'spin'.
Higher-Ed, Legislators, do it against the people all the time.
Think about it.
OnEdit: "strategies" s/b "strategize" -- I'm correcting/clarifying that typo/mis-wording so those with zero self-esteem, whom pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, thusly being hateful of individuals attempting communication about topics, while ignoring/censoring topics via that sick 'strategy' of substitute-logic-skills -- which is learned-behavior -- well, I corrected that typo/miswording so those in HELL can follow-along. BTW, be healed of it -- it's about the topics, not typos.
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