Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Olympics : Judging TRENDS
After Rochette completed her performance during the Women's Figure Skating Short Program, her facial features appearing to be crying -- and we've all been reminded, repeatedly, the sad story of a recent death in her family -- and I was moved, as part of the 'viewing audience,' tears forming in my eyes. Then the camera zoomed-in and what I firstly noticed was there were ZERO tears in Miss Rochette's eyes. People that go through the learned motions of 'crying' without tears scare me. Most manipulative people in existence. Hasn't everybody been manipulated by one? It really worried me that Miss Rochette would leave that impression of sympathyphuking the masses. Of course, I'm sure she's none of that, right?
The camera focused on her Dad. He'd been crying. It was obvious. And there were tears in his eyes. There's something about crying. It makes your eyes turn red, instantly, and the white-parts stay red for about ten-minutes after -- longer, sometimes. No 'crying for the camera' there.
Hmmm -- the things the 'viewing audience' thinks about ...
After watching the U.S. Nationals Figure Skating Competition in Spokane, I was concerned about judging. 2007 AND 2010. There's always been politics in national competitions, local ones too -- anybody that's observed even on a casual level becomes aware of it, eventually. If a woman isn't 'femmy' enough, she's accused of being a homosexual and judged more harshly. The reverse for men, regardless of skill-level, regardless of accomplishment. It's the psychology of the judges, which crosses lines of both politics and religion, where some judges, teachers, managers, employers, parents, concoct excuses in their own heads to punish 'non-gender-stereotypes' -- anybody 'different' -- either for fear of being accused of 'promoting' something, or harboring inner-repressed 'desires' for, errr, 'something.'
On the international level, everybody that's seen the Olympics has suffered through the anguish of athletes being punished for the crimes of Higher-Ed politicians that just 'can't get along' --
-- boycotts, for example;
-- low scores just because the athlete is from a country our own hateful conspiring legislators are manipulating the media to brainwash the masses to hate, like Iran or Turkey, for example.
-- or Russia;
-- or China;
It's as old as Jesse Owens, a segregated black man, that wasn't 'equal enough' to drink from YOUR fountains, eat at YOUR lunch counters, live in YOUR neighborhoods, go to YOUR schools, date YOUR daughter, participate in YOUR sports -- but used as a Pawn to claim another country was 'racist' while the U.S. is all about 'equality,' "We're the best of the best of the best of the best!" ...
-- "pot calling kettle black" and all that (as the saying goes).
TRENDS in Judging -- it's always present and must always be defended against.
Personally, I think Evan Lysacek's skating is rather 'gangly' styled. I think his physique makes for a more awkward skating style, so a whole lot of FLUFF is included as a DIVERSION, arm waving and extraneous movements. While distracted by the arm waving and extraneous movements, one is less likely to notice the skating.
I think Davis and White have alot of FLUFF in their program as well.
I think it's about MARKETING. Marai Nagasu, for example, doesn't have a multi-million dollar marketing blitzkreig going on, and even though she did not perform a triple-triple, doing a triple-double instead, still skates with a whole lot less FLUFF, and is phenomenal. I would have placed her 3rd after the short Program, Mao Asada in First, and Kim Yu-Na in Second, and Tugba Karademir in Sixth -- (I could go on).
For the mens, I would have put Yevgeny Viktorovich Plyushchenko wins the GOLD, Johnny Weir the Silver, and I would have placed Lysacek in FOURTH.
It's not about one jump, the QUAD. It's about doing all that, THEN including the added phenomenon called the 'quad.'
And there is no such thing as "most conditioned athlete" as NBC pundits are claiming. It's a meaningless soundbite, a 'reasonable-sounding' platitude -- like what Obama is always spewing, talking nonstop but saying nothing of substance in terms of REAL LIFE, yours or anybody elses.
See, the grossest part is that it's made out as though anybody that disagrees with what they're told by TV commentators, is 'insane' -- (meanwhile, during elections, they're brainwashed to spew nonstop about the 'evil media') -- it's the weirdest thing.
Disagree with media, your 'fellow equal citizen beloved neighbors' call you insane.
THEN, turn-around and rant about the 'liberal media' and the 'slanted views' of pundits.
Juding has evolved into an effort to limit political TRENDS from punishing athletes whom are obviously deserving of VALID SCORES. But if there are perceptions of 'fimininity' issues, it's considered a 'right' and 'duty' -- and that is WRONG.
So is rewarding 'most marketable' APPEARANCES with higher-scores.
Where is Ashley Wagner, for example? They took three males from the Men's figure skating team, why did they intentionally cut-out the third woman? I would have scored that competition differently, also, with Nagasu in GOLD, Wagner in Silver, and I would have put Flatt off the podium.
It's not 'one guy's opinion' -- it's a CONSPIRACY of collected opinions. Really.
And that's why and how TRENDS evolve. It's like those $600 dollar toilet-seats and $1200 dollar coffee pots at the Pentagon. THOSE WERE CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES with the biggest of the BIG TICKET credentials from the 'world's greatest educational credentialing system and universities' claiming they could 'reduce costs' -- 'save money' -- make it 'more efficient' -- 'streamline operations' -- 'cutting-edge top-of-the-line state-of-the-art best of the best of the best' -- 'most sophisticated' -- 'return value' -- (you've heard all the marketing mindphukery -- it's endless) -- and suddenly, for Armed Services to AQUIRE a $5 dollar toilet-seat, after factoring in all the catered-lunch 'crisis meetings' and all those higher-Ed 'reasonable-sounding' TALKS, travel, perks, benefits and selfish salaries, those $5 dollar toilet-seats cost over $600 dollars to aquire -- AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE.
THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED. And to the very moment they're plush butts were thrown out the door, decades later, they turned-around and sued the taxpayer for billions for 'wrongful termination' and 'abusive environment' and 'breach of trust,' then went to work 'balancing budgets' for Congress, apparently.
Now, in order to provide AMATEUR sporting events, it's all about the MARKETING MODELS and SPOKESPEOPLE -- to SELL PRODUCTS.
Think of this: skiing is about land reclamation. Places that have been strip mined or forests that have been clear cut -- the land is reclaimed -- the roads were previous logging roads -- the reason it's called ALPINE is because it's at, or above the TREE LINE, where trees do not grow or are so stunted they are not harvestable -- (but everything below it was) -- and skiing has brought much land reclamation, providing economic stimulus and working hand-in-hand with environmentalists and manufacturers. It's an all-around 'good thing.' Runs are planted with erosion controlling native species. It's great for huckleberry picking, which feeds wildlife.
Snowboarding, on the other hand, takes EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT to carve up mountains, into desolate landscapes where no foliage will ever grow, half-pipes and whatnot. The 'newbie' at snowboarding sufferes endless FACE PLANTS, banging their upperbody against the ground, their heads taking the most impact. Bracing from the full-body 'thwhack' results in more finger, wrist and arm injuries. the lurching-around, even by the best snowboarders in the world, at the Olympics, still doesn't make it 'graceful' nor 'environmentally friendly' nor REDUCE HEALTHCARE COSTS.
OnEdit (3/11/2010 16:06PST-CLW) corrected typo on title line only, "juding" (or whatever it was) s/b "judging" obviously.
The camera focused on her Dad. He'd been crying. It was obvious. And there were tears in his eyes. There's something about crying. It makes your eyes turn red, instantly, and the white-parts stay red for about ten-minutes after -- longer, sometimes. No 'crying for the camera' there.
Hmmm -- the things the 'viewing audience' thinks about ...
After watching the U.S. Nationals Figure Skating Competition in Spokane, I was concerned about judging. 2007 AND 2010. There's always been politics in national competitions, local ones too -- anybody that's observed even on a casual level becomes aware of it, eventually. If a woman isn't 'femmy' enough, she's accused of being a homosexual and judged more harshly. The reverse for men, regardless of skill-level, regardless of accomplishment. It's the psychology of the judges, which crosses lines of both politics and religion, where some judges, teachers, managers, employers, parents, concoct excuses in their own heads to punish 'non-gender-stereotypes' -- anybody 'different' -- either for fear of being accused of 'promoting' something, or harboring inner-repressed 'desires' for, errr, 'something.'
On the international level, everybody that's seen the Olympics has suffered through the anguish of athletes being punished for the crimes of Higher-Ed politicians that just 'can't get along' --
-- boycotts, for example;
-- low scores just because the athlete is from a country our own hateful conspiring legislators are manipulating the media to brainwash the masses to hate, like Iran or Turkey, for example.
-- or Russia;
-- or China;
It's as old as Jesse Owens, a segregated black man, that wasn't 'equal enough' to drink from YOUR fountains, eat at YOUR lunch counters, live in YOUR neighborhoods, go to YOUR schools, date YOUR daughter, participate in YOUR sports -- but used as a Pawn to claim another country was 'racist' while the U.S. is all about 'equality,' "We're the best of the best of the best of the best!" ...
-- "pot calling kettle black" and all that (as the saying goes).
TRENDS in Judging -- it's always present and must always be defended against.
Personally, I think Evan Lysacek's skating is rather 'gangly' styled. I think his physique makes for a more awkward skating style, so a whole lot of FLUFF is included as a DIVERSION, arm waving and extraneous movements. While distracted by the arm waving and extraneous movements, one is less likely to notice the skating.
I think Davis and White have alot of FLUFF in their program as well.
I think it's about MARKETING. Marai Nagasu, for example, doesn't have a multi-million dollar marketing blitzkreig going on, and even though she did not perform a triple-triple, doing a triple-double instead, still skates with a whole lot less FLUFF, and is phenomenal. I would have placed her 3rd after the short Program, Mao Asada in First, and Kim Yu-Na in Second, and Tugba Karademir in Sixth -- (I could go on).
For the mens, I would have put Yevgeny Viktorovich Plyushchenko wins the GOLD, Johnny Weir the Silver, and I would have placed Lysacek in FOURTH.
It's not about one jump, the QUAD. It's about doing all that, THEN including the added phenomenon called the 'quad.'
And there is no such thing as "most conditioned athlete" as NBC pundits are claiming. It's a meaningless soundbite, a 'reasonable-sounding' platitude -- like what Obama is always spewing, talking nonstop but saying nothing of substance in terms of REAL LIFE, yours or anybody elses.
See, the grossest part is that it's made out as though anybody that disagrees with what they're told by TV commentators, is 'insane' -- (meanwhile, during elections, they're brainwashed to spew nonstop about the 'evil media') -- it's the weirdest thing.
Disagree with media, your 'fellow equal citizen beloved neighbors' call you insane.
THEN, turn-around and rant about the 'liberal media' and the 'slanted views' of pundits.
Juding has evolved into an effort to limit political TRENDS from punishing athletes whom are obviously deserving of VALID SCORES. But if there are perceptions of 'fimininity' issues, it's considered a 'right' and 'duty' -- and that is WRONG.
So is rewarding 'most marketable' APPEARANCES with higher-scores.
Where is Ashley Wagner, for example? They took three males from the Men's figure skating team, why did they intentionally cut-out the third woman? I would have scored that competition differently, also, with Nagasu in GOLD, Wagner in Silver, and I would have put Flatt off the podium.
It's not 'one guy's opinion' -- it's a CONSPIRACY of collected opinions. Really.
And that's why and how TRENDS evolve. It's like those $600 dollar toilet-seats and $1200 dollar coffee pots at the Pentagon. THOSE WERE CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES with the biggest of the BIG TICKET credentials from the 'world's greatest educational credentialing system and universities' claiming they could 'reduce costs' -- 'save money' -- make it 'more efficient' -- 'streamline operations' -- 'cutting-edge top-of-the-line state-of-the-art best of the best of the best' -- 'most sophisticated' -- 'return value' -- (you've heard all the marketing mindphukery -- it's endless) -- and suddenly, for Armed Services to AQUIRE a $5 dollar toilet-seat, after factoring in all the catered-lunch 'crisis meetings' and all those higher-Ed 'reasonable-sounding' TALKS, travel, perks, benefits and selfish salaries, those $5 dollar toilet-seats cost over $600 dollars to aquire -- AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE.
THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED. And to the very moment they're plush butts were thrown out the door, decades later, they turned-around and sued the taxpayer for billions for 'wrongful termination' and 'abusive environment' and 'breach of trust,' then went to work 'balancing budgets' for Congress, apparently.
Now, in order to provide AMATEUR sporting events, it's all about the MARKETING MODELS and SPOKESPEOPLE -- to SELL PRODUCTS.
Think of this: skiing is about land reclamation. Places that have been strip mined or forests that have been clear cut -- the land is reclaimed -- the roads were previous logging roads -- the reason it's called ALPINE is because it's at, or above the TREE LINE, where trees do not grow or are so stunted they are not harvestable -- (but everything below it was) -- and skiing has brought much land reclamation, providing economic stimulus and working hand-in-hand with environmentalists and manufacturers. It's an all-around 'good thing.' Runs are planted with erosion controlling native species. It's great for huckleberry picking, which feeds wildlife.
Snowboarding, on the other hand, takes EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT to carve up mountains, into desolate landscapes where no foliage will ever grow, half-pipes and whatnot. The 'newbie' at snowboarding sufferes endless FACE PLANTS, banging their upperbody against the ground, their heads taking the most impact. Bracing from the full-body 'thwhack' results in more finger, wrist and arm injuries. the lurching-around, even by the best snowboarders in the world, at the Olympics, still doesn't make it 'graceful' nor 'environmentally friendly' nor REDUCE HEALTHCARE COSTS.
OnEdit (3/11/2010 16:06PST-CLW) corrected typo on title line only, "juding" (or whatever it was) s/b "judging" obviously.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
OLYMPICS : NBC's Crucifiction
ADVENT -- Week 11-12, 6th Week in 'Ordinary Time' -- Beginning of Lent
A Perfect War -- Part XII
The endless commentary, it's as though we're being forced to listen to an old-time radio-broadcast of a baseball game while watching athletes, unable to enjoy the cow-bells and cheers and sometimes jeers of the appreciative audience.

By hfa3ons
------------- he loved humanity so much, that he devoted his life teaching people not to divide into groups of 'positives' hating 'negatives' ; and all they did was concoct excuses to continue in their hateful ways, endlessly accusing him, claiming "we don't understand you" -- as an excuse to ignore the topic and brainwash each other to hate him, as a 'negative' in their hateful 'positiveness', forcing others to bear those hateful positive-cross-signs, weighing them down, burdening others needlessly, which is learned behavior, a ThoughtVirus -- (is that you?) -- be healed of it, please.
These athletes are so impressive. They work all year, sometimes for years, training to endure the most that humans can possibly indure. When it is said they are making 'mistakes,' they most certainly are not. Nobody is perfect. When you slip or stumble, are you accussed of being a FAILURE? of making 'mistakes'? It's ridiculous and pessimistic to claim it -- for it's ridicule and scorn, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero forgiveness, zero compassion, proving zero self-esteem, proving zero justice, therfore zero equality, all of which is hypocritically demanded for one's own selfish-self.
These athletes are not making 'mistakes' -- slipping, sliding, falling is all part of it. Their training is about endurance, reducing the amounts of slips and slides and falls, but that does not make them 'perfect gods' that can't slip or trip or fall -- as those things are HAPPENSTANCE -- and it's their own training and coaching and outstanding dedication, focus, which assists them in controlling HAPPENSTANCE AS IT UNFOLDS.

By hfa3ons at 2010-02-16
-- CrownOfThorns, those 'positives' put so much stress in their endless expectations of unrealistic characterization-worship against athletes, it's a setup-for-failure for them to FOCUS, endless WORRIES YOU PLACE ON THEIR HEADS. Shame on all of you, and do it no more. Be healed of it, please.
Stop the pessimisms. As they ski or skate. Accidents occur, too, as the Georgian team proved. The others should not be punished, their figurative hands held, because of it. That is singling-them-out in fake 'concern,' while ignoring that accidents claim the lives of 365,000 people annually -- you didn't attempt to prevent anybody else their FREEDOM to attain the fastest controllable, non-wreckless speeds possible. That's what these athletes train for. Now, at the height of their training, you have promoted limits against their freedoms, punishing them for trying, claiming they are 'wrong' -- ridiculing and scorning them for DISSENTING against tyrannical controls, punishments against them, forcing them to compete at things they did NOT train for, a 'new course' to claim they are making 'mistakes' while doing that which they did NOT train years for.
Think of their disappointment. When athletes control, through training, happenstance, as it unfolds, to such a degree as to 'rescue' a 'moment,' such as the Gold Medal Pairs Figuring Skating winners from the Chinese Team, Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo, where she nearly fell during a lift, sliding down his back, controlling happenstance -- those are onece-in-a-lifetime 'saves' -- that will never happen(stance) again -- ever -- a 'fluke' -- not a 'mistake' -- and they should be rewarded EXTRA POINTS for it, as I've always said. But NBC pessimistcally claims it all as being a 'mistake'. Mention it, and those involved accuse me of being, "negative!" in their cult-brainwashing cursade anti-christ fundamentalist extramist fanatical literalisms. Be healed of it.
And let's talk about that a moment. Today is Ash Wednesday. It doesn't matter if you're religious or not -- Catholic or not -- these are highly important aspects of society, of humanity -- all need learn about it -- to gain insight and understanding about the world, life itself.
Think of it this way: the poor, considered 'fortunate' or 'lucky' if they receive ONE MEAL A DAY -- which could be as meager as a bowl of greul and a stale slice of unlevened bread. The 'royals,' on the other hand, were fat, had ample varied food and regular meals. The 'royals' tax the poor, take from the poor, to feed themselves richly.
The Church, after the FALL of society, where infrustructure collapsed, and the poor and hungry were everywhere, strived to collectively provide for as many as possible. The perceptions of 'taking from the poor and starving to live in majesty, fat and happy' had to be addressed FROM THE GET GO, because 'fat priests' asking the starving to 'give' is not a 'good thing.' EVER.
What to do? Thus began a regular period of 'fasting,' eating one simple meal a day, sometimes for weeks, some times for 40-days, or even longer, WHILE WALKING IN THE SHOES OF THE PEOPLE, living among them, doing as they do, being 'one with the people' -- to prove gratefulness, to not take the sacrifices of the poor, freely given to others to help those even more poor than themselves, for-granted -- to learn compassion, to learn sacrifice, to learn feel-the-pain for real, not imagine it -- to learn humility.
That is something our hateful conspiring Legislators couldn't do even if their own lives depended upon it. (Maybe it does? Eh?) They just take, take, take, endlessly blame, ridicule, scorn, punish, take more, and squander it, casting-out dissent and all whom have it as 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' moreso than HighPriests of old. All DISSENT labeled 'negative' -- all whom have it pessimistically tunnel-vision focused against perceiving 'flaws'/negatives'to hammer against their hateful merciless positive-cross-signs.

By hfa3ons at 2010-02-16
------------ hammered as 'negative', against positive-peoples' merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS. Any excuse will do ... is that you? Be healed of it, please.
No matter what words he (you?, me?, anybody?) puts it in, that cult-mentaltity of 'be-positive' ignores the concept, twists the words into anything that 'sounds-reasonable,' and keeps promoting the anti-christ ThoughtVirus, "Be positive!" "Must be positive-minded!" "Positive attitude only need apply!" -- and that's exactly what causes MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR DEBTS, and WAR, and why so many denied equality,
even while the chant of 'equal opportunities' is so popular, and why so many are in dungeons (jails, prisons), their freedom DENIED over any petty excuse at all, cast-out as 'negatives,' hammered as 'negatives' against 'positive-peoples' merciless positive-cross-signs, ideologically, the formula of divides.
Original crucifiction stories, accounts, were all about the grossness and horror of it; "can you imagine how much it hurts? how it must feel? the horrible screaming in agony?" It's just a manner of teaching the CONCEPT -- it's a metaphor -- hated by those engaged in it, those declaring themselves 'positive' and concocting excuses to pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws/negatives' in everybody else as a reason to deny equality, deny forgiveness, deny compassion, deny goods and services, deny free-association and everything else, and hatefully-rumormonger, assumption of guilt by association with those they've hatefully labeled 'negative,' -- assumption of guilt by association against YOU and all others -- hatefully rumormongered -- endlessly by all those 'positive-people' in their 'positive-goodness' which is HATE in disguise.
Now, they've twisted the definitions, the words, the concepts around so far, that they claim it's all LITERAL, and then concoct squabbles about anything, how many drops of blood, where is the death shroud, worshiping calendars, times and places,
fictionalizing time-durations before death and psychotically claiming how it's all about 'love' -- as an excuse to IGNORE MURDER.
-- ignoring concepts, the most important concept of all TIME, to squabble about their FANATICAL FUNDAMENTALIST LITERALISMS.
Even 'best friends' take MONEY to turn-over so-called 'evidence' to 'positive-people' to construe someone as 'negative.'
IT COULD BE YOU. It could be anybody.
Any reason -- any excuse will do, and suddenly you are guilty until concocted guiltier, denied equality, hammered ruthlessly as being a 'negative' against those merciless positive-cross-signs. Any excuse will do.
It takes COURAGE and COMMITTMENT and LOVE to NOT participate in it; to identify it; point it out; that's what 'people of the cross' PROMISED to do.
I think you have. PROVE ME WRONG, PLEASE!
Ever think about ANIMAL FARM? These EXTREMIST LITERALISTS in their cartoon-imaginative worship, would take each character and turn that metaphorical, allegorical lessons about society, and say things like, "I wonder how that poor pig must have felt, after all roosters said that about him -- that poor pig -- I heard they found evidence of a gold-ring and a shroud that obviously proves He lived in the Middle Eastern portion of Farmland with flowing milk and honey -- and those poor roosters, having to struggle to raise youngin's without proper straw in their manger ..."
-- missing the societal-level lessons entirely. Mention it, they'd say, "You're so fascist! Negative!" proving they are infected with the ThoughtVirus that inhibits understanding, worshiping story-book chracters that are TOOLS, TEACHING AIDES, to assist in learning important lessons about society.
Mention that, as a topic, and they FAKE 'victimhood,' taking it all personally, manufacturing an excuse to fake 'wounds,' as a diversion from the TOPICS, defrauding sympathy from those around them, claiming they are 'wounded' when it's all in their HEADS -- and that concocted squabble goes off off off ... endlessly, against those attempting communication about the topic -- when there's nothing personal about it at all. Therefore, concocting an excuse to hammer an imagined 'negative,' ruthlessly, pessimistically, against their brainwashed cult-mentality 'positive-cross-signs,' censoring the TOPIC as a learned-behavior, proving brainwashing. Be healed of it.
The TOOLS to teach the importance of NOT dividing into squabbling 'tribes' 'positives'crusading against 'negatives' are plentiful, and include cartoon-animated-characterizations. The characterizations are not to be worshiped. It's about humanity, all of us, all of you, all of me, all of them, everybody, everywhere, applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, regardless of language, location or TIME. Teaching it to children and illiterate isolated 'tribes,' or 'groups,' especially after cataclysm, after war, after pestilance, after calamity, after mass die-offs -- in story-form, using cartoon-animated-characterizations is a TEACHING-AIDE, a TOOL, not 'the lesson' -- just an AIDE as a TOOL in teaching and learning and PRESERVING these ancient, PEARLS OF WISDOM.
Extremists, Fundamentalism, Literalists, Literalisms, now appear to have 'seized the day,'infiltrating and infecting every institution, public and private, and ready to silence, CENSOR, instantly, while hypocritically chanting, " land of no censorship," and "Land of freedom!" -- nobody has a right to CENSOR YOU FROM MY WORDS -- individuals are not censored, the WORLD IS CENSORED FROM INDIVIDUALS, which is why it's a HATE CRIME.
NBC is suffering from such an infection. It's been infiltrated and infected via our credentialing-system, rewarding TALKERS, whom do NO REAL WORK, nothing PRODUCTIVE AT ALL, the MOST, while those whom dedicate their entire lives to helping others, defending freedom, advocating for humanity, are paid the LEAST -- and those talkers which live off the 'fat of the land,' know not LENT -- nothing about it, even while claiming otherwise and going through the motions -- for those whom sacrifice for REAL, those athletes, many whom have sacrificed everything to earn the opportunity to perform and share their talents and abilities at the Olympics, are IGNORED, paid nothing, while TALKERS TALK, ridiculing and scorning, invading PRIVATES, pessimistically calling every happenstance a 'mistake' --
TURN THE MICROPHONE OVER TO THE NOVICE AND JUNIOR LEVEL ATHLETES, who need the experience, the 'learn by trial-and-error' HANDS-ON real-life education in communication-skills and camaraderie' -- let those doing it explain it -- share their lives -- get the attention -- it's THEIR MOMENT, stop stealing it.
Meanwhile, the TALKERS are so busy talking, HUNDREDS of outstanding, once-in-a-lifetime performance, go ignored -- those doing the REAL WORK, get CENSORED, so talkers can talk about ...
-- anything, claiming it's a 'contribution' -- (think Polar Bears, for example, a nice segment, very well done, but while aired, Olympic ChampionshipPerformances and all those whom sacrificed to do it, their families, friends, clubs, communities, went ignored, censored, subtly).
As one of the world's finest banks ad-slogan used to say, The Royal Bank of Scotland, formerlly, "Stop TALKING! Just do it!"
Think of it this way: CBS pays Couric a reported $12-Million to read a script for 30-minutes. That could fund an entire States' athletics program, and the student reporters that would love to volunteer to read scripts on the news, and need the experience in communications. Meanwhile, those doing the real work, down in the 'trenches,' filming, are doing oustanding work covering events (including NBC's cameramen).
More action -- please! And now we know why cable-bills and satellite bills and TV ADVERTISING and MARKETING costs so flippin' much -- because those TALKERS are the highest paid sissy royal MAJESTY types in existence. Why not give 'em up for LENT and do Canada, the Olympics and everybody ELSE a REAL FAVOR, reducing costs so more can watch ChampionshipPerformance as it unfolds instead of 'dubbed-over' recordings -- and thereby perform some real ECONOMIC STIMULATION by increasing ad revenues and subscription rates by making it more affordable, donating a goodly-portion to struggling athletic clubs, such as the United States Figure Skating competitors? The cost of those royal TALKERS salaries, perks, benefits, catered-lunches and endless concocted controversies, lawsuits and all, could fund the entire world's OLYMPIC TEAMS alone.
Kind Regards, always;
OnEdit: problem with image duplication -- corrected (03/11/2010, 16:21PST-CLW)
A Perfect War -- Part XII
The endless commentary, it's as though we're being forced to listen to an old-time radio-broadcast of a baseball game while watching athletes, unable to enjoy the cow-bells and cheers and sometimes jeers of the appreciative audience.

By hfa3ons
------------- he loved humanity so much, that he devoted his life teaching people not to divide into groups of 'positives' hating 'negatives' ; and all they did was concoct excuses to continue in their hateful ways, endlessly accusing him, claiming "we don't understand you" -- as an excuse to ignore the topic and brainwash each other to hate him, as a 'negative' in their hateful 'positiveness', forcing others to bear those hateful positive-cross-signs, weighing them down, burdening others needlessly, which is learned behavior, a ThoughtVirus -- (is that you?) -- be healed of it, please.
These athletes are so impressive. They work all year, sometimes for years, training to endure the most that humans can possibly indure. When it is said they are making 'mistakes,' they most certainly are not. Nobody is perfect. When you slip or stumble, are you accussed of being a FAILURE? of making 'mistakes'? It's ridiculous and pessimistic to claim it -- for it's ridicule and scorn, in the pathetic attempt at making one's self-out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, proving zero forgiveness, zero compassion, proving zero self-esteem, proving zero justice, therfore zero equality, all of which is hypocritically demanded for one's own selfish-self.
These athletes are not making 'mistakes' -- slipping, sliding, falling is all part of it. Their training is about endurance, reducing the amounts of slips and slides and falls, but that does not make them 'perfect gods' that can't slip or trip or fall -- as those things are HAPPENSTANCE -- and it's their own training and coaching and outstanding dedication, focus, which assists them in controlling HAPPENSTANCE AS IT UNFOLDS.

By hfa3ons at 2010-02-16
-- CrownOfThorns, those 'positives' put so much stress in their endless expectations of unrealistic characterization-worship against athletes, it's a setup-for-failure for them to FOCUS, endless WORRIES YOU PLACE ON THEIR HEADS. Shame on all of you, and do it no more. Be healed of it, please.
Stop the pessimisms. As they ski or skate. Accidents occur, too, as the Georgian team proved. The others should not be punished, their figurative hands held, because of it. That is singling-them-out in fake 'concern,' while ignoring that accidents claim the lives of 365,000 people annually -- you didn't attempt to prevent anybody else their FREEDOM to attain the fastest controllable, non-wreckless speeds possible. That's what these athletes train for. Now, at the height of their training, you have promoted limits against their freedoms, punishing them for trying, claiming they are 'wrong' -- ridiculing and scorning them for DISSENTING against tyrannical controls, punishments against them, forcing them to compete at things they did NOT train for, a 'new course' to claim they are making 'mistakes' while doing that which they did NOT train years for.
Think of their disappointment. When athletes control, through training, happenstance, as it unfolds, to such a degree as to 'rescue' a 'moment,' such as the Gold Medal Pairs Figuring Skating winners from the Chinese Team, Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo, where she nearly fell during a lift, sliding down his back, controlling happenstance -- those are onece-in-a-lifetime 'saves' -- that will never happen(stance) again -- ever -- a 'fluke' -- not a 'mistake' -- and they should be rewarded EXTRA POINTS for it, as I've always said. But NBC pessimistcally claims it all as being a 'mistake'. Mention it, and those involved accuse me of being, "negative!" in their cult-brainwashing cursade anti-christ fundamentalist extramist fanatical literalisms. Be healed of it.
And let's talk about that a moment. Today is Ash Wednesday. It doesn't matter if you're religious or not -- Catholic or not -- these are highly important aspects of society, of humanity -- all need learn about it -- to gain insight and understanding about the world, life itself.
Think of it this way: the poor, considered 'fortunate' or 'lucky' if they receive ONE MEAL A DAY -- which could be as meager as a bowl of greul and a stale slice of unlevened bread. The 'royals,' on the other hand, were fat, had ample varied food and regular meals. The 'royals' tax the poor, take from the poor, to feed themselves richly.
The Church, after the FALL of society, where infrustructure collapsed, and the poor and hungry were everywhere, strived to collectively provide for as many as possible. The perceptions of 'taking from the poor and starving to live in majesty, fat and happy' had to be addressed FROM THE GET GO, because 'fat priests' asking the starving to 'give' is not a 'good thing.' EVER.
What to do? Thus began a regular period of 'fasting,' eating one simple meal a day, sometimes for weeks, some times for 40-days, or even longer, WHILE WALKING IN THE SHOES OF THE PEOPLE, living among them, doing as they do, being 'one with the people' -- to prove gratefulness, to not take the sacrifices of the poor, freely given to others to help those even more poor than themselves, for-granted -- to learn compassion, to learn sacrifice, to learn feel-the-pain for real, not imagine it -- to learn humility.
That is something our hateful conspiring Legislators couldn't do even if their own lives depended upon it. (Maybe it does? Eh?) They just take, take, take, endlessly blame, ridicule, scorn, punish, take more, and squander it, casting-out dissent and all whom have it as 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' moreso than HighPriests of old. All DISSENT labeled 'negative' -- all whom have it pessimistically tunnel-vision focused against perceiving 'flaws'/negatives'to hammer against their hateful merciless positive-cross-signs.

By hfa3ons at 2010-02-16
------------ hammered as 'negative', against positive-peoples' merciless positive-cross-signs, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS. Any excuse will do ... is that you? Be healed of it, please.
No matter what words he (you?, me?, anybody?) puts it in, that cult-mentaltity of 'be-positive' ignores the concept, twists the words into anything that 'sounds-reasonable,' and keeps promoting the anti-christ ThoughtVirus, "Be positive!" "Must be positive-minded!" "Positive attitude only need apply!" -- and that's exactly what causes MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR DEBTS, and WAR, and why so many denied equality,
even while the chant of 'equal opportunities' is so popular, and why so many are in dungeons (jails, prisons), their freedom DENIED over any petty excuse at all, cast-out as 'negatives,' hammered as 'negatives' against 'positive-peoples' merciless positive-cross-signs, ideologically, the formula of divides.
Original crucifiction stories, accounts, were all about the grossness and horror of it; "can you imagine how much it hurts? how it must feel? the horrible screaming in agony?" It's just a manner of teaching the CONCEPT -- it's a metaphor -- hated by those engaged in it, those declaring themselves 'positive' and concocting excuses to pessimistically tunnel-vision focus perceiving 'flaws/negatives' in everybody else as a reason to deny equality, deny forgiveness, deny compassion, deny goods and services, deny free-association and everything else, and hatefully-rumormonger, assumption of guilt by association with those they've hatefully labeled 'negative,' -- assumption of guilt by association against YOU and all others -- hatefully rumormongered -- endlessly by all those 'positive-people' in their 'positive-goodness' which is HATE in disguise.
Now, they've twisted the definitions, the words, the concepts around so far, that they claim it's all LITERAL, and then concoct squabbles about anything, how many drops of blood, where is the death shroud, worshiping calendars, times and places,
fictionalizing time-durations before death and psychotically claiming how it's all about 'love' -- as an excuse to IGNORE MURDER.
-- ignoring concepts, the most important concept of all TIME, to squabble about their FANATICAL FUNDAMENTALIST LITERALISMS.
Even 'best friends' take MONEY to turn-over so-called 'evidence' to 'positive-people' to construe someone as 'negative.'
IT COULD BE YOU. It could be anybody.
Any reason -- any excuse will do, and suddenly you are guilty until concocted guiltier, denied equality, hammered ruthlessly as being a 'negative' against those merciless positive-cross-signs. Any excuse will do.
It takes COURAGE and COMMITTMENT and LOVE to NOT participate in it; to identify it; point it out; that's what 'people of the cross' PROMISED to do.
I think you have. PROVE ME WRONG, PLEASE!
Ever think about ANIMAL FARM? These EXTREMIST LITERALISTS in their cartoon-imaginative worship, would take each character and turn that metaphorical, allegorical lessons about society, and say things like, "I wonder how that poor pig must have felt, after all roosters said that about him -- that poor pig -- I heard they found evidence of a gold-ring and a shroud that obviously proves He lived in the Middle Eastern portion of Farmland with flowing milk and honey -- and those poor roosters, having to struggle to raise youngin's without proper straw in their manger ..."
-- missing the societal-level lessons entirely. Mention it, they'd say, "You're so fascist! Negative!" proving they are infected with the ThoughtVirus that inhibits understanding, worshiping story-book chracters that are TOOLS, TEACHING AIDES, to assist in learning important lessons about society.
Mention that, as a topic, and they FAKE 'victimhood,' taking it all personally, manufacturing an excuse to fake 'wounds,' as a diversion from the TOPICS, defrauding sympathy from those around them, claiming they are 'wounded' when it's all in their HEADS -- and that concocted squabble goes off off off ... endlessly, against those attempting communication about the topic -- when there's nothing personal about it at all. Therefore, concocting an excuse to hammer an imagined 'negative,' ruthlessly, pessimistically, against their brainwashed cult-mentality 'positive-cross-signs,' censoring the TOPIC as a learned-behavior, proving brainwashing. Be healed of it.
The TOOLS to teach the importance of NOT dividing into squabbling 'tribes' 'positives'crusading against 'negatives' are plentiful, and include cartoon-animated-characterizations. The characterizations are not to be worshiped. It's about humanity, all of us, all of you, all of me, all of them, everybody, everywhere, applicable to all people equally, all whom were, all whom are, all whom will be, regardless of language, location or TIME. Teaching it to children and illiterate isolated 'tribes,' or 'groups,' especially after cataclysm, after war, after pestilance, after calamity, after mass die-offs -- in story-form, using cartoon-animated-characterizations is a TEACHING-AIDE, a TOOL, not 'the lesson' -- just an AIDE as a TOOL in teaching and learning and PRESERVING these ancient, PEARLS OF WISDOM.
Extremists, Fundamentalism, Literalists, Literalisms, now appear to have 'seized the day,'infiltrating and infecting every institution, public and private, and ready to silence, CENSOR, instantly, while hypocritically chanting, " land of no censorship," and "Land of freedom!" -- nobody has a right to CENSOR YOU FROM MY WORDS -- individuals are not censored, the WORLD IS CENSORED FROM INDIVIDUALS, which is why it's a HATE CRIME.
NBC is suffering from such an infection. It's been infiltrated and infected via our credentialing-system, rewarding TALKERS, whom do NO REAL WORK, nothing PRODUCTIVE AT ALL, the MOST, while those whom dedicate their entire lives to helping others, defending freedom, advocating for humanity, are paid the LEAST -- and those talkers which live off the 'fat of the land,' know not LENT -- nothing about it, even while claiming otherwise and going through the motions -- for those whom sacrifice for REAL, those athletes, many whom have sacrificed everything to earn the opportunity to perform and share their talents and abilities at the Olympics, are IGNORED, paid nothing, while TALKERS TALK, ridiculing and scorning, invading PRIVATES, pessimistically calling every happenstance a 'mistake' --
TURN THE MICROPHONE OVER TO THE NOVICE AND JUNIOR LEVEL ATHLETES, who need the experience, the 'learn by trial-and-error' HANDS-ON real-life education in communication-skills and camaraderie' -- let those doing it explain it -- share their lives -- get the attention -- it's THEIR MOMENT, stop stealing it.
Meanwhile, the TALKERS are so busy talking, HUNDREDS of outstanding, once-in-a-lifetime performance, go ignored -- those doing the REAL WORK, get CENSORED, so talkers can talk about ...
-- anything, claiming it's a 'contribution' -- (think Polar Bears, for example, a nice segment, very well done, but while aired, Olympic ChampionshipPerformances and all those whom sacrificed to do it, their families, friends, clubs, communities, went ignored, censored, subtly).
As one of the world's finest banks ad-slogan used to say, The Royal Bank of Scotland, formerlly, "Stop TALKING! Just do it!"
Think of it this way: CBS pays Couric a reported $12-Million to read a script for 30-minutes. That could fund an entire States' athletics program, and the student reporters that would love to volunteer to read scripts on the news, and need the experience in communications. Meanwhile, those doing the real work, down in the 'trenches,' filming, are doing oustanding work covering events (including NBC's cameramen).
More action -- please! And now we know why cable-bills and satellite bills and TV ADVERTISING and MARKETING costs so flippin' much -- because those TALKERS are the highest paid sissy royal MAJESTY types in existence. Why not give 'em up for LENT and do Canada, the Olympics and everybody ELSE a REAL FAVOR, reducing costs so more can watch ChampionshipPerformance as it unfolds instead of 'dubbed-over' recordings -- and thereby perform some real ECONOMIC STIMULATION by increasing ad revenues and subscription rates by making it more affordable, donating a goodly-portion to struggling athletic clubs, such as the United States Figure Skating competitors? The cost of those royal TALKERS salaries, perks, benefits, catered-lunches and endless concocted controversies, lawsuits and all, could fund the entire world's OLYMPIC TEAMS alone.
Kind Regards, always;
OnEdit: problem with image duplication -- corrected (03/11/2010, 16:21PST-CLW)
Monday, February 08, 2010
Super Bowl Haiti

Monday, February 8, 2010
Superbowl Haiti
Advent -- Week-11
The Perfect War - Part-XI
-- "It's illegal to provide them medicine -- for pain, we use alcohol -- therefore, whatever we provide, is a flippin' miracle."
Shortly after the start of the game, towards the end of the first quarter, Addai, of Indianapolis, wearing jersey number 29, ran through the middle of the field, carrying the world's most expensive ball, pushing nearly thirty yards through a bunch of millionaires, paid millions to prevent exactly that.
MillionairesInTights Playing With Their Balls
I was impressed with Addai. It was a good play. Later, THE WHO performed for half-time. It reminded me of the 'absolute last, retirement, end of career' performance THE WHO gave at the Coliseum in Los Angeles back in the 80's. I was there. I witnessed it up close and personally. Rodger Daltry and Pete Townsend and the others, performing exactly what they just performed at the Super Bowl. It cost me a whole lot to see that performance. The 'last of the last, never to be seen again, chance of a lifetime' ticket and travel is the equivalent, to me, of what each of them spends for breakfast. Maybe even a light snack.
More millionaires in tights playing with their balls, mindphuking the poorest for their ultra luxurious lifestyles. It has nothing to do with 'envy.' I have no desire to be 'like them' at all. Who would?
I watched to the end of Half Time, enjoyed the buffet at Jammers, a small bar in Priest River, ID, had a couple of beers during the game, and then returned home, wondering if HD TV had THE POVERTY CHANNEL yet?
And what would it show? THE POVERTY CHANNEL? What would be on it?
Perhaps it would be a bunch of HOMOtheist Baptists with big-ticket credentials concocting a scam to prostitute the misery of children for profit, kidnapping Haiti's future to undisclosed-locations? They went door to door, not destroyed doors from the earthquake, mind you -- cruised the kids -- checked-out the kids -- not cute enough? -- next door -- until they found some that would tug the heart-strings of grandmas and yuppies enough to send those higher-ed, credentialed 'genius-experts' a portion of their monthly incomes -- of which, 90% or more will go to the luxurious lifestyles of the paperFAKEwork pushers, the parents of the stolen kids brainwashed, coerced, into 'freely giving up Haiti's future' to wannabe-millionaires.
It cost thousands for the travel for each one of those kidnappers. THOUSANDS -- more than enough money to feed, cloth, house and love each one of those kids AND THEIR FAMILIES for several years. It was never 'about the kids' -- it was about prostituting the misery of kids to PROFIT from atop the rubble, misery and grief -- and only 'cute kids,' mind you. The ones you see on TV, with the slogan, "Unless you send money right now, this cute little kid could die!" or whatever else the credentialed 'marketing gurus' concoct as a sales campaign to defraud sympathy from the innocent.
If it were YOU or ME, whomever 'you' are, -- frankly, if it were me, that same group of so-called 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' folks would be photo-op'g while hating, as usual, hatefully rumormongering, claiming, "Pedophile!" -- "Child Trafficker!" -- you name the ugliest labels imaginable, those 'church people' would SCARLET LETTER brand it to my forehead -- or yours -- before castrating me -- cutting off my hands -- gouging out my eyes -- then holding candlelight vigils to 'stop' the hanging they PRAYED for and instigated themselves. The hypocrisy-level is mindboggling.
They should be hung. There, I said it. None are 'innocent.' It's a cop-out to claim "I didn't know anything about it -- I just paid thousands to come along and help get cute kids." Even the news interview of that church-cults' minister admitted it, live, on-air, "They went to get kids." He hung himself. The FBI should raid and close and seize that compound and all it's assets until every aspect of this disgusting ordeal is over and done with.
Meanwhile, there are not-for-profits where volunteers have collected so many donations, their garages and homes are filled, floor to ceiling, along with warehouses and storage sheds. They have no way to get the help to where it belongs (and those claiming they will, apparently are just looking for 'cute kids' as an INVESTMENT in their own future 'steady income' of defrauded sympathy).
Further, and this is even grosser, the Higher-Ed credentialed 'genius-experts' in their infinite, unquestionable 'genius,' claims each and every can of soup must come with paperwork, along with another pile of paperwork to declare the weight in micro grams of each donated item, and demand big salaries for themselves to buy more and more high-tech gadgets and staff to unbox, inventory, evaluate, log, catalog, database, repackage, re-crate, re-box, every item, and then more of themselves to database the databases -- then more still to go to Haiti (or wherever), to concoct even more paperwork to 'verify' the contents of each and every re-packaged, package, along with even more paperwork, paying themselves even more perks and benefits for the 'additional stress' of all that paperwork, for each and every item distributed, along with the name, address (try 'homeless,' geniuses! ffs!) -- age, education, income, ethnicity, religion, nationality, political affiliations, marriage status, health background, shoe size, hat size, penis size, -- any excuse -- to fill-out paperwork, while the starving starve, then hold yet another self-important 'crisis-meeting' photo-op from atop the rubble, misery and grief, demanding evermore higher salaries, perks and benefits for their so-called 'sacrifice.'
Seen the so-called 'sacrifice' Administrators of your PUBLIC EDUCATION 'all-about-the-kids' are getting paid? Interestingly, homebuilders are making houses that cost $287,000, but the max-amount affordable to those buying homes is $190,000. And there are approx 275,000 unaffordable new homes, that apparently only ADMINISTRATORS can afford.
The Biden Fraud -- fake 'wealth' from FAKE 'work' -- paperFAKEwork -- sucking the life-blood out of economy, the real definition of 'vampires' and 'ghouls' -- which are ancient terms, present in every language, and has absolutely nothing to do with superstition, except to Higher-Ed mindphukers with a vested-interest in promoting superstitious MINDJUNK.
-- get your FIX yet?

Clayton Winton, at the 2010 U.S. Figure Skating National Competition, Spokane, WA (January)
Since nobody is taking that figurative bull by the horns, and 'of the people, by the people,' and all that -- I hereby order the Armed Forces, our ARMIES OF COMPASSION, to be the receiver and distributor of donated materials, at their convenience, fitting-in the movement of this massive outpouring of compassion by the good people of not only the United States, but the entire world, to their already incredibly hectic schedules, in such a manner as not to disrupt the defense and security of all people equally, going and getting donations from those overburdened volunteers before the Higher-Ed 'geniuses' totally, royally screw-it up for everybody (including the Pentagon). Make it so! Please!
Interestingly, and wonderfully, St. Catherine's parish, this very small group, raised $1003.00 for the good people of Haiti. I am so proud of that. I wish I could have contributed more, so it brought tears to my eyes that during these very hard times, this small group that I respect so much, could give so much.
That's what needs be on THE POVERTY CHANNEL, and good live music, -- as an ALTERNATIVE to not Higher-Ed digitized 'milly-vanilly' fakeness (like at the inauguration), and MillionairesInTights playing with their balls.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
Friday, February 05, 2010
Figure Skating Followup

Marai Nagasu, after winning the Silver Medal at the U.S. Figure Skating National competition in Spokane, WA., Jan-2010.
I used a cheap disposable camera. This is during the Victory Lap, and the ice rink is lined with fans, hands extended, as she skates by getting congratulatory hand-slaps -- I clicked the pic just as she was about to hand-slap with me, camera in my other hand.
She gave one of the best competitive skates I've ever seen in my life. I just got these pics developed, and they are really poor quality. Oh well. It's like a bad plot when it comes to developing pics. Good heavens.
Other most memorable competitive skates were performed by Ashley Wagner, and as I mentioned before, Bradley in the Sr. Mens and the couple that skated to Classical Waltzes during the Senior Ice Dance.
Just as Johnny Weir rasied the figurative bar in the world of competitive skating; and as did Mao Assada (Japan) -- so does this Sr. Womens' competitor, Nagasu. The entire realm of competitive ice-skating has further evolved due to her contribution, her existence within it. I think she has a very, very good chance of being a US Olympic Champion, at least medalist, within the next couple weeks in Vancouver, B.C.
It's interesting because when the skill-sets performed by Peggy Flemming to become an Olympic Champion are compared to the skill-sets of today's figure skating athletes, one must realize that even the Novice Level competitors are using higher skill-sets today. That's the figurative 'bar' I'm talking about.
Fewer and fewer are capable of continuing, after not-medaling at Nationals, due to the cost. I urge any/all to support these athletes in any way possible. Even if they didn't medal, the accomplishment to achieve national-ranking at all, to make it to that level of competition, must not go ignored. There were so many, outstanding, memorable performances. A Novice in the Men's competition did some of the highest-velocity spins I've ever seen in my life, then tilted his head back, without becoming disoriented -- it was truly amazing. I'll never forget it.
But he didn't medal. Each contribute their own unique elements -- their 'style' -- their 'approach' to the sport -- and every contribution is significant. The dedication, the amount of work, the ability to find it within themselves to do any of it at all -- is truly worth much more than that which these athletes receive. And remember, ice-skating impacts all other sports, even the technologies of not just sliding on ice, but broadcasting, and cinematography, music, and so much more.
There was a time when Legislators prohibited women from doing any sports. And people with 'dark skin' too. It took the courts nearly two centuries to sort out the quagmire caused by hateful-religionists masquerading-around as 'religious-moderates,' flounting their Higher-Ed big-ticket credentials, monopolizing the Legislative Branch and Education, preventing and actively fighting against women, minorities, equality itself.
After decades of legal challenges, it was determined that, "sure, women are 'equal,' so we are now funding another basket-ball team." As a result, the cost of school athletics DOUBLED. At the time, people with 'dark skin' were still prohibited from attending schools with athletic programs. The Harlem Globetrotters challenged the white-male basketball empire. That may seem like a long time ago, but in terms of court and equality, and legislation, it isn't.
Since that time, taller and taller basketball players were not only encouraged, but literally 'selectively-bread' -- (it doesn't happen by accident) -- disenfranchising more and more men AND women FROM the opportunity to engage in basketball, especially at the college level, to receive any form of scholarship opportunities, and most especially at the professional level.
Think of this: Bobsledding, for example: due to court-challenges against Legislators' inequitable tyranny, women could finally compete at Bobsledding, luge, and other downhill sliding events; but it's not about 'equality' unless they can compete together. Does that mean we need a Constitutional Amendment to 'preserve' the 'sanctity' of two-man bobsledding as between a 'man' and a 'woman'? :lol:
Seriously, if such sleds were fasetened on a ramp, the timing of the run could begin at the moment of release, then nobody could complain about men having 'more strength' therefore a 'competitive advantage' -- and it wouldn't matter if men and women co-existed in the same team -- and there would no longer have to be DOUBLE EXPENSES for yet another athletic event.
Same with pairs skating.
-- if all the athletes are 7-ft tall, 99.9% of women are disenfranchised from the so-called 'equal-opportunity' of playing basketball. And if the types of challenging maneuvers are CAREFULLY SELECTED to exclude anybody over a certain height, or under a certain height, in Figure Skating, then it's all about 'size/shape/color' again, and all others disenfranchised from the 'equal-opportunity' of participation in this beautiful, most splendored thing.
So what to do? Start yet another 'ice skating team' for 'tall people' and then another for 'short people' and then one for 'fat people' and yet another for 'pairs' that are not determined by crotch (what's in it or what's done with it?)
-- then more basketball teams and football and so-forth?
It's fake 'equal-opportunities' to most. So for the fortunate few, especially in the world's most challenging endeavors, such as Figure Skating, those whom do it, deserve the awe, the admiration, the support, the encouragement, the perks and benefits and the financing to keep reminding us about what's important in life -- including the discussions everybody else is too cowardly to have.
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