Monday, February 8, 2010
Superbowl Haiti
Advent -- Week-11
The Perfect War - Part-XI
-- "It's illegal to provide them medicine -- for pain, we use alcohol -- therefore, whatever we provide, is a flippin' miracle."
Shortly after the start of the game, towards the end of the first quarter, Addai, of Indianapolis, wearing jersey number 29, ran through the middle of the field, carrying the world's most expensive ball, pushing nearly thirty yards through a bunch of millionaires, paid millions to prevent exactly that.
MillionairesInTights Playing With Their Balls
I was impressed with Addai. It was a good play. Later, THE WHO performed for half-time. It reminded me of the 'absolute last, retirement, end of career' performance THE WHO gave at the Coliseum in Los Angeles back in the 80's. I was there. I witnessed it up close and personally. Rodger Daltry and Pete Townsend and the others, performing exactly what they just performed at the Super Bowl. It cost me a whole lot to see that performance. The 'last of the last, never to be seen again, chance of a lifetime' ticket and travel is the equivalent, to me, of what each of them spends for breakfast. Maybe even a light snack.
More millionaires in tights playing with their balls, mindphuking the poorest for their ultra luxurious lifestyles. It has nothing to do with 'envy.' I have no desire to be 'like them' at all. Who would?
I watched to the end of Half Time, enjoyed the buffet at Jammers, a small bar in Priest River, ID, had a couple of beers during the game, and then returned home, wondering if HD TV had THE POVERTY CHANNEL yet?
And what would it show? THE POVERTY CHANNEL? What would be on it?
Perhaps it would be a bunch of HOMOtheist Baptists with big-ticket credentials concocting a scam to prostitute the misery of children for profit, kidnapping Haiti's future to undisclosed-locations? They went door to door, not destroyed doors from the earthquake, mind you -- cruised the kids -- checked-out the kids -- not cute enough? -- next door -- until they found some that would tug the heart-strings of grandmas and yuppies enough to send those higher-ed, credentialed 'genius-experts' a portion of their monthly incomes -- of which, 90% or more will go to the luxurious lifestyles of the paperFAKEwork pushers, the parents of the stolen kids brainwashed, coerced, into 'freely giving up Haiti's future' to wannabe-millionaires.
It cost thousands for the travel for each one of those kidnappers. THOUSANDS -- more than enough money to feed, cloth, house and love each one of those kids AND THEIR FAMILIES for several years. It was never 'about the kids' -- it was about prostituting the misery of kids to PROFIT from atop the rubble, misery and grief -- and only 'cute kids,' mind you. The ones you see on TV, with the slogan, "Unless you send money right now, this cute little kid could die!" or whatever else the credentialed 'marketing gurus' concoct as a sales campaign to defraud sympathy from the innocent.
If it were YOU or ME, whomever 'you' are, -- frankly, if it were me, that same group of so-called 'peace/love/tranquility/concern' folks would be photo-op'g while hating, as usual, hatefully rumormongering, claiming, "Pedophile!" -- "Child Trafficker!" -- you name the ugliest labels imaginable, those 'church people' would SCARLET LETTER brand it to my forehead -- or yours -- before castrating me -- cutting off my hands -- gouging out my eyes -- then holding candlelight vigils to 'stop' the hanging they PRAYED for and instigated themselves. The hypocrisy-level is mindboggling.
They should be hung. There, I said it. None are 'innocent.' It's a cop-out to claim "I didn't know anything about it -- I just paid thousands to come along and help get cute kids." Even the news interview of that church-cults' minister admitted it, live, on-air, "They went to get kids." He hung himself. The FBI should raid and close and seize that compound and all it's assets until every aspect of this disgusting ordeal is over and done with.
Meanwhile, there are not-for-profits where volunteers have collected so many donations, their garages and homes are filled, floor to ceiling, along with warehouses and storage sheds. They have no way to get the help to where it belongs (and those claiming they will, apparently are just looking for 'cute kids' as an INVESTMENT in their own future 'steady income' of defrauded sympathy).
Further, and this is even grosser, the Higher-Ed credentialed 'genius-experts' in their infinite, unquestionable 'genius,' claims each and every can of soup must come with paperwork, along with another pile of paperwork to declare the weight in micro grams of each donated item, and demand big salaries for themselves to buy more and more high-tech gadgets and staff to unbox, inventory, evaluate, log, catalog, database, repackage, re-crate, re-box, every item, and then more of themselves to database the databases -- then more still to go to Haiti (or wherever), to concoct even more paperwork to 'verify' the contents of each and every re-packaged, package, along with even more paperwork, paying themselves even more perks and benefits for the 'additional stress' of all that paperwork, for each and every item distributed, along with the name, address (try 'homeless,' geniuses! ffs!) -- age, education, income, ethnicity, religion, nationality, political affiliations, marriage status, health background, shoe size, hat size, penis size, -- any excuse -- to fill-out paperwork, while the starving starve, then hold yet another self-important 'crisis-meeting' photo-op from atop the rubble, misery and grief, demanding evermore higher salaries, perks and benefits for their so-called 'sacrifice.'
Seen the so-called 'sacrifice' Administrators of your PUBLIC EDUCATION 'all-about-the-kids' are getting paid? Interestingly, homebuilders are making houses that cost $287,000, but the max-amount affordable to those buying homes is $190,000. And there are approx 275,000 unaffordable new homes, that apparently only ADMINISTRATORS can afford.
The Biden Fraud -- fake 'wealth' from FAKE 'work' -- paperFAKEwork -- sucking the life-blood out of economy, the real definition of 'vampires' and 'ghouls' -- which are ancient terms, present in every language, and has absolutely nothing to do with superstition, except to Higher-Ed mindphukers with a vested-interest in promoting superstitious MINDJUNK.
-- get your FIX yet?

Clayton Winton, at the 2010 U.S. Figure Skating National Competition, Spokane, WA (January)
Since nobody is taking that figurative bull by the horns, and 'of the people, by the people,' and all that -- I hereby order the Armed Forces, our ARMIES OF COMPASSION, to be the receiver and distributor of donated materials, at their convenience, fitting-in the movement of this massive outpouring of compassion by the good people of not only the United States, but the entire world, to their already incredibly hectic schedules, in such a manner as not to disrupt the defense and security of all people equally, going and getting donations from those overburdened volunteers before the Higher-Ed 'geniuses' totally, royally screw-it up for everybody (including the Pentagon). Make it so! Please!
Interestingly, and wonderfully, St. Catherine's parish, this very small group, raised $1003.00 for the good people of Haiti. I am so proud of that. I wish I could have contributed more, so it brought tears to my eyes that during these very hard times, this small group that I respect so much, could give so much.
That's what needs be on THE POVERTY CHANNEL, and good live music, -- as an ALTERNATIVE to not Higher-Ed digitized 'milly-vanilly' fakeness (like at the inauguration), and MillionairesInTights playing with their balls.
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton
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