Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meg Whitman Gets Lashed

See it in the news? Someone coached by a high-profile lawyer to fake 'wounds' from paper? From words? Words as FAKE 'weapons' with FAKE 'injuries' and FAKE 'spilling-of-blood' and FAKE 'victimhood' with FAKE 'villains' to BLAME? See it?

Meg Whitman is running for Governor of California. Made-out to be that 'villain.' That 'bitch.' That 'evil-doer' that put human dignity above paperwork, that gave more importance to honest labor than the concocted excuses to deny opportunities based-upon words -- the same words later used to fake 'victimhood' by.

As a result, for proving that humans, that humanity is of higher-priority than paper, Meg Whitman gets lashed, 40-lashes a day -- just forty more -- hated for trying.

The sun glared against my dirty windshield at a stop light in Los Angeles and an entrepreneurial type ran forward and offered a quick cleaning for a mere dollar. I was quite thankful and gave her two. "Gracias!" I said. According to Higher-Ed cultists, that's a violation of paperwork laws. "Papers! Papers!" like Sgt. Schultz of Hogan's Heroes' re-runs. All the lives put at risk by motorists with vision-wind-screen obstruction issues be damned -- paperwork is of 'higher-priority', therefore anybody that hires someone to fix the bug smears and smog-residue is 'guilty of the felonious blasphemy of hiring un-paperworked heathens and heretics and infidels.'

You know the chant, how 'positive' they are, "positive-minded," and "positive-attitude" and "positive-development" as they crusade against humanity and society, their positive-cross-signs marching on before, pessimistically tunnel-vision focusing perceiving flaws, 'negatives' to hammer against their merciless positive cross signs, figuratively. Figurative carpentry, using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as nails. Can't say anything for the moment you do, you're hated as 'negative.' "You're so negative! We don't have to listen to you!" -- but, of course, it's worded, "They're so negative -- we don't have to listen to people like that," behind your back, like the positive sniping cowards they truly are.

-- never understanding the first concept of crucifiction, the religious characterization of the concept of 'christ' itself -- never understood the most basic, fundamental aspects of it. Even while holding candle-light vigils, praying to 'jesus,' and 'proclaiming' and 'professing' their faith for the photo-op within their communities or on TV. Never understood the most basic elements of any of it -- just spewing the words, mindlessly. ATTACK OF THE CLONES!

You're not supposed to be 'positive.' It divides communities, teams, families, countries, worlds into endless squabbling tribes, 'positives' against 'negatives,' and each label each other the opposite, using the same words. Utter futility. The formula for holocaust. A pop-psychology fad of imminent destruction -- a hoped-for doom, with the most obvious outcomes, always, holocaust, genocide, termination, murder, violence, hate. Therefore the formula for hate. And why it's called DeathWorship to teach that 'positive' is a 'good thing.' You can't say anything to 'positive' people. Everything you say is used against you, twisted, distorted, sensationalized, revised, psychotically. That's why it's brainwashing. Be healed of it. Please.

We are all called upon to be ambassadors, of our country if elsewhere in a foreign land; of our families if visiting other families; of each other if spokespeople or representatives of companies or governments; priests of our churches; advocates of human dignity and equality. Are you REAL or FAKE? Can't have it BOTH WAYS.

Meg Whitman gave a poor person, AN EQUAL HONEST FELLOW HUMAN the opportunity to earn some money, human dignity, sovereignty of being, of higher-priority than PAPER. Perhaps she could have paid her more. Perhaps she could have provided vision and dental and free-trips to seminars in the tropics, room and board and chauffered transportation like Higher-Ed cultists demand from WeThePeople to pay higher-taxes to cover those types of costs to their own legislated-tyranny cabal? (word it any way you desire, spell it any way you want, the CONCEPTS are CLEAR ENOUGH!)

Parables ramble a bit. Bounce-around with multiple ideas. A parable is a concept, characterized in a story. The characters are only 'real' in the sense that everybody knows somebody 'like that,' or in a 'similar situation' as that -- or has been there themselves or will be. That's how we learn from parables -- how NOT to be, in order to protect ourselves, or provide for the common wealth and profitability and welfare of all people equally, public and private.

No parable has only 'one' interpretation or 'meaning.' The concept can be applied in countless situations, tangentially. Same with the very concept of 'christ' itself. There are numerous ways to explain it. To word it. To view it. To analyze it. To share it. To refute it. To discuss it. To fascinate over it. To marvel over it. To learn from it.

And that's the BOTTOM_LINE right there -- to learn, share, GROW through PEACE, by not being 'positive' and concocting the excuse of PAPERS! (Sgt Schultz) as the INCONVENIENT TRUTH" to HATE and DIVIDE each other.

I'm a REAL PRIEST. Not a FAKE 'priest.' A REAL ADVOCATE -- not a FAKE 'advocate.'

Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton

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