Saturday, January 15, 2011

When State 'sounds-like' Church

When State 'sounds-like' Church

"I'm sick and tired of it," I said, chuckling at the conversation, mentioning the absurdity of situations, between mouthfuls of yet another delicious Sunday Brunch served by the Knights of Columbus at Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral in downtown Spokane, WA, last week.

I was referring to the hateful criminal conduct of so many, most assuredly the Arizona Shooter, while hiding behind POSITIVE symptoms of so-called 'mental-illness.'

-- arguably, hate is a mental disorder.
-- as is violence.

But 'inventing' a 'mental disorder' as one's excuse for hateful criminal conduct, petty meanness, twisted 'vengeance,' passive-aggressive crap, on any level, is the ROOT of this issue --

-- hiding behind FAKE 'victimhood' of some concocted 'illness,' then having the audacity to insinuate lack of 'compassion' against any and all whom dare call 'em on their own bullshit.

I honestly thought only little impetuous brats did that crap.

Then, it's insinuated against any/all whom dissent by our hateful conspiring legislators, that Higher-Ed cult if one dares question -- dares not to goose-step in lock-step with their mindless TheoryWorship as FalseGodsBeforeThee ...

-- "Just believe ..." is their catch-phrase, because the moment you QUESTION, the moment you DISSENT against one of their ridiculous theories, they hide behind the First Amendment, accusing YOU of 'violating their belief-system,' their 'right' to 'religious freedom' --

--- subtly --

-- it's subtle, not spoken in those exact words, just implied -- subtly --

I hate subtle.

I never thought I hated anything. Okay, I admit it. It's a weakness in me. I'm working on it. (cough, cough).

At any rate, I listened to the speaches. Endless speeches. one after another -- Obama's endless TALK -- years of it now -- and there was President Obama on the stairs of the Capitol building, and I honestly thought -- just for a moment -- he finally had hired the best speech writer ever -- was finally making sense -- just for a moment --


"Damn!" I said to myself, after he'd finished with the best speech of his career and started blabbing away again.

"I was wrong!" Okay, a weakness in me. I'm working on it. (smirk)

So, at least now we know what it takes to get that guy to STFU. Eh?

-- just sayin'.

And there was the speech from the Governor of Arizona, State of the State address, and State sounded just like Church.

-- one after another. Endlessly blaming each 'cult-faction,' of 'rhetoric' issues -- like Bill Maher against the stereotypes he casts about Republicans as 'right wing fanatics' while being a fanatic instigator of rhetorical-wordwarfare, repleat with mindless accussations, lobbing one sensationalistic 'reasonable-sounding' BOMB of wordplay after another in any direction, while the cable channels remind us of the so-called 'irreverent anti-religion' documovie he made --

-- fueling more of the same.

When State sounds like Church. It's like listening to Dr. Ahmedi-Nijad, President of Iran, and his insistance how 'god' is the 'guiding hand' and by 'god's will' blah, blah, blah --

-- will kill-off the 'infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' and 'punish' them, before bringing you to a 'better place' -- of 'bliss' and 'happiness' -- somewhere 'other than here' --

-- that your REAL LIFE isn't all that important, insignificant 'eye-blink' in the scheme of the 'whole' -- that 'real life' begins when you're DEAD.

It's called religious extremism for a reason. It concocts a RIPE environment for SUICIDE BOMBERS, indiscriminately killing -- even 9 year-old girls.

And that's what we've been hearing from Church.

And that's what State is reaffirming, over and over and over. Different religion. Different 'presentation.' But the same thing. While sitting-around getting paid the big bucks to 'figure-out' why people are shooting at 'em.

Well, DUH!

And then all those Higher-Ed 'genius-experts' sit around getting paid to further the confusion. Profiting from atop the rubble, misery and grief, as usual.

Like building a 'one size fits all' solution for the so-called 'immigration reform' issues -- that SECURITY FENCE along the border. "There's no such thing as a 'one-size-fits-all' solution!" chant the Higher-Ed 'genius-experts,' goose-step in lock-step, casting-out infidels, sinners, blasphemers, heretics -- all dissent -- anybody that disagrees, branding those shameless figurative SCARLET LETTERS on all whom dissent: "disgruntled," "loser", "stupid" , "disturbed" , "mentally ill" , "cognative disassociative" , same things, different words.

But there is a one-size-fits-all solution to border security: LAND MINES.

Right now. Everybody knows it. Stop pussy-footin' around ya' bunch of whimps.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

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