Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Obama: "Elect Hezbollah To Egypt"

"America's word is worthless ... America has lost it."

Israel shocked by Obama's "betrayal" of Mubarak

-- comments I made 5-days ago:

Clayton Leon Winton 5 days ago:

Beshara Beshara and Patrick La Su want FREEDOM.

Me too! ;)


One of the things not discussed here, so far, is the cost of the so-called 'democracy' being MARKETED, and marketed it is, by those whom PROFIT -- get paid the BIG BUCKS -- claiming they'll 'fix' the problems they themselves instigate.

-- that would be LEGISLATORS, all Higher-Ed 'credentials', an ELITIST CLASS all their own.

The cost of that type of so-called 'representative-government' concocts the most stagnant societies, with the slowest change, endless pie-in-the-sky speeches, mountains of rules, paperwork, endless complications, fees, fines, and the HIGHEST TAXES.

-- and endless excuses for it, always blaming somebody ELSE.

And that is NOT 'freedom.'

For three decades, President Mubarak was beseiged by that marketing-scheme, those conspired Higher-Ed cult-style take-overs of representative 'democracy.'

It doesn't create more 'jobs' for 'just folks' -- it only raises taxes against the poorest to suck the life-blood out of economy concocting that Higher-Ed 'credentialed' ELITIST CLASS at taxpayer expense.

That's how multi-trillion-dollar debts are concocted, spending all future generations of kids' tax-dollars today, on themselves, their paperFAKEwork EMPIRES.

-- there goes REAL productivity;
-- there goes REAL infrustructural development;
-- there goes REAL human development;
-- there goes REAL fast-paced infusions of new technologies, because those Higher-Ed 'credentials' get PAID to do endless cater-lunch photo-op TALK SESSIONS about every single iota of change. There version of 'change' is all WINDOW DRESSING, slower than snails because of it.

This global economy (especially here in the U.S) needs an immediate fast-paced infusion of NEW TECHNOLOGY. Not TALKS about it. Just innovating it and DOING IT RIGHT NOW.

Our quagmire of a 'democracy' comprised of 99% Higher-Ed 'credentialed' ELITISTS won't allow any of it unless they STAGNATE it for the photo-op, making a career out of TALKING about it instead of doing it.

President Mubarak of Egypt truly cares about the people -- all of 'em, and isn't so easily swayed by Higher-Ed's media blitz marketing Higher-Ed FAKE 'democracy' in their global-pursuit of cultish DOMINATION.

That's why Hillary Clinton and President Obama, nor the SecDef or SecState, nor the head of the CIA been on the news demanding Mubarak resign, and that is why continued aide from the U.S. flows to Egypt (and I am not an ObamaTEAM supporter AT ALL, but on this topic I do agree).

The people of Egypt are being stirred, agitated and antagonized by OUTSIDE INFLUENCES, with powerful ties to educational institutions here in the U.S. The very concept of al Qaida evolves as Donald Rumsfeld once said (be it contextually accurate in this instance or otherwise).

Kind Regards,
Clayton Leon Winton


When it comes to FREEDOM, be it one's own or the greater-picture, Egypt in the SPOTLIGHT -- President Mubarak has been supported because any replacement, currently, will be funded by, paid-for-by, installed by, HatefulReligiousSupremacists curtailing every aspect of YOUR FREEDOMS.

-- from the CLOTHES YOU WEAR or don't wear;
-- to the products you LOVE;
-- to the places you LOVE going;
-- religionists conspire together to HATE YOU for it and PUNISH YOU for it, chanting "love the sinner but hate the sin" while concocting excuses to horn-in to YOUR PRIVATES and PUNISH you for what you LOVE, in their conspired unconditional-HATE.


In Idaho, I can still enjoy a beer and cigarette at the tavern or bar. Those that HATE my LOVE for those products, however, are still on their typical hate-campaign to OUTLAW it, punishing me with their own conspired hatreds. The only 'unconditional' about 'em is INTOLERANCE -- HATE.

-- any excuse will do.

-- and the Obama Admin and it's supporters goose-step in lock-step with that INTOLERANCE, disguised. There's no 'lesser of two evils' between Democrats and Republicans, just different 'flavors' of HATREDS.


It's one of those things, from DRAGS to BITCHES -- then again, anywhere in-between. :)


Irv's tonight, 10-pm, downtown Spokane. Every Wednesday. Always a good show. Which reminds me of how much I love these performers -- I love 'em all. They've won my heart. Good folks and good fun all around. (see below for more).

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