Friday, December 09, 2005

Day100-ResusCitateHumanity (MindsThatKill)

(Friday, December 9, 2005)

(note: ignore misspellings/typos/etc., I don't have time for your excuses to HATE the messenger, thereby ignore the message.)

Within the bell-curve of educational evaluation, the MEAN is a broad range of 'averages,' designated by grades A-F. These are the 'MEAN' results. Our entire educational-system is designed around exactly that.

In schools, those that do not fit within the MEAN are HATED. Therefore, an form of Intellectual-Discrimination that goes BOTH WAYS.

The only conceivable 'excellence' within the MEAN are those whom repeat the formula-matic teachings of 'rote-learning' better than the others. To learn 'by rote' means the literal recitation of what is programmed. Therefore, the 'best' are those whom repeat soundbites 'better.' They get 'A's. The 'worst' are those whom do not repeat soundbites very well at all. They get 'F's. The entire system, however, is NOT 'all-inclusive,' and some cannot function in it at all.

Within this system, the MEAN hate differences, discriminating amongst themselves by grade-scores. It's a bell-curve of EXCLUSION where the 'lower-scores' are hated by the 'higher-scoring' and discriminated against by those with the 'best-grades within the MEAN. Outside of that microcosm of 'evaluation,' are other levels of intelligence alltogether, literally INCONCEIVABLE within the MEAN.

At first glance, to the those with 'higher-scores' from within the MEAN, the obvious 'others,' those whom are disfunctional within the MEAN, are those too 'inferior' to score at all. It is literally inconceivable to the MEAN that a lack of scoring, or 'poor' scores, could, in some instances, have NOTHING TO DO with either 'low-IQ' OR 'genetic mental-disability.' Only those with obvious mental-challenges, such as brain-damage, are EVER observed as being 'dysfunctional' by the 'higher-scoring' within the MEAN.

The methodology to evaluate IQ, therefore, is designed to produce results only within the microcosm of the MEAN. However, highly active and intelligent entities that 'fail' within the confines of the MEAN-microcosm, will also be discriminated and HATED, thus displaying the same disfunction as those with obvious brain-damage. Either way, the 'highest-scoring' within the MEAN discriminate against BOTH.

There are other forms of intelligence. And intellectual-discrimination extends OUTWARD, in all directions from within the MEAN.

Maybe the reason you didn't do well in an structured learning environment was because in reality, you were on an intellectually 'higher-level' than those trapped within the MEAN whom goose-step in lock-step to the repetative spewing of soundbites? It's completely unnatural, after all. And learning how to 'think' in those CagesOfThought is fundamentally uncomfortable on the most 'basic-instinctual' level.

After all, it's those within the MEAN whom are literally the meanest and the FIRST to claim they think 'outside-the-box,' while simultaneously concocting excuses to reduce the MEAN and HATE differences and opposition to themselves.

Well, think outside 'your other box,' and stop spewing soundbites on command. An excellent example are language-instructors with 'higher-learning' degrees. We all communicate just fine, but those with the highest-scores within the MEAN will knit-pick ANYONE's words, misspellings, typose, useage as an excuse to dismiss, ignore and HATE the messenger while ostracizing the message.

If you've ever read letters from the Founding Fathers, you will see a wide range of misspellings and 'improper-language.' If you wrote or attempted to communicate in the same manner, todays 'experts' would HATE YOU for it, proving they have ZERO INTEGRITY.

We all know there are dictionaries and encyclopedias. Memorizing every utterance of those books does NOT prove intelligence; On the contrary, memorizing every utterance DOES prove the lack thereof.

Spewing soundbites in lock-step only displays an incredible lack of self-evaluative skills and independent learning. Chances are, they said you were 'dumb' or 'of average intelligence,' when you were really a genius, discriminated against, intentionally held-back in life, your fate molded, killing your mind, by those whom deliberately hated you for not being MEAN.

You're much better than that, every human on the planet, LISTEN UP! By your own examples, the MEAN will be shown that their 'positive' outlook is nothing more than an excuse to HATE and ruthlessly hammer 'not their kind of people' to the merciless CrossOfShame for having thoughts that are 'outside-of-their-tiny-box.' Liberate your mind from HATE and intolerance to uniqueness.

Kind Regards,
claytOnleOnwintOn - TheManWith3BackwardsNo'sInHisName
OnTime - RU?

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