Saturday, December 10, 2005

Day101-ResusCitateHumanity (ChurchHATESethics)

Church HATES Ethics
(December 10, 2005)

(Note: Ignore typos/spellings/etc., as these are merely tiny elements of a bigger message, latched-onto by so-called 'positive' people to HATE the messenger, thus ignoring the message, in their so-called 'goodness,' thereby hammering the messenger ruthlessly to the merciless CrossOfShame).

Church HATES Ethics

The First Amendment protects religion to discriminately CENSOR FreedomOfSpeech, freedom of press, freedom of expression, books, tv, radio, magazines, pictures, posters, music, dance, art, libraries, schools, education, medicine, research, industry, business, economy, thus life itself. Church is NOT a democracy, and never has been.

Every government that has ever existed had to LIBERATE ThePeople from the clutches of religious tyranny, holding an MONOPOLY on all HumanServices, specifically science, education, music, arts, and medicine. Any and all whom challenged the monopoly on HumanServices was figuratively hammered, ruthlessly, to the merciless CrossOfShame. Anybody could be a 'jesus' at any moment in history. Even now, today.

People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) is attempting to REDUCE HARM on the planet, both to animals and humans alike, a benefit to all of Humanity. The religious HATE ethics, hates PETA, hates ethical treatment of animals and all of Humanity alike. The largest FOR-PROFIT corporate-conglomerates are CONTROLLED behind the veil of secret-disclosure under Federal Tax 501-3(c) regulations governing not-for-profit RELIGIONS. That is why the largest beef ranches in the world have ties to Churches. That is why the largest food-distribution grocery-chains are owned by Churches. And not-for-profit religions hold controlling interest in the FOR-PROFIT corporate-conglomerates of thousands of radio and TV broadcast networks and franchises. MEDIA itself.

Obviously, all religions conspire together to HATE ethics, and concoct international media hate-campaigns against all whom attempt LIBERATION from the millennial-old monopolization of Human Services, globally. These For-Profit corporate-conglomerates, controlled behind the secretive veils of not-for-profit religions, lobby government, concoct hate-campaigns against Public Servants 'not in their favor,' and literally tyrannize the Public Servants of "WeThePeoples more perfect Unions," thus holding them hostage by the terror of hateful public-smear campaigns to blame/shame and hammer them by ones and twos, ruthlessly, to the merciless CrossOfShame for not goose-stepping in lock-step with the edicts of religious tyranny.

I have charged every religion on the planet with Crimes Against Humanity. Meanwhile, PETA must re-prioritize it's IDENTIFICATION OF INFILTRATED DESTABILIZERS, the oldest trick of the CrossOfShame to undermine 'competitors.' PETA's concern is reducing harm, not declaring war on families. In order to encourage less harm, PETA needs focus on the LIBERATION from the religious tyranny that holds science and stem-cell, life-saving gene-therapies and research hostage, that will one day grow 'turkey-vines' and 'buffalo-trees,' as well as CURE blindness, baldness, cancers, AIDS and AGING itself.

Religion thrives on misery -- Religion is the concocted pessimistic 'glass-half-empty' view that life is so miserable, a new one 'off-planet' in a fictional universe must be 'believed' in order to perform escapism from this one. The same escapisms that religion hates, and hates those whom recreate using drugs and 100% Natural Medicines and Plants, thus religion is the ultimate HATE-machine against ETHICAL BEHAVIORS. That is why religion's 'leaders' very publicaly HATE PETA and ETHICS, teaching and preaching "HowToBeMean," instead.

Any media hate campaign against people for treating animals and humans ethically is obviously antiETHICS. And it is today's 'religious' that conspire together to HATE PETA. Have there been some members that have done outrageous things? Sure have. Bought-n-paid for compliments of the CrossOfShame. But the numbers in Church that KILL are billions of times greater, meanwhile, every religious member will claim their religion is about 'love,' proving ZERO INTEGRITY.

If you do NOT support PETA, then you HATE ETHICS. It's that simple. Instead of hating those whom are attempting to reduce harm on the planet, while claiming your religion is used by a 'few radicals' to 'justify their means,' thereby excusing your own religious-HATE for uniqueness, diversity, freedom and ETHICS, start supporting Freedom Of Speech, EQUALITY, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness in WeThePeoples' more perfect Union, where we strive to treat each and all entities with love, compassion and ETHICAL TREATMENT and thereby REDUCE HARM.

Kind Regards,
claytOnleOnwintOn - TheManWith3BackwardsNo'sInHisName
OnTime - RU?

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