Monday, November 06, 2006

BlackMonday-2 just published the following newsletter via email that contained a letter from former President Clinton. The root of his message can be summed-up in the following sentence, which I quote here:

[quote]"But, the first decision we have to make is to reject fear and embrace hope." -- Bill Clinton[/quote]

The word 'hope' is a religious word to promote belief-systems. As I have stated repeatedly, REAL ACTS of compassion REQUIRES REAL physical interACTSion -- not babble-at-the-air (prayer) in WISHFUL_THINKING/HOPE.

Like this: "Oh, I HOPE the genocide in Darfur stops."
Or this: "Oh, I HOPE those starving kids get fed soon."
Or this: "Oh, I HOPE those HatefulReligiousSupremacists don't CENSOR my favorite bar, entertainments and activities, promoting HATE, DIVIDING instead of UNITING, undermining government and causing an ever-increasing debt-load for ThePeople, as usual."

The religious-right just pumped-up the Democratic 'party' with $800-million dollars to promise a Bush "legacyOfshame," pass the Marriage Amendment to manipulate an election in eight states, THRUSTING PRIVATES into the Public's faces and FORCING government officials to perversley sniff crotches like dogs before authorizing Human Services to anybody at all, including tax-credits and family-business perks, while simultaneously promoting their long-term agenda of CENSORING FreedomOfSpeech/Expression, including the Internet, video, games, music, adult entertainments, bars and anything deemed "blasphemous" to their hateful religious supremacy, undermining the Union, which religions HATE.

Religions HATE you ... only government LOVES you EQUALLY.

Look to the MODEL of Iraq to see exactly what religions version of 'love' is when their hateful ways are confronted. If you can't make the connection, try Waco, or think of who exactly it is that claims People of Color are 'cursed,' therefore, 'sub-superior,' and unworthy of EQUALITY, life, liberty and pursuits of Happiness. Every day they claim, "we've changed! We're not like that anymore!" and every day they substitute a new group to HATE and CAST-OUT in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'

Indians. Blacks. Asians. Mexicans. And now they want everybody to 'doggy-style' crotch-sniff to put conditions on LOVE and CENSOR the internet, radio, tv, books, clubs, entertainments, magazines, libraries, education, research, science, technology, medicine -- a praically ENDLESS LIST of IRSSS (infinite reasonable-sounding stupid shit) EXCUSES to DIVIDE in HATE.

Oh no? These are the people that claim two cells in a flippin' test-tube are of more 'value' than REAL PEOPLE -- including KIDS -- whom are SUFFERING from disease, including CANCER and PARKINSONS and AIDS and DEAFNESS and BLINDNESS and even AGING itself. That's their 'priorities. They'll SAY ANYTHING -- do ANYTHING -- in so-called 'positive-goodness,' while fomenting, dividing, and hating, as usual.

Here's MoveOn.Org's disclaimer:

[quote] Political Action is entirely funded by our 3.2 million members. We have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way.[/quote]

Guess which word I'm going to take issue with?


Who HATES unions?


Who is so selfish as to claim that in order to UNITE, one must have their PRIVATES perversley ANALyzed -- sniffed like DOGS -- putting conditions on LOVE and DENYING Human Services, Compassion itself, in so-called 'positive-goodness'? Who would do THAT?

The 'say-anything, do-anything' so-called 'positive-godly-good-people' that just BOUGHT an election to DIVIDE and HATE and FOMENT civil unrest.

If you ask a religionist what my term, "HatefulReligiousSupremacy," means, to offer a definition, they will BLAME anybody ELSE, without ever looking in the mirror. Meanwhile, from the other point of their hypocritical forked-tongue, they say, "We need to know what's in a crotch before we can allow people to LOVE, in order to CAST THEM OUT as 'not our kind of people,' and call them, 'indecent.'"

How GROSS is THAT? They have the audacity to perversley sniff crotches like dogs in order to HATE and DENY and CENSOR and claim the VICTIM is 'indecent!'

These do-anything/say-anything so-called 'positive-godly-good-people' ARE HatefulReligiousSupremacists. ALL TERRORISTS ARE RELIGIOUS, you support what, EXACTLY?

If ANY organization in existence, consistently produced the number of violent offenders, rapists, pedophiles, molestors, batterers, abusers, murderers -- TERRORISTS -- as religionists do, that group would have been erradicated long ago. Every day they claim 'change,' while merely modifying their mindphukery to concoct more fictional villains to HATE and thereby claim 'better-values,' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves look/feel SUPERIOR.

Bill Clinton just unwittingly endorsed THAT, and the entire Democratic Party just USED MoveOn.Org, bought and paid for with mass-donations from HatefulReligiousSupremacists whom are merely diverting attention away from their former support of the Bush Administration after figuring out that Bush is the only President in history to CONFRONT religion's inherent HATREDS, making a MODEL in Iraq for ALL GOVERNMENTS and ALL CITIZENS of every government in the world, and ALL World Leaders, to witness, first hand, the religionist's (armed to the teeth) version of 'love' TRULY is.

Everybody got hood-winked, and the Democratic party just sold-out to HatefulReligiousSupremacy, after having just stabbed the Bush Adminsitration, the Constitution, WeThePeople and every government on Earth, in the back, AGAIN, as usual, in their nonstop HATE.

Different day -- same shit.

MoveOn.Org got screwed -- AGAIN, and just like last time, they are so infiltrated and infected themselves with HatefulReligiousSupremacists whom claim they are not, nobody noticed.

Anybody or anything that will do-anything/say-anything to 'win' -- to get an advantage -- is taking advantage and is a LOSER.

It's a BlackMonday -- on a very long ManicMonday in these divided states.

We're supposed to be the UNITED states -- not the divided states. And now the pervert doggy-styled crotch-sniffers have you doing what?

-- promoting their agenda and doing their dirty-work for them, AS PLANNED while you were NOT PAYING ATTENTION, as usual.

I suggest writing-in "3Ons" on your ballots -- registered or NOT -- they can't DENY your RIGHT to VOTE -- but they'll just concoct more and more excuses to discount it. So, vote anyway. Write-in "3Ons" -- SEND A MESSAGE, because no matter who you vote for now, the HatefulReligiousSupremacists have manipulated the Federal Election Process, undermined WeThePeoples' Constitution so fraudulently and deceptively, that none of your votes matter ANYWAY.

They've PROMISED their nonstop LegacyOfShame and are HELLbent on delivering it. It's a Constitutional Crisis. PAY ATTENTION! Vote anyway! Before they unzip your pants and sniff it like dogs before allowing you to WORK or get PAID or a JOB or a SERVICE or ANYTHING ELSE. That's their GOAL ... to replace all education/government/HealthCare/infrastructure with CLERICS. ARE YOU HELPING?

The 'marriage doggy-style crotch-sniffing amendments' merely draw-out the HATERS. It will cost billions and billions, and pit so-called 'beloved-neighbor AGAINST BelovedNeighbors, in so-called 'positive-goodness,' the formula for hate, war and murder. How many Matt Shepherds do we need? ONE WAS TOO MANY!

And as I said previously, that is EXACTLY why I have AUTHORIZED The President to suspend elections until every hateful divisional goal of HatefulReligiousSupremacy has been expunged from every ballot, initiative and political-ad. "Of ThePeople ... By The People," and I suggest you do the same. I can't make that decision for him, though. That's entirely up to him. They dug his dad's 'grave' and his grandfather's grave and CENSORED the BrutalHonesty truth of it all. And now they want to dig his, too. In your so-called 'positive-goodness,' are you helping HatefulReligiousSupremacists do THAT, AGAIN?

At worst, if the elections are allowed to proceed, they should be invalidated for the good of the country and global peace. PeaceOnEarth.

Kind Regards,
3Ons (HFA)

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