Monday, November 06, 2006

Gay Bars, Internet-sites, To Be Closed!


(note: ignore typos/misspellings/wording/etc, as these are excuses by so-called 'positive-people' to HATE 'people not good enough for themselves,' in so-called 'positive-goodness' – concocting any conceivable stupid excuse, like spelling, to be 'superior'. They use FAKE PERFECTION – spell-checkers and thesaurauses – to FAKE 'superiority,' in order to IGNORE messages and HATE messengers, in their so-called 'positive-goodness.' And that is EXACTLY WHY I do NOT use spell-checkers or edit MY THOUGHTS – because the so-called 'positive-people' want YOUR thoughts CENSORED by utilizing those concocted fake-supremacy excuses , to HATE YOU for not being “fake enough for them,” – and all I have been doing is NOT editing and NOT faking 'perfection' as the so-called 'positive-people' PROVE THEIR HATE to the entire world. See how that works? Simple. That's the beauty of the internet, exactly, and you can thank Al Gore and HIS internet-development team for inventing it, literally ).

The President is under 'attack' from every conceivable angle, his opponents livid, like rabid dogs. Meanwhile, the Rev. Haggard is perpetrating a FRAUD -- has manipulated the Federal Election process, molesting the minds of non-followers and followers alike, promoting 'normalcy' in hatefully analyzing PRIVATES – the sniffing of crotches like dogs -- to put conditions on Human Services and love -- dividing, instead of uniting.

I'm not sure which is more reprehensible ... felonious:

1) a typical closeted hypocrite having 'gay' drug orgies ...

-- OR --

2) the LIES and DECEPTION to THRUST PRIVATES into the public's faces -- to 'doggy-style' crotch-sniff -- sniffing crotches like dogs -- ANALyzing crotches -- in so-called 'positive-goodness.

-- Who Let The DOGS Out?! --

These hateful religions conspire together and pull s**t like that -- either #1 or #2 above -- TAKE YOUR PICK.

OBVIOUSLY, Church HATES you ... Government LOVES you EQUALLY!

And that's why I'm a government-man and NOT a religion-man.


I walk into a gay-bar in Spokane and talk about this while waiting for the drag-show, something I haven't seen in fifteen years or so.
Bartender makes a 'time-out' sign, and says, "Keep religion and politics out of my bar."

This is the 'rainbow' of HATE, I guess.

You see, just as I said -- and even typed on various public-accessible internet website discussion forums:


It's a SETUP to STEREOTYPE 'gays' AND CLOSE DOWN ALL GAY BARS LIKE Bathhouses were after the HIV-scare.

Those so-called 'positive-good-people' goose-stepping in lock-step to HATE, as usual -- hatefully labeling 'not their kind of people' as 'negative' to ruthlessly hammer against their self-made so-called 'positive-cross-signs' -- the CrossOfShame/Hate -- FigurativeCarpentry -- crucifiXtion -- in so-called 'positive-goodness,' the epitome of HATE.


(reference PoliticalCrossFire.Com and PoliticsAndCurrentAffairs.Co.UK and the HuffingPost.Com websites for varification of MY WORDS)

The marriage-amendments in EIGHT STATES next week will change those states' constitutions to HATE people AFTER perversley SNIFFING THEIR CROTCHES LIKE DOGS in so-called 'positive-goodness,' to put CONDITIONS on LOVE, forcing governmental-case 'officials' to ALSO perform 'doggy-style-crotch-sniffin' before authorizing services.

So, Haggard was CAST-OUT, fired, by the so-called 'positive-people' -- HATING those whom are ill or have problems -- AS USUAL, in so-called 'positive-goodness.'

-- the SAME so-called 'positive-people' that put more 'importance' on two cells in a flippin' test-tube than REAL people, including KIDS, whom are SUFFERING from diseases and could be CURED by life-saving gene-therapies -- such as CANCER and AIDS and PARKINSONS and BLINDNESS, even AGING itself.

-- that's their typical fucked-up priorities, right THERE, EXACTLY, PROVING HATE.

This is supposed to be the UNITED STATES, NOT the 'divided states.' WTF?!

Spokane -- CityOfHate, DIVIDED, as usual, by PERVERTS 'doggy-style' crotch-sniffin' and having the AUDACITY to call YOU 'indecent.'

Your city too. HOWs IT FEEL? Just like HELL.

HELL sucks!

Like the concocted HELL of the so-called 'positive-people' doing nonstop, hateful FigurativeCarpentry, AS USUAL, using the points of their hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS. And now, you too – sniffin' crotches like dogs – doin' the work of terrorists for them and accomplishing their goals for them -- in so-called 'positive-goodness.'


You see, it's a scam. The news is saying:

1) "admitted"
2) "was caught"
3) "confessed"

The media, which is religion-owned, it's workers, reading scripts, talking about provided-talking-points, is being PLAYED, to manipulate the outcome of a Federal Election, perpetrating a FRAUD against ThePeople and the Constitution.

You see, the wording is promoting 'guilt until proven guiltier.'

The wording is promoting allegations and lies as 'truths.'

How fucked-up is that? How hateful? It's the promotion of RELIGION to manipulate ThePeople, even the non-religious ones, to hatefully rumormonger and STEREOTYPE 'fags' ...

... and pass the Marriage Amendment, to legalize the perverse ANALysis of PRIVATES -- sniffin' crotches like DOGS.

... and concocting more and more Matthew Sheppards to be CRUCIFIED by so-called 'positive-godly-good' people in their so-called 'positive-goodness' ... so that religions can PROFIT/PROPHETEER from atop the rubble, misery and GRIEF, AS USUAL, and boo-hoo for dollars on TV, when they concocted this scam to begin with.

And every person in the world that watches the news -- even those whom do not -- are doing what? Sniffin' crotches like DOGS.

How convenient.

And it's so typical. One version/'flavor'/demonization/cult/cabal/religion/etc. of HatefulReligiousSupremacy HATING their COMPETITORS. Go figure!

Plausible-deniability game enacted, too. Only this TIME, it's undeniable.

This group (EvenlyHatefulFellasAndGals -- ehFAGs) have PUBLICLY stated that the alleged behavior by one of their own is caused from mental illness, which they can 'cure' through the 'ministry' of their 'love.' When confronted, they turn to illogic, violence and hate, as proved by confronting religious zealots in Iraq, as a 'model' for ALL of ThePeopleOfEarth's governments, moment-by-moment.

Religion HATES you -- government LOVES you, OBVIOUSLY.

THEN, they hatefully CENSORED and CAST-OUT one of their own, whom they publicly, previously, defined as having an "illness," PROVING HATE, and ZERO INTEGRITY.

Meanwhile, they ENDORSED a scandal to manipulate a FEDERAL ELECTION process, undermining WeThePeoples' Constitution, and manipulating the masses into doing all of their dirty-work for them: thrusting crotches – so-called 'privates' – into everybody's faces to be perversley sniffed like dogs. What are YOU doing, EXACTLY? Eh? Huh?


This hateful plot is designed to have the long-term HatefulReligiousSupremacy "AfterBurn" of hatefully STEREOTYPING anything they deem as being 'gay,' and CENSORING/BANNING it, in so-called 'positive-goodness' :
-- close-down all gay-bars;
-- censor all 'gay-ish' internet websites (WarOnHappy)
-- censor all websites that 'blasphemes' against their so-called 'positive-goodness.' YOUR 'group' IS NEXT!
-- censor libraries, tv, radio, magazines, clothes, videos, games, adult entertainments, and never forget they put more importance on two-cells in a flippin' test-tube than REAL PEOPLE SUFFERING from diseases, including KIDS, suffering from AIDS, and CANCER, and Parkinsons and BLINDNESS and even AGING itself, which is easily curable through life-saving gene-therapies, which proves, again, ZERO INTEGRITY ...

... AND ...

... HATRED of the Constitution, to DIVIDE the country in HATE by concocting HELL, instead of UNITING in PeaceOnEarth.

HELL sucks!

This is the United States -- NOT the 'divided states.'

They can't SELL/PEDDLE their PRODUCT of a fictional-life in a fictional OFF-PLANET undisclosed location if REAL LIFE is "HeavenlyPeaceOnEarth." That is why I have ALWAYS SAID "heaven ON earth ... peace ON earth ... NOT OFF!"

This group has utilized the ideology of TERRORISM -- THEN, twisted the meanings of words to DENY, doing an irrational 'logic-loop' in the process, just like Kerry last week -- and since the ENTIRE DNC and RNC responded irrationally to that logic-loop, the President, utilizing his Constitutional Authority, MUST dismiss Congress and suspend the elections and re-schedule them for later, when these perverse and hateful religious attempts to USURP THE SANCTITY OF EQUALITY has been expunged from the electoral process, removing the molestive hate of HatefulReligiousSupremacy that DIVIDES instead of UNITES these great states of ours, and, the world at large.


Senator Kerry, 'senning' in majesty as usual, just said:

1)stupid people join the military;
-- AND/OR --
2)smart people go to school to get stupider, dumbed-down, and then go on to make incompetent decisions that get innocent people and TROOPS KILLED.

-- And the DNC Chairman and the entire 'party' ENDORSED that 'logic-loop.'
-- And the RNC and the entire 'party' ENDORSED that hook-winking, proving Kerry's second-statement, that going to school makes you too stupid to see the obvious. “Put your blinders on!” Well, I guess so.

Now, COMBINE these thoughts: And these are the so-called 'successful-people' in their so-called 'positive-goodness' that are making decisions about laws, right now, as I type this and as you read this, that will get innocent people and TROOPS KILLED.

And now the non-religious are doing the religious' terrorizing work for them, goose-stepping in lock-step with the goals of HatefulReligiousSupremacy: doggy-style crotch-sniffin' to promote long-term CENSORSHIP, AND, withdrawing support of the Bush Admin in order to take the focus off the FACT that religions are being confronted, FINALLY, to LIBERATE WeThePeople from HatefulReligiousSupremacy, which is rotting every country and every government from the inside-out – and just look to Iraq to see the 'model' of what the religionist's version of 'love' is when confronted. They are all armed-to-the-teeth – and turn to violence at the drop of a hat. Every government and governmental leader is monitoring the situation closely. What are YOU doing? Huh? Helping the ideology of terror? Unwittingly, perhaps? Well wise-up and knock it off!

Right now, if the President were listening/reading, what would YOU tell/type him? I'd say/type something like this:

Mr. President, most respectfully sir, regardless of your personal 'belief-systems,' you PROMISED to UNITE, not DIVIDE. We have forced in our faces a Constitutional Crisis, sir, by the so-called 'positive-people' in their nonstop HATE for EQUALITY, life, liberty and pursuits of happiness. By NOT calling off these undermined elections, you have endorsed HatefulReligiousSupremacy, with all it's horrid implications. How many more Mathew Sheppherds do we need?

-- Send home the divided Congress under Constitutional Authority, at best, or at least have each states' governors do the same as you and governors are OBLIGATED to do.
-- postpone the elections until all mention of the hateful religious terror that DIVIDES, has been expunged from the federal election process and ballots and initiatives;
-- suspend this hateful organization's 501-3(c) status and seize their assets for calluding and promoting terrorism to DIVIDE in HATE so-called 'beloved-neighbor' AGAINST BelovedNeighbor, undermining the UNION.
-- legalize marijuana/hemp-industry and turn your LegacyOfShame into the LegacyOfLiberatiOn and bring PeaceOnEarth, not off-planet in some fictional undisclosed location during a fictional life, but during THIS LIFE, ON this Earth. Only religionists HATE it.

Thank you, sir.

Kind Regards,

Want to SEND A MESSAGE? In future elections, write-in “3Ons” in any candidacy-field, any office – if the FREEDOM of writing-in YOUR CHOICE has not been CENSORED from you by 'genius-experts' in their so-called 'positive-goodness,' concocting complications to make your life HELLish. It doesn't matter if you are registered to vote or NOT – they can't DENY YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE – all they do is concoct infinite reasonable-sounding stupid shit (IRSSS) EXCUSES to discount it. Vote anyway! Vote “3Ons” as a write-in – SEND A MESSAGE. It's a huge, vast, multi-faceted GLOBAL_CRISIS – and now, a Constitutional Crisis, too -- so, vote anyway – SEND A MESSAGE! Please!

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