Sunday, January 07, 2007

ORCH_Day493 "Raising Terrorists Or Kids?"

Sunday, January 7, 2007


Are You Raising a Terrorist Or a Child?

From the desk of the HumanityFamilyAdvocate:

Good morning. Every entity in existence EXPERIENCE MY WORDS:

Kids do not come with 'manuals.' And child-rearing does not require a 'license.' There are no 'permits' to buy. There are no 'special classes' required. It doesn't even require an 'appointment.' And nobody needs seek YOUR 'permission.'

Governments are here to PROTECT and SERVE that FREEDOM and help you be more successful in all you do.

Religions think otherwise. In fact, every bedroom and every crotch is under close scrutiny by these so-called 'positive-people,' concocting any excuse to ANALyze PRIVATES -- perversely sniff crotches like DOGS -- in order to put CONDITIONS on THEIR LOVE FOR YOU -- to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES -- then have the AUDACITY to claim YOU are 'indecent,' in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'

And that 'special treatment' is voodoo-projected onto the offspring, the kids, into perpetuity: HowToBeMean. You'd think by now, religionists would have learned that their own failed policies, proved time and again to be formulas for hatred, would be 'updated' at a minimum. The rigidity of dark-Aged adherence to DOGma -- as though the Earth is the center of the Universe and all whom claim otherwise are murdered as 'heretics/infidels/blasphemers/sinners' by these so-called 'positive-people in their so-called 'positive-goodness' -- the denial and censorship of knowledge to intentionally dominate WeThePeople -- has done nothing but produce every terrorist ever born.

Governments have always been challenged to LIBERATE WeThePeople FROM that exact form of HatefulReligiousSupremacy. If it were up to religionists, there would be no economy, no free-enterprise, no public education, no health care, no work, no HumanServices at all, without thorough religion-based scrutiny, every step of the way, concocting EXCUSES to put CONDITIONS on THEIR LOVE FOR YOU.

Only governments LOVE ALL PEOPLE EQUALLY -- while only religions concoct excuses to HATE YOU.

The first thing religionists do when they infiltrate a community is ANALyze PRIVATES -- perversely sniff crotches like DOGS -- in order to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES -- then have the AUDACITY to claim YOU are 'indecent,' in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'

THEN, they take up 'issues' with common words: "We hate that word -- censor anything that has that word in it -- and cast-out anybody that uses such words -- they are 'not our kind of people.'" Then another word. Then another. Then a book, article, magazine, pictures, videos, posters, advertisements, pamphlet, slogan, motto, song, music, typo, misspelling, size, shape, color, location, dance, entertainments, lifestyles, living-arrangements, clothes, autos, smells, possessions, jobs, education, opinions, even love itself -- any excuse at all -- a very long list of concocted EXCUSES that always adds up to the sum-total 'miracle' of "666" hateful reasons to pit so-called 'beloved-neighbor' AGAINST BelovedNeighbor -- to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES -- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

THEN, they mentor 'their own kind of people' to infiltrate and infect local-governments, courthouses, schoolboards and schoolhouses and media with CLERICS/sympathizers to harass and PUNISH 'not their kind of people.' It's a 'giant-sucking-sound' out of economy, one book, one advertisement, one broadcast, one business and many jobs at a time, killing the UNION from the inside-out in so-called 'positive-goodness.' With decreased industry, we get less tax-revenues to enforce all these hateful excuses to DIVIDE COMMUNITIES, instead of UNITE as commanded. It's a 'double-edged' SWORD of WICKEDNESS, wielded by the so-called 'positive-people' in their so-called 'positive-goodness.' And it's killing US. Slowly. Subtly. Softly. SSS.

It's just ONE aspect of a vast, multi-faceted Global_Crisis. Or, one 'facet,' that is.

But it's at the ROOT of all of it: HatefulReligiousSupremacy. These are the so-called 'positive-people' with their "MiracleLIST" of 666 concocted excuses to put CONDITIONS on THEIR LOVE FOR NEIGHBORS, to DIVIDE and PUNISH, in HATRED for differences, under the guise of 'peace/love/tranquility,' when it's obviously NONE OF THAT.

Religionists hated everything about Europe, hated everybody in Europe, hated every government in Europe, but had the FREEDOM to come to the Americas and mass-murder all of 'not their kind of people' in so-called 'positive-goodness.'

When Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of Equalities, i.e., " ... all (hu)men(s) are created EQUALLY," the religionists rioted, looted, pillaged, raped, massacred, plundered, burned, mass-murdered and pooled-money with other religions, globally, to KILL the United States before it ever got started. That WAR declared AGAINST government by the so-called 'positive-people' has NEVER ENDED -- subtle attacks on FREEDOM infiltrating and infecting communities for over 235-years. Now, not just local-governments, but all levels of government have already been re-infiltrated and re-infected by HatefulReligiousSupremacists HELLbent on HOLOCAUST -- buying/bribing/defrauding LAW to put CONDITIONS on THEIR LOVE FOR YOU -- so-called 'beloved-neighbors' -- to hatefully religiously PUNISH to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'

Religion HATES unity, despite their non-stop DENIALS to the contrary.

And religionists have been brainwashed to instantly loft themselves on a self-made 'victim-stage' to cry for PROFIT -- claim 'oppression' -- "my religious freedom to HATE YOU is being QUESTIONED! I'm a victim! Oh the pain! The insufferable pain!" -- nonstop. They have been brainwashed to claim, "we love you so much, that despite your sin, we are giving you this opportunity to goose-step in lock-step with us before we HATE you and concoct PUNISHMENT in our so-called 'positive-goodness' to FORCE compliance."

It's FRAUD. Any other business that operates in this manner is prosecuted for racketeering with strong-armed coercion ideology to extort ENDS, after saying and doing anything to 'justify' the MEANness. Prosecuted -- and rightfully so. And their pandering to Congress/governments, every penny of lobby-money and every one of their CLERICS/sympathizers would be prosecuted as well. Because it's TERRORIZING.

After writing the declaration of EQUALITIIES, Jefferson passed the BillOfRights in the colony/state of Virginia, to GUARANTEE every person they were PROTECTED FROM HatefulReligiousSupremacy.

At the time, no person with 'dark-skin' was ALLOWED to be considered 'human.' No woman could work outside of 'church-approved-trinket-maker-and-sewer'; she could not be TRUSTED to choose her friends, clothes, hobbies, education, books, music, clothes, loves; she could not divorce an abusive husband; she could not live alone or work to support living-alone; she could not be educated outside of 'church-approved' soundbite regurgitation of certain 'passages' to 'justify' the MEANness; and SHE COULD NOT VOTE TO CHANGE IT.

At the time, no HEALER could CURE anybody at all -- HEALERS were considered to be 'interfering with god's WILLful PUNISHMENT of infidels/blasphemers/sinners/heretics' -- and therefore MURDERED by the so-called 'positive-people' in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'

No press was allowed to print anything that disputed the above or it was BURNED TO THE GROUND, it's owners and workers MURDERED by the so-called 'positive-people' in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'

Jefferson's PROMISE LIBERATED WeThePeople FROM that HatefulReligiousSupremacy. After the BillOfRights was passed, the religionists, again, rioted, burned, looted, pillaged, raped, plundered, mass-murdered and hired mercenaries FOREGIN AND DOMESTIC to KILL the new democracy.

Just like in Iraq, today.


Many religions, different 'versions' or 'flavors' of Christianity, fought AGAINST the Civil Rights Movement right in to the 1980's. They claimed their 'perfect truth' says their hateful psychotic god punishes innocent people for alleged 'crimes' they knew nothing about and did not participate in doing, by 'cursing' them with 'dark skin.'

This is the failed-logic of 'GENERATIONAL DEBTORS PRISONS,' or 'guilty until concocted guiltier.' And there isn't a singe iota of either 'forgiveness' nor 'compassion' in that religious formula for HATRED.

So is "HatefulReligious_'eye-for-an-eye'_Vindictiveness/Vengeance," for there is not an iota of either 'forgiveness' nor 'compassion' in that religious formula for HATRED -- only "guilty until concocted guiltier" then PUNISHED.

-- punished BY WHOM?

The same CLERICS/Sympathizers that infiltrated and infected WeThePeoples' governments, globally, AGAIN.

The SAME so-called 'positive-people.'

The SAME 'problem,' see. It's never gone away. It's never gotten 'better.' Only worse -- it's only 'improvement' being it's serpentine methodologies to subtly DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES -- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED. Only it's hateful 'marketing' has 'improved' -- becoming more insidious -- more DANGEROUS THAN EVER.

If you are teaching your friends, co-workers, classmates, or your child the "MiracleLIST," to hatefully label others as 'negative' to ruthlessly hammer against one's own MERCILESS, so-called 'positive-cross-sign' -- FigurativeCarpentry -- ideological crucifiXtion -- after ERECTING a hateful CrossOfShame/Hate in so-called 'positive-goodness,' in the pathetic attempt at making one's self 'look/feel' SUPERIOR, then you are MENTORING TERRORISTS.

Be so advised.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton - HFA
UniversalTheorem -- OnTime, RU?
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

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