Friday, January 12, 2007

ORCH_Day500 The Condi Has Landed

"The Condi Has Landed"

As you know, SecretaryOfState Condoleezza Rice is pleading for peace in the Middle East right now -- BEFORE WE ARE GET KILLED.

It's a vast, multi-faceted Global_Crisis, and as Don Rumsfeld tried to explain, 'complexities few comprehend.'

I say 'facets.' Rumsfeld says 'complex-ities.'
I number my facets with unique identifiers. I wouldn't know what to do with a 'complex.' ;)


We need 80K troops to DEFEND The People of Iraq FROM GENOCIDE RIGHT NOW.

The following will explain a few things:

My post on "America, love it or hate it?" as an example (I did edit typos/splg and made minor clarifications) I talk like this, too -- and give presentations for $385,001.00) ;) :

-- (huh? Uh, -- yeah, I do have a sudden cancelation -- please see if your schedule will accomodate me, and make sure there's a piano). :)

Forum Discussion :

Jim, I think the context is quite clear. I'm not certain how to 'clarify' glass. :lol:

I'll try -- it's the most important conversation we all must have:

Are you 'positive'? Do you consider yourself a 'positive-person'? If so, that means you have been PRE-APPROVED to receive your own "MiracleLIST" of 666 concocted excuses to hatefully label so-called 'beloved-neighbors' as 'negative,' in the pathetic attempt at making yourself out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR, in your newly-found, so-called 'positive-goodness.'

Using any of those six-hundred and sixty-six concocted excuses, such as words, typos, misspellings, word-usage, pictures, clothes, advertisements, jobs, income, size, shape, color, location, lifestyles, sound-of-voice or laugh, entertainments, opinions, smells, living-arrangements, money, housing, crotch, crotch-usage, transportation, 'stuff' -- even love itself -- you can literally cast-out every single so-called 'beloved-neighbor' ON EARTH AND BEYOND, to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, even kindness, -- declaring them 'negative' and therefore, 'not your kind of people,' in one's so-called 'positive-goodness.'

ANY EXCUSE WILL DO -- and if you join a religion, you are already PRE-APPROVED FOR HATRED -- given that "MiracleLIST" of 666 concocted excuses to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES --

-- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.

From your new religion, or old religion, you are brainwashed to ANALyze PRIVATES -- perversely sniff crotches like DOGS -- in order to put CONDITIONS on YOUR LOVE for so-called 'beloved-neighbors' -- to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, then, have the AUDACITY to claim your VICTIMS are 'indecent,' in your so-called 'positive-goodness,' PROVING your religion is HATE.

-- then words, books, looks, loves, -- ANY EXCUSE WILL DO to hatefully label others 'negative' and ruthlessly hammer them against your own self-made, MERCILESS, so-called 'positive-cross-sign' -- ideological crucifiXtion -- it's called FigurativeCarpentry -- no spaces between those words, they are unique words to explicitly define specific concepts and typed that way, together, as one new word, so they will NEVER be taken out-of-context AGAIN -- anyway, FigurativeCarpentry, against your so-called 'positive-cross-sign,' after ERECTING your own CrossOfShame/Hate -- using the points of your own hypocritical forked-tongue as NAILS -- in the pathetic attempt at claiming you are 'positiveSUPERIOR' after casting-out your so-called 'beloved-neighbors' as 'negativeINFERIOR,' therefore, 'subhuman' and unworthy of either 'love,' kindness, equality, goods-n-services, or Pursuits of Life, Liberty and Happiness -- in your so-called 'positive-goodness,' proving your ATTITUDE, be you religious or NOT, has been victimized through subtle brainwashing by HatefulReligiousSupremacy and their PRE-APPROVED-FOR-HATREDS "MiracleLIST" with EXACTLY 666 ever-changing EXCUSES to HATE PEOPLE in so-called 'positive-goodness,' thereby DIVIDING communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES --

-- instead of what? That's right, uniting tribes in PeaceOnEarth as commanded.

It's very simple. Children understand it very easily. Only religionists HATE it, because hateful FigurativeCarpentry is ALL THEY KNOW -- so, I forgive them. But it's a Global_Crisis, vast and multi-faceted, because it matters not the 'version' or 'flavor' or 'name' or 'location' of the religion -- the HATRED has molested all of them EQUALLY -- the only form of 'equality' in religions. Go figure! :lol:

Can you define a 'positive-person'? There is no such thing -- just concocted excuses to HATE others by defining 'superiority' and 'inferiority' to DENY EQUALITY, which is HATE.

There is no such thing as a 'negative tree' or 'positive lawns' or 'negative babies.' There has never been and never will be an 'evil-baby' ever born. They are brainwashed to use the MiracleLIST of 666 concocted excuses to HATE PEOPLE.

Like this: (-)AND(+)Equal HATE/Nothing/Death/DeathWorship - (translation: 'negative' and 'positive' equal NOTHING, just hate, which is the formula for death, holocaust, so don't be that way, don't divide into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES by concocting excuses to hatefully hammer 'negatives' against your own MERCILESS so-called 'positive-cross-sign,' the merciless CrossOfShame/Hate, because it's the formula for DEATH/HOLOCAUST, therefore DeathWorship.

-- only religions concoct a "MiracleLIST" to DIVIDE in HATRED for differences, anything unique. Since all life is unique, it's literally the brainwashed HATRED for LIFE, therefore, DeathWorship.

It's THEIR 'issues.' It's THEIR 'eye-issues' that pessimistically see nothing but 'offensiveness' and it's their ears that pessimistically hear nothing but 'offensive/obscene/filthiness.' I suggest amputation -- pluck 'em -- prove your so-called 'positive-standards' are LIVEABLE or STFU, because every utterance is HATE for 'not your kind of people' using the PRE-APPROVED-FOR-HATRED hateful religious MiracleLIST of 666 concocted excuses to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES over stupid shit, like words and looks, size, shape, color and crotch -- 'stuff' -- proving HATE, be a person religious, or merely growing up in a religious society, such as Christdom or Islamdom -- dom and domer -- :lol:

We are all BelovedNeighbors -- even the shit you've been brainwashed to HATE -- we are all in it together, and we FIX IT TOGETHER to bring PeaceOnEarth, not off-planet during a fictional life in a fictional undisclosed location, but THIS LIFE, ON this EARTH. PeaceOnEarth/HeavenOnEarth -- SIMPLE -- ONLY RELIGIONS HATE IT in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'

I am optimistic that 'clarifies glass.' :lol:

Kind Regards,


Clayton Winton - HFA
Priest River, Idaho, USA 83856-2123

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