Sunday, July 08, 2007

ORCH_Day680 China's Products BETTER

There are three branches to this form of government.

[size=24][color=yellow][b]For a ReasOn.[/size][/b][/color]

Recently, the Exec's were disussing 'junk.'

Remember how generations of USans (United States-ans) were subtly brainwashed to say in UNISON: "Made in China is junk?"

And some products were. Our VP and SecState have excelled in leading international product-improvements, top-down.

Lately, everything, it seems, that I buy falls-apart in mid-use.


Go buy the 'higher value' or 'best quality' product and it's JUNK.


Falls apart in mid-use. Maybe it 'works great' for very simple, easy, first-use. But after the third or so, it falls apart in mid-use. JUNK.

Go buy another.

It's pure bullshit.

Flip it over and read the tag to see where it's made.


And the last product I purchased was made in China and keeps working great.


That's how our hateful Congress concocted our so-called 'shining-example.'


note: I originally typed my thoughts at: and copied/pasted MY WORDS to my blog.

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