Friday, July 13, 2007

ORCH_Day683 As Commanded ...

(click title above for link to where I first typed MY WORDS)

And I have CITED every religion and every religious 'leader' and everybody ELSE EQUALLY for NOT teaching it that way, otherwise, it violates HUMAN RIGHTS, globally, and is a direct threat to both National and Global Security.


-- ... the grandmother got pissed-off at the grandkids, and admonished her own children after the death of her husband, grandpa, for not scolding their kids for COVETING grandpa's 'stuff' and hatefully accusing each other of being 'negative/undeserving' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' or 'feel' SUPERIOR/positive/deserving-of-inheritence.'

That's what grandmothers do. Matriarchs of PRINCIPLE.

That's what good parents do, too. MATERNity of PRINCIPLE for eternity.

And that is what 'strong family' is all about. That is what all families must do. A REAL 'shining-example,' NOT A FAKE ONE.

Proving the TIMELESSness of Christ's MESSAGE itself, which requires ZERO BELIEF and ZERO FAITH because that proof is ever-present, omniscience -- all around you/us/AllThings at all times, verifiable instantly through your own FIVE SENSES. It requires ZERO belief.


YOU molested the TIMELESS_MESSAGE into that which it DEFENDS AGAINST, proving ThoughtVirus infection.

BE HEALED OF IT. YOU ARE 'born' INTO IT, but rise above it, uplift your BelovedNeighbors and bring PeaceOnEarth.

Simple. Only religions HATE it. And that is UNACCEPTABLE perversion of every religion on Earth.

Hence, the CITATION.

Kind Regards,


You've intentionally and deliberately hardened your heart to stone against DISSENTING OPINION.

It matters not the rebuttal.

You DENY it out of HABIT.

The CENSORSHIP of a picture from the Women's Rights World Headquarters Website, which draws attention to the horror of women's rights movements, globally, to LIBERATE women EQUALLY from BONDAGE, be it self-induced or otherwise -- indoctrinated -- societal subtle-brainwashing -- be they victims of that -- promoting subtle 'witch-hunts' where other women hatefully accuse each other of being 'wicked-witches' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to 'look' r 'feel' superior, proving zero integrity and zero self-esteem -- that picture, of a Woman'sRight's Advocate who had been ATTACKED by a mysogynystic group of WOMEN over stupid-s**t, like her WORDS and her CLOTHES and what's in her CROTCH and what she does with it, and her INCOME or lack thereof, and her EDUCATION, and her size, shape and color, her DISSENTING OPINIONS, her lifestyle and her living-arrangements -- HATED by positive-people concocting excuses to hatefully label her 'negative' and ruthlessly hammer her against their self-made MERCILESS torture device, their positive-cross-signs, in hateful ideological crucifiXtion, called, "FigurativeCarpentry," using the points of their own hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS -- HATING HER IN SUBTLE WAYS, as trained to do. Forgive them.

That is Christ's TIMELESS_MESSAGE, in part, and that you are commanded to teach them how NOT to be that way, so that family/communities are not DIVIDED into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES, instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth as commanded. That is what being a 'true' Catholic, or 'true' Mormon or 'true' Baptist, or 'true' Methodist, a true Christian is all about -- same with Islamacism, and Buddhism, and Hindi-ism, for it is the EXACT ROOT of ALL RELIGIONS.

Not killing each other and HOPING all the s**t you've been subtly-brainwashed to HATE is EXTERMINATED by your hateful psychotic PuppetMaster god so you won't be BOTHERED.

REAL ACTS of compassiOn REQUIRES REAL physical-interaACTsion -- not 'babble-at-the-air' in WISHFUL_THINKING/HOPE. You MUST DO -- NOT 'wish.'

You can't pray for money.
You can't pray to feed the starving -- YOU MUST DO IT.
You can't pray for peace -- YOU MUST MAKE IT. YOU ARE COMMANDED TO DO SO.

And you KNOW that to the CORE of your BEINGS.

Religions are ENTRUSTED to SERVE and PROTECT that TIMELESS_MESSAGE as spoke unto perpetuity to SAVE us ALL and DEFEND us all EQUALLY from HatefulReligiousSupremacy.


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