Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Spokane City Council: Please HEAR MY WORDS

Dear Joe Shogan, Nancy McLaughlin, Al French, Steve corker, Bob Apple, Richard Rush, Michael Allen of the Spokane City Council, fellow citizens, BelovedNeighbors one and all.

I have addressed the Council before on behalf of the ‘cast-outs,’ the ‘down-trodden,’ the ‘lame,’ the ‘poor,’ the ‘distressed,’ the ‘afflicted.’ I have stood before the Human Rights Commission and begged successfully for monies to help those in need, on behalf of those we are all – for the most part – stigmatized to be around, to associate with, as though their ‘afflictions’ and/or ‘ailments’ may some how ‘rub-off,’ or we be accussed of having the ‘wrong types’ of ‘associates.’ It takes courage to pleed EQUALITY for the hated.

"Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free..."

Presidents have said it. Poets, such as Twain have written about it. Our National Anthem is all about it. We are a great and prosperous nation, proving compassion by not outlawing homelessness nor hiding the poor in dungeons, their voices silenced, their needs ignored.

Currently, I am not in a position to stand before your august assemblage to advocate for the needy. Please experience my words. Please.

It amazes me that those with such comfortable lives, whom think missing a meal is ‘starvation,’ and ‘discipline’ is ‘punishment,’ and ‘hardship’ is waiting in line for a double latte’, would scoff at those whom know zero comforts, whom have lost everything, have no recourse for advocacy, zero entertainments. These are the ‘positive-people,’ contriving excuses to declare others ‘inferior,’ ‘unworthy,’ ‘negative,’ to be mercilessly hammered against the ‘positive-peoples’ self-made, merciless positive-cross-signs in blatant anti-christ messaging, using the points of their own hypocritical forked tongues as nails. Any excuse will do, even a word – mere differences of opinion.

The self-described ‘positive-people’ have double-standardized language to render ‘negative’ hatefulness against their BelovedNeighbors, thusly dividing communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling tribes, instead of uniting ‘tribes,’ teams, families, communities, countries, world(s) (your ‘world’ and all others by any definition), in PeaceOnEarth as commanded. They hide behind their positive-cross-signs as idols to worship, their ‘hope’ is a single word, or looks, or education, or money, or job-status, or marital-status, or anything else, to discriminate, to hate, to CAST-OUT, to place conditions against their own so-called ‘love’ against their own so-called ‘beloved-neighbors’ in the pathetic attempt at making themselves out to ‘look’ or ‘feel’ superior; then, have the audacity to claim being ‘positive’ is a ‘bad-thing’ when it comes to ‘money problems’ or ‘health problems,’ including HIV, the virus commonly thought to be the precursor to AIDS.

It’s a formula of institutionalized double-standards, see. Where the ‘positive’ proselatize from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle encouragement, instigation, hope. It’s the antithesis of what our FoundingFathers liberated us from. The antithesis of the TimelessMessage we learn from the religious story about a cast-out commonly referred to as ‘jesus’ in English – a story applicable to all people equally by developing a personal-relationship with it, by placing one’s self in those shoes, and seeing for one’s self how the ‘positive’ concoct any excuse to declare you ‘negative’ and thereby hypocritically deny your rights to pursue life, liberty and happiness, thereby proving zero forgiveness to you, yet demanding it for their own selfish selves, which proves zero integrity, proves zero compassion, proves zero justice, therefore zero equality.

Yet these ‘positive’ types know all the ‘appropriate’ pre-memorized disclaimers to deny it. As I said, it’s institutionalized now – that behavior – that learned-behavior – therefore formulamatic, what I call a “ThoughtVirus” (no spaces between those words, and other words in this letter to you, so those words will never be taken out-of-context again).

I have always said, “be healed of it,” for that reason. We must heal these divides. It’s about equality. And like everybody has always heard but always questioned (until MY WORDS are understood in this context), “ … the proof is literally all around you,” of ‘postives’ DIVIDING communities, families, teams, companies, countries, world(s), into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling ‘negative-tribes,’ instead of uniting in peace.

I look forward to offering a few coins to those in need every time I drive through Spokane. “Alms for the poor.” I consider it a ‘tithe.’ The least I can do. I wish I could do so much more – give so much more. These are people. Not ‘future dungeon/prison fodder.’ Not ‘less-thans.’ Not ‘guilty-by-association’ by those whom assume guilt until concocting others guiltier, merely for helping, for ADVOCATING on their behalf. These are our BelovedNeighbors, and they are ever-present. We must prove compassion, not wish for others to do so while babbling words at the air, spewing, “mysterious ways,” as our excuse for having done nothing. GoodWorks are proved, not wished for.

I urge the Council to not turn ‘money’ into the criteria for ‘equality.’ It will ultimately cost the city many millions in future legal action. Is that your ‘big plan’ for future ‘job-growth’? Hire more attorneys and legal aides to profit from the needless burdens you place upon the citizens whom become victims of fraudulent tax-revenues misappropriated to law-firms and already over-burdened courts?

My apologies for my ‘wording’ – I am not paid to sit in a comfortable environment and spend hours/days ‘rehearsing’ every ‘nuance,’ spelling, phrase and verb. I trust you are all educated enough to figure out the obvious. I know you are, and will not CAST-OUT either MY WORDS nor the poor, the needy, the down-trodden, the lame, the afflicted, the dispossessed.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (aka’s HumanityFamilyAdvocate, 3Ons -- other descriptive titles applicable).
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

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