Friday, February 20, 2009

Judges That Kill; Julie Carnes?

Officers Jason R. Smith, Gregg Junnier and Arthur B. Tesler were trained by higher-ed 'genius-experts' to follow manuals higher-ed wrote and worship. And just like all worshiped-manuals, those whom write 'em, pessimistically tunnel-vision focus every aspect of everybody ELSE's interpretation. Any word will do. Any typo. Any 'memorization issue.'

It all 'sounds-so-reasonable.' "If scenario #6669b-7xy is encountered, place right hand as shown in diagram #13-6.6, feet as indicated in figure 5772.44.5, left hand as shown in chart 3556.2b (see index, sub-heading "Stance, but not 'regular-stance,'"), eyes in position #77562.4.99, pull velcro-release #78856.4.5, with other arm press Standard Issue Part # 89985.44.323c, (see video #89955.2-b.77.1), discuss training-tape #79985.69.11.4, take breath as instructed in session #588., ..." -- it's ENDLESS.

It's so complicated it's impossible. An impossible assignment. Impossible 'compliance,' because at any moment, some higher-ed 'genius-expert' sitting in an office that's never done it, never been in that situation, can pessimistically tunnel vision-focus perceiving some 'flaw' in the 'procedure,' the 'training,' the 'events', finding imagined 'fault' that only makes sense to themselves. THEY WERE NOT THERE!

In court, they have all the documentation pre-approved to crucify. Regardless of outcome. "Positive-people" HATING "negative-people," to ruthlessly hammer 'negatives' against merciless 'positive-cross-signs' in nonstop FigurativeCarpentry, which is ideological crucifiXtion, using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as NAILS, proving zero forgiveness, zero compassion, zero JUSTICE, therefore ZERO EQUALITY, all of which is hypocritically demanded for their own selfish-selves, denied all others. Any excuse will do. Of course, they deny that too.

They wrote ALL THE RULES. ALL THE REGULATIONS. ALL THE LAWS. And stuck cops in the middle, killing and getting killed and taking the BLAME, regardless of outcome, as usual.

It doesn't matter what law-enforcment does, or doesn't, they take the BLAME, as usual.

But they didn't write the worshiped-manuals. The same manuals worshiped as FalseGods to hide behind as the LIST of excuses for PUNISHING anybody/everybody for any excuse grows ever longer. And they've never once taken personal-responsibility for ANY OF IT, just concocted more complications to BLAME all whom don't goose-step in lock-step with yet another religion of terrorizing HATE.


What happened to 92-year-old Kathryn Johnston at her home in Atlanta, Georgia, USA is horrible. And everybody wishes they could 'take it back,' or have a 'do-over' opportunity, especially Officers Jason R. Smith, Gregg Junnier and Arthur B. Tesler.

There's ZERO REHEARSALS for real life. It's been made-out that these three officers wrote their own manuals, devised their own 'tips,' instigated their own version of 'law-enforcement,' conspired their idea about 'justice,' then passed their own laws about serving 'no-knock-warrants,' and outlawed, banned and censored their own products merely to enact storm-trooping methodologies against grandmothers such as Kathryn Johnston as an excuse to seize her assets on behalf of ...


It's ridiculous. The entire situation is ridiculous.

Now, Chief U.S. District Judge Julie Carnes is to 'pass judgement' against these officers, whom were given the 'lesser-of-two-evils' FAKE 'choice' of 'confession-of-sins' or 'confession-of-lesser-sins' to be used against themselves.

And higher-ed loves it. It concocts an excuse to hire more 'college-degree'd' people just like themselves to sit around TALKING about doing work, instead of working, on the public-dole, at tax-payer expense, pointing long-accusatory fingers at 92-year-old grandmothers claiming that's what 'public-dole' means. The elderly, the disabled, vets, homeless, indigents, those with extraordinary inabilities or extraordinary ABILITIES are socially-dysfunctional. That's what Human Services is all about, instead of marching 'em to gas-chambers. Now, higher-ed has usurped all the funding for their own selfish-selves, claiming they are 'not' on the public-dole, and instigating more and more ways to ELIMINATE those whom have legitimate reasons to be.

Any product will do.
Any service.
Any opinion.
Any lifestyle.
Any habit.
Any entertainment.
Any living-arrangement.
Any word ...
Any piece-of-cloth, worn or not worn.
Any excuse at all, even love itself.

It's a CRUSADE, of 'positives' HATING 'negatives.' Any excuse will do.

It's so DECEPTIVE it all 'sounds-reasonable' and goes UNNOTICED. That's how terrorizing it truly is. It's concocted the world's greatest debts, monetarily and especially morally, as the crusade by 'positives' and their FAKE 'unconditional-love' keeps DIVIDING communities/teams/families/countries/worlds into ever-increasing numbers of 'negative-tribes'in blatant anti-christ messaging, instead of UNITING 'tribes,' teams, communities, families, countries, worlds in PeaceOnEarth/HeavenOnEarth as commanded (or at least 'desired.').

It's just like the higher-ed 'genius-experts' that produce their so-called 'qualifications' as 'god-cards' to usurp control over business, especially BANKS, and ruin 'em from the inside-out, using MatheMAGICS to produce 'reasonable-sounding' spreadsheets and prospectus' to ROB THE FUTURE of profits and earnings and pay their own selfish selves double TODAY.

It's concocted the world's highest-debts, the greatest debts in existence. The CIA FactBook says that of June of 2007 the United States taxpayer (that's YOU) owes $12.25 TRILLION dollars, and another half-trillion in a trade-deficit. And that's the 'best-of-the-best-of-the-best' higher-ed has to offer, their reporting-methodologies, their 'intelligence,' their 'stats,' their fuckup.

You think this is an 'ideological-rant'? Have you heard higher-ed's version????!!!


Mine is FREE.

Every time higher-ed gets involved, WATCH OUT!

It's ruined banks.
It's ruined business.
It's ruined Finance.
It's ruined Industry.
It's ruined JUSTICE.

It's ruined DefensiveServices (that's the military the 'positives' will send to mass-murder all the people they deem 'inferior/unworthy/OFFENSIVE/negative' for any excuse conceivable, then BLAME THE TROOPS, as usual, merely to divert attention away from the fact that those same higher-ed 'genius-experts' that concocted this mess, used MatheMAGICS to rob the future of all earnings to give themselves multiple paychecks today, and are hiding their VICTIMS in dungeons, institutions, and morgues -- YOU.) Anybody could be NEXT. Any excuse will do.

Chief U.S. District Judge Julie Carnes will be BLAMED for murdering the LIFEs of Officers Jason R. Smith, Gregg Junnier and Arthur B. Tesler. Because she has to WORSHIP higher-ed's MANUALS or have her own life murdered -- crucified, ideologically, the life-blood of her economy stolen from her, for not 'breathing-correctly,' goose-step in lock-step.

Endless cycles of blame, just like higher-ed 'geniux-experts' devised it via MatheMAGICS, to escape personal-responsibility for ANY OF IT, as usual.


Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

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