Saturday, March 14, 2009

OnBanc Breathes New Life Into Markets

OnBanc Breathes New Life Into Markets

PR-ID,USA - Mar 14, 2009

OnBanc is committed to suspending-in-time, the current global debt-crisis.

OnBanc offers a clean-slate, freeing GDP for participating countries.

It establishes a frozen-in-time account, or VariableTime financing.

Your obligations that used to consume GDP, are now returned to you. FREE, free'd up to build all those StairwaysToHeaven you always claimed you were going to ... someday. Now you can.

To Suspend your current obligations, a surcharge of 3% GDP is imposed. If you choose to immediately go back into debt, re-bondaging your GDP, OnBanc will provide it's own credit assessment (see below).

Finland has 30% GDP currently going towards it's National debt.

The United States has 60% GDP committed.

When an individual finances a mortgage on a house, if the mortgage-payment is more than approximately 30% of income, their loan is DENIED.

Every country, therefore, is MAXED-OUT.

Credit denied.

Historically, that global situation has always led to war. That is unacceptable to OnBanc.

OnBanc is committed to suspending-in-time, the current global debt-crisis. This is a one-time 'giant-skip-pay' global event. Economically, it becomes a new bright, bright sunshiny-day, absorbing all the worlds sin ...

Your debts. All of it.

OnBanc employees are salary-equalized and sacrifice for you to pay it off, establishing a HANDS FREE lifestyle to all people equally, for the same fee, 3% 'gdp' (individual), serving and protecting your liberty, handling all the paperwork, taxes, finance, employment, education, medical, legal, travel, all of it modeled after the "SmartCard," to assist you in proving your innocence, so nobody can ever falsely accuse you, or hinder your pursuits of life, liberty and happiness through paperwork.

Proceeds pay-off YOUR DEBTS -- all of 'em.

In addition, eventually, there will be HUGE PROFITS.

Operational-budget in the meantime will re-direct assets to SuspendedTechnologies, geo-thermal, building mini-'cities' floating on your bouyant atmosphere, like ships at sea, with synthetic fabric-reflective 'mirror-panels' to extend growing seasons and provide more solar power, reducing nighttime energy-costs.

That NEW INDUSTRY will also build jobs, confidence, and innovate new technologies.

The OnBanc loan-to-governments program will benefit all people equally. Infringement against equalities will be considered DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATORS.

Your Country's Credit Score Evaluation:

1) Censorships are motivated in white-collar-fraud, strangling markets, therefore hurting families' pursuits of life, liberty and happiness, therefore any prohibitions are considered to be a DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATOR.

2) TheoryWorship pollutes education rendering credentialing-systems meaningless, therefore a DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATOR.

3) CrotchWorship promotes segregatory social environments which hinders markets, therefore a DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATOR.

4) Religions oftentimes become molested into profiting from atop rubble, misery and grief, therefore a 'molested-religion' defrauding not-for-profit intentions, abusing religious-freedoms to abuse the free-expression/free-speech of others is a DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATOR.

5) Molested-religion's influence therefore, in any Legislative or Parliamentarian 'body,' to institutionalize any of the above DEROGATORY INDICATORS, is a DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATOR.

6) Legislated obstacles to either SuspendedTechnologies or genetic enhancement treatments and cures is a DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATOR.

7) Legislated obstacles to personal privacies commonly used by hateful religionists to deny equalities inclusive of freedoms to enter or leave marriages regardless of definition, is a DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATOR.

8) Reducing quality/substance of education to focus on a myriad of insignificant details of 'specialty-subjects' during K-12 to sell the product of 'higher-ed' as a myriad of 'specialty-subjects' is a DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATOR.

9) Any country whose populace is not properly disciplined as to not bribe, give gifts, attempt photo-ops, and/or hinder OnBanc employees, heirs and assignees, is given a DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATOR.

Now, there are those that would derail your future, your new life, your clean-slate, so they can knit-pick each and every one of those items listed above, talking about it as a 'career' merely for the photo-op, while the ever-growing piles of bloated-corpses grow ever-higher all around them. They are totally oblivious to 'walking-in-your-shoes' -- your real misery ignored -- taken for-granted -- as they pessimistically tunnel-vision-focus perceiving a 'flaw' in a very-far-advanced-portion of the only viable plan to save their own lives.


Maybe several life-times distant-out -- that will be an 'appropriate-time' to have a discussion about it --- otherwise, it's just WAISTING TIME ... hyper-inflating the VALUE of some insignificant 'details' imagined in your own mind as an excuse to white-collar-defraud REAL HUMAN PRODUCTIVITY AND ADVANCEMENT.

That's what killed Bank of America and Citigroup and HBOS and AIG and RBS and so many others, from the inside-out and why all of your countries are maxed-out, broke, and struggling with paying the interest on massive-debts.

-- while real quality-of-life improvements and human-achievements go ignored;
-- while real global-cooperative-construction of anything, remains STAGNANT.

That is an unacceptable global financial market to OnBanc, that seriously hampers pursuits of life, liberty and happiness to all people equally, regardless of language or location, or generation, all people, all of you, all of me, all of them, all of us, everybody, the entire HumanityFamily.

OnBanc would recommend passage of laws prohibiting more than 9% of GDP ever being diverted to loan-interest-debt schemes. However, higher-ed knit-pickers would use it as an excuse to endlessly talk about it, costing governments a fortune (hurting family). Therefore, OnBanc issues a COMMANDMENT to comply with the "NinePercentRule" -- and model taxation-schemes after it. Failure to comply is both a DEROGATORY CREDIT INDICATOR and could result in DEBT_THAW.

-- DEBT_THAW: frozen-time-loan 'suddenly' is 'out of the freezer' absorbing your GDP.

SuspendedTechnologies is the 'prosperity-bridge' to the 'heaven' we build together through peace and cooperation. In itself, it will produce a $700-Trillion global economy, expandable to several thousands-of-trillions per century.

-- as a result of the impossible numbers, it will use it's own monetary-system, and will expand existing data-centers, currently looking at China's world's-fastest-smallest supercomputers networked in racks of hundreds, to enhance current data-processing schemes. Current computing-technologies are still in the 'dark-ages' considering where we need to be going. OnBanc will be leading the way.

Salary-equalized employees work to pay-off your debts. These are heroes, and will be selected from the world's finest companies, Bank of America, Citi, HBOS/(RBS), and many banks and companies you have never heard of from around the world. These are volunteers to a corporate-family with a corporate-family-global-strategy. It's about equality. Such sacrifice is always made out of love for all people equally.

When your country is no longer in debt, has been resuscitated by OnBanc, you are granted new life, freeing resources and productivity to do real things for you, we will all have JOBS like never before, with REAL spending-power at our fingertips, REAL purpose, REAL meaning, real REWARDS.

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton (HFA/3Ons)

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