Saturday, October 16, 2010

Catholic 2 Gay II

And so it was, in that time, that men were segregated. Women bought their 'spouse,' and selective-bread their henchmen to enforce the 'rules.'

Previously, I had used the expression: "BEFORE the Fall," so let me clarify that, briefly. BEFORE the FALL of British rule in the colonies, anybody suspected of 'aiding, abetting, offering sustenance/nurture, material or financial support,' etc., to forces known or unknown to be hostile to the newly struggling, self-governed democratic state, are enemies,' (worded many different ways).

-- of course, King George ruled the same against colonists at the time, all worded in many different ways. Former Atty Gen Ashcroft expressed the same concept against those aiding al Qaida.

The concern, on a societal level, is that a return of said 'conditions' is imminent, as the current 'system' of consumption is non-sustainable. Spending has out-paced productivity many times over. These are debts that are not sustainable -- interest-only payments becoming so large, like a revolving charge-card account, that the principal amount owed may actually increase, and on top of that, more debt is added. Our Higher-Ed Legislative cult does hocus pocus with spreadsheets to conjure-up some 'reasonable-sounding' excuses, with thousands more pieces of paperwork claiming how they are the 'best of the best of the best' while doing nothing more than taking more --

-- from you.
-- from the oppressed.
-- from the mouths of innocent babes.

So then, they claim an unborn, unbreathing, unfeeling, non-eating, non-life-experiencing 'baby' if of 'more concern' than your real pain, your real suffering, your real hardship, your real wounds, your real oppression, your real lack of opportunities, pursuits of life, liberty and happiness, as a diversion --

-- hoping you'll fall into that intellectual-trap, get 'played' right into it, and spin your wheels there forever, ignoring the big picture entirely.

One setup for intellectual entrapment after another.

"Sing A New Church," for example, a hymnal, a Psalm all it's own, addresses EQUALITY, for the masses, and I use the word 'mass' there with BOTH intents, a religious rite, AND, the people.

But that in itself doesn't address segregate gender 'roles,' nor the larger picture of expecting the taxpayers to foot the bill for TWO segregated sports programs, TWO segregated restrooms, TWO segregated societal 'roles,' as an intellectual-diversion from what segregation truly is.

I read a paid advertisement by a religious school in the paper the other day, which said their non-discrimination-policy was that they do not discriminate against race, color, national origin, --

-- but everything else they DO discriminate against was conveniently absent, such as segregated gender 'roles' subtly instilled within it's students, not to mention the most obvious: religion.

-- and paperwork, if you don't provide it, you're instantly disqualified, "Papers! Papers!" like Sgt. Schultz, from Hogan's Heroes reruns.

The Obama Administration is all about adding MORE PAPERWORK, more complications, more paperwork-pushers at taxpayer expense to monitor your privates, infringe against your freedoms. Any excuse will do. See, every piece of paperwork concocted is less productivity within the bigger picture of national and global productivity, therefore taking food from the mouths of innocent babes. Like this:

-- 1) "To ensure you are not being discriminated against because you are 'gay,' please fill-out these forms, we will make-up a national database where your information is stored, and in future we'll know who is gay and who isn't."

-- 2) "To ensure our 'gay-and-free' citizens for exceptional equal opportunities campaign is adequately funded, we propose a new tax of just 2% to pay for the offices, databases, computer network, and thousands of college grads with 'freedom degrees' to work at taxpayer expense 'protecting your freedom to be gay.'

-- 3) "Due to rising prices and debt defaults, we are now drafting 'gays' to the front-lines firstly, and all others are to report to detention camps for special training and medical 'enhancements' to serve and protect our way of life."

-- 4) "Harboring, aiding, abetting, offering sustenance, material or spiritual to those whom do not register with Gay Services are enemies."

And then there's that Database of NAMES, the GENOCIDE LIST.

-- just sayin'.

Nobody needs to know what's in your PRIVATES or what you do with your privates in the privacy of your bedroom, bathroom, property or anywhere else. Only perverts want to know, and it's an intellectual trap to have 'heterosexual' crotch-thrusting-into-your-face discussions presented as 'normal' in a conspired effort to get 'gays' to thrust their privates into the faces of 'straights,' then ridiculed, scorned, harassed, harangued, disbarred, dismembered, cast-out as 'negative,' therefore hammered as 'negatives' against those 'straight positive-cross-signs' using the points of hypocritical forked-tongues as nails.

Here are the things which our Founding Fathers, with an understanding of Rome, included in our founding as a country, to protect all people equally from discrimination, knowing fully-well that courts and Defensive Services would be the key to unlocking the outright hatreds conspired by religions against liberty:

-- 1) All/anything medical is private, even if you are speaking to a medical practitioner; nobody has a right to concoct their own version of medical science, examinations, observations, diagnosis, proscriptions, and then go around telling people how to 'treat' you, as it only instigates hatred.

-- 2) Anything financial is private, and no matter what you have in your wallet or your bank accounts or sales receipts, nobody has a right to examine it, evaluate it, disclose it, as they are proving to be hateful of your decisions and you as a person, outright nosiness, horning into your privates.

-- 3) Work status is private, and you are not required to divulge your employment status to anybody, as it's one of the first things used to HATE YOU and DENY EQUALITY to you and your pursuits of opportunities, life, liberty and happiness.

-- 4) Living arrangements, life-style, same thing.

These are constitutionally guaranteed rights. Basic Human Rights. Nobody has a right to molest your mind or body.

That's why Don't Ask Don't Tell is a SOUND POLICY, but the intellectual-trap is religious-diatribes, gender-segregation, undercover-inspections and entrapments, and the 'crotch-thrusting' stories of 'straights' presented as 'normal' but inquiries into 'gay' sex-lives isn't, a double-standard which violates the policy itself. Criminalization of INTIMACY is NOT PART OF 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' but was included as an intellectual-trap as a diversion from discrimination/HATE.

See, if your working, training, defending, is it appropriate to talk about the 'hot babe' you 'scored' last week/month? Of course not. It's your privates. And it's sexist and demeaning discussing it, even if you think you are 'in love.' After work, perhaps you may invite somebody to your home and tell 'em about it. At work, you are thrusting your crotch, your privates, into the faces of others, straight or gay.

BEFORE THE FALL, the REAL FALL, all people were equal, a veritable Heaven, built together through PeaceOnEarth. We were just people. A tragic accident destroyed too much of the infrastructure to repair 'instantly,' and before enough skilled talent could be re-organized, greed and gluttony got the best of a few, usurping control over the masses.

Do you know anybody that would knowingly go around and divulge your PRIVATES to others, to co-workers, to friends of co-workers, to certain 'chosen' individuals with 'important roles' within the community, to people living in your neighborhood, and for what purpose other than to conjure up hatred against you, to cast-a-spell of confusion over the people around you so that they engage in hateful rumor-mongering against you, then blamed for it, and that individual whom concocted that HELLishness to begin with, that wickedness, had a plan all along, to PROFIT from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own subtle instigation.

-- Any military retiree receiving benefits of any kind, VA or otherwise, whom violates Don't Ask Don't Tell should have their benefits CANCELED and all previous benefits RETURNED via asset seizure if necessary.

Do you know anybody like that? Who would do such a hateful thing? Claiming it's all about 'peace, love, tranquility, concern' when obviously it's not, causing you harm and financial loss?


BTW, after the fall, the Underground Railroad, they didn't discriminate against anybody for any reason, serving and protecting all people equally, entrusted to ORGANIZE a long-term plan to get things FIXED.

There's alot here to think about ...

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

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