Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Murray vs Rossi debate

Patty Murray, democratic incumbant, vs Republican challenger Dino Rossi


This is for a Senate seat, state of Washington. Previously, Dino Rossi ran against the current governor of Washington for the Governor's seat.

Mr. Rossi pointed out, during the debate, that the every-complicated 2,600 page so-called 'healthcare reform bill' was partially authored by Patty Murray.

She replied that the portion she authored allocated funds to family doctors in medical schools.

Doesn't that sound all-so reasonable? So 'warm and fuzzy'?

But what is she truly saying?

She's saying that money from the poor, the poorest, seniors and single moms, and those earning minimum wage, will be taken from them -- from their paychecks, and turned-over to Higher-Education.

Spokane Administrators just gave themselves a raise to push paperFAKEwork around, while reducing the incomes of those whom actually work teaching kids, teachers. Higher-Ed 'credentials' is 'Administration' -- reducing services to kids, reducing funding and incomes of those working with kids, and giving themselves ever-growing slices of the 'pie' at taxpayer expense, as usual.

-- while 'studying' curriculum, to figure-out ways to make it 'look-like' the students are 'smart,' and 'learned alot of stuff,' but removing anything that could be SOLD as a PRODUCT at a Higher-Education 'credentialing' college.

They've gutted Public Education doing it.

And that's what Senator Patty Murray is really NOT saying about her 'contribution' in authoring the 'Healthcare Reform Bill.'

I think she should be taken to task for it, along with all those Higher-Ed Legislators and their cult-mentality of sucking the life-blood out of economy, out of productivity, by concocting endless mountains of paperFAKEwork, burdens against all, which is establishing a class-based economy of FAKE 'majesties' and 'peasants.'

Dear Mr. Dino Rossi: ARE YOU GOING TO FIX IT?

Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton

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