Monday, May 16, 2011

GAY PURGE: Pastor says "gays should die"

Clayton Winton
Pastor says : "KILL GAYS" FROM ARTICLE: Is a "Kill The Gays" bill headed for New York City?

At Sunday’s anti-gay marriage rally in New York City, sponsored by the National Organization For Marriage, one pastor, Rev. Ariel Torres Ortega of Radio Visión Cristiana, told the several thousand people in attendance that gays should die.



-- DEATH CAMPS 4QT , Christdom and Islamdom want 'peace' and that's the only thing they agree with.
12 minutes ago

This sentiment is growing, religions more rabid than ever, as I've said over and over and over, right here in FB, writing "FreedomPsalms" 4TheGurlz.

1000/babies born per day with HIV, the cost of anti-viral drug therapy is $15,000/yr, and the numbers of new infections are increasing, not 'decreasing,' but increasing. Funds, donated or 'granted,' have gone from 3% of total towards Administration costs, to as much as 90% to paperwork pushers making 'careers' claiming they are 'helping,' but only doing it for the photo-op, to profit from atop the rubble, misery and grief.

Gay Purges are in full-operation in many countries through-out the world right now. Most of it is economics, subtle, victims being blamed for 'self-destruction' after being targeted.

And it's occuring within US communities, also.

We are at war; an ugly evil declared against us, neither asked for nor wanted, but that's where we are right now.

As the healthcare costs increase, funds for Gay issues decrease, and of that decreased-$ amount, most is consumed by career-oriented paperwork-pushers and talkers, whom have never held the hands of the dieing, never spoon-fed the ill, never had the courage of a Drag Queen to raise a dollar to pay for quality-of-life items such as cable-TV for terminal patients, or 'Shock-n-Awe' awareness for the heroes defending freedom in the military.

We must set-aside our petty differences, unite in Harvey Milk's "rainbow of diversity" and build a PeaceBridge, a RingAroundTheWorld, our ARMS AROUND THE WORLD, in love with equality, with Humanity, the entire HumanityFamily.


Kind Regards, always,
Clayton Winton
2 minutes ago

==== OnEdit: 'christom' s/b 'christdom' typo fixed above

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