Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Day42-ResusCitateHumanity (PyschoSociety)


I'm watching CNN Headline Prime, with Erika Hill and Mike Galanos.
I ran into Mike at the gas station once. I don't 'celebrity-worship' so I just minded my own business, as usual.

This is an interesting broadcast this evening.

1) A sports-segment shows a football game where one player punched another player in the testicles. Intentionally. He should have been arrested right then, on the spot. Had it been you or me, we'd be in jail in a heartbeat, and STILL BE THERE.

This actually happened to me once. Everybody laughed. They thought it was funny. Not ONE person even helped ... they goose-stepped off, in their 'goodness.' PsychoSociety, no doubt about it.

2) Rosa Parks, the woman that started the bus-boycott, which finally got the Supreme9 Majesty to end segregation after their usual long-delayed, very-expensive, pomp, excuses and royalty, died today -- maybe yesterday. The end of segregation got the ChristianHaters to enact a different form of segregation:
-- "GreatWhiteFlight," where whites evacuated cities and left no jobs nor economy for blacks.
-- StateSponsoredNarcoTerrorism, where 'entertainments,' such as cocaine being cooked into crack and distributed to those 'evacuated' inner-city communitees. PUBLIC RECORDS PROVE CIA involvement.
-- WarOnBlackBehavior, where the use of the 'entertainments' introduced were declared illegal, and the war-on-the-streets has put millions behind bars and slaughtered hundreds-of-thousands in the streets and the very homes where they live.
-- DeathWorshipConversion, where a CHOSEN FEW were put on a brightly lit stage, spouting the same ReligiousDiscriminHate that kidnapped, genocided, enslaved, tortured, and segregated blacks to begin with; TWISTING the previous NonBeliefSystems of kidnapped Africans into the same BeliefSystem of the kidnappers, enslaving them further, and concocting a scheme where they actually PAY and SUPPORT the methodology/ideology used to oppress them in the first place.

FIRST there was Christianity;
-- WOMEN had to FIGHT to expose any portion of their skin to the sunlight.
-- WOMEN had to FIGHT to LEARN how to READ;
-- WOMEN HAD TO FIGHT to be able to VOTE;
-- WOMEN have to FIGHT against SEGREGATION;
-- WOMEN have to FIGHT for EQUAL PAY;
-- WOMEN have to FIGHT against BOOB_WORSHIP;

... and they are ENSLAVED more NOW than EVER, promoting BoobWorship and the SAME BeliefSystem that has oppressed them since CHURCH was conCOCted to begin with.

... same with BLACKS.
... same with INDIANS.
... same with MEXICANS.
... same with CUBANS.
... same with ASIANS.
... same with SEX (those ReligiousDiscriminHaters are ALWAYS perversley engrossed with what a person does with their CROTCH!)

And the CHURCHES conspire to hold up miniscule EXAMPLES, usually on TV, as the 'shining-light' of their perverted, offensive and obscene 'progress.'
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, and preventing YOU from ever being ONE of those 'examples.'
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by highlighting stupid 'examples' over REAL LIFE.
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by covering up the past, by pretending those 'examples' are YOUR life.
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, while conCOCting excuses to for false-hope, wishful-thinking 'equality.'
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by power-lobbying government, illegally, and FORCING their DISCRIMINHATE into LAW.
-- DENYing KNOWLEDGE, by HAMMERING you ruthlessly to their damnable CrossOfShame for having FLESH.

Meanwhile, they babble shit at the air, while DeathWorshiping, drinking the blood and eating the flesh of a corpse, in elaborate ceremonies to DECEIVE you into PAYING for it and PROMOTING more DeathWorship to DiscriminHate against 'not their kinds of people,' literally praying for FinalBattles and TOTAL EXTINCTION EVENTS, under the guise of 'peace' and 'love.'

And that IS religion. All of them. And they work TOGETHER, conspiring to make LAWS that support their DeathWorship, and promote their DiscriminHate, while promoting the ArmsIndustry and oppression, mass-murder, genocide and HATE -- while 'spinning' a side-message of 'peace/love/tranquility' and it's ALL DECEPTION.

Religion IS the DECEPTION. DiscriminHate, that's all it is, to promote battles of intolerance.

-- now, this ThoughtVirus, 'religion,' has re-infected:
-- -- Science: 'intelligent-design' (same thing!)
-- -- Spiritualism: to DiscriminHate against 'those not spiritual enough for me.' (same thing!)

PeaceOnEarth is IMPOSSIBLE with RELIGION. IMPOSSIBLE. Religion IS the DECEPTION. It is ALL HATE in disguise, to discriminate against 'not our kind of people' and 'worship' a FICTIONAL LIFE that has NOTHING TO DO WITH SURVIVING THIS ONE.

After LIFE? AFTER 'life?' What happens when you drown? Your LIFE is OVER. Therefore, what is AFTER life? DEATH! Period.

Only flawed-logic, "BeliefSystems," could conCOCt an reason to IGNORE YOUR LIFE, blame others, and pretend that after DEATH you go to a 'place' that DiscriminHates against 'not your kind of people.'

How flippin' convenient! 'Heaven' is a physical PLACE ON EARTH, we BUILD TOGETHER IN PEACE. AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllThings. Heaven does NOT DiscriminHate. YOU DO.

Christianity is all about the GlassHalfEmpty pessimissm of how AWFUL THIS LIFE IS, and therefore you make up a fairy-tale, fictional one, false-hopes for when YOUR LIFE IS OVER. If you can be convinced that 'REAL LIFE is HORRIBLE,' then CHURCH just made a PROFIT.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY the ArmsIndustry and Religion go hand-in-hand.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY religion CUTS HUMAN SERVICES and attempts to MONOPOLIZE it by LAW.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY oppression and DiscriminHatian MUTATES -- by design.
-- and that IS EXACTLY WHY this GenesisDeception is TERRORISM, globally.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Day35-RCH - edited (SundayEVENsong)


I do not think I know everything.
Obviously, I do NOT.

Merely WONDERING about things, and opening one's knowledge-base for exploration of fallacy and untruths -- AND TRUTHS -- is 'offensive/obscene' to 'positive-people' in HELL.

You ridicule. You debase. You HATE, and ACCUSE, and ATTACK, INSTANTLY, in your HATE for LIFE.
Claiming 'I'm an open-minded, good person,' while you do nothing but divide every one you know into reasons why they are NOT 'your kind of people.'

How can one learn,
if the boundaries of FACTS are unknown?

How can one learn, when the boundaries of belief are ill-defined, therefore, not knowing
stimulates a yearning to embellish?

If you can't have it NOW, you can

And that is WRONG.
'Hoping' for things is WRONG. You can't 'hope' to save someone's life. YOU DO IT.
Wishing for things is RIDICULOUS. You can't pretend to HELP. YOU DO IT.

PeaceOnEarth is YOU, too.
But you can't do it alone.
What 'shining-example' are you setting?

A 'PositivePerson,' a 'NegativePerson,' OR, "SoPositiveYouAreSatanicallyNegative?"

When you divide ANY HUMANS into 'negative' and 'positive' you are DISPLAYING HATE.


In crisis, you help the injured. In crisis, THEY help YOU when injured.
There is NO SUCH THING as a 'negative' or 'positive' person while SAVING YOUR LIFE.

And that PROVES you do not believe in anything, and your 'belief-systems' are crutches of HATE to divide your BelovedNeighors into groups of 'not our kind of people.' And after your LIFE WAS SAVED, you go back to your crutches of 'beliefs' and being HATEFUL. And that is WRONG.

DeathWorship. And it is WRONG. It IS nothing but HalfEmptyGlasses of pessimistic HATE in a vacuum of DARKNESS. EndlessSuffrage. HELL, literally. YOUR SOCIETY, the PsychoSociety, the LegacyOfShame, in utterly hateful darkness.

[size=24][b][color=yellow]LET THERE BE LIGHT! AND THERE IS![/size][/b][/color]

In the LandOfTheFree, the LandOfEquality, the LandOfCelebratedDiversity, the LandOfNoCensorship, the LandOfFreedomOfSpeech, we are a family of BelovedNeighbors, from sea to shining sea, and BEYOND. Sharing IS beautiful. Are you sharing DeathWorship, or [/size=24][b][color=yellow]Nurture/Life/Uniqueness/Diversity/Light/LIVING?[/size][/b][/color]

And everyone has to LEARN to walk. And nobody does it perfect and nobody walks on it -- they DROWN IN IT, along with their cities. Period. PROVEN, OVER AND OVER.

Your divisions of citizens into 'not my kind of people' IS offensive AND obscene.
Your 100% natural bodies are NOT.
If you think otherwise, then Your DeathWorship IS offensive AND obscene.
Your 100% natural bodies are NOT. MODIFIED OR NOT!

Value differences -- do NOT DiscriminHate -- and, the ANSWERS are ALWAYS in the COMPLAINTS.

Now, THAT IS an sundayEVENsong. ;)

Kind Regards,

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Day36-ResusCitateHumanity (ContinentalRift)


(ignore phpBcodes/html)
Caption: The THEORY of "Continental Drift"

Hurricanes, LandStorms, and ICE.

Remember this quote?

[quote]Many scientists have theorized that the Mediterranean Basin filled with water due to the 'land-bridge' collapsing between NorthAfrica and Morocco/France, AND from the other direction: the BlackSea. Obviously, a little of BOTH occured.

You've heard of 'super-volcanos?' When/if these theorized events take place (make no mistake about it, these are NaturalistConspiracyTheories), a giant chunck of the planet explodes outward, into space, openning a brief hole in the atmosphere and suffocating the planet in an instantaneous global extinction event. Anything surviving is by chance alone, and the fallout will block out the sun and freeze it to death within days.

Well, these ARE theories. -- ME[/quote]

Hi, again. We're talking about what I said above, " land-mass collapsing between NorthAfrica and Morocco/France, AND the other direction: BlackSea."

Why did I choose those names? Because ContinentalDrift is the THEORY that ALL LAND was once ONE GIANT MASS, and it 'spread apart' over the globe. Bullshit! They just made that made up!

Assuming the 'experts' theory is even PARTIALLY VALID (because the crust of the earth is pliable) -- so, assuming it is partially valid -- they fail to take into account the amount of water on the planet.

More on that in a second.


The reason I said "between NorthAfrica and France/Morocco is because OBVIOUSLY the water was LOWER because CAVES have been discovered in the botton of the Mediterranean Basin. Secondly, there ARE plenty of AncientCities along the coasts, that were ONCE on LAND, with OBVIOUS thriving economies.
-- therefore, it was ALL LAND, until the 'land-bridge' collapsed and filled it with water.
-- therefore, it was LAND from Morrocco TO France.
-- ta-da! I just solved your Paleontological 'geniuses' greatest-mysteries.
-- you're welcome.

The ruins along the coast of SouthAmerica AND NorthAmerica AND Asia AND Africa AND Europe (and elsewhere), PROVE the water ROSE.
-- drowning the cities.
-- ta-da! I just solved your Global Warming 'geniuses' greatest-mysteries.
-- you're welcome.

The so-called 'GlacialSCAR' THEORIES are therefore INVALID in many/most instances.
-- WHY? Because the land ROSE through WATER, thrusting upward.
-- because to freeze, the SPHERE's atmosphere would have to have been DENSER (polluted).
-- because the SCARS are EROSION of land-barriers displacing CAPTURED SPACE_ICE MELTED INTO WATER.

Now, returning to where I said, "HOLD THAT THOUGHT" :

An island is UPLIFTED in the EXACT SPOT it EMERGES from the WATER through the PLIABLE CRUST.
-- and ERODES, disolving into dirt and beaches.
-- ta-da! I just solved your Geological 'geniuses' greatest-mysteries.
-- you're welcome.
-- (pssst! that's why we have 'sea-fossils' in the mountains, and dinosaur bones everywhere.)

The Continents are WHERE THEY ARE, moving miniscually, this-way-and-THAT-way determined by the PRESSURE of UPLIFT when NEW VOLCANIC AREAS FORM beneath the PLIABLE CRUST, from MULTIPLE DIRECTIONS, OBVIOUSLY. The ONLY thing that MOVES is the WATER.
-- that is WHY EXACTLY we have MOUNTAINS. They were UPLIFTED from BENEATH the WATER.
-- ta-da! I just solved your other 'science' 'geniuses' greatest-mysteries.
-- you're welcome.
-- (pssst! that's why NEW WATER ARRIVING from SPACE, AND rain-water running over a rock-face for millions of years is NOT accounted for in their time-scales of 'continental drift.' They are ASSuming that the water-amounts are FIXED, and that NO VOLCANIC ACTIVITY OCCURED ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE GLOBE/SPHERE, and that is RIDICULOUS and YOU KNOW IT.)

Because, had there been the types of cataclysmic events that the current 'genius-sciences' THEORIZE to be the reason the dinosaurs went extinct, AND the reason there are GLACIERS, AND the reason there are ANCIENT ARTIFACTS, bones and cities, there would be NO LIFE ON THE PLANET AT ALL, to be examining them, in the first place. And in the second place, whatever types of ooze were left remaining, to be considered 'living' and EVOLVING, most certainly could NOT have built AncientCities.

Human 'migratory-theory' and 'ice-age' theory DO NOT MIX.


Now, supposedly the ice RECEDED.
While the continents DRIFTED.
And the primates SHIFTED, into humans.
As the water LIFTED, which is IMPOSSIBLE, except as rain.
So, no 'land-bridges' unexposed to non-glacial ice within the 'evolutionary-window' AT ALL.

Note the pic above. The 'things that became human' supposedly came from the same ROOT primate, a 'relative' of chimps, which 'branched' into 'apes' and then 'humans,' while the chimp-related continued on as, well, chimpanzeese.

Now, the chimp-related did NOT MIGRATE AT ALL, but ALL OTHER SPECIES DID, and the human-related DID, supposedly, crossing land-bridges that were either UNDER ICE, or -- NOT SEPERATED AT ALL, depending on WHICH THEORY you now EMPLOYE to facilitate YOUR AGENDA.
-- because the 'fossil' remains are global, of most 'related-families.'
-- because BIRDS STILL MIGRATE, and so do worms, for that matter.

I didn't rehearse this wording. I didn't edit it. I just typed out my thoughts -- quickly -- and I'm sure you could 'knit-pick' the details while IGNORING THE BIG PICTURE. Go ahead if it makes you feel better.

The point is, the Mediterranean Basin FILLED WITH WATER.
WHILE HUMANS LIVED THERE, as Humans, building cities, and digging in the earth, and creating ART in caverns, which are NOW under WATER.


Not apes. Not proto-apes. NONE OF THAT. HumansInAncientTimes.

And that is why, beneath the North Sea, which is relatively shallow water, there are all kinds of artifacts. Because the WATER ROSE.

That is WHY there are artifacts in EVERY SEA BASIN ON EARTH, because the WATER ROSE.

First, there was NOTHING -- THEN, there was a ball of GAS -- then DEBRIS -- then ice smashed into it, over and over ... Melting, and deep beneath it was HOT, and it pushed up THROUGH THE WATER ALL OVER THE PLANET. Land is born. And ERODED POCKETS, as more water DROWNED what WAS there, OBVIOUSLY.

That is WHY EXACTLY you have ocean-species fossils IN THE MOUNTAINS, because they were LIFTED from below the water. SPACE_ICE is arriving moment-by-moment, and MELTING ever since it gets HERE. Drowning.

As the SEAS RISE, there is LESS and LESS LAND. And the higher-water erodes more soil, OBVIOUSLY.

A mere 43ft reduction in global sea-level would FIX WEATHER PATTERNS GLOBALLY.
-- no more hurricanes.
-- no more typhoons.
-- no more or fewer tornadoes.
-- reduced earthquakes (water weighs a tremendous amount).
-- slightly less gravity.
-- more oxygen (because of plant-growth).

We've been collecting SPACE_ICE for 3.5 billion years.

Besides, we need the land, and the fields for crops and animals to roam, humans too.
New rain-forests and more fresh-water, too, to irrigate crops.

HOW? How do you reduce the ocean-depth?

It happens NATURALLY, by evaporation: removing the componant which puts three atoms together to make H2O, which leaves hydrogen, which RISES.

So, gravity does NOT affect hydrogen?
Actually, it does. And that's why it RETURNS. So, we need interrupt that process, and keep it RISING. Compressed. And BURN IT, HERE.

That should be the EXACT GOAL of every SPACE AGENCY on the PLANET.
That should be the EXACT GOAL of every ENERGY INDUSTRY on the PLANET.
That should be the EXACT GOAL of every GOVERNMENT on the PLANET.
ProtectAndServe, and SOLVE Hurricanes, SOLVE Earthquakes, and SOLVE Drought.
By UpliftingWater.

How we got HERE doesn't matter if we DROWN.
And drowning, we OBVIOUSLY ARE, one city at a time, one coastline at a time.

Look at Venice, Italy. Already DROWNING, and there are dozens more, drowning, right NOW, TODAY.

Meanwhile, proper countermeasures are OBVIOUS:
-- 1) InLandSeas: deep-valleys in HOT desert-zones can be pumped with sea-water, cooling, and creating RAIN in the surrounding farmlands. This COOLS the overall RisingHotAir, and REDUCES Hurricanes on the opposite side of the planet. The NEW 'convection' currents re-swirls the NEW, cooler, heavier water-vapors -- (which CAUSES WIND by displacing dry-air molecules) -- in the REGION they ALREADY ARE, instead of a large 'hot-air-zone' that intensifies in a band through the atmosphere as the globe turns. SIMPLE.
-- 2) OverIceFreeze: pump water onto the ice-caps and freeze it. SIMPLE.

Overall, those TWO GOALS EXACTLY, will reduce the depth of the ocean 2-inches every decade. That will SAVE VENICE, Italy, NOW, and many other cities. Just THAT. Two-inches of water reduction.

And the reduced hurricane-strength will save many other cities from storm-surge, which is wind-driven water, pushed onto the land-mass.

See, that HOT_ZONE, makes a column that SUCKS moisture. And that STARTS the SPIN.
-- because the water-molecules, in vapor form, are LARGER, and they PUSH the smaller gasses which comprises air OUT OF THE WAY, making stronger and stronger WIND -- as HEAT evaporates MOISTURE.
-- the HOTTER the ZONE, the STRONGER the WIND.
-- and that is COOLER AIR, NOW, filled with moisture, spinning.
-- as the globe turns, WITHIN THE ATMOSPHERE, that 'spinning-air' slides over the water, feeding it's SWIRL from the warmer, EVAPORATING_WATER below it, strengthening, until disipitated over LAND. (poor creamer in your coffee and watch it swirl -- AIR does THAT -- and if your creamer and coffee were ALMOST_FROZEN, the DENSER elements would swirl more SLOWLY -- thus, an oxygen-richer, moisture-heavier, cooler atmosphere will SWIRL SLOWER HURRICANES). This is why Hurricanes are STRONGER in WARMER, shallower WATER, AS the GulfCurrent flows in the OPPOSITE direction.
-- (and yes, the air is rotating too, but even FASTER, with a slight 'TIME_DRAG_VORTICE,' like a leaning-tree in the wind, only hundreds of miles in depth (atmosphere). Think of a merry-go-round. Toward the center is little speed-of-rotation. The edge is FASTER. But that's only a disc. If you think of a SPHERE, spinning, it's gravity holding the atmosphere to it, then you get the SAME EFFECT, with a JET_STREAM around it. And that's why you do NOT have Hurricanes anywhere ELSE then the lattitude/longtitude they ARE, and WHY EXACTLY you have slow-moving, cold air on the POLES.)

Simplistic terms, yes. Funky wording? Sure. Essentially correct? Yup. Sure IS.

And that's why the THEORY of 'continental DRIFT' is really a SHIFT in the understanding of Humanity's BeliefSystems, which have INFECTED education and divided SCIENCE with a massive, logical continental RIFT.

Day43-ResusCitateHumanity (InTheEnding)


There was an hydrogen explosion. An accident.

We didn't know what to do;
had been out travelling on a nice, warm SundayAfternoon.

It equated to what has been termed, "NuclearWinter," although such events were not involved.

And the weather turned, quickly.


Beneath the sea, just off-shore from the mouth of the Nile river, off the coast of what is now Egypt, used to be valleys, and fields, and crops. Currently under 6,600 feet of water, the Mediterranean basin contains the largest natural-gas, oil and other resource deposits on earth. Even today. At the depth of 4,500-5900ft below the current water-line, are what appears to be caverns: mines. Ancient mines, that fed the AncientCities all along the 'now coast' of Egypt.

Many scientists have theorized the the Mediterranean Basin filled with water due to the 'land-bridge' collapsing between NorthAfrica and Morocco/France, AND from the other direction: the BlackSea. Obviously, a little of BOTH occured.

You've heard of 'super-volcanos?' When/if these theorized events take place (make no mistake about it, these are NaturalistConspiracyTheories), a giant chunck of the planet explodes outward, into space, opening a brief hole in the atmosphere and suffocating the planet in an instantaneous global extinction event. Anything surviving is by chance alone, and the fallout will block out the sun and freeze it to death within days.

Well, these ARE theories.

Nobody has EVER been through one. Nor witnessed one. And this IS your 'science.'
STORIES -- keep that in mind: your Science is ALL THEORY.

Therefore, natural-gas pockets are WeaponsOfMassDestruction, according to YOU.

Because any type of 'super-volcano' event, theory or NOT, HAD to involve EXACTLY THAT.

We also THEORIZE how this MAY have been ONE of TWO THEORIES to 'explain' dinosaur extinction.

65,000,000 years ago, supposedly.

So, the planet 'healed itself,' and evolved YOU in this 'eye-blink' in cosmic history.

65,000,000 years. All the species on the planet. Everything you eat. Everything you see. Everything you smell. Everything you taste. And everything you TOUCH.

Today, we have huge natural-gas pockets. We stick a DRILL into THAT. A PROVEN, according to YOU, "WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION."

Now, let's return to: "-- KEEP THAT IN MIND --"

There was an hydrogen explosion. An accident.

We didn't know what to do;
had been out travelling on a nice, warm SundayAfternoon.

It equated to what has been termed, "NuclearWinter," although such events were not involved.

And the weather turned, quickly.

We survived in groups, every breath a struggle. Some were stronger than others and lasted longer.

Unprepared, and with no shelter, Onique, Onic and I, and several strangers, shivered in a huddle. The sun had set and the cold had become unbearable. It had been two-months, and the sky had yet to clear. We were eating bark and leaves and pine-needles, and grass. Frozen.

Teeth chattering, I kept telling Onic over and over that things would get better, lieing to one of my most BelovedTreasures, spinning false-hope and wishful-thinking out of nothing but misery.

When the inevitable drew closer, I invented even more embellished nonsense, about how 'beautiful' things WOULD BE, after --

Freakish thing happened right THEN at that EXACT MOMENT. A group arrived out of nowhere and revived us. And then it was our turn, after we'd healed up and could walk around and find others and try to help them. Fewer and fewer were found. And I kept LIEING to these groups, some dieing in my arms, how 'beautiful' things WOULD BE, after --

And those STORIESofLIES became STORliesLAW, repeated in misery, every time, InTheEnding.

And that IS where religion was concocted, EXACTLY, in DeathWorship.

And I am so ashamed, and so sorry. I did THAT, EXACTLY, InTheEnding, and now all you have is DeathWorship, InTheBeginning.

Day52-ResusCitateHumanity-5.2 (POM)

(OnTime is variable)


And here it is, Day52 in OnTime (actually, it's 47, but alignment to OffTime makes it easier to follow YOUR time).

We are in a period of GlobalEconomicSetbacks.
Difficult times for all, well, many. 'Most' don't care, and many only care for the photo-op moment of extorting money to further their DeathWorshiping DiscriminHate ... tomorrow, next week, next month ... 'business as usual,' for HATERS, that loft themselves above all others, formulate groups of INTOLERANCE, to leverage LAW illegally, and thereby declare their own so-called 'beloved-neighbors' as being 'not our kind of people.'

On this date, two years ago, the temperature dropped from 58-degrees during the day, overnight, to 8-degrees Farenheit. AND I DO NOT HAVE ANY WOOD PUT UP FOR WINTER YET. :(

Hard. I'll encourage YOU when I'm not suffocating. Peace.


(note: ignore BBcodes in text)

Madonna. See her?
Isn't she great? Yup. Sure IS.
[size=18][b][color=yellow]Your SoulMate makes you face shit. -- Madonna[/size][/b][/color]

-- cute kids, too! Great family.
-- My kinda girl. Onique. ;)


So, she tells her people that when they leave 'here,' wherever that may be, to never accept mediocrity. So we differ here, too, because 'perfect' is impossible, and opportunities such as she has had, are afforded .0000000000000000000000000001% of ALL humans, BEFORE and AFTER herself.

And that's why I'm HATED, because I accept even those face down in the mud, beaten, helpless, lost, the dispossesed, the oppressed, the shamed, the blamed, the down-trodden, those on the 'other side of the tracks,' and even those whom have never known anything but mediocrity -- those living lives where such words are irrelavent. And, those whose opportunities were DENIED.

"Want tolerance? Give tolerance." -- Madonna

Does that include the 'mediocre?' ;)
I guess not -- or we'd be friends.
I guess not -- or Senators would have UpliftedOrleans for REAL.
I guess not -- or there would be equality.
I guess not -- or there would be more stages for sharing.
I guess not -- or it would never have been said.

(But she wasn't talking to me -- so I am responding 'out-of-context' INTENTIONALLY).

But I love her anyway. Like YOU, and you ... even you over there. When you hurt others, I'll be in your face and saying "FUCK YOU!" -- but we're in it together and we need fix it together, AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllThings. PeaceOnEarth -- not 'off' in some fairy-tale or fictional 'not real life' that has NOTHING TO DO with SURVIVING THIS ONE -- [size=24][b][color=yellow]PeaceOnEarth, now. SIMPLE.[/size][/b][/color]

In the END, it doesn't matter what you BELIEVE. Look at all those bodies floating in the water DEAD. They all died at the same time in the same way. Doesn't matter what they believed or if they believed nothing at all. The reason they drowned, was because people [size=14][b][color=red]BELIEVED IN THE MEDIOCRITY OF FAITH[/size][/b][/color], [b]instead of[/b] [size=18][b][color=yellow]THE PROVEN EXCELLENCE OF HELPING THE LIVING DURING LIFE.[/size][/b][/color]

And now they're DEAD, and it was BELIEF by others that killed them, by substituting fictional-needs for REAL NURTURE/LIFE/[size=24][b][color=yellow]LIGHT[/size][/b][/color].


And she's just a wonderful person, AS IS. And for being wonderful, she is ruthlessly HAMMERED on the damnable CrossOfShame, merely for breathing. Commonality, there, we share, from differing facets of the social spectrum. Go figure. I admire her, I do. Sharing herself and thereby uplifting so many. Few have THAT stage. I admire her more for not abusing the luxury.


Someone: "I thought he was someone important!"
Someone else: "So did I!"

And that's how gross YOU are. Everyone is important, damnit!
-- so I hide charisma; I'm no more than you.
-- so while I hide charisma, I feel tragic loss.
-- so, stuffing charisma, displays introversion. Safety. (I tire of hate, it HURTS!)
-- so, I'm healing, a 'broken wing,' and there is no encouragement in HELL, unless you BUY it, and I'm broke.

Someone: "With that attitude, you always will be."
-- with THAT attitude, so will everybody else.
-- with THAT attitude, 'helping-hands' is fictional photo-op material. Sound familiar? HELL. And it's YOUR attitude that IS the CAUSE.


So I wrote a wonderful song. I'd share, but there are no stages for 'your/my kind of people.' I'd send it, but I don't know where. I'd give it away like so many others but this one is -- well, I'll give it away like so many others, of course, like always, or throw it away. Nobody cares anyway, unless it's a photo-op-moment or someone is watching. That's why the Establishment CHOOSES THE FEW to be 'light' and says 'NO' to the rest -- and much beauty is discarded as 'not our kind.'


80,000 people in Scotland at Madonna's concert there. Performing in the rain is a bitch! Once, I slipped off a stage, bruising my butt-cheeck on the edge!, performing in the rain. Big band. Hurt! Climbed back on that 'horse' ... tears and all, and kept OnRiding. ;)

... and so will [size=18][b][color=yellow]YOU.[/size][/b][/color]

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Day37-ResusCitateHumanity CHARGE

ChargeIISMINE, based on ALL TWENTY COUNTS, therefore, and along with all said Exhibits and Counts, comprise Humanity's CITATION, including http://www.politicsandcurrentaffairs.co.uk/Forum/viewtopic.php?p=146758#146758 and all related posts/threads.

GENDER: discriminately-censored
SPEECH: discriminately-censored
KNOWLEDGE: discriminately-censored
PursuitOfHappiness: discriminately-censored
PursuitOfEQUALITY: denied
PursuitOfDiversity: discriminately-censored
InterTribalRelations: denied
PursuitOfAlternatives: denied
Stagnation: VALID

-- and sworn as a PeaceOfficer unto this day I have CITED your HUMANITY for the VALIDITY of the CHARGE.



Monday, October 03, 2005

Day33-RCH; RamaDayOnEarth




Behold: ?Define? -and I say unto every living thing on this planet, PeaceOnEarth.
- WeThreeKingsUnitedForLife
- UltimateIntegrityMine.
- PeaceOnEarthOnEcOnomyOnMathOnMusicOnScienceOnUangOnHeavenOnBridge
- You will not infringe on my FreedomOfSpeech/FreedomOfThought
- (-)AND(+) EQUAL HATE (it is a tiny property of a tiny element of a tiny portion of the Universe.)
- Day33-OnTime is a UNIVERAL day of forgiveness that you made a 'special-ier' day than any other! You are EQUALS no matter size/shape/color! Every human on the planet! PeaceOnEarth - not 'off' -on.

And my cat Rama is 13, a teenager. His attitude is such that he stand on the desk, pawing at my clothes when he wants treats. I'm typing away and Rama is clawing at me, friendly, kind, but his needle-claws CAN poke like tiny little needle-marks on your skin. It DOES hurt -- a LITTLE. So what? He's a CAT! Doing what cat's DO! And you cannot treat any living thing with anything other than the UNION of EQUALITY or you have ZERO INTEGRITY.

And I own 1/3rd of the entire planet. HumanityFamily is my personal jurisdiction as a PeaceOfficerOnEarth. I advocated for you. I advocate for you NOW.

Kind Regards,

claytOnleOnwintOn (ManWith3BackwardsNo'sInHisName)
GOG - SupremeAlliedCommander
CommanderOfChiefs (COC)
OnTime - RU?


And there's more here: http://www.politicsandcurrentaffairs.co.uk/Forum/viewtopic.php?p=146758#146758

So, OnTime is VARIABLE, see. I've been saying it all along.

How many nukes did the SayNoTuUs-abuser-asauruses (Senate) authorize in South American over the past twenty-five years? HOW MANY?

How many missles?
How many bombs?
How much DU-232?

And those RUINS, you can see from the air, ANCIENT, along the coast lines of South American, amazing examples of ENGINEERING that is IMPOSSIBLE even TODAY --

-- will it be the future?
-- or, past?

Day-33-RCH (Nuclear Hallucinations)


I wrote an example [url=http://politicsandcurrentaffairs.co.uk/Forum/viewtopic.php?p=148028#148028] -- CLICK HERE FOR LINK -- [/url]where I'd mentioned sharing a Chopin Nocturne. I gave a list of what people say/think about the performer. Those claiming to be 'enlightened,' or 'thinking outside the box,' label me with 'persecution complex,' or 'hypocrite' for making those statements, until I hold up the PacifyingMirror and show them their HATE:


People here, on PlanetHELL, are only 'united' over terms of HATE, unless there is a crisis. Just like the scene from 'America's Most Wanted,' where the SUV full of humans, swerved out of the path of a bird, went off the road, and rolled over into water.

Humans stopped what they were doing and helped immediately.

After the crisis, they all got back in their vehicles to go be intolerant of each other again.

Had nothing to do with '-isms' while HELPING.
Had nothing to do with ANYTHING except HELPING during crisis.

After, it's all about rejoining their PositiveKingdoms and condemning each other for breathing. Suddenly, it's a 'racism' issue. Suddenly, it's a 'gender' issue. Suddenly, it's a 'political' issue. Suddenly, it's an 'environmental' issue. Suddenly it's an 'animal rights' issue. Suddenly, it's an 'traffic safety' issue. Suddenly, it's an 'religious' issue. And so on and so on and so on -- all reasons to be a 'positive-person' so you can HATE your so-called 'beloved-neighbor.'

HELL sucks!

And just like sharing a Chopin Nocturne, it's about the UNITY of the music. Not ME. Short-term, dumbed-down, two-dimensional thinking demolishes unity. It's about UNION, see.
Not ME. It's about stopping HATE -- not ME. It's about PeaceOnEarth -- not ME.


And in the IdiocyLanguage, explaining anything to anybody is quite a challenge. How do we communicate?


And in LIVING, my relative sold his house. New people are scheduled to move IN. He needs to move his stuff OUT. And it's a disaster. Somebody has to clean it up. Just leave it for 'somebody else' to wipe?

So, this is the situation with me and UncleSam, too. And instead of listening, the PositiveKingdoms throw stones of HATE instead, isolating in their 'goodness' and doing NOTHING.


I was at a barbasque and my grandmother was there. I had not seen her for quite some time. My uncle was in the house busy hating her. I stayed outside and left when the sun began to set.

My uncle is elderly now. His son just died. His other son is very ill. He is under HUGE pressure/stress. Huge piles of disaster need be cleaned up. He is consumed in his 'goodness' with what EXACTLY? Lashing-out. Hating me for cleaning it up. Somebody has to. Did he lie and not sell that house? Did he concoct an excuse to lash out at someone who is helping? Was he deceived into concocting excuses to unite HATREDS against me for helping?

No? Good people don't deceive. Right?

And this is the situation with the United States Government, too.

And YOUR government, too.

And who is working toward PeaceOnEarth right now as of THIS moment? Just ME?


So, when I get there, I will clean up more yard. Somebody has to do it. Not fair to leave shit for somebody else to wipe. And he did say it was 'shit.' No kidding.

Put on your
- overalls;
yardwork must be done;
Cut the lawn
- trim the hedge;
Leave the weeds be done;

And I wrote that verse when I was seventeen. B-minor. Nice tune, really. I modified the lyric a bit above.

In SouthAmerica
- they're building
nuclear airfields;
sessions ... (senate!)
lessons ...
DeathStars galore!

And the GenesisDeception is so thick, the VALID_THREAT of TOTAL EXTINCTION EVENT is rendered 'inconsequential' while YOU are consumed in hating your so-called 'beloved-neighbors' for petty, inconsequential crap!

--and at the time of writing (1980?):

Today it's Lebanon
tomorrow war goes on
close - er
soon -er

--And just like I told you 25-years ago:

Put on your
- overalls;
yardwork must be done;
Cut the lawn
- trim the hedge;
Leave the weeds be done;

--So, we clean it up. We forgive. We show compassion. THERE IS A VALID GLOBAL CRISIS.

Kinda weird, as I don't even remember what I titled that little tune. It's about humanity, of course. All of us. All of you. All of them. All things. United in LIFE.

OnTime - RU?

Saturday, October 01, 2005


What you have labeled 'native americans' are the survivors of centuries of genocide. Lost are the elements of culture that are discarded during crisis, just like during Hurricane Katrina when New Orleans was demolished. People ran for their lives in all directions with nothing but what they had on, which may have been nothing at all.

When translocated, 'memory' after trauma is insufficient to recover all the elements lost. Words of favorite things become distorted, just slightly. No photographs NOW -- no momentos -- no documents -- no IDs -- no music -- no 'historical facts' -- just what you are TOLD by others remains with you.

And just as the pieces are being put back together, it happens again. And again. And again.

NativeAmericans, as you call them, 'OriginalPeoples,' or 'SURVIVORS' as I call them, were in a similar position, repeatedly over a very long period of time. The 'music,' itself, became unrecognizeable to me, personally, and even that which remains today is so far removed than just a century ago that comparisons become meaningless.

YOU DID THAT TO THEM and PRAY about it once a year on the day of 'thanks for the genocide of 'not our kind of people.'

Day31-RCH-AboutPerfectPitch (APP)

AboutPerfectPitch: OnMusic_101

You recognize familiar sounds, naturally.
On the phone, people you have never met but talk to often, you recognize, naturally.
SoundPatternRecognition (SPR).

A musician, whom is around an instrument of any type, will develop SPR to the pitch of that instrument. Same thing with the sound of familiar voices.

Within the CrossOfShame community, was developed the DECEPTION of shaming you for an infinite number of reasons, all based upon being HUMAN. Claiming that a musician with SPR, whom has 'tuned' their hearing to a specific instrument, constantly, has 'perfect pitch,' and therefore you are 'deficient,' is HAMMERING you to the damnable CrossOfShame because you are not 'the right kind of people.'

YOU ARE! Everybody is. There is NO SUCH THING AS 'PERFECT PITCH!' Your hearing is 'tuned' to specific frequencies of sounds. PERIOD! Therefore, you develop the abilities to RECOGNIZE those frequencies wherever they occur.

Take ANY HUMAN that claims, 'perfect pitch,' and remove them from their 'instrument,' for weeks, months. NO MUSIC, NO RECOGNIZEABLE SPR AT ALL during this time period. Later, return them to their 'familiar instrument,' only 'tuned' 1/2-step higher or lower. Then remove them from that 'tuning' device and their HEARING will NOT 'perfectly register' the same frequencies as BEFORE. FACT!

You have the same ability NATURALLY to recognize SOUNDS wherever they occur. That is why you can sing a tune, with accuracy, in ANY KEY, depending upon your mood, the tembre of your voice (due to colds, strain, tiredness, etc.).

So, according to the 'experts,' therefore, YOU ARE ALL 'INSUFFICIENT.' That is a LIE! A DECEPTION! A manner to SHAME you and BLAME you and HAMMER you on the damnable CrossOfShame for merely existing.

So, using the same 'nomenclature,' you all have 'perfect pitch.' But the only thing 'perfect' in HELL is DEATH, therefore, 'perfect' is 'sufficiently-adequate' to suit the GOAL.

OnMusic is based on REALITY, not shame/blame for being HUMAN. 'Perfection,' therefore being IMPOSSIBLE (unless you are a computer), and the artistry being the love/discpline/beauty/nurture of bridging elements with skill while sharing. INCREMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS, through DISCIPLINE and COACHING give us DEFINITIVE MARKERS in which to REWARD the INDIVIDUAL. This IS ARTISTRY/LOVE/NURTURE made manifest in ACTIONS, thus CREATING and SHARING BEAUTY.

There are NOT 'mistakes' in OnMusic to be shamed over. Nobody walks 'perfectly.' EVER! Did you stumble but recover with artistry? Then you have shared being ALIVE and we thank you for sharing.


PeaceOnEarthTeam (POETs)-Cantonese


COMPLAINT: "I hate smokers!"

ANSWER: POETs-eng: "Second-hand smoke CAUSES disease. TRUE/FALSE?"
1) It's IMPOSSIBLE to prove, therefore FALSE.
2) Pass ANSWER to next POET-team (and they pass what they are working on to you).

NEXT LOGICAL STEP: Unify LAWs that create HATE over IRSSS to discriminate against BelovedNeighbors.
1) Why didn't you buy a NoseFilter and PAY TAXES to be TOLERANT instead of INTOLERANT of your BelovedNeighbors?
2) Circulate ANSWERS 9-times through the POET-teams until RESOLUTION PROMISES EQUALITY.
3) RESOLVED ANSWERS go to the attorneys and courts to rectify ASAP.
Elapsed time: 1-hour. NEXT!

Each team works on an ANSWER to a COMPLAINT, under TIME-LIMIT. Pass ANSWERS TO COMPLAINTS via interpreters. Each 'stack' of answers can be addressed AT YOUR CONVENIENCE, without pressure, just do it EFFICIENTLY and QUICKLY. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. 'Democracy' is achieved after 9-revolutions and we have EQUALITY, PERIOD, regardless of size/shape/color.

It's THAT simple. NEXT!

COMPLAINT: "I hate women's breasts."

ANSWER: (and we've been through this IRSSS before). NEXT! ElapsedTime: 1-HOUR

"The United Nations," HOW IT WORKS:

I was driving home. It had rained all day. There was a patch of 'blue.' I said the following IN ORDER:
"Blue sky!"
"I mean, a clear sky."
"Uhhhmmm, no cloud cover."
"Uhhhhmmmm, mostly cloudy, partial clearing."
"Uhhh, a bit of sun, first time today, a spot of blue in the clear sky."
"The sky appears blue in one spot, but it's mostly cloudy, and the sun, which is ALWAYS SHINING DURING THE DAY, but covered in clouds, is, is, is, is, ....

And this IS the problem with giving long speaches at the UN and attempting to resolve language STRUCTURAL_INTEGRITY issues, word variants, meanings, etc.


"I love pizza."
"I live by the 'Leaning Tower Of Pizza.'"

After 68-interpreters attempt to explain that USans are NOT talking about eating people's property, 5-days have passed, a million-dollars wasted, and we haven't even begun addressing the FIRST complaint of the FIRST paragraph of the FIRST speaker at the United Nations.

Meanwhile, those sitting at home, that only 'hear' an uninterpreted 'amature-version,' ASSume 'Americans promote slicing Italy and eating it,' which is NOT the case. And we have infinite news-releases based upon misinterpretations and those 'sensationalized soundbites of rumor-hate' are promoting INTOLERANCE throughout the world. And the news-services gets PLAYED intentionally by DECEIVERS that WANT FinalBattles/EndDays/ArmsSales.

And it PROMOTES HATE, instead of resolving COMPLAINTS and UNIFYING EQUALITIES. And that's how 100,000,000 people per decade are mass-murdered and you know nothing about it.

Total deception -- 'played' -- and it's killing AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllThings, working toward FinalBattles/TOTAL EXTINCTION EVENTS, instead of PeaceOnEarth.


Notes: SayNoToUs/SayNoGOGues/CantOnSleeze/CrossOfShame/HallOfShame/etc., it's in all languages, all groups, all 'sects,' all dialects, all of it; the DECEPTION is extensive and the HATE pervasive. An infestation of INTOLERANCE that divides; we are here to UNITE, Rescusitate and Citate Humanity, to liberate and Unify, "ResusCitateHumanity," and bring PeaceOnEarth.)

What did Mohammad say? "Hate me instead of your neighbor, love your neighbor." There is NOTHING in that about forming little intolerant groups and enslaving your most BelovedTreasures. There is NOTHING in that about shaming members of your own family merely for EXISTING. There is NOTHING in that which gives you the AUTHORITY to discriminate against ANYONE for ANY REASON! Otherwise, you get, "IsIsLandOBad," which one becomes a big city, named, "Islamobad."

Cantonese (various English spellings) has a broader appeal. I PROPOSE the POETs-china team use a dialect with the broadest appeal.

CHALLENGE THE SayNoToUs-ubusersauruses (Senators) in the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

And after ONE WEEK, POETs will have done more for PeaceOnEarth than the Senate could do in ten-years and $20-trillion dollars of wasted economy.

Keep it SIMPLE -- and use your time wisely, economically, and offer your RESOLVED ANSWERS to governments for examination. The SHAME of being such wasteful, glutenous losers, should encourage, motivate and inspire them to FIX IT!

Select COMPLAINTS per regions. Just pick some 'big issues,' then make a time-limit, then follow the SIMPLE PROCEDURE OUTLINED ABOVE. Don't get bogged-down over 'is's.

Oh, DeadPOETsOCIETY are those on the TEAM whom have expired but shared EXAMPLES for us to learn by.

No nurture at all without ECONOMY. PeaceOnEarth.

GlobalPowerSolution: meet weekly/monthly/daily, whatever! PeaceOnEarth, until it's TODAY! Perhaps the Internet is the best manner to 'meet?' More ECONOMICAL and FASTER that way. Additional language-teams may join-in to help their own governments/peoples/tribes UNIFY in PeaceOnEarth. It's SIMPLE. I COMMAND PeaceOnEarth! Now, FIX IT! And don't stop until it's done! TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! We'll UNIFY Energy after we've DE-FUSED!

GOG - SupremeAlliedCommander
CommanderOfChiefs (COC)
OnTime - RU?