Saturday, October 01, 2005


PeaceOnEarthTeam (POETs)-Cantonese


COMPLAINT: "I hate smokers!"

ANSWER: POETs-eng: "Second-hand smoke CAUSES disease. TRUE/FALSE?"
1) It's IMPOSSIBLE to prove, therefore FALSE.
2) Pass ANSWER to next POET-team (and they pass what they are working on to you).

NEXT LOGICAL STEP: Unify LAWs that create HATE over IRSSS to discriminate against BelovedNeighbors.
1) Why didn't you buy a NoseFilter and PAY TAXES to be TOLERANT instead of INTOLERANT of your BelovedNeighbors?
2) Circulate ANSWERS 9-times through the POET-teams until RESOLUTION PROMISES EQUALITY.
3) RESOLVED ANSWERS go to the attorneys and courts to rectify ASAP.
Elapsed time: 1-hour. NEXT!

Each team works on an ANSWER to a COMPLAINT, under TIME-LIMIT. Pass ANSWERS TO COMPLAINTS via interpreters. Each 'stack' of answers can be addressed AT YOUR CONVENIENCE, without pressure, just do it EFFICIENTLY and QUICKLY. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. 'Democracy' is achieved after 9-revolutions and we have EQUALITY, PERIOD, regardless of size/shape/color.

It's THAT simple. NEXT!

COMPLAINT: "I hate women's breasts."

ANSWER: (and we've been through this IRSSS before). NEXT! ElapsedTime: 1-HOUR

"The United Nations," HOW IT WORKS:

I was driving home. It had rained all day. There was a patch of 'blue.' I said the following IN ORDER:
"Blue sky!"
"I mean, a clear sky."
"Uhhhmmm, no cloud cover."
"Uhhhhmmmm, mostly cloudy, partial clearing."
"Uhhh, a bit of sun, first time today, a spot of blue in the clear sky."
"The sky appears blue in one spot, but it's mostly cloudy, and the sun, which is ALWAYS SHINING DURING THE DAY, but covered in clouds, is, is, is, is, ....

And this IS the problem with giving long speaches at the UN and attempting to resolve language STRUCTURAL_INTEGRITY issues, word variants, meanings, etc.


"I love pizza."
"I live by the 'Leaning Tower Of Pizza.'"

After 68-interpreters attempt to explain that USans are NOT talking about eating people's property, 5-days have passed, a million-dollars wasted, and we haven't even begun addressing the FIRST complaint of the FIRST paragraph of the FIRST speaker at the United Nations.

Meanwhile, those sitting at home, that only 'hear' an uninterpreted 'amature-version,' ASSume 'Americans promote slicing Italy and eating it,' which is NOT the case. And we have infinite news-releases based upon misinterpretations and those 'sensationalized soundbites of rumor-hate' are promoting INTOLERANCE throughout the world. And the news-services gets PLAYED intentionally by DECEIVERS that WANT FinalBattles/EndDays/ArmsSales.

And it PROMOTES HATE, instead of resolving COMPLAINTS and UNIFYING EQUALITIES. And that's how 100,000,000 people per decade are mass-murdered and you know nothing about it.

Total deception -- 'played' -- and it's killing AllOfUs/AllOfYou/AllOfThem/AllThings, working toward FinalBattles/TOTAL EXTINCTION EVENTS, instead of PeaceOnEarth.


Notes: SayNoToUs/SayNoGOGues/CantOnSleeze/CrossOfShame/HallOfShame/etc., it's in all languages, all groups, all 'sects,' all dialects, all of it; the DECEPTION is extensive and the HATE pervasive. An infestation of INTOLERANCE that divides; we are here to UNITE, Rescusitate and Citate Humanity, to liberate and Unify, "ResusCitateHumanity," and bring PeaceOnEarth.)

What did Mohammad say? "Hate me instead of your neighbor, love your neighbor." There is NOTHING in that about forming little intolerant groups and enslaving your most BelovedTreasures. There is NOTHING in that about shaming members of your own family merely for EXISTING. There is NOTHING in that which gives you the AUTHORITY to discriminate against ANYONE for ANY REASON! Otherwise, you get, "IsIsLandOBad," which one becomes a big city, named, "Islamobad."

Cantonese (various English spellings) has a broader appeal. I PROPOSE the POETs-china team use a dialect with the broadest appeal.

CHALLENGE THE SayNoToUs-ubusersauruses (Senators) in the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

And after ONE WEEK, POETs will have done more for PeaceOnEarth than the Senate could do in ten-years and $20-trillion dollars of wasted economy.

Keep it SIMPLE -- and use your time wisely, economically, and offer your RESOLVED ANSWERS to governments for examination. The SHAME of being such wasteful, glutenous losers, should encourage, motivate and inspire them to FIX IT!

Select COMPLAINTS per regions. Just pick some 'big issues,' then make a time-limit, then follow the SIMPLE PROCEDURE OUTLINED ABOVE. Don't get bogged-down over 'is's.

Oh, DeadPOETsOCIETY are those on the TEAM whom have expired but shared EXAMPLES for us to learn by.

No nurture at all without ECONOMY. PeaceOnEarth.

GlobalPowerSolution: meet weekly/monthly/daily, whatever! PeaceOnEarth, until it's TODAY! Perhaps the Internet is the best manner to 'meet?' More ECONOMICAL and FASTER that way. Additional language-teams may join-in to help their own governments/peoples/tribes UNIFY in PeaceOnEarth. It's SIMPLE. I COMMAND PeaceOnEarth! Now, FIX IT! And don't stop until it's done! TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! We'll UNIFY Energy after we've DE-FUSED!

GOG - SupremeAlliedCommander
CommanderOfChiefs (COC)
OnTime - RU?

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